; Copyright (c) 1994 by Richard Kelsey. See file COPYING. ; Inferencer needs to recognize predicates as such. ; Also accessors if we want to get pattern matching working properly. ; So we make a (predicate <record>) type. ; ; The inferencer needs to come up with true and false assertions for ; each expression. Assertion is either bottom or a list of ; (<predicate> <exp> <#t-or-#f>) indicating predicates that are true ; or false for that value of the expression. ; ; No. For each expression we know its type, so we know exactly what ; variants are possible. All we need to keep track of is (<exp> <variants>). ; The variants can be encoded as a bitset. ; #t -> () ; #f ; #f -> #f ; () ; (<predicate> <exp>) -> ((<predicate> <exp> #t)) ; ((<predicate> <exp> #f)) ; (IF <test> <cons> <alt>) -> (or (and <test>t <cons>t) ; (and <test>f <alt>t)) ; (or (and <test>t <cons>f) ; (and <test>f <alt>f)) ; (and #f S) -> #f ; (and S1 S2) -> (union S1 S2) ; (and ((e set1)) ((e set2))) -> #f if set3 = 0 ; ((e set3)) otherwise ; where set3 = (bitwise-and set1 set2) ; (or S1 S2) -> (intersection S1 S2) ; (or ((e set1)) ((e set2))) -> ((e (bitwise-ior set1 set2))) ; ; (begin ... <last>) -> <last>t ; <last>f ; similarly for LETREC etc. ; ; NOT won't be inlined yet, so it will have to be known to the inferencer. ; The usual OR macro won't work either, because the LET won't be understood. ; That too will have to be primitive, and thus primitive in the interpreter ; as well. AND should work find as-is. ; ; NOT and OR can be ignored for the moment. ; ; (IF <test> <cons> <alt>) asserts <test>t values while checking <cons> ; and <test>f while checking <alt>. ; ; There are so few rules that there is no need to have two separate ; sets of inference rules. Just have an entry point that drops the ; assertions for those places that don't care. ; ; As a first cut the expressions in assertions can only be variables. ; Also, since the assertions are type assertions, an assertion list can ; have only one true assertion for any given expression. (define-record-type assertion (value ; variable (or, later, slot) whose value is being asserted type ; the union type we are making assertions about variants ; bitset of allowable variants ; slots ; for assertions about particular slots, should we ever get that far ) ()) (define make-assertion assertion-maker) (define (copy-assertion assert new-variants) (assertion-maker (assertion-value assert) (assertion-type assert) new-variants)) ; To make merging simpler, assertion lists are sorted by variable-id. ; Union of two assertion lists. (define (assertion-and l1 l2) (if (and l1 l2) (real-assertion-and l1 l2) #f)) (define (real-assertion-and l1 l2) (let loop ((l1 l1) (l2 l2) (res '())) (cond ((null? l1) (append (reverse res) l2)) ((null? l2) (append (reverse res) l1)) (else (let ((i1 (variable-id (assertion-value (car l1)))) (i2 (variable-id (assertion-value (car l2))))) (cond ((< i1 i2) (loop (cdr l1) l2 (cons (car l1) res))) ((< i2 i1) (loop l1 (cdr l2) (cons (car l2) res))) (else (let ((variants (set-and (assertion-variants (car l1)) (assertion-variants (car l2))))) (if (null-set? variants) #f (loop (cdr l1) (cdr l2) (cons (copy-assertion (car l1) variants) res))))))))))) ; Intersection of two assertion lists. (define (assertion-or l1 l2) (if l1 (if l2 (real-assertion-or l1 l2) l1) #f)) (define (real-assertion-or l1 l2) (let loop ((l1 l1) (l2 l2) (res '())) (if (or (null? l1) (null? l2)) (reverse res) (let ((i1 (variable-id (assertion-value (car l1)))) (i2 (variable-id (assertion-value (car l2))))) (cond ((< i1 i2) (loop (cdr l1) l2 res)) ((< i2 i1) (loop l1 (cdr l2) res)) (else (loop (cdr l1) (cdr l2) (let ((variants (set-ior (assertion-variants (car l1)) (assertion-variants (car l2))))) (if (set-eq? variants (full-variant-set (assertion-type (car l1)))) (cons (copy-assertion (car l1) variants) res) res))))))))) ;---------------- ; Use shallow binding to install the types provided by ASSERTIONS while ; THUNK is evaluated. (define (with-assertions assertions thunk) (let ((old-types (map install-assertion! assertions))) (thunk) (for-each (lambda (assert type) (set-variable-type! (assertion-value assert) type)) assertions old-types))) (define (install-assertion! assert) (let ((type (variable-type (assertion-value assert)))) (set-variable-type! (assertion-value assert) (get-union-subtype (assertion-type assert) (assertion-variants assert))) type))