updated TODO

This commit is contained in:
eknauel 2004-02-12 16:06:07 +00:00
parent fcf3a94b1c
commit 0af7276054
1 changed files with 50 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
* Missing functionality * Missing functionality
** Server/Client-controls ** server/client-controls and/or _ext() functions
plus all _ext_s() functions:
The functions make use of server/client-controls and/or are
_ext()-functions and are currently not supported:
ldap_unbind_ext() ldap_unbind_ext()
ldap_search_ext_s() ldap_search_ext_s()
ldap_compare_ext_s() ldap_compare_ext_s()
@ -16,32 +19,45 @@
ldap_parse_result() ldap_parse_result()
ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result() ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result()
ldap_parse_extended_result() ldap_parse_extended_result()
* Fixing needed ** BER-stuff
The functions are missing because there is only very basic support
for the BER-stuff:
* Need ber-stuff first
ldap_sasl_bind_s() ldap_sasl_bind_s()
ldap_first_attribute() ldap_first_attribute()
ldap_next_attribute() ldap_next_attribute()
ldap_get_value_len() ldap_get_value_len()
* Not implemented ** structures and accessors
** Check for errors in ldap_{first, next}_{entries, references, messages}
These functions may return S48_FALSE if the corresponding C
function returns NULL. This is ambigious: a) end of list b) error
solution: check for error in Scheme
* structures and accessors
struct berval struct berval
struct ldapmod struct ldapmod
* Testing needed
Except for the function to basic searching you should consider all
functions as untested. ;-)
* Known bugs
** GC bug
There is a serious bug while freeing LDAP-structures. Sometimes
free is called several times for the same object --- may lead to
crashes. My plan: seek & destroy
** Pointers from message back to session
Is this a good idea or is it the source of all evil?
* Design
Almost all LDAP-calls need the session-handle. Make it a
fluid. There really should be a CURRENT-LDAP-SESSION,
* Documentation
What documentation?