
424 lines
14 KiB
Executable File

exec scsh -lel expect/load.scm -lel yp/load.scm -o yp -o threads -o expect -o let-opt -e main -s "$0" "$@"
(define (assq/false key alist)
(let ((p (assq key alist)))
(and p (cdr p))))
;; *** password restrictions *****************************************
(define min-password-length 8)
(define max-password-length 32)
(define min-password-char-classes 2)
(define known-char-sets
(list char-set:lower-case char-set:upper-case
char-set:digit char-set:punctuation))
(define all-char-sets
(cons (char-set-difference
(apply char-set-union known-char-sets))
(define (count-char-classes pw)
(apply + (map (lambda (cs)
(if (string-fold
(lambda (c s)
(or s (char-set-contains? cs c)))
#f pw)
1 0))
(define (display-password-too-short)
(display "Password too short (minimum length ")
(display min-password-length)
(display ")")
(define (display-password-too-long)
(display "Password too long (maximum length ")
(display max-password-length)
(display ")")
(define (display-password-too-few-char-classes)
(display "
New password does not have enough character classes.
The character classes are:
- lower-case letters
- upper-case letters
- digits
- punctuation, and
- all other characters (e.g., control characters).
Please choose a password with at least 2 character classes.")
;; *** tty support ***************************************************
;; read string without echoing it
;; optionals arguments:
;; prompt - a string to be display before reading (default none)
;; port - the port to read from (default current-input-port)
(define (read-password . args)
(let-optionals args ((prompt #f)
(port (current-input-port)))
(let* ((tty-before (tty-info port))
(tty-sans-echo (copy-tty-info tty-before)))
(if prompt
(display prompt)
(force-output (current-output-port))))
tty-sans-echo (bitwise-and (tty-info:local-flags tty-sans-echo)
(bitwise-not ttyl/echo)))
(set-tty-info/now port tty-sans-echo)
(let ((password (read-line port)))
(set-tty-info/now port tty-before)
(flush-tty/both port)
(force-output (current-output-port))
;; *** supported machines ********************************************
(define (raise-unsupported-machine)
(display "I refuse to run on unsupported machines\n"
(exit 10))
(define system-type
(let ((systype (getenv "SYSTYPE")))
(if (not systype)
(error "Cannot determine system type ($SYSTYPE not set)."))
((string=? systype "sun4x_59") 'solaris)
((string=? systype "i386_fbsd52") 'freebsd)
((string=? systype "i386_rh90") 'linux)
(else (raise-unsupported-machine)))))
;; *** general password interface ************************************
(define (define-passwd program old-prompt new-prompt retype-prompt wrong-message
mismatch-message success-message)
`((program . ,program)
(old-prompt . ,old-prompt)
(new-prompt . ,new-prompt)
(retype-prompt . ,retype-prompt)
(wrong-message . ,wrong-message)
(mismatch-message . ,mismatch-message)
(success-message . ,success-message)))
(define (verify-password spec password)
(lambda (return)
(chat (spawn (,(assq/false 'program spec)) (= 2 1))
(chat-abort (rx ,(assq/false 'wrong-message spec)))
(chat-monitor (lambda (event value)
;(format (current-error-port)
; "Event: ~a <~a>\n" event value)
;(force-output (current-error-port))
(case event
((eof timeout abort) (return #f)))))
(look-for (assq/false 'old-prompt spec))
(send/cr password)
(look-for (assq/false 'new-prompt spec))
;; if we are prompted for the new pw, old one was correct
(define (change-password spec old-pw new-pw)
(let ((success-message (assq/false 'success-message spec)))
(lambda (return)
(chat (spawn (,(assq/false 'program spec)) (= 2 1))
(chat-abort (rx (| ,(assq/false 'mismatch-message spec)
,(assq/false 'wrong-message spec))))
(chat-monitor (lambda (event value)
;(format (current-error-port)
; "Event: ~a <~a>\n" event value)
;(force-output (current-error-port))
(case event
((timeout abort) (return #f))
(if success-message
(return #f)
(return #t))))))
(look-for (assq/false 'old-prompt spec))
(send/cr old-pw)
(look-for (assq/false 'new-prompt spec))
(send/cr new-pw)
(look-for (assq/false 'retype-prompt spec))
(send/cr new-pw)
(if success-message
;; if there's gonna be a success-message, wait for it.
(begin (look-for success-message) #t)
;; else wait a bit for errors (#f) or eof (#t)
;; TODO: there is no eof, although program ends
(begin (sleep 2000) #t)))))))
;; *** interface to yppasswd *****************************************
(define (password-stored-in-yp-passwd? user . args)
(let-optionals args
((domain (yp-get-default-domain)))
(let ((splitter (infix-splitter (rx ":"))))
((yp-match "passwd.byname" user domain)
=> (lambda (entry)
(not (string=? "x" (cadr (splitter entry))))))
(else #f)))))
(define yppasswd
(let ((program "/usr/bin/yppasswd"))
(case system-type
((freebsd) (define-passwd program
"Old Password:"
"New Password:"
"Retype New Password:"
"yppasswd: sorry"
"Mismatch; try again, EOF to quit."
((solaris) (define-passwd program
"Enter existing login password:"
"New Password: "
"Re-enter new Password: "
"yppasswd: Sorry, wrong passwd"
(rx "passwd(SYSTEM): They don't match.")
"passwd: password successfully changed"))
((linux) (define-passwd program
"Please enter old password:"
"Please enter new password:"
"Please retype new password:"
"Mismatch - password unchanged."
(rx "The NIS password has been changed on"))))))
(define (verify-yp-password password)
(let ((user-has-yp-password?
(password-stored-in-yp-passwd? (user-login-name))))
(if user-has-yp-password?
(verify-password yppasswd password)
(define (change-yp-password old-pw new-pw)
(if (password-stored-in-yp-passwd? (user-login-name))
(change-password yppasswd old-pw new-pw)
;; *** Kerberos V interface ******************************************
(define kerberos-v
(case system-type
((freebsd) (define-passwd "/afs/wsi/i386_fbsd52/heimdal-1.6/bin/kpasswd"
"Password: "
"New password: "
"Verifying - New password: "
"kpasswd: Password incorrect"
"Verify failure"
((solaris) (define-passwd "/afs/wsi/sun4x_58/krb5-1.3.1/bin/kpasswd"
(rx (: "Password for " (+ (- any #\:)) ": "))
"Enter new password: : "
"Enter it again: : "
"Password incorrect while getting initial ticket"
"Password mismatch while reading password"
"Password changed."))
((linux) (define-passwd "/afs/wsi/i386_rh90/heimdal-0.6/bin/kpasswd"
"Password: "
"New password: "
"Verifying - New password: "
"kpasswd: Password incorrect"
"Verify failure"
(define kerbv-programs
(case system-type
((freebsd) (cons "/afs/wsi/i386_fbsd52/heimdal-1.6/bin/klist"
((solaris) (cons "/afs/wsi/sun4x_58/heimdal-0.6/bin/klist"
((linux) (cons "/afs/wsi/i386_rh90/heimdal-0.6/bin/klist"
(define (verify-kerbv-password password)
(verify-password kerberos-v password))
(define (change-kerbv-password old-pw new-pw)
(change-password kerberos-v old-pw new-pw))
(define (valid-kerbv-ticket?)
(let* ((klist (car kerbv-programs))
(output (run/string (,klist))))
(not (string-match (rx (| "No ticket file" ">>>Expired<<<")) output))))
;; works for heimdal's kinit program
(define (run-heimdal-kinit program user password)
(lambda (return)
(let ((task (spawn (,program ,user) (= 2 1))))
(chat task
(chat-abort (rx "Password incorrect"))
(lambda (event value)
(case event
((eof) (return (zero? (wait (task:process task)))))
((timeout abort) (return #f)))))
(look-for (rx (: ,user "@" (+ (- any #\')) "'s Password:")))
(send/cr password)
(look-for (rx (: #\space ,(ascii->char 13) ,(ascii->char 10))))
(look-for (rx (- any any))))))))
(define (get-kerbv-ticket password)
(let ((kinit (cdr kerbv-programs)))
(run-heimdal-kinit kinit (user-login-name) password)))
(define (ensure-kerbv-ticket password)
(or (valid-kerbv-ticket?)
(get-kerbv-ticket password)))
;; *** AFS (Kerberos IV) interface ***********************************
(define afs
(case system-type
((freebsd) (define-passwd "/afs/wsi/i386_fbsd52/openafs-cvs/bin/kpasswd"
"Old password: "
(rx "New password (RETURN to abort): ")
"Retype new password: "
;; Attention: the old password is checked AFTER the
;; new password is entered! So verify will not work!
;; However: changing old-pw to old-pw works fine
"kpasswd: Incorrect old password."
"Password changed."))
((solaris) (define-passwd "/afs/wsi/sun4x_58/openafs-1.2.11/bin/kpasswd"
"Old password: "
(rx "New password (RETURN to abort): ")
"Retype new password: "
"kpasswd: Incorrect old password."
"Password changed."))
((linux) (define-passwd "/afs/wsi/i386_rh90/openafs-1.2.11/bin/kpasswd"
"Old password: "
(rx "New password (RETURN to abort): ")
"Retype new password: "
;; Attention: the old password is checked AFTER the
;; new password is entered! So verify will not work!
;; However: changing old-pw to old-pw works fine
"kpasswd: Incorrect old password."
"Password changed."))))
(define (change-afs-password old-pw new-pw)
(change-password afs old-pw new-pw))
;; *** all together **************************************************
;; also check kerberos and afs password
(define (verify-old-password pw)
(and (verify-yp-password pw)
(verify-kerbv-password pw)
(change-afs-password pw pw)))
(define (change-all-passwords old-pw new-pw)
(if (change-yp-password old-pw new-pw)
(display "NIS password changed successfully.\n")
;; TODO: make sure we have a ticket
(if (change-kerbv-password old-pw new-pw)
(display "Kerberos V password changed successfully.\n")
(if (change-afs-password old-pw new-pw)
(display "AFS password changed successfully.\n")
(display "AFS password could not be changed. Trying to restore old NIS and Kerberos V passwords. This will take some time. Please stand by.\n")
(sleep (* 1000 30))
(if (change-yp-password new-pw old-pw)
(display "Old NIS password restored.\n")
;; because the Kerberos password needs some
;; minutes to become effective, we also try
;; it with the old password.
(if (or (change-kerbv-password old-pw old-pw)
(change-kerbv-password new-pw old-pw))
(display "Old Kerberos V password restored.\n")
(display "Old Kerberos V password could not be restored.\n")
(display "Old NIS password could not be restored.\n")
(display "Kerberos V password could not be changed. Trying to restore old NIS password.\n")
(if (change-yp-password new-pw old-pw)
(display "Old NIS password restored.\n")
(display "Old NIS password could not be restored.\n")
(display "NIS password could not be changed. No passwords changed.\n")))
(define (ask/check-old-password)
(let ((old-pw-prompt "Old password: "))
(let lp ((old-pw #f))
(let ((pw (read-password old-pw-prompt)))
((verify-old-password pw)
(display "Wrong password. Try again.\n")
(lp (read-password old-pw-prompt))))))))
(define (ask-new-password)
(let ((new-pw-prompt-1 "New password: ")
(new-pw-prompt-2 "Retype new password: ")
(no-match "Passwords do not match. Retry."))
(let lp ((pw #f))
(if pw
(if (string=? pw (read-password new-pw-prompt-2))
(display no-match)
(lp #f)))
;; TODO: there are more restrictions concerning 'too similar'!
(let ((pw (read-password new-pw-prompt-1)))
((< (string-length pw) min-password-length)
(lp #f))
((> (string-length pw) max-password-length)
(lp #f))
((< (count-char-classes pw) min-password-char-classes)
(lp #f))
(lp pw))))))))
(define (display-usage)
(display "Usage: passwd-wrapper.scm\n")
(display "Change NIS, Kerberos IV and Kerberos V passwords at once.\n")
(display "Written by Eric Knauel and David Frese.\n"))
(define (main args)
(set-interrupt-handler interrupt/int (lambda a (values)))
(set-interrupt-handler interrupt/term (lambda a (values)))
(set-interrupt-handler interrupt/quit (lambda a (values)))
(if (null? (cdr args))
(case system-type
((freebsd solaris linux)
(let ((old-pw (ask/check-old-password))
(new-pw (ask-new-password)))
(if (not (ensure-kerbv-ticket old-pw))
(display "Cannot get a Kerberos-V ticket, required to change the Kerberos-V password. Use a different machine, or contact your administrator.")
(if (change-all-passwords old-pw new-pw)
(display "Success.\n")
(display "Warning: Your passwords are not consistent anymore. Contact your system administrator.\n")))))