; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; This is file features.scm. ; Synchronize any changes with all the other *-features.scm files. ; These definitions should be quite portable to any Scheme implementation. ; Assumes Revised^5 Report Scheme, for EVAL and friends. ; SIGNALS (define (error message . irritants) (display-error-message "Error: " message irritants) (an-error-occurred-now-what?)) (define (warn message . irritants) (display-error-message "Warning: " message irritants)) (define (display-error-message heading message irritants) (display heading) (display message) (newline) (let ((spaces (list->string (map (lambda (c) #\space) (string->list heading))))) (for-each (lambda (irritant) (display spaces) (write irritant) (newline)) irritants))) ; Linker also needs SIGNAL, SYNTAX-ERROR, CALL-ERROR ; FEATURES (define (force-output port) #f) (define current-noise-port current-output-port) (define (string-hash s) (let ((n (string-length s))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) (h 0 (+ h (char->ascii (string-ref s i))))) ((>= i n) h)))) (define (make-immutable! thing) #f) (define (immutable? thing) #f) (define (unspecific) (if #f #f)) ; BITWISE -- use alt/bitwise.scm (!) ; ACII -- use alt/ascii.scm ; CODE-VECTORS -- use alt/code-vectors.scm