; -*- Mode: Scheme; Syntax: Scheme; Package: Scheme; -*- ; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; A little Scheme reader. ; Nonstandard things used: ; Ascii stuff: char->ascii, ascii->char, ascii-whitespaces, ascii-limit ; (for dispatch table; portable definitions in alt/ascii.scm) ; reverse-list->string -- ok to define as follows: ; (define (reverse-list->string l n) ; (list->string (reverse l))) ; make-immutable! -- ok to define as follows: ; (define (make-immutable! x) x) ; signal (only for use by reading-error; easily excised) ;scsh start (define preferred-case (lambda (x) x)) (define (script-skip c port) (read-char port) (let lp ((state 0)) (let ((advance-if (lambda (look-for) (let ((c (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? c) (reading-error port "EOF inside block comment -- #! missing a closing !#") (lp (cond ((char=? c look-for) (+ state 1)) ((char=? c #\newline) 1) ((char=? c cr) state) (else 0)))))))) (case state ((0) (advance-if #\newline)) ((1) (advance-if #\!)) ; Found \n ((2) (advance-if #\#)) ; Found \n! ((3) (advance-if #\newline)) ; Found \n!# ((4) (read port)) (else (reading-error port "case other")))))) ; Found \n!#\n -- done. ; was sub-read ^ ; scsh stop (define (read . port-option) (let ((port (input-port-option port-option))) (let loop () (let ((form (sub-read port))) (cond ((not (reader-token? form)) form) ((eq? form close-paren) ;; Too many right parens. (warn "discarding extraneous right parenthesis") (loop)) (else (reading-error port (cdr form)))))))) (define (sub-read-carefully port) (let ((form (sub-read port))) (cond ((eof-object? form) (reading-error port "unexpected end of file")) ((reader-token? form) (reading-error port (cdr form))) (else form)))) (define reader-token-marker (list 'reader-token)) (define (make-reader-token message) (cons reader-token-marker message)) (define (reader-token? form) (and (pair? form) (eq? (car form) reader-token-marker))) (define close-paren (make-reader-token "unexpected right parenthesis")) (define dot (make-reader-token "unexpected \" . \"")) ; Main dispatch (define (sub-read port) (let ((c (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? c) c ((vector-ref read-dispatch-vector (char->ascii c)) c port)))) (define read-dispatch-vector (make-vector ascii-limit (lambda (c port) (reading-error port "illegal character read" c)))) (define read-terminating?-vector (make-vector ascii-limit #t)) (define (set-standard-syntax! char terminating? reader) (vector-set! read-dispatch-vector (char->ascii char) reader) (vector-set! read-terminating?-vector (char->ascii char) terminating?)) (let ((sub-read-whitespace (lambda (c port) c ;ignored (sub-read port)))) (for-each (lambda (c) (vector-set! read-dispatch-vector c sub-read-whitespace)) ascii-whitespaces)) (let ((sub-read-constituent (lambda (c port) (parse-token (sub-read-token c port) port)))) (for-each (lambda (c) (set-standard-syntax! c #f sub-read-constituent)) (string->list (string-append "!$%&*+-./0123456789:<=>?@^_~ABCDEFGHIJKLM" "NOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")))) ; Usual read macros (define (set-standard-read-macro! c terminating? proc) (set-standard-syntax! c terminating? proc)) (define (sub-read-list c port) (let ((form (sub-read port))) (if (eq? form dot) (reading-error port "missing car -- ( immediately followed by .") (let recur ((form form)) (cond ((eof-object? form) (reading-error port "end of file inside list -- unbalanced parentheses")) ((eq? form close-paren) '()) ((eq? form dot) (let* ((last-form (sub-read-carefully port)) (another-form (sub-read port))) (if (eq? another-form close-paren) last-form (reading-error port "randomness after form after dot" another-form)))) (else (cons form (recur (sub-read port))))))))) (set-standard-read-macro! #\( #t sub-read-list) (set-standard-read-macro! #\) #t (lambda (c port) c port close-paren)) (set-standard-read-macro! #\' #t (lambda (c port) c (list 'quote (sub-read-carefully port)))) (set-standard-read-macro! #\` #t (lambda (c port) c (list 'quasiquote (sub-read-carefully port)))) (set-standard-read-macro! #\, #t (lambda (c port) c (let* ((next (peek-char port)) ;; DO NOT beta-reduce! (keyword (cond ((eof-object? next) (reading-error port "end of file after ,")) ((char=? next #\@) (read-char port) 'unquote-splicing) (else 'unquote)))) (list keyword (sub-read-carefully port))))) ;(set-standard-read-macro! #\" #t ; (lambda (c port) ; c ;ignored ; (let loop ((l '()) (i 0)) ; (let ((c (read-char port))) ; (cond ((eof-object? c) ; (reading-error port "end of file within a string")) ; ((char=? c #\\) ; (let ((c (read-char port))) ; (cond ((eof-object? c) ; (reading-error port "end of file within a string")) ; ((or (char=? c #\\) (char=? c #\")) ; (loop (cons c l) (+ i 1))) ; (else ; (reading-error port ; "invalid escaped character in string" ; c))))) ; ((char=? c #\") ; (reverse-list->string l i)) ; (else ; (loop (cons c l) (+ i 1)))))))) (set-standard-read-macro! #\; #t (lambda (c port) c ;ignored (gobble-line port) (sub-read port))) (define (gobble-line port) (let loop () (let ((c (read-char port))) (cond ((eof-object? c) c) ((char=? c #\newline) #f) (else (loop)))))) (define *sharp-macros* '()) (define (define-sharp-macro c proc) (set! *sharp-macros* (cons (cons c proc) *sharp-macros*))) (set-standard-read-macro! #\# #f (lambda (c port) c ;ignored (let* ((c (peek-char port)) (c (if (eof-object? c) (reading-error port "end of file after #") (char-downcase c))) (probe (assq c *sharp-macros*))) (if probe ((cdr probe) c port) (reading-error port "unknown # syntax" c))))) (define-sharp-macro #\f (lambda (c port) (read-char port) #f)) (define-sharp-macro #\t (lambda (c port) (read-char port) #t)) (define-sharp-macro #\\ (lambda (c port) (read-char port) (let ((c (peek-char port))) (cond ((eof-object? c) (reading-error port "end of file after #\\")) ((char-alphabetic? c) (let ((name (sub-read-carefully port))) (cond ((= (string-length (symbol->string name)) 1) c) ((assq name '((space #\space) (newline #\newline))) => cadr) (else (reading-error port "unknown #\\ name" name))))) (else (read-char port) c))))) (define-sharp-macro #\( (lambda (c port) (read-char port) (list->vector (sub-read-list c port)))) (let ((number-sharp-macro (lambda (c port) (let ((string (sub-read-token #\# port))) (or (string->number string) (reading-error port "unsupported number syntax" string)))))) (for-each (lambda (c) (define-sharp-macro c number-sharp-macro)) '(#\b #\o #\d #\x #\i #\e))) (define-sharp-macro #\! script-skip) ; Tokens (define (sub-read-token c port) (let loop ((l (list (preferred-case c))) (n 1)) (let ((c (peek-char port))) (cond ((or (eof-object? c) (vector-ref read-terminating?-vector (char->ascii c))) (reverse-list->string l n)) (else (read-char port) (loop (cons (preferred-case c) l) (+ n 1))))))) ;(define (parse-token string port) ; (if (let ((c (string-ref string 0))) ; (or (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-) (char=? c #\.))) ; (cond ((string->number string)) ; ((member string strange-symbol-names) ; (string->symbol (make-immutable! string))) ; ((string=? string ".") ; dot) ; (else ; (reading-error port "unsupported number syntax" string))) ; (string->symbol (make-immutable! string)))) ; scsh start (define (parse-token string port) (if (let ((c (string-ref string 0))) (or (char-numeric? c) (char=? c #\+) (char=? c #\-) (char=? c #\.))) (cond ((string->number string)) ((string=? string ".") dot) (else (string->symbol (make-immutable! string)))) (string->symbol (make-immutable! string)))) (set-standard-syntax! #\| #f (lambda (c port) (parse-token (sub-read-token c port) port))) (define bel (ascii->char 7)) (define bs (ascii->char 8)) (define ff (ascii->char 12)) (define cr (ascii->char 13)) (define ht (ascii->char 9)) (define vt (ascii->char 11)) ;;; Full ANSI C strings: ;;; - read as themselves: \\ \? \" \' ;;; - control chars: ;;; \a alert (bell -- ^g) ;;; \b backspace (^h) ;;; \f form feed (^l) ;;; \n newline (^j) ;;; \r carriage return (^m) ;;; \t tab (^i) ;;; \v vertical tab (^k) ;;; - octal escapes \nnn ;;; - hex escapes \xnn ;;; Is this the elegant thing to do? Too much might make it hard to shift ;;; to Unicode implementations. How about \^g for embedding control chars? ;;; And I haven't done anything about chars (as opposed to strings). (set-standard-read-macro! #\" #t (lambda (c port) c ;ignored (let* ((readc (lambda () (let ((c (read-char port))) (if (eof-object? c) (reading-error port "end of file within a string") c)))) (read-digit (lambda (base base-name) (let* ((c (readc)) (d (- (char->ascii c) (char->ascii #\0)))) (if (and (<= 0 d) (< d base)) d (reading-error port (string-append "invalid " base-name " code in string.") d)))))) (let loop ((l '()) (i 0)) (let ((c (readc))) (cond ((char=? c #\\) (let* ((c (readc)) (rc (case c ((#\\ #\" #\? #\') c) ((#\a) bel) ((#\b) bs) ((#\f) ff) ((#\n) #\newline) ((#\r) cr) ((#\t) ht) ((#\v) vt) ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3) (let* ((d1 (- (char->ascii c) (char->ascii #\0))) (d2 (read-digit 8 "octal")) (d3 (read-digit 8 "octal"))) (ascii->char (+ (* 64 d1) (+ (* 8 d2) d3))))) ((#\x) (let ((d1 (read-digit 16 "hex")) (d2 (read-digit 16 "hex"))) (ascii->char (+ (* 16 d1) d2)))) (else (reading-error port "invalid escapedcharacter in string" c))))) (loop (cons rc l) (+ i 1)))) ((char=? c #\") (reverse-list->string l i)) (else (loop (cons c l) (+ i 1))))))))) ;scsh stop (define strange-symbol-names '("+" "-" "..." "1+" "-1+" ;Only for S&ICP support "->" ;Only for JAR's thesis )) ;--- This loses because the compiler won't in-line it. Hacked by hand ; because it is in READ's inner loop. ;(define preferred-case ; (if (char=? (string-ref (symbol->string 't) 0) #\T) ; char-upcase ; char-downcase)) (define p-c-v (make-string ascii-limit #\0)) (let ((p-c (if (char=? (string-ref (symbol->string 't) 0) #\T) char-upcase char-downcase))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((>= i ascii-limit)) (string-set! p-c-v i (p-c (ascii->char i))))) ;(define (preferred-case c) ; (string-ref p-c-v (char->ascii c))) ; Reader errors (define (reading-error port message . irritants) (apply signal 'read-error message (append irritants (list port))))