
1148 lines
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;;; This file defines the cig foreign function interface for Scheme 48.
;;; The current version is Cig 3.0.
;;; This file contains the following Scheme 48 modules:
;;; - cig-processor
;;; The code for translating DEFINE-FOREIGN forms into C stubs.
;;; - cig-standalone
;;; The S48 top-level for translating stdin->stdout.
;;; - define-foreign-syntax-support
;;; This package must be opened in the FOR-SYNTAX package,
;;; so that the DEFINE-FOREIGN macro-expander code can use it's procedures.
;;; - define-foreign-syntax
;;; This package must be opened by cig's clients, to access the
;;; Copyright (c) 1994 by Olin Shivers.
(define-structures ((cig-processor (export process-define-foreign-file
(cig-standalone (export cig-standalone-toplevel))
;; This must be opened in the FOR-SYNTAX package.
(export define-foreign-expander)))
(open scheme formats structure-refs
destructuring receiving
code-vectors) ; for making alien containers.
(access signals) ; for ERROR
(define error (structure-ref signals error))
;;; The general syntax of define-foreign is:
;;; (define-foreign scheme-name (c-name arg1 ... argn) [no-declare]
;;; ret1
;;; .
;;; retn)
;;; This defines a Scheme procedure, <scheme-name>. It takes the arguments
;;; arg1 ... argn, type-checks them, and then passes them to a C stub,
;;; df_<c-name>. If the Scheme procedure is to return multiple values, the C
;;; stub also gets a return vector passed to return the extra values. The C
;;; stub rep-converts the Scheme data as specified by the <arg>i declarations,
;;; and then calls the C procedure <c-name>. The C procedure is expected to
;;; return its first value (<ret1>) as its real value. The other return values
;;; are returned by assigning targets passed by-reference to <c-name> by the
;;; stub. These return parameters are passed after the argument parameters.
;;; When <c-name> returns, the C stub df_<c-name> rep-converts the C data,
;;; stuffs extra return values into the Scheme answer vector if there are any,
;;; and returns to the Scheme routine. The Scheme routine completes the
;;; rep-conversion specified by the <ret>i declarations, and return the
;;; values.
;;; An ARGi spec has the form:
;;; (rep [var])
;;; where REP gives the representation of the value being passed (see
;;; below), and VAR is the name of the Scheme procedure's parameter (for
;;; documentation purposes, mostly).
;;; The optional symbol NO-DECLARE means "Do not place an extern declaration
;;; of the C routine in the body of the stub." This is necessary for the
;;; occasional strange ANSI C declaration that cig is incapable of generating
;;; (the only case I know of where the C procedure uses varargs, so the C
;;; declaration needs a ..., e.g.,
;;; extern int open(const char *, int flags, ...);
;;; In this case, just use NO-DECLARE, and insert your own a declaration of open()
;;; outside the stub with a
;;; (foreign-source "extern int open(const char *, int flags, ...);")
;;; Ugly, yes.)
;;; The rep-conversion specs are pretty hairy and baroque. I kept throwing
;;; in machinery until I was able to handle all the Unix syscalls, so that
;;; is what drove the complexity level. See syscalls.scm for examples.
;;; The fields of a rep record for argument reps:
;;; Scheme-pred:
;;; A Scheme predicate for type-testing args. #f means no check.
;;; C-decl:
;;; A C declaration for the argument in its C representation --
;;; the type of the value actually passed to or returned from the foreign
;;; function. This is a format string; the ~a is where the C variable goes.
;;; (format #f c-decl "") is used to compute a pure type -- e.g., for
;;; casts.
;;; C-cvtr:
;;; The Scheme->C rep-converter; a string. Applied as a C
;;; function/macro in the stub. The empty string means the null
;;; rep-conversion.
;;; Post-C:
;;; Optional post-call processing in the C stub; a string like C-cvtr.
;;; If not #f, this form will be applied in the C stub to the C argument
;;; value *after* the C call returns. It is mostly used to free a
;;; block of storage that was malloc'd by the rep converter on the
;;; way in.
(define (argrep:c-decl i) (vector-ref i 0))
(define (argrep:scheme-pred i) (vector-ref i 1))
(define (argrep:c-cvtr i) (vector-ref i 2))
(define (argrep:post-C i) (vector-ref i 3))
;;; The fields of a rep record for return reps:
;;; C-decl:
;;; As above.
;;; immediate?:
;;; If the return value is to be boxed into a carrier passed in from
;;; Scheme, then this is #f. If this value is a true value, then the
;;; C value is to be rep-converted into an immediate Scheme value.
;;; In this case, the immediate? field is a string, naming the C
;;; function/macro used to do the rep-conversion.
;;; C-boxcvtr:
;;; If immediate? is false, then this value specifies the C code
;;; for rep-converting the return value into the Scheme carrier.
;;; It is a procedure, which is called on two string arguments:
;;; a C variable bound to the carrier, and a C variable bound to
;;; the C return value. The procedure returns a string which is a
;;; C statement for doing the rep-conversion. To pass a raw C value
;;; back, for instance, you would use the following box converter:
;;; (lambda (carrier c-val) (string-append carrier "=" c-val ";"))
;;; make-carrier:
;;; A procedure that when called returns a carrier. This field is only
;;; used if immediate? is #f. This field is a Scheme expression.
;;; S-cvtr
;;; This is a Scheme form that is applied to the rep-converted value passed
;;; back from the C stub. Its value is the actual return value returned to
;;; Scheme. #f means just pass a single value back as-is. This is mostly
;;; used for string hacking. This field is a Scheme expression.
(define (retrep:c-decl i) (vector-ref i 0))
(define (retrep:immediate i) (vector-ref i 1))
(define (retrep:C-boxcvtr i) (vector-ref i 2))
(define (retrep:make-carrier i) (vector-ref i 3))
(define (retrep:s-cvtr i) (vector-ref i 4))
;;; Works for both argrep-info and retrep-info nodes.
(define (rep:c-decl i) (vector-ref i 0))
;;; The Scheme-pred field in this table is a symbol that is syntactically
;;; closed in the macro expander's environment, so the user won't lose
;;; if he should accidentally bind INTEGER? to something unusual, and
;;; then try a DEFINE-FOREIGN.
(define *simple-argrep-alist* '(
(char #("char ~a" char? "s48_extract_char" #f))
(bool #("int ~a" #f "EXTRACT_BOOLEAN" #f))
(integer #("int ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(short_u #("unsigned short ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(size_t #("size_t ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(mode_t #("mode_t ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(gid_t #("gid_t ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(uid_t #("uid_t ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(off_t #("off_t ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(pid_t #("pid_t ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(uint_t #("unsigned int ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(long #("long ~a" integer? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(fixnum #("int ~a" fixnum? "s48_extract_fixnum" #f))
(desc #("s48_value ~a" #f "" #f))
(string-desc #("s48_value ~a" string? "" #f))
(char-desc #("s48_value ~a" char? "" #f))
(integer-desc #("s48_value ~a" integer? "" #f))
(vector-desc #("s48_value ~a" vector? "" #f))
(pair-desc #("s48_value ~a" pair? "" #f))
(string #("const char *~a" string? "s48_extract_string" #f))
(var-string #("char *~a" string? "s48_extract_string" #f))
(string-copy #("char *~a" string? "scheme2c_strcpy" #f))))
;;; Emit C code to copy a C string into its carrier.
(define (str-and-len->carrier carrier str)
(format #f
"SetAlienVal(S48_CAR(~a),(long) ~a); S48_SET_CDR(~a,strlen_or_false(~a));//str-and-len"
carrier str carrier str))
;;; Carrier and assignment-generator for alien values:
(define (simple-assign carrier val)
(format #f "SetAlienVal(~a,(long) ~a);//simple-assign" carrier val)) ;;JMG: untested
;;; Note: When MAKE-CARRIER and S-CVTR fields are taken from this table,
;;; they are symbols that are syntactically closed in the macro expander's
;;; environment by using the expander's rename procedure. This ensures that
;;; even if the user accidentally binds his own MAKE-ALIEN identifier,
;;; he won't clobber the Scheme stub's use of this MAKE-ALIEN procedure.
(define *simple-retrep-alist* `(
;; All the immediate ones (we are sleazing on ints for now).
(char #("char ~a" "s48_enter_char" #f #f #f))
(bool #("int ~a" "ENTER_BOOLEAN" #f #f #f)) ;; JMG c and bool:
; s48 knows nothing about this I think
(integer #("int ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(fixnum #("int ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(short_u #("unsigned short ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(size_t #("size_t ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(mode_t #("mode_t ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(gid_t #("gid_t ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(uid_t #("uid_t ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(off_t #("off_t ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(pid_t #("pid_t ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(uint_t #("unsigned int ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(long #("long ~a" "s48_enter_fixnum" #f #f #f))
(desc #("s48_value ~a" "" #f #f #f))
(string-desc #("s48_value ~a" "" #f #f #f))
(char-desc #("s48_value ~a" "" #f #f #f))
(integer-desc #("s48_value ~a" "" #f #f #f))
(vector-desc #("s48_value ~a" "" #f #f #f))
(pair-desc #("s48_value ~a" "" #f #f #f))
(string #("const char *~a" #f ,str-and-len->carrier make-string-carrier
(var-string #("char *~a" #f ,str-and-len->carrier make-string-carrier
(string-length #("char *~a" "strlen_or_false" #f #f #f))
(static-string #("char *~a" #f ,str-and-len->carrier make-string-carrier
;;; String reps:
;;; -----------
;;; Parameter only. The C routine is given a private, malloc'd C string.
;;; The string is not freed when the routine returns.
;;; - STRING
;;; Parameter: The C routine is given a C string that it should not alter
;;; or retain beyond the end of the routine. Right now, the Scheme string
;;; is copied to a malloc'd C temporary, which is freed after the routine
;;; returns. Later, we'll just pass a pointer into the actual Scheme
;;; string, as soon as Richard fixes the S48 string reps.
;;; Ret value: The C string is from malloc'd storage. Convert it to a
;;; Scheme string and free the C string.
;;; Return-value only. Return the length of the C string, as a fixnum.
;;; Return-value only. The C string is not freed after converting it to
;;; to a Scheme string.
;;; Same as STRING, but C type is declared char* instead of const char*.
;;; Used to keep some broken system call include files happy.
;;; Parameter reps:
;;; - A simple rep is simply the name of a record in the rep table.
;;; e.g., integer, string
;;; - (REP scheme-pred c-decl to-c [free?])
;;; A detailed spec, as outlined above. SCHEME-PRED is a procedure or #f.
;;; C-DECL is a format string (or a symbol). TO-C is a format string
;;; (or a symbol).
;;; - (C type)
;;; The argument is a C value, passed with no type-checking
;;; or rep-conversion. TYPE is a format string (or a symbol).
;;; A return-value rep is:
;;; - A simple rep, as above.
;;; - (MULTI-REP rep1 ... repn)
;;; The single value returned from the C function is rep-converted
;;; n ways, each resulting in a distinct return value from Scheme.
;;; - (TO-SCHEME rep c->scheme)
;;; Identical to REP, but use the single C->SCHEME form for the return
;;; rep-conversion in the C stub. There is no POST-SCHEME processing. This
;;; allows you to use a special rep-converter on the C side, but otherwise
;;; use all the properties of some standard rep. C->SCHEME is a string (or
;;; symbol).
;;; - (C type)
;;; Returns a raw C type. No rep-conversion. TYPE is a C type, represented
;;; as a string (or a symbol).
;;; C Short-hand:
;;; Things that go in the C code are usually specified as strings,
;;; since C is case-sensitive, and Scheme symbols are not. However,
;;; as a convenient short-hand, symbols may also be used -- they
;;; are mapped to strings by lower-casing their print names. This
;;; applies to the TO-C part of (REP ...) and the C->SCHEME part of
;;; Furthermore, C declarations (the TYPE part of (C ...) and the C-DECL part
;;; of (REP ...)) can be either a format string (e.g., "char ~a[]"), or a
;;; symbol (double). A symbol is converted to a string by lower-casing it, and
;;; appending " ~a", so the symbol double is just convenient short-hand for
;;; the C declaration "double ~a".
;;; Examples: (rep integer? int "EXTRACT_FIXNUM")
;;; (C char*)
;;; (C "int ~a[10]")
;;; (to-scheme integer "HackInt")
;;; These shorthand forms are not permitted in the actual rep tables;
;;; only in DEFINE-FOREIGN forms.
;;; Note: the RENAME procedure is for use by the Scheme-stub macro expander
;;; when taking SCHEME-PRED fields from the simple-rep internal table. This
;;; way, the user's bindings of variables won't interfere with the functioning
;;; of the simple reps. When Cig's C-stub generator calls this procedure, it
;;; should just pass the identity procedure for the RENAME argument.
(define (parameter-rep->info rep rename)
(let* ((hack (lambda (x)
(if (symbol? x) (string-append (symbol->string x) " ~a")
(do-rep (lambda (scheme-pred C-decl C-cvtr . maybe-post-C)
(vector (hack C-decl) scheme-pred (stringify C-cvtr)
(and (pair? maybe-post-C) (car maybe-post-C)))))
(you-lose (lambda () (error "Unknown parameter rep" rep))))
(cond ((symbol? rep)
(cond ((assq rep *simple-argrep-alist*) =>
(lambda (entry)
(let* ((info (copy-vector (cadr entry)))
(scheme-pred (argrep:scheme-pred info)))
(vector-set! info 1 (and scheme-pred (rename scheme-pred)))
(else (you-lose))))
((pair? rep)
(case (car rep)
((rep) (apply do-rep (cdr rep)))
((C) (let* ((c-decl (hack (cadr rep)))
(c-type (format #f c-decl "")))
(do-rep (rename 'alien?) c-decl
(format #f "(~a)AlienVal" c-type)
(else (you-lose))))
(else (you-lose)))))
(define (copy-vector v)
(let* ((vlen (vector-length v))
(v-new (make-vector vlen)))
(do ((i (- vlen 1) (- i 1)))
((< i 0) v-new)
(vector-set! v-new i (vector-ref v i)))))
(define (stringify x)
(if (symbol? x)
(list->string (map char-downcase (string->list (symbol->string x))))
;;; Fields are as follows:
;;; c-decl: 0, immediate: 1, C-boxcvtr: 2, make-carrier: 3, s-cvtr: 4
;;; Return a list of reps (because of MULTI-REP).
;;; The RENAME arg is for the Scheme-side macro expander, so that
;;; the make-carrier and s-cvtr fields can be syntactically closed
;;; in the expander's environment. The C-stub generator should just
;;; pass an identity procedure for RENAME.
(define (return-rep->info rep rename)
(let* ((hack (lambda (x)
(if (symbol? x)
(string-append (symbol->string x) " ~a")
(do-rep (lambda (c-decl . to-scheme)
(list (vector (hack c-decl) (list to-scheme) '() #f))))
(you-lose (lambda () (error "Unknown return rep" rep)))
(infos (cond ((symbol? rep)
(cond ((assq rep *simple-retrep-alist*) =>
(lambda (entry)
;; Apply RENAME to make-carrier and s-cvtr.
(let* ((info (copy-vector (cadr entry)))
(make-carrier (retrep:make-carrier info))
(s-cvtr (retrep:s-cvtr info)))
(vector-set! info 3
(and make-carrier
(rename make-carrier)))
(vector-set! info 4
(and s-cvtr (rename s-cvtr)))
(list info))))
(else (you-lose))))
((pair? rep)
(case (car rep)
(let ((v (apply vector rep)))
(vector-set! v 0 (hack (vector-ref v 0)))
(list v)))
((to-scheme) ; (to-scheme rep converter)
(let* ((v (car (return-rep->info (cadr rep) rename)))
(v (copy-vector v)))
(vector-set! v 1 (stringify (caddr rep)))
(vector-set! v 2 '#f)
(vector-set! v 3 '#f)
(vector-set! v 4 '#f)
(list v)))
((C) (list (vector (hack (cadr rep)) #f
simple-assign (rename 'make-alien)
(apply append (map (lambda (rep)
(return-rep->info rep rename))
(cdr rep))))
(else (you-lose))))
(else (you-lose)))))
;;; Return a type string for IGNORE, or a list of lists of info vectors for
;;; the standard case.
(define (parse-return-reps reps rename)
(cond ((or (not (pair? reps))
(not (list? reps)))
(error "Bad return rep list" reps))
;; (IGNORE c-type) or IGNORE
((and (null? (cdr reps))
(let ((rep (car reps)))
(or (eq? rep 'ignore)
(and (pair? rep)
(eq? (car rep) 'ignore)))))
(let ((rep (car reps)))
(if (pair? rep) (cadr rep) "void ~a")))
(else (map (lambda (rep) (return-rep->info rep rename)) reps))))
(define (insert-commas lis)
(if (pair? lis)
(cdr (let rec ((lis lis))
(if (pair? lis)
(cons ", " (cons (car lis) (rec (cdr lis))))
(define (elts->comma-string lis)
(apply string-append (insert-commas lis)))
(define (info->type i . maybe-outer-type)
(let ((outer-type (if (null? maybe-outer-type) "" (car maybe-outer-type))))
(format #f (rep:c-decl i) outer-type)))
(define (info->var-decl i var)
(format #f "~% ~a;" ; statement-ize decl.
(format #f (rep:c-decl i) var))) ; decl-ize var.
(define (make-gensym prefix i)
(lambda (x)
(set! i (+ i 1))
(string-append prefix (number->string i))))
;;; This returns a list mapping each of the Scheme stub's args to
;;; it's corresponding name in the C stub (e.g., ("arg[2]" "arg[1]" "arg[0]")).
;;; If MV-RETURN? is true, we reserve arg[0] for the mv-return Scheme vec.
(define (make-stub-args nargs mv-return?)
(do ((i (if mv-return? 1 0) (+ i 1))
(nargs nargs (- nargs 1))
(ans '() (cons (format #f "args[~d]" i) ans)))
((zero? nargs) ans)))
(define (filter lis)
(if (pair? lis)
(let* ((head (car lis))
(tail (cdr lis))
(new-tail (filter tail)))
(if head (if (eq? tail new-tail) lis (cons head new-tail))
(define nl (string #\newline))
(define (separate-line stmt) (string-append " " stmt ";" nl))
;;; Apply a Scheme->C rep-converter to the C expression EXP.
(define (C-ize info exp)
(cond ((argrep:c-cvtr info)
=> (lambda (s)
(if (string=? s "") exp
(string-append s "(" exp ")"))))
(else exp)))
;;; Return a C statement rep-converting the C value VAL into the
;;; carrier CARRIER. Rep-conversion is determined by INFO.
(define (Scheme-ize->carrier info carrier val)
(cond ((retrep:C-boxcvtr info)
=> (lambda (f) (f carrier val)))
(else (error "Rep is not carrier rep:" info))))
;;; Apply a C->Scheme rep-converter in the C stub to C expression EXP.
(define (Scheme-ize-exp converter exp)
(if (string=? converter "") exp
(string-append converter "(" exp ")")))
;;; If an arg needs post-C processing in the C stub,
;;; then we need to assign the arg's C rep to a variable.
;;; Return #f or " char *f3 = scm2c_string(arg[2]);"
(define (free-var-decl info fvar stub-arg)
(and (argrep:post-C info)
(format #f "~% ~a = ~a;"
(format #f (argrep:c-decl info) fvar)
(C-ize info stub-arg))))
;;; Multiple return values happen across three boundaries: C routine -> C stub,
;;; C stub -> Scheme stub, and Scheme stub -> user. M.v. return happens
;;; across these boundaries sometimes for different reasons. If the
;;; C routine returns m.v., then everyone does. But even if the C routine
;;; returns just a single value, the C stub may rep-convert that multiple
;;; ways, and so need to pass multiple values back to the Scheme stub.
;;; Nomenclature: if someone is returning 4 return values, let's call
;;; the first value returned the *major return value*, and the other three
;;; values the *minor return values*.
;;; M.V. return linkages work like this:
;;; The C routine returns m.v.'s to the C stub by (1) returning the major value
;;; as the value of the C routine, and (2) assigning the minor return values
;;; to pointers passed to the C routine from the stub -- these pointer values
;;; are appended to the routine's parameter list after the actual arguments.
;;; That is, if the C routine needs to return an int, it will be passed
;;; an int*, which it assigns to return the int value.
;;; If the Scheme stub is expecting N multiple values, it passes in
;;; a Scheme vector of size N-1 to the C stub. The C stub stashes the
;;; minor return values into this vector; the major value is passed back
;;; as the C stub's actual return value. This vector is always the last
;;; value passed to the C stub from the Scheme stub, so we can get it
;;; in the C stub by accessing arg[0] or just *arg (remember, the args
;;; get their order reversed during the Scheme/C transition when they
;;; are pushed on the Scheme48 stack, so the m.v. vector, being last, comes
;;; out first).
;;; If the major return value for the call requires a carrier structure,
;;; it is passed in the m.v. Scheme vector, in the first element of the
;;; vector. The carrier itself is returned as the C stub's major return value.
;;; MAKE-MV-ASSIGNS produces the C code that puts the C stub's minor
;;; return values into the vector. For each value and each rep for that value:
;;; - If the value is the major return value:
;;; + if the value is immediate, it is rep-converted, and assigned to
;;; the variable ret1.
;;; + if the value is passed back in a carrier, the carrier is fetched
;;; from the m.v. vector's elt 0, and the value is rep-converted into
;;; this carrier. The carrier itself is assigned to ret1.
;;; - If the value is a minor return value:
;;; + if the value is immediate, it is rep-converts, and assigned to
;;; the appropriate slot in the m.v. vector.
;;; + if the value is passed back in a carrier, the carrier is fetched
;;; from the m.v. vector, and the value is rep-converted into the carrier.
;;; Ugh. Nested looping in Scheme is like nested looping in assembler.
(define (make-mv-assigns c-vars info-lists)
(apply string-append
(let lp1 ((j 0) ; J is location in Scheme vec into which we store.
(c-vars c-vars)
(info-lists info-lists)
(assigns '()))
(if (pair? c-vars)
(let ((v (car c-vars))
(info-list (car info-lists))
(c-vars (cdr c-vars))
(info-lists (cdr info-lists)))
;; Loop over V's info elts in INFO-LIST
(let lp2 ((j j)
(info-list info-list)
(assigns assigns))
(if (pair? info-list)
;; Do rep-conversion INFO.
(let ((info (car info-list))
(info-list (cdr info-list)))
(receive (c-stmt j)
(if (null? assigns)
(make-major-retval-stmt v info)
(make-minor-retval-stmt v info j))
(lp2 j info-list (cons c-stmt assigns))))
(lp1 j c-vars info-lists assigns))))
(reverse assigns)))))
;;; c-decl: 0, immediate: 1, C-boxcvtr: 2, make-carrier: 3, s-cvtr: 4
;;; Major ret value rep conversion. If immediate, just rep-convert & assign
;;; to ret1. If carrier, store into an alien struct and assign that to ret1.
;;; C-VAR should always be "r1".
(define (make-major-retval-stmt c-var info)
(cond ((retrep:immediate info) =>
(lambda (cvtr)
(values (format #f "~% ret1 = ~a;" (Scheme-ize-exp cvtr c-var))
(values (format #f "~% ret1 = S48_VECTOR_REF(mv_vec,0);~% ~a"
(Scheme-ize->carrier info "ret1" c-var))
;;; Minor ret value rep-conversion.
;;; Convert and store into minor-value vector at entry j.
(define (make-minor-retval-stmt c-var info j)
(values (cond ((retrep:immediate info) =>
(lambda (cvtr)
(format #f "~% S48_VECTOR_SET(mv_vec,~d,~a);"
j (Scheme-ize-exp cvtr c-var))))
(let ((target (format #f "S48_VECTOR_REF(mv_vec,~d)" j)))
(format #f "~% ~a"
(Scheme-ize->carrier info target c-var)))))
(+ j 1)))
(define (stmts strings) (apply string-append strings))
(define (make-post-C-var-list infos)
(do ((j 1 (+ j 1))
(infos infos (cdr infos))
(ans '()
(cons (let ((i (car infos)))
(and (argrep:post-C i) (format #f "f~d" j)))
((not (pair? infos)) (reverse ans))))
;;; Compute the args part of function prototype.
(define (proto-args arg-decls)
(if (null? arg-decls) "void" ; echh
(elts->comma-string arg-decls)))
(define (define-foreign->C-stub form)
(destructure (( (#f scheme-name (c-name . params) . return-reps) form ))
(let* ((c-name (stringify c-name))
(reps (map car params))
(no-declare? (and (pair? return-reps)
(eq? 'no-declare (car return-reps))))
(return-reps (if no-declare? (cdr return-reps)
(params-info (map (lambda (rep)
(parameter-rep->info rep (lambda (x) x)))
;; A list of lists, due to MULTI-REP.
(ret-infos1 (parse-return-reps return-reps
(lambda (x) x)))
(ignore? (string? ret-infos1))
(ret-infos2 (if (not ignore?) ; Flatten them out.
(apply append ret-infos1)))
(ret-infos3 (if (not ignore?) ; A canonical representative
(map car ret-infos1))) ; per item.
(primary-retval-info (if (not ignore?) (car ret-infos3)))
(if ignore?
(retrep:c-decl primary-retval-info)))
;; The type of the value returned by the C routine,
;; stored into the C stub's r1 variable.
(primary-retvar-decl (if ignore? ""
(format #f "~% ~a;"
(format #f primary-retval-decl-template
(mv-return? (and (not ignore?)
(or (pair? (cdr ret-infos2))
;; Is major ret val non-immediate
(not (retrep:immediate
(caar ret-infos1))))))
(nargs (length reps))
(stub-nargs (if mv-return? (+ nargs 1) nargs))
(other-retvals (if ignore? '() (cdr ret-infos3)))
(ret-vars (map (make-gensym "r" 1) other-retvals))
(ret-var-decls (stmts (map info->var-decl
other-retvals ret-vars)))
; Frank: begin
(gensym (let ((gs (make-gensym "g" 0)))
(lambda () (gs #f))))
; the c-stubs formal parameters are named "g1" ... "gn"
(stub-args (map (lambda (p) (gensym)) params))
; Frank: end
(post-C-vars (make-post-C-var-list params-info))
(pc-var-decls (stmts (map (lambda (i v)
(if v (info->var-decl i v) ""))
(c-proto (proto-args (append (map info->type params-info)
(map (lambda (i)
(info->type i "*"))
(c-fun-decl (format #f primary-retval-decl-template
(string-append c-name "(" c-proto ")")))
(c-fun-decl (format #f "extern ~a;" c-fun-decl))
(c-fun-decl (if no-declare? "" c-fun-decl))
(pc-var-assigns (stmts (map (lambda (i fv sv)
(if fv
(format #f "~% ~a = ~a;"
fv (C-ize i sv))
(c-args (elts->comma-string (append (map (lambda (i fv sv)
(or fv (C-ize i sv)))
(map (lambda (rv)
(string-append "&" rv))
(c-call (string-append c-name "(" c-args ")"))
;; Do the post-C-call processing in the C stub.
(stmts (map (lambda (v i)
(if v
(format #f "~% %a(~a);"
(argrep:post-C i) v)
post-C-vars reps)))
(mv-assigns (if ignore? ""
(make-mv-assigns (cons "r1" ret-vars)
(return-stmt (format #f "~% return ~a;"
(if ignore? "S48_FALSE" "ret1")))
;; Do the call, release the free-vars, do the mv-return
;; assignments, then return.
(epilog (if ignore?
(string-append c-call ";" post-C-val-processing return-stmt)
(string-append "r1 = " c-call ";"
mv-assigns return-stmt))))
; (breakpoint)
(format #f cfun-boilerplate
; Frank: begin
; multiple values will be returned in the c-stubs last formal parameter:
; the vector mv_vec
(let ((args (if mv-return? (append stub-args '("mv_vec")) stub-args)))
(proto-args (map (lambda (var) (string-append "s48_value " var)) args)))
; Frank: end
(if ignore? "" ret1-decl)
primary-retvar-decl ret-var-decls pc-var-decls
; Frank: begin
(define cfun-boilerplate
"s48_value df_~a(~a)
; Frank: end
(define ret1-decl
s48_value ret1;")
(define cfile-header-boilerplate
"/* This is an Scheme48/C interface file,
** automatically generated by a hacked version of cig 3.0.
step 4
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> /* For malloc. */
#include \"libcig.h\"
; Frank: begin
(define s48-init-boilerplate
"s48_value s48_init_~a(void)
return S48_UNSPECIFIC;
(define (define-foreign-process-form form oport)
; c-names will be the list of c-names of all define-foreign-forms
(define c-names '())
(define init-name #f)
(define (define-foreign-process-form2 form)
(if (pair? form)
(case (car form)
(if (list? (cdr form))
(for-each (lambda (f) (define-foreign-process-form2 f))
(cdr form))))
((define-structure define-structures)
(if (and (pair? (cdr form))
(list? (cddr form)))
(let ((clauses (cddr form)))
(for-each (lambda (clause)
(if (and (pair? clause)
(eq? 'begin (car clause)))
(define-foreign-process-form2 clause)))
(let ((c-name (string-append "df_" (stringify (caaddr form)))))
(set! c-names (cons c-name c-names))
(display (define-foreign->C-stub form) oport))))
(let ((name (cdr form)))
(set! init-name (car name))))
(let ((forms (cdr form)))
(if (pair? forms)
(begin (display (car forms) oport)
(map (lambda (x)
(newline oport)
(display x oport))
(cdr forms)))))))))
(define-foreign-process-form2 form)
(values (reverse c-names) init-name))
; Frank: end
(define (display-register c-names init-name oport)
(if (not init-name)
(error "no foreign-init-name statement found")
(let ((register-txt
(map (lambda (c-name)
(format #f "~% S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(~a);" c-name))
(format oport s48-init-boilerplate init-name register-txt))))
(define (process-define-foreign-stream iport oport)
(display cfile-header-boilerplate oport)
(let lp ((c-names '()) (init-name #f))
(let ((form (read iport)))
(if (eof-object? form)
(display-register c-names init-name oport)
(receive (new-c-names maybe-init-name)
(define-foreign-process-form form oport)
(let ((init-name (if maybe-init-name
(if init-name
(error "multiple foreign-init-name definitions")
(lp (append c-names new-c-names) init-name)))))))
; Frank: begin
; (process-define-foreign-file fname) scans file fname.scm and produces a c-stub for every
; scanned define-foreign form and places it in file fname.c.
(define (process-define-foreign-file fname init-name)
(call-with-input-file (string-append fname ".scm")
(lambda (iport)
(call-with-output-file (string-append fname ".c")
(lambda (oport)
(display cfile-header-boilerplate oport)
(let lp ((c-names '()))
(let ((form (read iport)))
(if (eof-object? form)
(let ((register-txt
(map (lambda (c-name)
(format #f "~% S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(~a);" c-name))
(format oport s48-init-boilerplate init-name register-txt))
(lp (append c-names (define-foreign-process-form form oport))))))))))))
; Frank: end
; JMG: stolen from various places
(define (file-name-nondirectory fname)
(cond ((rindex fname #\/) =>
(lambda (rslash)
(if (last-non-slash fname)
(substring fname (+ 1 rslash) (string-length fname))
fname))) ; Posix strangeness: solid slashes are root.
(else fname)))
(define (rindex str c ) ;removed optional argument
(let* ((len (string-length str))
(start len))
(do ((i (- start 1) (- i 1)))
((or (< i 0)
(char=? c (string-ref str i)))
(and (>= i 0) i)))))
(define (last-non-slash str)
(let lp ((i (- (string-length str) 1)))
(and (>= i 0)
(if (char=? #\/ (string-ref str i))
(lp (- i 1))
(define (cig-standalone-toplevel f-and-init-name) ; ignore your args no
(process-define-foreign-stream (current-input-port)
;;; This section defines the Scheme-side macro processor.
;;; (define-syntax define-foreign define-foreign-expander)
(define (define-foreign-expander form rename compare)
(destructure (( (#f scheme-name (c-name . params) . return-reps) form ))
(let* ((c-name (string-append "df_" (stringify c-name)))
(reps (map car params))
(params-info (map (lambda (rep) (parameter-rep->info rep rename))
(return-reps (if (and (pair? return-reps)
(eq? 'no-declare (car return-reps)))
(cdr return-reps)
(ret-infos1 (parse-return-reps return-reps rename))
(ignore? (string? ret-infos1))
(ret-infos2 (if (not ignore?)
(apply append ret-infos1)))
(major-rep (and (not ignore?) (car ret-infos2)))
;; Does the Scheme stub return m.v.'s to the user?
(scheme-mv-return? (and (not ignore?)
(pair? (cdr ret-infos2))))
(carrier-vec? (or scheme-mv-return?
(and major-rep
(not (retrep:immediate major-rep)))))
(carrier-veclen (if carrier-vec?
(- (length ret-infos2)
(if (retrep:immediate major-rep) 1 0))))
(%define (rename 'define))
(%let (rename 'let))
(%lambda (rename 'lambda))
; JMG: begin replaced external-lambda by import-lambda-definition
(%import-lambda-definition (rename 'import-lambda-definition))
(%lookup-imported-binding (rename 'lookup-imported-binding))
(%call-imported-binding (rename 'call-imported-binding))
(%let* (rename 'let*))
; JMG: end
(gensym (let ((gs (make-gensym "g" -1)))
(lambda () (string->symbol (gs #f)))))
(args (map (lambda (p)
(let ((tail (cdr p)))
(if (pair? tail) (car tail)
(%string? (rename 'string?))
(%char? (rename 'char?))
(%integer? (rename 'integer?))
(%vector? (rename 'vector?))
(%pair? (rename 'pair?))
(%check-arg (rename 'check-arg))
(rep-checker (lambda (i arg)
(cond ((argrep:scheme-pred i) =>
(lambda (pred) `(,%check-arg ,pred ,arg
(else arg))))
(c-args (map rep-checker params-info args))
(%f (rename 'f)))
(if (not carrier-vec?)
(let* ((xcall `(,%f ,@c-args))
(xcall (cond ((and (not ignore?)
(retrep:s-cvtr (car ret-infos2)))
=> (lambda (proc) `(,proc ,xcall))) ; not hygenic
(else xcall))))
; Frank: begin
; get-external and external-call replaced: now external-lambda
;JMG now import-lambda-definition
`(,%import-lambda-definition ,scheme-name ,args ,c-name))
(let ((retarg1 (rename 'r1))
(retarg2 (rename 'r2))
(%make-vector (rename 'make-vector)))
`(,%define ,scheme-name
(,%let ((,%f (,%lookup-imported-binding ,c-name)))
(,%lambda ,args
(,%let ((,retarg2 (,%make-vector ,carrier-veclen)))
,@(install-carriers retarg2 ret-infos2
(rename 'vector-set!))
(,%let ((,retarg1 (,%call-imported-binding ,%f ,@c-args ,retarg2)))
(values ,@(make-values-args retarg1 retarg2
;; `(,%define ,scheme-name
;; (,%let ((,%f (,%external-lambda ,args ,c-name)))
;; (,%lambda ,args ,xcall))))
; (let ((retarg1 (rename 'r1))
; (retarg2 (rename 'r2))
; (%make-vector (rename 'make-vector)))
; `(,%define
; ,scheme-name
; (,%let* ((temp (,%lookup-imported-binding ,c-name))
; (,%f (,%lambda ,args (,%call-imported-binding temp ,args))))
; (,%lambda ,args
; (,%let ((,retarg2 (,%make-vector ,carrier-veclen)))
; ,@(install-carriers retarg2 ret-infos2
; (rename 'vector-set!))
; (,%let ((,retarg1 (,%f ,@c-args ,retarg2)))
; (values ,@(make-values-args retarg1 retarg2
; ret-infos2
; rename))))))))))))
; Frank: end
(define (install-carriers carrier-vec ret-infos2 %vector-set!)
;; Skip the major ret value if it doesn't require a carrier.
(let* ((major-rep (and (pair? ret-infos2) (car ret-infos2)))
(infos (if (and major-rep (retrep:immediate major-rep))
(cdr ret-infos2)
(let lp ((ans '()) (infos infos) (i 0))
(if (null? infos) ans
(let ((info (car infos))
(infos (cdr infos)))
(if (retrep:immediate info)
(lp ans infos (+ i 1))
(lp (cons `(,%vector-set! ,carrier-vec ,i
(,(retrep:make-carrier info)))
(+ i 1))))))))
(define (c-arg i retarg1 retarg2 %vector-ref)
(if (zero? i)
`(,%vector-ref ,retarg2 ,(- i 1))))
(define (make-values-args arg1 carrier-vec infos rename)
(let ((%vector-ref (rename 'vector-ref))
(do-arg (lambda (arg info)
(cond ((retrep:s-cvtr info) =>
(lambda (cvtr) `(,cvtr ,arg)))
(else arg)))))
(if (null? infos) '()
(let lp ((ans (list (do-arg arg1 (car infos))))
(i (if (retrep:immediate (car infos)) 0 1))
(infos (cdr infos)))
(if (pair? infos)
(let* ((info (car infos))
(arg `(,%vector-ref ,carrier-vec ,i)))
(lp (cons (do-arg arg info) ans)
(+ i 1)
(cdr infos)))
(reverse ans))))))
)) ; egakcap
(define-structure define-foreign-syntax (export (define-foreign :syntax)
(foreign-source :syntax)
(foreign-init-name :syntax))
(open scheme external-calls structure-refs cig-aux)
(access signals) ; for ERROR
(for-syntax (open scheme define-foreign-syntax-support))
(define error (structure-ref signals error))
(define-syntax define-foreign define-foreign-expander)
;; Ignore FOREIGN-SOURCE forms.
(define-syntax foreign-source
(syntax-rules ()
((foreign-source stuff ...) #f)))
(define-syntax foreign-init-name
(syntax-rules ()
((foreign-init-name name) (lambda () name))))
(define (check-arg pred obj proc)
(if (not (pred obj))
(error "check-arg" pred obj proc)
)) ; egakcap
;;; Todo: "info" terminology is gone. Clean up.