
376 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

exec scsh -o let-opt -o sort -o srfi-26 -o thread-fluids -e main -s "$0" "$@"
;; Test a scsh package (either stand-alone or composed of two
;; archives) by checking that is conforms to the rules given in the
;; proposal.
;; $Id: scsh-test-pkg,v 1.1 2004/11/14 14:14:52 michel-schinz Exp $
; TODO have a way to give a log file
(define valid-extensions '(".tar" ".tar.gz" ".tar.bz2"))
;;; Utilities
(define (string->version str)
(map string->number ((infix-splitter ".") str)))
(define (version->string v)
(string-join (map number->string v) "."))
(define (permissions->string perms)
(let ((decode (lambda (mask str)
(if (zero? (bitwise-and perms mask)) "-" str))))
(string-append (decode #o400 "r") (decode #o200 "w") (decode #o100 "x")
(decode #o040 "r") (decode #o020 "w") (decode #o010 "x")
(decode #o004 "r") (decode #o002 "w") (decode #o001 "x"))))
(define (paths->file-name . paths)
(path-list->file-name paths))
(define (delete-directory-and-contents dir)
(run (rm -rf ,(directory-as-file-name dir))))
(define (create-temp-directory)
(temp-file-iterate (lambda (dir) (create-directory dir) dir)
(define (call-with-temp-directory proc)
(let ((temp-dir (create-temp-directory)))
(proc temp-dir)
(delete-directory-and-contents temp-dir)))
(define (with-temp-directory* thunk)
(call-with-temp-directory (lambda (dir) (with-cwd dir (thunk)))))
(define-syntax with-temp-directory
(syntax-rules ()
((with-temp-directory body ...)
(with-temp-directory* (lambda () body ...)))))
(define-syntax let-temp-directories
(syntax-rules ()
((let-temp-directories () body ...)
(begin body ...))
((let-temp-directories (i1 i2 ...) body ...)
(lambda (i1) (let-temp-directories (i2 ...) body ...))))))
(define-syntax when
(syntax-rules ()
((when cond body1 ...)
(if cond (begin body1 ...)))))
(define-syntax unless
(syntax-rules ()
((unless cond body1 ...)
(if (not cond) (begin body1 ...)))))
(define (dir-for-each f dir)
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(f thing)
(if (file-directory? thing #f)
(dir-for-each f (absolute-file-name thing dir))))
(directory-files dir)))
(define (directory-contents dir)
(with-cwd dir
(append-map (lambda (path)
(if (file-directory? path #f)
(cons path
(map (cut absolute-file-name <> path)
(directory-contents path)))
(list path)))
(define (take-max lst len ellipsis)
(if (zero? len)
(if (null? lst) lst (list ellipsis))
(cons (car lst) (take-max (cdr lst) (- len 1) ellipsis))))
;; Package name parsing
(define pkg-name-rx
(rx (w/nocase alphabetic (* (| "-" alphanumeric)))))
(define pkg-version-rx
(rx (+ digit) (* "." (+ digit))))
(define pkg-full-name-rx
(rx (submatch ,pkg-name-rx) "-" (submatch ,pkg-version-rx)))
(define (parse-pkg-full-name full-name)
(let-match (regexp-search pkg-full-name-rx full-name) (#f pkg-name pkg-vers)
(list pkg-name pkg-vers)))
;; Interface with TAR
(define (tar-decompress-option archive)
(let ((archive-ext (string-downcase (file-name-extension archive))))
(cond ((string=? archive-ext ".gz") '(--gzip))
((string=? archive-ext ".bz2") '(--bzip2))
(else '()))))
(define (tar-unpack! archive)
(run (tar --extract ,@(tar-decompress-option archive) --file ,archive)))
(define (tar-file-list archive)
(run/strings (tar --list ,@(tar-decompress-option archive) --file ,archive)))
;; Directory comparison
(define (sorted-directory-files dir)
(sort-list (map (cut absolute-file-name <> dir) (directory-files dir))
(define (compare-file-kind f1 i1 f2 i2 mismatch-handler)
(unless (eq? (file-info:type i1) (file-info:type i2))
(mismatch-handler f1 f2 'type)))
(define (compare-file-mode f1 i1 f2 i2 mismatch-handler)
(unless (= (file-info:mode i1) (file-info:mode i2))
(mismatch-handler f1 f2 'mode)))
(define (compare-file-contents f1 i1 f2 i2 mismatch-handler)
(unless (and (= (file-info:size i1) (file-info:size i2))
(zero? (run (diff -q ,f1 ,f2) (> /dev/null))))
(mismatch-handler f1 f2 'contents)))
(define (compare-directories dir1 dir2 mismatch-handler)
(for-each (lambda (f1 f2)
(unless (string=? (file-name-nondirectory f1)
(file-name-nondirectory f2))
(mismatch-handler f1 f2 'name))
(let ((i1 (file-info f1 #f)) (i2 (file-info f2 #f)))
(compare-file-kind f1 i1 f2 i2 mismatch-handler)
(cond ((file-info-regular? i1)
(compare-file-mode f1 i1 f2 i2 mismatch-handler)
(compare-file-contents f1 i1 f2 i2 mismatch-handler))
((file-info-directory? i1)
(compare-file-mode f1 i1 f2 i2 mismatch-handler)
(compare-directories f1 f2 mismatch-handler))
((file-info-symlink? i1)
(mismatch-handler f1 f2 'unknown)))))
(sorted-directory-files dir1)
(sorted-directory-files dir2)))
(define (get-characteristic file characteristic)
(case characteristic
(string-append "name = " file))
(string-append "mode = " (permissions->string (file-mode file))))
(string-append "type = " (file-type file)))
"unknown characteristic")))
;;; Logging
(define (display* . args)
(for-each (cut display <> (current-output-port)) args))
(define (log . args)
(apply display* args)
(define log-info log)
(define error-count 0)
(define (log-error . args)
(apply log "Error: " args)
(set! error-count (+ 1 error-count)))
(define (log-check . args)
(apply log "Checking " args))
;;; Tests
(define (pkg-full-name name version)
(string-append name "-" (version->string version)))
(define test-layout
'(lambda (pkg)
(let ((pkg-full-name (package-full-name pkg)))
`((base . ,pkg-full-name)
(misc-shared . ,pkg-full-name)
(scheme . ,(paths->file-name pkg-full-name "scheme"))
(lib . ,(paths->file-name pkg-full-name "lib"))
(doc . ,(paths->file-name pkg-full-name "doc"))
(active . ".")))))
(define (base-location pkg-dir) pkg-dir)
(define (doc-location pkg-dir) (absolute-file-name "doc" pkg-dir))
(define (layout->string layout)
(call-with-string-output-port (lambda (port) (write layout port))))
(define (valid-archive-names base-name)
(map (cut string-append base-name <>) valid-extensions))
(define (check-archive-name base-name archive-name)
(let ((valid-names (valid-archive-names base-name)))
(unless (member archive-name valid-names)
(log-error "invalid archive name "archive-name"\n"
" should be one of: "(string-join valid-names ", ")))))
(define (check-archive-contents name version archive)
(let ((top-dir-name (pkg-full-name name version))
(archive-files (map simplify-file-name (tar-file-list archive))))
(for-each (lambda (req-file)
(unless (member req-file archive-files)
(log-error "required file "req-file" not found "
"in archive")))
(map (cut absolute-file-name <> top-dir-name)
'("pkg-def.scm" "README" "COPYING")))
(lambda (name)
(let ((dir-name (first (split-file-name name))))
(unless (string=? dir-name top-dir-name)
(log-error "archive file "name" not in correct directory"
"\n(should be: "top-dir-name")"))))
(define (check-dir-file dir sub-dir file)
(let ((abs-sub-dir (absolute-file-name sub-dir dir)))
(when (and (file-exists? abs-sub-dir)
(file-not-exists? (absolute-file-name file abs-sub-dir)))
(log-error "directory "abs-sub-dir" exists, but it doesn't contain\n"
"required file "file))))
;; Check that the installed files have the appropriate names.
(define (check-installation-names pkg-name pkg-root)
(check-dir-file (base-location pkg-root) "." "load.scm")
(let ((doc (doc-location pkg-root)))
(check-dir-file doc "html" "index.html")
(check-dir-file doc "pdf" (string-append pkg-name ".pdf"))
(check-dir-file doc "ps" (string-append pkg-name ".ps"))))
(define (for-all-contents f dir)
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(f thing)
(if (file-directory? thing)
(for-all-contents f thing)))
(map (cut absolute-file-name <> dir) (directory-files dir))))
(define (check-installation-protections pkg-root)
(lambda (file)
(let* ((info (file-info file))
(fnd-perms (file-info:mode info))
(req-perms (cond ((file-info-regular? info) #o444)
((file-info-directory? info) #o555)
(else 0))))
(unless (= req-perms (bitwise-and req-perms fnd-perms))
(log-error "insufficient permissions for file "file"\n"
" required: "(permissions->string req-perms)"\n"
" found: "(permissions->string fnd-perms)))))
(define (check-installation main-pkg-full-name prefix-dir)
(with-cwd prefix-dir
(let ((all-dirs (filter (cut file-directory? <> #f) (directory-files))))
(unless (member main-pkg-full-name all-dirs)
(log-error "expected at least one directory called "
main-pkg-full-name" to be installed\n"
" only found: "(string-join all-dirs ", ")))
(for-each (lambda (pkg-dir)
(let ((abs-pkg-dir (absolute-file-name pkg-dir))
(pkg-name (first (parse-pkg-full-name pkg-dir))))
(check-installation-names pkg-name abs-pkg-dir)
(check-installation-protections abs-pkg-dir)))
(define (install-pkg installer pkg-full-name archives prefix options)
(for-each tar-unpack! archives)
(with-cwd pkg-full-name
(unless (zero? (run (,installer --no-user-defaults
--layout ,(layout->string test-layout)
--prefix ,prefix
(> /dev/null)))
(log-error "unsuccessful installation")))))
(define (log-dest-dir-mismatch file-normal file-dest-dir characteristic)
(log-error "difference between file installed with and without --dest-dir\n"
" file: ~a\n"
" without --dest-dir: ~a\n"
" with --dest-dir: ~a\n"
(get-characteristic file-normal characteristic)
(get-characteristic file-dest-dir characteristic)))
(define (test-pkg name version main-archive pkg-archive)
(let ((full-name (pkg-full-name name version))
(all-archives (delete #f (list main-archive pkg-archive)))
(sip (exec-path-search "scsh-install-pkg"
(thread-fluid exec-path-list))))
(unless (zero? (run (,sip --version) (> /dev/null)))
(error "need at least install-lib 1.2.0"))
(log-info "Using scsh-install-pkg executable: "sip"\n"
" ("(string-trim-right (run/string (,sip --version)))")")
(log-check "archive name")
(check-archive-name full-name (file-name-nondirectory main-archive))
(if pkg-archive
(check-archive-name (string-append "pkg_" full-name)
(file-name-nondirectory pkg-archive)))
(log-check "archive contents")
(for-each (cut check-archive-contents name version <>) all-archives)
(let-temp-directories (ref-dir tst-dir)
(log-check "basic installation")
(install-pkg sip full-name all-archives ref-dir '())
(check-installation full-name ref-dir)
(log-check "installation with --dest-dir")
(install-pkg sip full-name all-archives ref-dir `(--dest-dir ,tst-dir))
(compare-directories ref-dir tst-dir log-dest-dir-mismatch))
(log-check "installation with --dry-run")
(let-temp-directories (empty-dir)
(install-pkg sip full-name all-archives empty-dir `(--dry-run))
(let ((contents (directory-contents empty-dir)))
(unless (null? contents)
(log-error "no files should have been installed, but the "
"following were:\n "
(string-join (take-max contents 3 "...") ", ")))))))
; (log-check "installation with --non-shared-only")
; (do-test check-non-shared-installation main-archive pkg-archive))
(define (display-usage-then-exit prog)
(format #t
"Usage: ~a <pkg-name> <pkg-version> <main-archive> [<pkg-archive>]\n"
(exit 1))
(define (main cmd-line)
(let ((prog (car cmd-line))
(args (cdr cmd-line)))
(if (<= 3 (length args) 4)
(test-pkg (first args)
(string->version (second args))
(absolute-file-name (third args))
(and (> (length args) 3)
(absolute-file-name (fourth args))))
(display-usage-then-exit (file-name-nondirectory prog)))
(if (zero? error-count)
(display "Test passed.\n")
(display* "Test failed "
"("error-count" error"(if (= 1 error-count) "" "s")")\n")
(exit 1)))))
;;; Local Variables:
;;; mode:scheme
;;; End: