; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; This for compatibility with pre-0.53 code. ; [This is a kludge. Richard is loathe to include it in the ; distribution.] ; Reads arch.scm and data.scm and writes out a C .h file with constants ; and macros for dealing with Scheme 48 data structures. ; Needs Big Scheme. ; (make-c-header-file "scheme48.h" "vm/arch.scm" "vm/data.scm") (define (make-c-header-file c-file arch-file data-file) (receive (stob-list stob-data) (search-file arch-file '("stob enumeration" "(define stob-data ...)") (defines-enum? 'stob) enum-definition-list (lambda (x) (and (eq? (car x) 'define) (eq? (cadr x) 'stob-data))) (lambda (x) (cadr (caddr x)))) (receive (tag-list immediate-list) (search-file data-file '("tag enumeration" "imm enumeration") (defines-enum? 'tag) enum-definition-list (defines-enum? 'imm) enum-definition-list) (with-output-to-file c-file (lambda () (format #t "typedef long scheme_value;~%~%") (tag-stuff tag-list) (newline) (immediate-stuff immediate-list) (newline) (stob-stuff stob-list stob-data)))))) (define (tag-stuff tag-list) (do ((tags tag-list (cdr tags)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((null? tags)) (let ((name (upcase (car tags)))) (c-define "~A_TAG ~D" name i) (c-define "~AP(x) (((long)(x) & 3L) == ~A_TAG)" name name))) (newline) (c-define "ENTER_FIXNUM(n) ((scheme_value)((n) << 2))") (c-define "EXTRACT_FIXNUM(x) ((long)(x) >> 2)")) (define (immediate-stuff imm-list) (c-define "MISC_IMMEDIATE(n) (scheme_value)(IMMEDIATE_TAG | ((n) << 2))") (do ((imm imm-list (cdr imm)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((null? imm)) (let ((name (upcase (car imm)))) (c-define "SCH~A MISC_IMMEDIATE(~D)" name i))) (c-define "UNDEFINED SCHUNDEFINED") (c-define "UNSPECIFIC SCHUNSPECIFIC") (newline) (c-define "ENTER_BOOLEAN(n) ((n) ? SCHTRUE : SCHFALSE)") (c-define "EXTRACT_BOOLEAN(x) ((x) != SCHFALSE)") (newline) (c-define "ENTER_CHAR(c) (SCHCHAR | ((c) << 8))") (c-define "EXTRACT_CHAR(x) ((x) >> 8)") (c-define "CHARP(x) ((((long) (x)) & 0xff) == SCHCHAR)")) (define (stob-stuff stob-list stob-data) (let ((type-mask (let ((len (length stob-list))) (do ((i 2 (* i 2))) ((>= i len) (- i 1)))))) (c-define "ADDRESS_AFTER_HEADER(x, type) ((type *)((x) - STOB_TAG))") (c-define "STOB_REF(x, i) ((ADDRESS_AFTER_HEADER(x, long))[i])") (c-define "STOB_TYPE(x) ((STOB_HEADER(x)>>2)&~D)" type-mask) (c-define "STOB_HEADER(x) (STOB_REF((x),-1))") (c-define "STOB_BLENGTH(x) (STOB_HEADER(x) >> 8)") (c-define "STOB_LLENGTH(x) (STOB_HEADER(x) >> 10)") (newline) (do ((stob stob-list (cdr stob)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((null? stob)) (let ((name (upcase (if (eq? (car stob) 'byte-vector) 'code-vector (car stob))))) (c-define "STOBTYPE_~A ~D" name i) (c-define "~AP(x) (STOBP(x) && (STOB_TYPE(x) == STOBTYPE_~A))" name name))) (newline) (for-each (lambda (data) (do ((accs (cdddr data) (cdr accs)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((null? accs)) (let ((name (upcase (caar accs)))) (c-define "~A(x) STOB_REF(x, ~D)" name i)))) stob-data) (newline) (c-define "VECTOR_LENGTH(x) STOB_LLENGTH(x)") (c-define "VECTOR_REF(x, i) STOB_REF(x, i)") (c-define "CODE_VECTOR_LENGTH(x) STOB_BLENGTH(x)") (c-define "CODE_VECTOR_REF(x, i) (ADDRESS_AFTER_HEADER(x, unsigned char)[i])") (c-define "STRING_LENGTH(x) (STOB_BLENGTH(x)-1)") (c-define "STRING_REF(x, i) (ADDRESS_AFTER_HEADER(x, char)[i])"))) ; - becomes _ > becomes TO_ (so -> turns into _TO_) ; ? becomes P (define (upcase symbol) (do ((chars (string->list (symbol->string symbol)) (cdr chars)) (res '() (case (car chars) ((#\>) (append (string->list "_OT") res)) ((#\-) (cons #\_ res)) ((#\?) (cons #\P res)) (else (cons (char-upcase (car chars)) res))))) ((null? chars) (list->string (reverse res))))) (define (c-define string . stuff) (format #t "#define ~?~%" string stuff)) (define (defines-enum? name) (lambda (x) (and (eq? (car x) 'define-enumeration) (eq? (cadr x) name)))) (define enum-definition-list caddr) ; STUFF is list of ((predicate . extract) . name). <name> is replaced ; with the value when it is found. (define (search-file file what-for . pred+extract) (let ((stuff (do ((p+e pred+extract (cddr p+e)) (names what-for (cdr names)) (ps '() (cons (cons (cons (car p+e) (cadr p+e)) (car names)) ps))) ((null? p+e) (reverse ps))))) (define (search next not-found) (let loop ((n-f not-found) (checked '())) (cond ((null? n-f) #f) (((caaar n-f) next) (set-cdr! (car n-f) ((cdaar n-f) next)) (append (reverse checked) (cdr n-f))) (else (loop (cdr n-f) (cons (car n-f) checked)))))) (with-input-from-file file (lambda () (let loop ((not-found stuff)) (let ((next (read))) (cond ((null? not-found) (apply values (map cdr stuff))) ((eof-object? next) (error "file ~S doesn't have ~A" file (cdar not-found))) (else (loop (or (and (pair? next) (search next not-found)) not-found))))))))))