; -*- Mode: Scheme; Syntax: Scheme; Package: Scheme; -*- ; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; This is file pseudoscheme-features.scm. ; Synchronize any changes with all the other *-features.scm files. (define *load-file-type* #f) ;For fun ; SIGNALS (define error #'ps:scheme-error) (define warn #'ps:scheme-warn) (define (signal type . stuff) (apply warn "condition signalled" type stuff)) (define (syntax-error . rest) ; Must return a valid expression. (apply warn rest) ''syntax-error) (define (call-error message proc . args) (error message (cons proc args))) ; FEATURES (define force-output #'lisp:force-output) (define (string-hash s) (let ((n (string-length s))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (h 0 (+ h (lisp:char-code (string-ref s i))))) ((>= i n) h)))) (define (make-immutable! thing) thing) (define (immutable? thing) #f) (define (unspecific) (if #f #f)) ; BITWISE (define arithmetic-shift #'lisp:ash) (define bitwise-and #'lisp:logand) (define bitwise-ior #'lisp:logior) (define bitwise-not #'lisp:lognot) ; ASCII (define char->ascii #'lisp:char-code) (define ascii->char #'lisp:code-char) (define ascii-limit lisp:char-code-limit) (define ascii-whitespaces '(32 10 9 12 13)) ; CODE-VECTORS (define (make-code-vector len . fill-option) (lisp:make-array len :element-type '(lisp:unsigned-byte 8) :initial-element (if (null? fill-option) 0 (car fill-option)))) (define (code-vector? obj) (ps:true? (lisp:typep obj (lisp:quote (lisp:simple-array (lisp:unsigned-byte 8) (lisp:*)))))) (define (code-vector-ref bv k) (lisp:aref (lisp:the (lisp:simple-array (lisp:unsigned-byte 8) (lisp:*)) bv) k)) (define (code-vector-set! bv k val) (lisp:setf (lisp:aref (lisp:the (lisp:simple-array (lisp:unsigned-byte 8) (lisp:*)) bv) k) val)) (define (code-vector-length bv) (lisp:length (lisp:the (lisp:simple-array (lisp:unsigned-byte 8) (lisp:*)) bv))) ; The rest is unnecessary in Pseudoscheme versions 2.8d and after. ;(define eval #'schi:scheme-eval) ;(define (interaction-environment) schi:*current-rep-environment*) ;(define scheme-report-environment ; (let ((env (scheme-translator:make-program-env ; 'rscheme ; (list scheme-translator:revised^4-scheme-module)))) ; (lambda (n) ; n ;ignore ; env))) ; Dynamic-wind. ; ;(define (dynamic-wind in body out) ; (in) ; (lisp:unwind-protect (body) ; (out))) ; ;(define values #'lisp:values) ; ;(define (call-with-values thunk receiver) ; (lisp:multiple-value-call receiver (thunk)))