; -*- Mode: Scheme; Syntax: Scheme; Package: Scheme; -*-
; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.

; To load the VM into Scheme 48:
;   ,exec ,load load-vm.scm
; You must have already loaded Pre-Scheme.
; Then, for example,
;  (start-vm "=scheme48/../../build/initial.image" 4000000 20000 '#())
; in the user package will start up the VM with the initial image.
; Be patient.  It will take a while.  Running the initial image as
; above on a SGI Indy (100 mhz R4000) it took over 70 minutes to
; get the - prompt.  scheme48.image starts up faster as it does little
; in the way of initialization.  See below for a way to build a small
; image that will start up quickly.
; You will need to have a large heap to start with. -h 12000000 works
; for loading the initial image in version 0.35, smaller heaps may also
; work.
; To send input to the VM, do the following:
;  Breakpoint: Waiting
;  1> ,in interpreter (set! s48-*pending-events?* #t)
;  1> ,proceed
;  (+ 2 3)                             ; this will be read by the loaded VM
;  Call to (schedule-interrupt 200)    ; output noise
;  Call to (schedule-interrupt 200)
;  Call to (schedule-interrupt 200)
;  5                                   ; the answer
;  > Call to (schedule-interrupt 200)  ; prompt by the loaded S48
;  Breakpoint: Waiting
;  1>                                  ; prompt by the base S48
; There can't be a pause between the `,proceed 0' and the input for
; the loaded VM.  This is easy to accomplish running under Emacs.
; If there is a pause you will hit the breakpoint again and the
; `(+ 2 3)' or whatever will be read by the base system.
; It is easier to debug changes to the VM using images smaller than
; the usual build/initial.image and scheme48.image.  What I usually
; do is modify scheme/debug/tiny.scm so that it runs the code I want
; to test and then build scheme/debug/tiny.image.  The version that
; comes with the system prints `Hello' and the first command argument,
; if any, then reads a line from standard input and prints it to
; standard output.  The image file is less than 12k bytes in size so
; it starts up much faster than the larger images.  Here is a transcript:
;    % make scheme/debug/tiny.image
;    (echo ',batch' && echo ',bench on'; \
;    echo \(load-configuration \"scheme/debug/tiny-packages.scm\"\); \
;    echo \(link-simple-system \'\(scheme/debug tiny\) \'start tiny-system\)) \
;    | ./scheme48vm -h 5000000 -i build/linker.image
;    Welcome to Scheme 48 0.45 (suspended image).
;    Copyright (c) 1993, 1994 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees.
;    Copyright (c) 1996 by NEC Research Institute, Inc.
;    Please report bugs to scheme-48-bugs@martigny.ai.mit.edu.
;    Type ,? (comma question-mark) for help.
;    > Will exit on errors
;    Will compile some calls in line
;    scheme/debug/tiny-packages.scm 
;    [tiny-system
;    scheme/debug/tiny.scm ]
;    Writing scheme/debug/tiny.debug
;    % ./scheme48vm -i scheme/debug/tiny.image -a the-argument
;    Correcting byte order of resumed image.
;    Hello the-argument
;    now I type a line to be echoed
;    now I type a line to be echoed
;    % 
; When modifying scheme/debug/tiny.scm you have to keep in mind that
; you can only use the basic system: only the standard special forms
; (no LET, for example) and only the primitives implemented by the
; VM (no MAP, etc.).  

(load "interfaces.scm")
(load "s48-package-defs.scm")
(load "package-defs.scm")
(load-package 'destructuring)  ; used in FOR-SYNTAX clause
(load-package 'bigbit)
(load-package 'vm)

(open 'ps-memory)
(open 'vm)
(open 'heap-init)
(open 'images)
(open 'memory-debug)

(run '
(define (start-vm image-file heap-size stack-size start-args)
  (let ((needed-space (+ (quotient (s48-check-image-header image-file) 4))))
    (cond ((< heap-size (* 16 needed-space))
           (display "Heap too small, want at least ")
           (display (* 16 needed-space))
           (let ((heap (allocate-memory heap-size))
                 (stack (allocate-memory stack-size)))
	     (s48-initialize-heap heap (quotient heap-size 4))
	     (s48-initialize-vm stack (quotient stack-size 4))
	     (s48-call-startup-procedure start-args
					 (vector-length start-args)))))))