; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; Inexact numbers as mere shells surrounding exact numbers. (define-extended-number-type :innum (:inexact) (make-innum exact) innum? (exact innum-exact)) (define-method &exact? ((n :innum)) #f) (define-method &complex? ((n :innum)) (complex? (innum-exact n))) (define-method &real? ((n :innum)) (real? (innum-exact n))) (define-method &rational? ((n :innum)) (rational? (innum-exact n))) (define-method &integer? ((n :innum)) (integer? (innum-exact n))) (define-method &exact->inexact (n) (if (innum? n) (next-method) (make-innum n))) (define-method &inexact->exact ((n :innum)) (innum-exact n)) (define (inexactify n) (if (exact? n) (exact->inexact n) n)) (define (define-innum-method mtable proc) (define-method mtable ((m :innum) (n :number)) (inexactify (proc (innum-exact m) n))) (define-method mtable ((m :number) (n :innum)) (inexactify (proc m (innum-exact n))))) (define-innum-method &+ +) (define-innum-method &- -) (define-innum-method &* *) (define-innum-method &/ /) (define-innum-method "ient quotient) (define-innum-method &remainder remainder) (define (define-innum-comparison mtable proc) (define-method mtable ((m :innum) (n :number)) (proc (innum-exact m) n)) (define-method mtable ((m :number) (n :innum)) (proc m (innum-exact n)))) (define-innum-comparison &= =) (define-innum-comparison &< <) (define-method &numerator ((n :innum)) (inexactify (numerator (innum-exact n)))) (define-method &denominator ((n :innum)) (inexactify (denominator (innum-exact n)))) (define-method &floor ((n :innum)) (inexactify (floor (innum-exact n)))) (define-method &number->string ((i :innum) radix) (let ((n (innum-exact i))) (cond ((integer? n) (string-append (number->string n radix) ".")) ((rational? n) (let ((q (denominator n))) (if (= radix 10) (let ((foo (decimable? q))) (if foo (decimal-representation (numerator n) q foo) (string-append "#i" (number->string n radix)))) (string-append "#i" (number->string n radix))))) (else (string-append "#i" (number->string n radix)))))) ; The Scheme report obligates us to print inexact rationals using ; decimal points whenever this can be done without losing precision. (define (decimal-representation p q foo) (let ((kludge (number->string (* (car foo) (abs (remainder p q))) 10))) (string-append (if (< p 0) "-" "") (number->string (quotient (abs p) q) 10) "." (string-append (do ((i (- (cdr foo) (string-length kludge)) (- i 1)) (l '() (cons #\0 l))) ((<= i 0) (list->string l))) kludge)))) (define (ratio-string p q radix) (string-append (number->string p radix) "/" (number->string q radix))) ; (decimable? n) => non-#f iff n is a product of 2's and 5's. ; The value returned is (k . i) such that 10^i divides n * k. (define (decimable? n) (let loop ((n n) (d 1) (i 0)) (if (= n 1) (cons d i) (let ((q (quotient n 10)) (r (remainder n 10))) (cond ((= r 0) (loop q d (+ i 1))) ((= r 5) (loop (quotient n 5) (* d 2) (+ i 1))) ((even? r) (loop (quotient n 2) (* d 5) (+ i 1))) (else #f))))))