
63 lines
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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; Sleeping for N milliseconds.
(define (sleep user-n)
(let ((n (coerce-to-nonnegative-integer user-n)))
(cond ((not n)
(call-error "wrong type argument" sleep user-n))
((< 0 n)
(let ((cell (make-cell (current-thread))))
(set-thread-cell! (current-thread) cell)
(set! *dozers*
(insert (cons (+ (real-time) n)
(lambda (frob1 frob2)
(< (car frob1) (car frob2)))))
(define (coerce-to-nonnegative-integer n)
(if (real? n)
(let* ((n (round n))
(n (if (exact? n)
(inexact->exact n))))
(if (<= 0 n)
(define *dozers* '()) ; List of (wakeup-time . cell)
(define (insert x l <)
(cond ((null? l) (list x))
((< x (car l)) (cons x l))
(else (cons (car l) (insert x (cdr l) <)))))
; Called by root scheduler, so won't be interrupted.
; This returns two values, a boolean that indicates if any threads were
; woken and the time until the next sleeper wakes. We have to check for
; threads that have been started for some other reason.
(define (wake-some-threads)
(if (null? *dozers*)
(values #f #f)
(let ((time (real-time)))
(let loop ((dozers *dozers*) (woke? #f))
(if (null? dozers)
(set! *dozers* '())
(values woke? #f))
(let* ((next (car dozers))
(thread (cell-ref (cdr next))))
(cond ((not thread)
(loop (cdr dozers) woke?))
((< time (car next))
(set! *dozers* dozers)
(values woke? (- (car next) time)))
(make-ready thread)
(loop (cdr dozers) #t)))))))))