/* Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. */ #include /* for sigaction() (POSIX.1) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for errno, (POSIX?/ANSI) */ #include "sysdep.h" #include "c-mods.h" #include "scheme48vm.h" #include "event.h" /* turning interrupts and I/O readiness into events */ #define block_interrupts() #define allow_interrupts() static void when_keyboard_interrupt(); static void when_alarm_interrupt(); static void when_sigpipe_interrupt(); bool s48_setcatcher(int signum, void (*catcher)(int)); void s48_start_alarm_interrupts(void); void s48_sysdep_init(void) { if (!s48_setcatcher(SIGINT, when_keyboard_interrupt) || !s48_setcatcher(SIGALRM, when_alarm_interrupt) || !s48_setcatcher(SIGPIPE, when_sigpipe_interrupt)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to install signal handlers, errno = %d\n", errno); exit(1); } s48_start_alarm_interrupts(); } /* * Unless a signal is being ignored, set up the handler. * If we return FALSE, something went wrong and errno is set to what. */ bool s48_setcatcher(int signum, void (*catcher)(int)) { struct sigaction sa; if (sigaction(signum, (struct sigaction *)NULL, &sa) != 0) return (FALSE); if (sa.sa_handler == SIG_IGN) return (TRUE); sa.sa_handler = catcher; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; if (sigaction(signum, &sa, (struct sigaction *)NULL) != 0) return (FALSE); return (TRUE); } static long keyboard_interrupt_count = 0; static void when_keyboard_interrupt(int ign) { keyboard_interrupt_count += 1; NOTE_EVENT; return; } /* We turn off SIGPIPE interrupts by installing a handler that does nothing. Turning them off affects exec()'ed programs, so we don't want to do that. Any actual pipe problems are caught when we try to read or write to them. We thank Olin Shivers for this hack. */ static void when_sigpipe_interrupt(int ign) { return; } /* ticks since last timer-interrupt request */ long s48_current_time = 0; static long alarm_time = -1; static long poll_time = -1; static long poll_interval = 5; static void when_alarm_interrupt(int ign) { s48_current_time += 1; /* fprintf(stderr, "[tick]"); */ if ((alarm_time >= 0 && alarm_time <= s48_current_time) || (poll_time >= 0 && poll_time <= s48_current_time)) { NOTE_EVENT; }; return; } #define USEC_PER_POLL (1000000 / POLLS_PER_SECOND) /* delta is in ticks, 0 cancels current alarm */ long s48_schedule_alarm_interrupt(long delta) { long old; /* fprintf(stderr, "\n", s48_current_time, delta/TICKS_PER_POLL); */ /* get remaining time */ if (alarm_time == -1) old = -1; else old = (alarm_time - s48_current_time) * TICKS_PER_POLL; /* decrement poll_time and reset current_time */ if (poll_time != -1) poll_time -= s48_current_time; s48_current_time = 0; /* set alarm_time */ if (delta == 0) { NOTE_EVENT; alarm_time = 0; } else alarm_time = delta / TICKS_PER_POLL; return old; } /* The next two procedures return times in seconds and ticks */ long s48_real_time(long *ticks) { struct timeval tv; static struct timeval tv_orig; static int initp = 0; if (!initp) { gettimeofday(&tv_orig, NULL); initp = 1; }; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); *ticks = (tv.tv_usec - tv_orig.tv_usec)/(1000000/TICKS_PER_SECOND); return tv.tv_sec - tv_orig.tv_sec; } long s48_run_time(long *ticks) { struct tms time_buffer; static long clock_tick = 0; long cpu_time; if (clock_tick == 0) clock_tick = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); /* POSIX.1, POSIX.2 */ times(&time_buffer); /* On Sun, getrusage() would be better */ cpu_time = time_buffer.tms_utime + time_buffer.tms_stime; *ticks = (cpu_time % clock_tick) * TICKS_PER_SECOND / clock_tick; return cpu_time / clock_tick; } void s48_start_alarm_interrupts(void) { struct itimerval new, old; new.it_value.tv_sec = 0; new.it_value.tv_usec = USEC_PER_POLL; new.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; new.it_interval.tv_usec = USEC_PER_POLL; if (0 != setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &new, &old)) { perror("setitimer"); exit(-1); } } void s48_stop_alarm_interrupts(void) { struct itimerval new, old; new.it_value.tv_sec = 0; new.it_value.tv_usec = 0; new.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; new.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; if (0 != setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &new, &old)) { perror("setitimer"); exit(-1); } } /* * ; Scheme version of the get-next-event procedure * ; * ; 1. If there has been a keyboard interrupt, return it. * ; 2. Check for ready ports if enough time has passed since the last check. * ; 3. If there is a ready port, return it. * ; 4. If an alarm is due, return it. * ; 5. If no events are pending, clear the event flags. * (define (get-next-event) * (cond ((> *keyboard-interrupt-count* 0) * (without-interrupts * (lambda () * (set! *keyboard-interrupt-count* * (- *keyboard-interrupt-count* 1)))) * (values (enum event-type keyboard-interrupt) #f #f)) * (else * (cond ((>= *current_time* *poll-time*) * (queue-ready-ports) * (set! *poll-time* (+ *time* *poll-interval*)))) * (cond ((not (queue-empty? ready-ports)) * (values (enum event-type i/o-completion) * (dequeue! ready-ports))) * ((>= *current_time* *alarm-time*) * (set! *alarm-time* max-integer) * (values (enum event-type alarm-interrupt) #f)) * (else * (without-interrupts * (lambda () * (if (and (= *keyboard-interrupt-count* 0) * (> *alarm-time* *current_time*) * (> *poll-time* *current_time*)) * (set! *pending-event?* #f)))) * (values (enum event-type no-event) #f)))))) */ static bool there_are_ready_ports(void); static int next_ready_port(void); static int queue_ready_ports(bool wait, long seconds, long ticks); int s48_get_next_event(long *ready_fd, long *status) { /* extern int s48_os_signal_pending(void); */ int io_poll_status; /* fprintf(stderr, "[poll at %d (waiting for %d)]\n", s48_current_time, alarm_time); */ if (keyboard_interrupt_count > 0) { block_interrupts(); --keyboard_interrupt_count; allow_interrupts(); /* fprintf(stderr, "[keyboard interrupt]\n"); */ return (KEYBOARD_INTERRUPT_EVENT); } if (poll_time != -1 && s48_current_time >= poll_time) { io_poll_status = queue_ready_ports(FALSE, 0, 0); if (io_poll_status == NO_ERRORS) poll_time = s48_current_time + poll_interval; else { *status = io_poll_status; return (ERROR_EVENT); } } if (there_are_ready_ports()) { *ready_fd = next_ready_port(); *status = 0; /* chars read or written */ /* fprintf(stderr, "[i/o completion]\n"); */ return (IO_COMPLETION_EVENT); } if (alarm_time != -1 && s48_current_time >= alarm_time) { alarm_time = -1; /* fprintf(stderr, "[alarm]\n"); */ return (ALARM_EVENT); } /* if (s48_os_signal_pending()) return (OS_SIGNAL_EVENT); */ block_interrupts(); if ((keyboard_interrupt_count == 0) && (alarm_time == -1 || s48_current_time < alarm_time) && (poll_time == -1 || s48_current_time < poll_time)) s48_Spending_eventsPS = FALSE; allow_interrupts(); return (NO_EVENT); } /* * We keep two queues of ports: those that have a pending operation, and * those whose operation has completed. Periodically, we call select() on * the pending ports and move any that are ready onto the other queue and * signal an event. */ #define FD_QUIESCENT 0 /* idle */ #define FD_READY 1 /* I/O ready to be performed */ #define FD_PENDING 2 /* waiting */ typedef struct fd_struct { int fd, /* file descriptor */ status; /* one of the FD_* constants */ bool is_input; /* iff input */ struct fd_struct *next; /* next on same queue */ } fd_struct; /* * A queue of fd_structs is empty iff the first field is NULL. In * that case, lastp points to first. */ typedef struct fdque { fd_struct *first, **lastp; } fdque; static fd_struct *fds[FD_SETSIZE]; static fdque ready = { NULL, &ready.first }, pending = { NULL, &pending.first }; static void findrm(fd_struct *entry, fdque *que); static fd_struct *rmque(fd_struct **link, fdque *que); static void addque(fd_struct *entry, fdque *que); static fd_struct *add_fd(int fd, bool is_input); /* * Find a fd_struct in a queue, and remove it. */ static void findrm(fd_struct *entry, fdque *que) { fd_struct **fp, *f; for (fp = &que->first; (f = *fp) != entry; fp = &f->next) if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: findrm fd %d, status %d not on queue.\n", entry->fd, entry->status); return; } rmque(fp, que); } /* * Given a pointer to the link of a fd_struct, and a pointer to * the queue it is on, remove the entry from the queue. * The entry removed is returned. */ static fd_struct * rmque(fd_struct **link, fdque *que) { fd_struct *res; res = *link; *link = res->next; if (res->next == NULL) que->lastp = link; return (res); } /* * Add a fd_struct to a queue. */ static void addque(fd_struct *entry, fdque *que) { *que->lastp = entry; entry->next = NULL; que->lastp = &entry->next; } static bool there_are_ready_ports(void) { return (ready.first != NULL); } static int next_ready_port(void) { fd_struct *p; p = rmque(&ready.first, &ready); p->status = FD_QUIESCENT; return (p->fd); } /* * Put fd on to the queue of ports with pending operations. * Return TRUE if successful, and FALSE otherwise. */ bool s48_add_pending_fd(int fd, bool is_input) { fd_struct *data; if (! (0 <= fd && fd < FD_SETSIZE)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: add_pending fd %d not in [0, %d)\n", fd, FD_SETSIZE); return (FALSE); } data = fds[fd]; if (data == NULL) { data = add_fd(fd, is_input); if (data == NULL) return (FALSE); /* no more memory */ } else if (data->status == FD_PENDING) return (TRUE); /* fd is already pending */ else if (data->status == FD_READY) findrm(data, &ready); data->status = FD_PENDING; addque(data, &pending); if (poll_time == -1) poll_time = s48_current_time + poll_interval; return TRUE; } /* * Add a new fd_struct for fd. */ static fd_struct * add_fd(int fd, bool is_input) { struct fd_struct *new; new = (struct fd_struct *)malloc(sizeof(*new)); if (new != NULL) { new->fd = fd; new->status = FD_QUIESCENT; new->is_input = is_input; new->next = NULL; fds[fd] = new; } return (new); } /* * Remove fd from any queues it is on. Returns true if the FD was on a queue * and false if it wasn't. */ bool s48_remove_fd(int fd) { struct fd_struct *data; if (! (0 <= fd && fd < FD_SETSIZE)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: s48_remove_fd fd %d not in [0, %d)\n", fd, FD_SETSIZE); return FALSE; } data = fds[fd]; if (data == NULL) return FALSE; if (data->status == FD_PENDING) { findrm(data, &pending); if (pending.first == NULL) poll_time = -1; } else if (data->status == FD_READY) findrm(data, &ready); free((void *)data); fds[fd] = NULL; return TRUE; } int s48_wait_for_event(long max_wait, bool is_minutes) { int status; long seconds, ticks; /* fprintf(stderr, "[waiting]\n"); */ s48_stop_alarm_interrupts(); ticks = 0; if (max_wait == -1) seconds = -1; else if (is_minutes) seconds = max_wait * 60; else { seconds = max_wait / TICKS_PER_SECOND; ticks = max_wait % TICKS_PER_SECOND; } if (keyboard_interrupt_count > 0) status = NO_ERRORS; else { status = queue_ready_ports(TRUE, seconds, ticks); if (there_are_ready_ports()) NOTE_EVENT; } s48_start_alarm_interrupts(); return (status); } /* * Call select() on the pending ports and move any ready ones to the ready * queue. If wait is true, seconds is either -1 (wait forever) or the * maximum number of seconds to wait (with ticks any additional ticks). * The returned value is a status code. */ static int queue_ready_ports(bool wait, long seconds, long ticks) { fd_set reads, writes, alls; int limfd; fd_struct *fdp, **fdpp; int left; struct timeval tv, *tvp; if ((! wait) && (pending.first == NULL)) return (NO_ERRORS); FD_ZERO(&reads); FD_ZERO(&writes); FD_ZERO(&alls); limfd = 0; for (fdp = pending.first; fdp != NULL; fdp = fdp->next) { FD_SET(fdp->fd, fdp->is_input ? &reads : &writes); FD_SET(fdp->fd, &alls); if (limfd <= fdp->fd) limfd = fdp->fd + 1; } tvp = &tv; if (wait) if (seconds == -1) tvp = NULL; else { tv.tv_sec = seconds; tv.tv_usec = ticks * (1000000 / TICKS_PER_SECOND); } else timerclear(&tv); while(TRUE) { left = select(limfd, &reads, &writes, &alls, tvp); if (left > 0) { fdpp = &pending.first; while (left > 0 && (fdp = *fdpp) != NULL) if ((FD_ISSET(fdp->fd, &alls)) || (FD_ISSET(fdp->fd, fdp->is_input ? &reads : &writes))) { --left; rmque(fdpp, &pending); fdp->status = FD_READY; addque(fdp, &ready); } else fdpp = &fdp->next; if (pending.first == NULL) poll_time = -1; return NO_ERRORS; } else if (left == 0) return NO_ERRORS; else if (errno == EINTR) { tvp = &tv; /* turn off blocking and try again */ timerclear(tvp); } else return errno; } }