%&latex -*- latex -*- \chapter{Networking} The Scheme Shell provides a BSD-style sockets interface. There is not an official standard for a network interface for scsh to adopt (this is the subject of the forthcoming Posix.8 standard). However, Berkeley sockets are a \emph{de facto} standard, being found on most Unix workstations and PC operating systems. It is fairly straightforward to add higher-level network protocols such as smtp, telnet, or http on top of the the basic socket-level support scsh provides. The Scheme Underground has also released a network library with many of these protocols as a companion to the current release of scsh. See this code for examples showing the use of the sockets interface. \section{High-level interface} For convenience, and to avoid some of the messy details of the socket interface, we provide a high level socket interface. These routines attempt to make it easy to write simple clients and servers without having to think of many of the details of initiating socket connections. We welcome suggested improvements to this interface, including better names, which right now are solely descriptions of the procedure's action. This might be fine for people who already understand sockets, but does not help the new networking programmer. \defun {socket-connect} {protocol-family socket-type . args} {socket} \begin{desc} \ex{socket-connect} is intended for creating client applications. \var{protocol-family} is specified as either the \ex{protocol-family/internet} or \ex{protocol-family/unix}. \var{socket-type} is specified as either \ex{socket-type/stream} or \ex{socket-type/datagram}. See \ex{socket} for a more complete description of these terms. The variable \var{args} list is meant to specify protocol family specific information. For Internet sockets, this consists of two arguments: a host name and a port number. For {\Unix} sockets, this consists of a pathname. \ex{socket-connect} returns a \ex{socket} which can be used for input and output from a remote server. See \ex{socket} for a description of the \emph{socket record}. \end{desc} \defun {bind-listen-accept-loop} {protocol-family proc arg} {does-not-return} \begin{desc} \ex{bind-listen-accept-loop} is intended for creating server applications. \var{protocol-family} is specified as either the \ex{protocol-family/internet} or \ex{protocol-family/unix}. \var{proc} is a procedure of two arguments: a \ex{socket} and a {socket-address}. \var{arg} specifies a port number for Internet sockets or a pathname for {\Unix} sockets. See \ex{socket} for a more complete description of these terms. \var{proc} is called with a socket and a socket address each time there is a connection from a client application. The socket allows communications with the client. The socket address specifies the address of the remote client. This procedure does not return, but loops indefinitely accepting connections from client programs. \end{desc} \defun {bind-prepare-listen-accept-loop} {protocol-family prepare proc arg} {does-not-return} \begin{desc} Same as \ex{bind-listen-accept-loop} but runs the thunk \var{prepare} after binding the address and before entering the loop. The typical task of the \var{prepare} procedure is to change the user id from the superuser to some unprivileged id once the address has been bound. \end{desc} \section{Sockets} \defun {create-socket} {protocol-family type [protocol]} {socket} \defunx {create-socket-pair} {type} {[socket$_{1}$ socket$_{2}$]} \defunx {close-socket} {socket} \undefined \begin{desc} A socket is one end of a network connection. Three specific properties of sockets are specified at creation time: the protocol-family, type, and protocol. The \var{protocol-family} specifies the protocol family to be used with the socket. This also determines the address family of socket addresses, which are described in more detail below. Scsh currently supports the {\Unix} internal protocols and the Internet protocols using the following constants: \begin{code}\codeallowbreaks protocol-family/unspecified protocol-family/unix protocol-family/internet\end{code} The \var{type} specifies the style of communication. Examples that your operating system probably provides are stream and datagram sockets. Others maybe available depending on your system. Typical values are: \begin{code}\codeallowbreaks socket-type/stream socket-type/datagram socket-type/raw\end{code} The \var{protocol} specifies a particular protocol to use within a protocol family and type. Usually only one choice exists, but it's probably safest to set this explicitly. See the protocol database routines for information on looking up protocol constants. New sockets are typically created with \ex{create-socket}. However, \ex{create-socket-pair} can also be used to create a pair of connected sockets in the \ex{protocol-family/unix} protocol-family. The value of a returned socket is a \emph{socket record}, defined to have the following structure: \begin{code} (define-record socket family ; protocol family inport ; input-port outport) ; output-port\end{code} The \ex{family} specifies the protocol family of the socket. The \ex{inport} and \ex{outport} fields are ports that can be used for input and output, respectively. For a stream socket, they are only usable after a connection has been established via \ex{connect-socket} or \ex{accept-connection}. For a datagram socket, \var{outport} can be immediately using \ex{send-message}, and \var{inport} can be used after \ex{bind} has created a local address. \ex{close-socket} provides a convenient way to close a socket's port. It is preferred to explicitly closing the inport and outport because using \ex{close} on sockets is not currently portable across operating systems. \end{desc} \defun {port->socket} {port protocol-family} {socket} \begin{desc} This procedure turns \var{port} into a socket object. The port's underlying file descriptor must be a socket with protocol family \var{protocol-family}. \ex{port->socket} applies \ex{dup->inport} and \ex{dup->outport} to \var{port} to create the ports of the socket object. \ex{port->socket} comes in handy for writing servers which run as children of \texttt{inetd}: after receiving a connection \texttt{inetd} creates a socket and passes it as standard input to its child. \end{desc} \section{Socket addresses} The format of a socket-address depends on the address family of the socket. Address-family-specific routines are provided to convert protocol-specific addresses to socket addresses. The value returned by these routines is a \emph{socket-address record}, defined to have the following visible structure: \begin{code} (define-record socket-address family) ; address family\end{code} The \ex{family} is one of the following constants: \begin{code}\codeallowbreaks address-family/unspecified address-family/unix address-family/internet\end{code} \defun {unix-address->socket-address} {pathname} {socket-address} \begin{desc} \ex{unix-address->socket-address} returns a \var{socket-address} based on the string \var{pathname}. There is a system dependent limit on the length of \var{pathname}. \end{desc} \defun {internet-address->socket-address} {host-address service-port} {socket-address} \begin{desc} \ex{internet-address->socket-address} returns a \var{socket-address} based on an integer \var{host-address} and an integer \var{service-port}. Besides being a 32-bit host address, an Internet host address can also be one of the following constants: \begin{code}\codeallowbreaks internet-address/any internet-address/loopback internet-address/broadcast\end{code} The use of \ex{internet-address/any} is described below in \ex{bind-socket}. \ex{internet-address/loopback} is an address that always specifies the local machine. \ex{internet-address/broadcast} is used for network broadcast communications. For information on obtaining a host's address, see the \ex{host-info} function. \end{desc} \defun {socket-address->unix-address} {socket-address} {pathname} \defunx {socket-address->internet-address} {socket-address} {[host-address service-port]} \begin{desc} The routines \ex{socket-address->internet-address} and \ex{socket-address->unix-address} return the address-family-specific addresses. Be aware that most implementations don't correctly return anything more than an empty string for addresses in the {\Unix} address-family. \end{desc} \section{Socket primitives} The procedures in this section are presented in the order in which a typical program will use them. Consult a text on network systems programming for more information on sockets.\footnote{ Some recommended ones are: \begin{itemize} \item ``Unix Network Programming'' by W. Richard Stevens \item ``An Introductory 4.3BSD Interprocess Communication Tutorial.'' (reprinted in UNIX Programmer's Supplementary Documents Volume 1, PS1:7) \item ``An Advanced 4.3BSD Interprocess Communication Tutorial.'' (reprinted in UNIX Programmer's Supplementary Documents Volume 1, PS1:8) \end{itemize} } The last two tutorials are freely available as part of BSD. In the absence of these, your {\Unix} manual pages for socket might be a good starting point for information. \defun {connect-socket} {socket socket-address} \undefined \begin{desc} \ex{connect-socket} sets up a connection from a \var{socket} to a remote \var{socket-address}. A connection has different meanings depending on the socket type. A stream socket must be connected before use. A datagram socket can be connected multiple times, but need not be connected at all if the remote address is specified with each \ex{send-message}, described below. Also, datagram sockets may be disassociated from a remote address by connecting to a null remote address. \end{desc} \defun {connect-socket-no-wait} {socket socket-address} \boolean \defunx {connect-socket-successful?} {socket} \boolean \begin{desc} Just like \ex{connect-socket}, \ex{connect-socket-no-wait} sets up a connection from a \var{socket} to a remote \var{socket-address}. Unlike \ex{connect-socket}, \ex{connect-socket-no-wait} does not block if it cannot establish the connection immediately. Instead it will return \sharpf{} at once. In this case a subsequent \ex{select} on the output port of the socket will report the output port as ready as soon as the operation system has established the connection or as soon as setting up the connection led to an error. Afterwards, the procedure \ex{connect-socket-successful?} can be used to test whether the connection has been established successfully or not. \end{desc} \defun {bind-socket} {socket socket-address} \undefined \begin{desc} \ex{bind-socket} assigns a certain local \var{socket-address} to a \var{socket}. Binding a socket reserves the local address. To receive connections after binding the socket, use \ex{listen-socket} for stream sockets and \ex{receive-message} for datagram sockets. Binding an Internet socket with a host address of \ex{internet-address/any} indicates that the caller does not care to specify from which local network interface connections are received. Binding an Internet socket with a service port number of zero indicates that the caller has no preference as to the port number assigned. Binding a socket in the {\Unix} address family creates a socket special file in the file system that must be deleted before the address can be reused. See \ex{delete-file}. \end{desc} \defun {listen-socket} {socket backlog} \undefined \begin{desc} \ex{listen-socket} allows a stream \var{socket} to start receiving connections, allowing a queue of up to \var{backlog} connection requests. Queued connections may be accepted by \ex{accept-connection}. \end{desc} \defun {accept-connection} {socket} {[new-socket socket-address]} \begin{desc} \ex{accept-connection} receives a connection on a \var{socket}, returning a new socket that can be used for this connection and the remote socket address associated with the connection. \end{desc} \defun {socket-local-address} {socket} {socket-address} \defunx {socket-remote-address} {socket} {socket-address} \begin{desc} Sockets can be associated with a local address or a remote address or both. \ex{socket-local-address} returns the local \var{socket-address} record associated with \var{socket}. \ex{socket-remote-address} returns the remote \var{socket-address} record associated with \var{socket}. \end{desc} \defun {shutdown-socket} {socket how-to} \undefined \begin{desc} \ex{shutdown-socket} shuts down part of a full-duplex socket. The method of shutting done is specified by the \var{how-to} argument, one of: \begin{code}\codeallowbreaks shutdown/receives shutdown/sends shutdown/sends+receives\end{code} \end{desc} \section{Performing input and output on sockets} \defun {receive-message} {socket length [flags]} {[string-or-\sharpf{} socket-address]} \dfnix {receive-message!} {socket string [start] [end] [flags]} {[count-or-\sharpf{} socket-address]}{procedure} {receive-message"!@\texttt{receive-message"!}} \defunx {receive-message/partial} {socket length [flags]} {[string-or-\sharpf{} socket-address]} \dfnix {receive-message!/partial} {socket string [start] [end] [flags]} {[count-or-\sharpf{} socket-address]}{procedure} {receive-message"!/partial@\texttt{receive-message"!/partial}} \defun {send-message} {socket string [start] [end] [flags] [socket-address]} \undefined \defunx {send-message/partial} {socket string [start] [end] [flags] [socket-address]} {count} \begin{desc} For most uses, standard input and output routines such as \ex{read-string} and \ex{write-string} should suffice. However, in some cases an extended interface is required. The \ex{receive-message} and \ex{send-message} calls parallel the \ex{read-string} and \ex{write-string} calls with a similar naming scheme. One additional feature of these routines is that \ex{receive-message} returns the remote \var{socket-address} and \var{send-message} takes an optional remote \ex{socket-address}. This allows a program to know the source of input from a datagram socket and to use a datagram socket for output without first connecting it. All of these procedures take an optional \var{flags} field. This argument is an integer bit-mask, composed by or'ing together the following constants: \begin{code}\codeallowbreaks message/out-of-band message/peek message/dont-route\end{code} See \ex{read-string} and \ex{write-string} for a more detailed description of the arguments and return values. \end{desc} \section{Socket options} \defun {socket-option} {socket level option} {value} \defunx {set-socket-option} {socket level option value} \undefined \begin{desc} \ex{socket-option} and \ex{set-socket-option} allow the inspection and modification, respectively, of several options available on sockets. The \var{level} argument specifies what protocol level is to be examined or affected. A level of \ex{level/socket} specifies the highest possible level that is available on all socket types. A specific protocol number can also be used as provided by \ex{protocol-info}, described below. There are several different classes of socket options. The first class consists of boolean options which can be either true or false. Examples of this option type are: \begin{code}\codeallowbreaks socket/debug socket/accept-connect socket/reuse-address socket/keep-alive socket/dont-route socket/broadcast socket/use-loop-back socket/oob-inline socket/use-privileged socket/cant-signal tcp/no-delay\end{code} Value options are another category of socket options. Options of this type are an integer value. Examples of this option type are: \begin{code}\codeallowbreaks socket/send-buffer socket/receive-buffer socket/send-low-water socket/receive-low-water socket/error socket/type ip/time-to-live tcp/max-segment\end{code} A third option type specifies how long for data to linger after a socket has been closed. There is only one option of this type: \ex{socket/linger}. It is set with either \sharpf to disable it or an integer number of seconds to linger and returns a value of the same type upon inspection. The fourth and final option type of this time is a timeout option. There are two examples of this option type: \ex{socket/send-timeout} and \ex{socket/receive-timeout}. These are set with a real number of microseconds resolution and returns a value of the same type upon inspection. \end{desc} \section{Database-information entries} \defun {host-info} {name-or-socket-address} {host-info} \defunx {network-info} {name-or-socket-address} {network-info or \sharpf} \defunx {service-info} {name-or-number [protocol-name]} {service-info or \sharpf} \defunx {protocol-info} {name-or-number} {protocol-info or \sharpf} \begin{desc} \ex{host-info} allows a program to look up a host entry based on either its string \var{name} or \var{socket-address}. The value returned by this routine is a \emph{host-info record}, defined to have the following structure: \begin{code} (define-record host-info name ; Host name aliases ; Alternative names addresses) ; Host addresses\end{code} \ex{host-info} could fail and raise an error for one of the following reasons: \begin{code}\codeallowbreaks herror/host-not-found herror/try-again herror/no-recovery herror/no-data herror/no-address\end{code} \ex{network-info} allows a program to look up a network entry based on either its string \var{name} or \var{socket-address}. The value returned by this routine is a \emph{network-info record}, defined to have the following structure: \begin{code} (define-record network-info name ; Network name aliases ; Alternative names net) ; Network number\end{code} \ex{service-info} allows a program to look up a service entry based on either its string \var{name} or integer \var{port}. The value returned by this routine is a \emph{service-info record}, defined to have the following structure: \begin{code} (define-record service-info name ; Service name aliases ; Alternative names port ; Port number protocol) ; Protocol name\end{code} \ex{protocol-info} allows a program to look up a protocol entry based on either its string \var{name} or integer \var{number}. The value returned by this routine is a \emph{protocol-info record}, defined to have the following structure: \begin{code} (define-record protocol-info name ; Protocol name aliases ; Alternative names number) ; Protocol number)\end{code} \ex{network-info}, \ex{service-info} and \ex{protocol-info} return \sharpf if the specified entity was not found. \end{desc}