;;; Time interface for scsh.
;;; Copyright (c) 1994 by Olin Shivers.

;;; Should I have a (FILL-IN-DATE! date) procedure that fills in
;;; the redundant info in a date record?
;;; - month-day & month defined -> week-day & year-day filled in.
;;; - month-day and year-day filled in from week-day and year-day
;;;   (not provided by mktime(), but can be synthesized)
;;; - If tz-secs and tz-name not defined, filled in from current time zone.
;;; - If tz-name not defined, fabbed from tz-secs.
;;; - If tz-secs not defined, filled in from tz-name.

;;; A TIME is an instant in the history of the universe; it is location
;;; independent, barring relativistic effects. It is measured as the
;;; number of seconds elapsed since "epoch" -- January 1, 1970 UTC.

;;; A DATE is a *local* name for an instant in time -- which instant
;;; it names depends on your time zone (February 23, 1994 4:37 pm happens 
;;; at different moments in Boston and Hong Kong).

;;; DATE definition
;;; We hack this so the date maker can take take the last three slots
;;; as optional arguments.

(define-record %date	; A Posix tm struct
  seconds	; Seconds after the minute (0-59)
  minute	; Minutes after the hour (0-59)
  hour   	; Hours since midnight (0-23)
  month-day	; Day of the month (1-31)
  month   	; Months since January (0-11)
  year    	; Years since 1900
  tz-name	; Time zone as a string.
  tz-secs	; Time zone as an integer: seconds west of UTC.
  summer?	; Summer time (Daylight savings) in effect?
  week-day	; Days since Sunday (0-6)	; Redundant
  year-day)	; Days since Jan. 1 (0-365)	; Redundant

(define date? %date?)

(define date:seconds	%date:seconds)
(define date:minute	%date:minute)
(define date:hour	%date:hour)
(define date:month-day	%date:month-day)
(define date:month	%date:month)
(define date:year	%date:year)
(define date:tz-name	%date:tz-name)
(define date:tz-secs	%date:tz-secs)
(define date:summer?	%date:summer?)
(define date:week-day	%date:week-day)
(define date:year-day	%date:year-day)

(define set-date:seconds	set-%date:seconds)
(define set-date:minute		set-%date:minute)
(define set-date:hour		set-%date:hour)
(define set-date:month-day	set-%date:month-day)
(define set-date:month		set-%date:month)
(define set-date:year		set-%date:year)
(define set-date:tz-name	set-%date:tz-name)
(define set-date:tz-secs	set-%date:tz-secs)
(define set-date:summer?	set-%date:summer?)
(define set-date:week-day	set-%date:week-day)
(define set-date:year-day	set-%date:year-day)

(define modify-date:seconds	modify-%date:seconds)
(define modify-date:minute	modify-%date:minute)
(define modify-date:hour	modify-%date:hour)
(define modify-date:month-day	modify-%date:month-day)
(define modify-date:month	modify-%date:month)
(define modify-date:year	modify-%date:year)
(define modify-date:tz-name	modify-%date:tz-name)
(define modify-date:tz-secs	modify-%date:tz-secs)
(define modify-date:summer?	modify-%date:summer?)
(define modify-date:week-day	modify-%date:week-day)
(define modify-date:year-day	modify-%date:year-day)

(define (make-date s mi h md mo y . args)
  (let-optionals args ((tzn #f) (tzs #f) (s?  #f) (wd  0)  (yd  0))
    (make-%date s mi h md mo y tzn tzs s? wd yd)))

;;; Not exported to interface.
(define (time-zone? x)
  (or (integer? x)	; Seconds offset from UTC.
      (string? x)	; Time zone name, e.g. "EDT"
      (not x)))		; Local time

;;; Time

; TICKS/SEC is defined in OS-dependent code.
; C fun is OS-dependent
; TODO: all C files are identical, so move it to time1.c
; returns (list secs ticks)
(import-os-error-syscall %time+ticks () "time_plus_ticks")

(define (time+ticks)
  (apply values (%time+ticks)))

(define (time+ticks->time secs ticks)
  (+ secs (/ ticks (ticks/sec))))

(import-os-error-syscall %time () "scheme_time")

(import-os-error-syscall %date->time
  (sec min hour month-day month year
       tz-name	; #f or string
       tz-secs	; #f or int
       summer?) "date2time")

(define (time . args) ; optional arg [date]
  (if (pair? args)
      (if (null? (cdr args))
	  (let ((date (check-arg date? (car args) time)))
	    (let ((err?.time
		   (%date->time (date:seconds   date)
				(date:minute    date)
				(date:hour      date)
				(date:month-day date)
				(date:month     date)
				(date:year      date)
				(date:tz-name   date) ; #f or string
				(date:tz-secs   date) ; #f or int
				(date:summer?   date))))
	      (if (car err?.time)
		  (error "Error converting date to time." args)
		  (cdr err?.time))))
	  (error "Too many arguments to TIME procedure" args))
      (%time)))	; Fast path for (time).

;;; Date
(import-os-error-syscall %time->date (time zone) "time2date")

(define (date . args)	; Optional args [time zone]
  (let ((time (if (pair? args)
		  (real->exact-integer (check-arg real? (car args) date))
	(zone (check-arg time-zone?
			 (and (pair? args) (:optional (cdr args) #f))
     (lambda (seconds minute hour month-day month
	      year tz-name tz-secs summer? week-day year-day)
       (make-%date seconds minute hour month-day month
		   (format-time-zone (or tz-name "UTC") tz-secs)
		   tz-secs summer? week-day year-day))
     (%time->date time zone))))

;;; Formatting date strings

(define (date->string date)	; Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973
  (format-date "~a ~b ~d ~H:~M:~S ~Y" date))

(define (format-date fmt date)
  (check-arg date? date format-date)
  (let ((result
	   (%format-date fmt
			 (date:seconds   date)
			 (date:minute    date)
			 (date:hour      date)
			 (date:month-day date)
			 (date:month     date)
			 (date:year      date)
			 (if (string? (date:tz-name date))
			     (date:tz-name date)
			     (deintegerize-time-zone (date:tz-secs date)))
			 (date:summer?   date)
			 (date:week-day  date)
			 (date:year-day  date))))
    (cond ((not result) (error "~ without argument in format-date" fmt))
	  (else result))))

(import-os-error-syscall %format-date 
  (fmt seconds minute hour month-day month year tz-name summer? week-day 


;;; Obsoleted, since DATE records now include time zone info.
;;; If you want the UTC offset, just do (date:tz-secs (date [time tz])).
;(define (utc-offset . args) ; Optional args [time tz]
;  (let ((tim (if (pair? args)
;		 (real->exact-integer (check-arg real? (car args) utc-offset))
;		 (time)))
;	(tz (and (pair? args)
;		 (check-arg time-zone? (:optional (cdr args) #f) utc-offset))))
;    (if (integer? tz) tz
;	(- (time (date tim tz) 0) tim))))

;(define (time-zone . args)	; Optional args [summer? tz]
;  (let ((tz (and (pair? args)
;		 (check-arg time-zone? (:optional (cdr args) #f) time-zone))))
;    (if (integer? tz)
;	(deintegerize-time-zone tz)
;	(let* ((summer? (if (pair? args) (car args) (time)))
;	       (summer? (if (real? summer?) (real->exact-integer summer?) summer?)))
;	  (receive (err zone) (%time-zone/errno summer? tz)
;		   (if err (errno-error err time-zone summer? tz)
;	    zone))))))

(define (compose-8/24 hi-8 lo-24)
  (let ((val (+ (arithmetic-shift hi-8 24) lo-24)))
    (if (zero? (bitwise-and hi-8 #x80)) val
	;; Oops -- it's a negative 32-bit value.
	;; Or in all the sign bits.
	(bitwise-ior (bitwise-not #xffffffff)

;;; Render a number as a two-digit base ten numeral. 
;;; Pathetic. FORMAT should do this for me.
(define (two-digits n)
  (let ((s (number->string n)))
    (if (= (string-length s) 1)
	(string-append "0" s)

;;; If time-zone is an integer, convert to a Posix-format string of the form:
;;;     UTC+hh:mm:ss
(define (deintegerize-time-zone tz)
  (if (integer? tz)
      (format-time-zone "UTC" tz)

;;; NAME is a simple time-zone name such as "EST" or "UTC". You get them
;;; back from the Unix time functions as the values of the char *tzname[2]
;;; standard/dst vector. The problem is that these time are ambiguous.
;;; This function makes them unambiguous by tacking on the UTC offset
;;; in Posix format, such as "EST+5". You need to do this for two reasons:
;;; 1. Simple time-zone strings are not recognised at all sites.
;;;    For example, HP-UX doesn't understand "EST", but does understand "EST+5"
;;; 2. Time zones represented as UTC offsets (e.g., "UTC+5") are returned
;;;    back from the Unix time software as just "UTC", which in the example
;;;    just given is 5 hours off. Try setting TZ=UTC+5 and running the date(1)
;;;    program. It will give you EST time, but print the time zone as "UTC".
;;;    Oops.

(define (format-time-zone name offset)
  (if (zero? offset) name
      (receive (sign offset)
	       (if (< offset 0)
		   (values #\+ (- offset))	    ; Notice the flipped sign
		   (values #\- offset))		    ; of SIGN.
        (let* ((offset (modulo offset 86400))	; seconds/day
	       (h (quotient offset 3600))	; seconds/hour
	       (m (quotient (modulo offset 3600) 60))
	       (s (modulo offset 60)))
	  (if (zero? s)
	      (if (zero? m)
		  (format #f "~a~a~d" name sign h)	; name+h
		  (format #f "~a~a~a:~a"		; name+hh:mm
			  name sign (two-digits h) (two-digits m)))
	      (format #f "~a~a~a:~a:~a"			; name+hh:mm:ss
		      name sign
		      (two-digits h) (two-digits m) (two-digits s)))))))