;;; An implemenation of ScshQL (or Scsh-SQL ?) with the new ODBC bindings ;;; ;;; Eric Knauel ;;; ;;; The original API was designed by Sam Thibault (and maybe Olin Shivers) and ;;; can be found at http://web.mit.edu/samt/www/compsci/Scsh-SQL/scsh-sql.tar.gz (define *current-db* (make-fluid #f)) (define (current-db) (fluid *current-db*)) (define (with-current-db* db thunk) (let-fluid *current-db* db thunk)) (define-syntax with-current-db (syntax-rules () ((with-current-db db body1 body2 ...) (with-current-db* db (lambda () body1 body2 ...))))) (define (with-open-db* dbname user pwd thunk) (let* ((conn-handle (open-db dbname user pwd))) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #t) (lambda () (let-fluid *current-db* db thunk)) (lambda () (odbc-sql-disconnect conn-handle))))) (define-syntax with-open-db (syntax-rules () ((with-open-db dbname user pwd body1 body2 ...) (with-open-db* dbname user pwd (lambda () body1 body2 ...))))) (define (open-db database user password) (let* ((env-handle (odbc-alloc-environment-handle)) (conn-handle (odbc-alloc-connection-handle env-handle))) (begin (db-handle (odbc-sql-connect conn-handle database user password)) conn-handle))) (define (set-current-db! thing) (if (connection-handle? thing) (set-fluid! *current-db* thing) (error "Error: set-current-db! must be called with a db as argument.")) thing) (define (close-db . maybe-db) (let ((conn-handle (:optional maybe-db (current-db)))) (if (connection-handle-connected? conn-handle) (odbc-sql-disconnect conn-handle)) #t)) (define (call/db database user password proc) (let ((conn-handle (open-db database user password))) (proc conn-handle) (close-db conn-handle))) ;;; what a useless function (define (string->sql-command sql-query) (if (current-db) (odbc-alloc-statement-handle conn-handle) (error "Error: You need to connect to a database first (don't ask why)"))) (define (prepare-execute-sql-args excute-sql-optionals) (if (null? excute-sql-optionals) (values (current-db) '()) (values (car args) (cdr args)))) (define (maybe-make-statement-handle string-or-stmt-handle) (if (string? string-or-stmt-handle) (string->sql-command string->sql-command) string-or-stmt-handle)) (define (execute-sql command . args) (let-values (((conn-handle params) (prepare-execute-sql-args args)) ((stmt-handle) (maybe-make-statement-handle command))) ;;; maybe prepare stmt (if (string? command) (odbc-sql-prepare stmt-handle command)) ;;; execute stmt (let ((ncols (odbc-sql-num-result-cols stmt-handle))) (if (not (null? params)) (bind-params stmt-handle params)) ;;; execute (odbc-sql-execute stmt-handle) ;;; process answer (let ((rows-affected (odbc-sql-row-count stmt-handle))) (cond ((> rows-affected 0) rows-affected) ;;; must have been a DELETE, INSERT or UPDATE statement ((zero? rows-affected) #t) ;;; is this really correct?!?!?! (else (prepare-cursor stmt-handle ncols))))))) ;;; convert execute-sql params list to a parameter vector that is ;;; suitable for odbc-sql-bind-parameter-exec-out ;;; Well, acutally it's only an approximation (define (make-parameter-vector stmt-handle params) (let ((param-descriptions (get-parameter-descriptions stmt-handle))) (list->vector (make-parameter-value-cell-list params param-descriptions)))) (define (make-parameter-value-cell-list params param-descriptions) (let ((param-descriptions-count (length param-descriptions))) (let loop ((params params) (index 1) (res '())) (if (null? params) (reverse res) (if (> index param-descriptions-count) (loop (cdr params) (+ index 1) (make-parameter-value-cell value (list-ref index param-descriptions))) ;;; more parameters given than needed => error ;;; don't catch error, let ODBC raise the error (loop (cdr params) (+ index 1) (cons value (cons sql-type-c-binary sql-type-unknown)))))))) ;;; takes the value for parameter and the parameter-description ;;; (a record of type odbc-parameter) and returns a cell that is ;;; suitable to put in a parameter vector for odbc-sql-bind-parameter-exec-out (define (make-parameter-value-cell value param-description) (let ((parameter-type (odbc-parameter-type param-description))) (cons value (cons (odbc-type-identifier->c-type-identifier parameter-type) parameter-type)))) ;;; returns a list of odbc-parameter records for all parameters ;;; of stmt-handle (define (get-parameter-descriptions stmt-handle) (let ((param-count (odbc-sql-num-params stmt-handle))) (let loop ((param-no param-count) (res '())) (if (zero? param-no) res (loop (- param-no 1) (cons (odbc-sql-describe-param stmt-handle param-no))))))) (define (bind-params stmt params) (let ((parameter-vector (make-parameter-vector stmt-handle params))) (odbc-sql-bind-parameter-exec-out stmt-handle parameter-vector))) (define (prepare-cursor stmt ncols) (error "Not implemented")) (define fetch-row fetch) (define (fetch-rows cursor nrows) (error "Not implemented")) (define (fetch-all cursor) (error "Not implemented"))