; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. (define (start structs-to-open) (lambda (structs-thunk) (usual-resumer (lambda (arg) (let* ((structs (structs-thunk)) (b (make-built-in-structures structs))) (initialize-interaction-environment! b) (with-interaction-environment (make-initial-package b structs-to-open) (lambda () (command-processor (cond ((assq 'usual-commands structs) => (lambda (z) (structure-package (cdr z)))) (else #f)) arg)))))))) ; The structs argument is an a-list of (name . structure), as computed ; by the expression returned by reify-structures. (define (make-built-in-structures structs) (let* ((p (make-simple-package '() #f #f 'built-in-structures)) (s (make-structure p (lambda () (make-simple-interface #f ;name (cons 'built-in-structures (map car structs)))) 'built-in-structures))) (for-each (lambda (name+struct) (environment-define! p (car name+struct) (cdr name+struct))) structs) (environment-define! p 'built-in-structures s) s)) (define (initialize-interaction-environment! built-in-structures) (let ((scheme (*structure-ref built-in-structures 'scheme)) (tower (make-tower built-in-structures 'interaction))) (set-interaction-environment! (make-simple-package (list scheme) #t tower 'interaction)) (set-scheme-report-environment! 5 (make-simple-package (list scheme) #t tower 'r5rs)))) ; Intended for bootstrapping the command processor. (define (make-initial-package built-in-structures structs-to-open) (let ((p (make-simple-package (cons built-in-structures (map (lambda (name) (*structure-ref built-in-structures name)) structs-to-open)) eval (make-tower built-in-structures 'initial) 'initial))) (environment-define! p 'built-in-structures built-in-structures) p)) (define (make-tower built-in-structures id) (make-reflective-tower eval (list (*structure-ref built-in-structures 'scheme)) id))