
151 lines
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;;; Random useful utilities.
;;; Copyright (c) 1993 by Olin Shivers.
(define (mapv f v)
(let* ((len (vector-length v))
(ans (make-vector len)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i len) ans)
(vector-set! ans i (f (vector-ref v i))))))
(define (mapv! f v)
(let ((len (vector-length v)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i len) v)
(vector-set! v i (f (vector-ref v i))))))
(define (vector-every? pred v)
(let lp ((i (- (vector-length v) 1)))
(or (< i 0)
(and (pred (vector-ref v i))
(lp (- i 1))))))
(define (copy-vector v)
(let* ((len (vector-length v))
(ans (make-vector len)))
(do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1)))
((< i 0) ans)
(vector-set! ans i (vector-ref v i)))))
(define (initialize-vector len init)
(let ((v (make-vector len)))
(do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1)))
((< i 0) v)
(vector-set! v i (init i)))))
(define (vector-append . vecs)
(let* ((vlen (fold (lambda (v len) (+ (vector-length v) len)) 0 vecs))
(ans (make-vector vlen)))
(let lp1 ((vecs vecs) (to 0))
(if (pair? vecs)
(let* ((vec (car vecs))
(len (vector-length vec)))
(let lp2 ((from 0) (to to))
(cond ((< from len)
(vector-set! ans to (vector-ref vec from))
(lp2 (+ from 1) (+ to 1)))
(else (lp1 (cdr vecs) to)))))))
(define (vfold kons knil v)
(let ((len (vector-length v)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(ans knil (kons (vector-ref v i) ans)))
((>= i len) ans))))
(define (vfold-right kons knil v)
(do ((i (- (vector-length v) 1) (- i 1))
(ans knil (kons (vector-ref v i) ans)))
((< i 0) ans)))
;;; We loophole the call to ERROR -- the point is that perhaps the
;;; user will interact with a breakpoint, and proceed with a new
;;; value, which we will then pass to a new invocation of CHECK-ARG
;;; for approval.
(define (check-arg pred val caller)
(if (pred val) val
(check-arg pred (error "Bad argument" val pred caller) caller)))
(define (conjoin f g)
(lambda args (and (apply f args) (apply g args))))
(define (disjoin f g)
(lambda args (or (apply f args) (apply g args))))
(define (negate f) (lambda args (not (apply f args))))
(define (compose f g)
(lambda args (call-with-values (lambda () (apply g args)) f)))
(define (deprecated-proc proc name . maybe-preferred-msg)
(let ((warned? #f))
(lambda args
(cond ((not warned?)
(set! warned? #t)
(apply warn
"Deprecated procedure (may not be supported in a future release)"
(apply proc args))))
(define (real->exact-integer x)
(let ((f (round x)))
(if (inexact? f) (inexact->exact f) f)))
; A record type whose only purpose is to run some code when we start up an
; image.
(define-record-type reinitializer :reinitializer
(make-reinitializer thunk)
(thunk reinitializer-thunk))
(define-record-discloser :reinitializer
(lambda (r)
(list 'reinitializer (reinitializer-thunk r))))
(define-record-resumer :reinitializer
(lambda (r)
((reinitializer-thunk r))))
; Run thunk1 until thunk2 escapes
; This is *extremly* low level
; Don't use unless you know what you are doing
(define (run-as-long-as thunk1 thunk2 spawn-thread . name)
(let ((thread (make-placeholder)))
(apply spawn-thread
(lambda ()
(placeholder-set! thread (current-thread))
(lambda () #t)
(lambda ()
(savely-kill-thread! (placeholder-value thread))))))
(define (savely-kill-thread! thread)
(remove-thread-from-queues! thread)
(kill-thread! thread)
(make-ready thread))
(define (obtain-all-or-none . locks)
(let lp ((obtained '()) (needed locks))
(if (not (null? needed))
(let ((next (car needed)))
(if (maybe-obtain-lock next)
(lp (cons next obtained)
(cdr needed))
(for-each release-lock obtained)
(obtain-lock next)
(lp (list next) (delete next locks eq?))))))))