172 lines
4.8 KiB
172 lines
4.8 KiB
; Program to process index entries.
; Script for running this in Scheme 48
; ,open tables sort define-record-types util big-util
; (load "index.scm")
; (process-index "manual.idx" "index.tex")
(define (process-index infile outfile)
(let ((entries (call-with-input-file infile read-entries)))
(call-with-output-file outfile
(lambda (out)
(write-index (sort-list entries entry<?)
; Entry records.
(define-record-type entry :entry
(make-entry key font main? page)
(key entry-key)
(font entry-font)
(main? entry-main?)
(page entry-page))
(define (entry<? x y)
(let ((key1 (entry-key x))
(key2 (entry-key y)))
(or (string<? key1 key2)
(and (string=? key1 key2)
(or (and (entry-main? x)
(not (entry-main? y)))
(and (eq? (entry-main? x)
(entry-main? y))
(< (entry-page x)
(entry-page y))))))))
; Read a file of index entries.
(define (read-entries in)
(let loop ((entries '()))
(let ((next (read-char in)))
(cond ((eof-object? next)
(reverse entries))
((char=? next #\\)
(loop (cons (read-entry in)
(error "missing initial \\ in index entry" in))))))
; An *.idx entry looks like
; \indexentry{define-structure!tt!main}{12}
; We need to watch for {...} in the name, as they may be used to escape !'s.
; The caller has eaten the initial \.
(define (read-entry in)
(skip-past #\{ in)
(let* ((key (read-field in))
(font (read-field in))
(main? (string=? (read-field in) "main")))
(read-char in) ; skip #\{
(let ((page (string->number (read-field in))))
(skip-past #\newline in)
(make-entry key font main? page))))
; Read from IN until you see CHAR.
(define (skip-past char in)
(let ((ch (read-char in)))
(cond ((eof-object? ch)
(error "premature eof when looking for" char))
((not (char=? ch char))
(skip-past char in)))))
; Gather chars until an unnested ! or #\} is seen.
(define (read-field in)
(let loop ((chars '()) (depth 0))
(let ((next (read-char in)))
(if (eof-object? next)
(error "premature eof when reading field"
(list->string (reverse chars)))
(let ((next (char-downcase next)))
(case next
(if (= depth 0)
(list->string (reverse chars))
(loop (cons next chars) depth)))
(if (= depth 0)
(list->string (reverse chars))
(loop chars (- depth 1))))
(loop chars (+ depth 1)))
(loop (cons next chars) depth))))))))
; Writing the entries back out again.
(define (write-index entries out)
(let loop ((entries entries))
(if (not (null? entries))
(mvlet (((key-entries entries)
(collect-key-entries entries)))
(process-key key-entries out)
(loop entries)))))
(define (collect-key-entries entries)
(let ((key (entry-key (car entries))))
(let loop ((entries (cdr entries))
(res (list (car entries))))
(if (or (null? entries)
(not (string=? key
(entry-key (car entries)))))
(values (reverse res) entries)
(loop (cdr entries)
(cons (car entries) res))))))
(define (process-key entries out)
(if (not (consistent? entries))
(error "inconsistent entries" entries))
(let ((entry (car entries)))
(let ((key (entry-key entry))
(font (entry-font entry))
(pages (remove-duplicates (map entry-page entries))))
(if (entry-main? entry)
(write-entries key font (car pages) (cdr pages) out)
(write-entries key font #f pages out)))))
(define (consistent? entries)
(let ((x (car entries)))
(let ((key (entry-key x))
(font (entry-font x)))
(every (lambda (x)
(and (string=? key (entry-key x))
(or (string=? font (entry-font x))
;; different entries for t and #t aren't inconsistent
(string=? font "sharp")
(string=? (entry-font x) "sharp"))
;(eq? aux (entry-main/aux x))
(cdr entries)))))
(define last-key "%")
(define s1 (string-append "\\item{" (list->string '(#\\))))
(define s2 "{")
(define s3 "}}{\\hskip .75em}")
(define semi "; ")
(define comma ", ")
(define (write-entries key font main pages p)
(if (and (char-alphabetic? (string-ref key 0))
(not (char=? (string-ref last-key 0)
(string-ref key 0))))
(begin (display "\\indexspace" p)
(newline p)))
(set! last-key key)
(display (string-append s1 font s2 key s3) p)
(if main
(begin (write main p)
(if (not (null? pages))
(display semi p))))
(if (not (null? pages))
(begin (write (car pages) p)
(for-each (lambda (page)
(display comma p)
(write page p))
(cdr pages))))
(newline p))