; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; Red-Black binary search trees as described in Introduction to Algorithms ; by Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest. Look there if you want to understand ; the algorithm. ; ; These are like tables in that the value of a key defaults to #f. ; ; (make-search-tree key-= key-<) -> tree ; ; (search-tree? value) -> boolean ; ; (search-tree-ref tree key) -> value ; ; (search-tree-set! tree key value) ; ; (search-tree-modify! tree key proc) ; == (search-tree-set! tree key (proc (search-tree-ref tree key))) ; ; (search-tree-max tree) -> key + value ; (pop-search-tree-max! tree) -> key + value (removes entry) ; ; (search-tree-min tree) -> key + value ; (pop-search-tree-min! tree) -> key + value (removes entry) ; ; (walk-search-tree proc tree) ; applies PROC in order to all key + value pairs with a non-#f value (define-record-type tree :tree (make-tree lookup nil root) search-tree? (lookup tree-lookup) (nil tree-nil) ; node marker for missing leaf nodes (root tree-root set-tree-root!)) (define (make-search-tree = <) (let ((nil (make-node #f #f #f))) (set-node-red?! nil #f) (make-tree (make-lookup = <) nil #f))) (define-record-type node :node (really-make-node key value parent red? left right) node? (key node-key set-node-key!) (value node-value set-node-value!) (parent node-parent set-node-parent!) ; #f in the root node (red? node-red? set-node-red?!) ; for balancing the tree (left node-left set-node-left!) ; left and (right node-right set-node-right!)) ; right subtrees (define (make-node key value parent) (really-make-node key value parent #t #f #f)) (define-record-discloser :node (lambda (node) (list 'node (node-key node)))) ; Lookup up KEY and return its value. (define (search-tree-ref tree key) (call-with-values (lambda () ((tree-lookup tree) tree key)) (lambda (node parent left?) (if node (node-value node) #f)))) ; Adding and modifying entries. (define (search-tree-set! tree key value) (search-tree-modify! tree key (lambda (ignore) value))) (define (search-tree-modify! tree key proc) (call-with-values (lambda () ((tree-lookup tree) tree key)) (lambda (node parent left?) (let ((new-value (proc (if node (node-value node) #f)))) (cond ((and node new-value) (set-node-value! node new-value)) (new-value (really-insert! tree parent left? (make-node key new-value parent))) (node (really-delete! tree node))))))) ; Min and max entries. (define (search-tree-max tree) (real-search-tree-max tree #f)) (define (pop-search-tree-max! tree) (real-search-tree-max tree #t)) (define (real-search-tree-max tree delete?) (let ((node (tree-root tree))) (if node (let loop ((node node)) (cond ((node-right node) => loop) (else (if delete? (really-delete! tree node)) (values (node-key node) (node-value node))))) (values #f #f)))) (define (search-tree-min tree) (real-search-tree-min tree #f)) (define (pop-search-tree-min! tree) (real-search-tree-min tree #t)) (define (real-search-tree-min tree delete?) (let ((node (tree-root tree))) (if node (let loop ((node node)) (cond ((node-left node) => loop) (else (if delete? (really-delete! tree node)) (values (node-key node) (node-value node))))) (values #f #f)))) (define (walk-search-tree proc tree) (let recur ((node (tree-root tree))) (cond (node (recur (node-left node)) (proc (node-key node) (node-value node)) (recur (node-right node)))))) ; Lookup up an entry. Easy. ; ; Hack of checking common case reduced lookup time in a 1000 element search ; tree by a third. (define (make-lookup tree-= tree-<) (if (and (eq? tree-= =) (eq? tree-< <)) default-lookup (lambda (tree key) (let loop ((node (tree-root tree)) (parent #f) (left? #f)) (cond ((not node) (values #f parent left?)) ((tree-= (node-key node) key) (values node #f #f)) ((tree-< key (node-key node)) (loop (node-left node) node #t)) (else (loop (node-right node) node #f))))))) (define (default-lookup tree key) (let loop ((node (tree-root tree)) (parent #f) (left? #f)) (cond ((not node) (values #f parent left?)) ((= (node-key node) key) (values node #f #f)) ((< key (node-key node)) (loop (node-left node) node #t)) (else (loop (node-right node) node #f))))) ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Little utilities. ; Parameterized node access (define (node-child node left?) (if left? (node-left node) (node-right node))) (define (set-node-child! node left? child) (if left? (set-node-left! node child) (set-node-right! node child))) ; Empty leaf slots are considered black. (define (node-black? node) (not (and node (node-red? node)))) ; The next node (used in REALLY-DELETE!) (define (successor node) (cond ((node-right node) => (lambda (node) (let loop ((node node)) (cond ((node-left node) => loop) (else node))))) (else (let loop ((node node) (parent (node-parent node))) (if (and parent (eq? node (node-right parent))) (loop parent (node-parent parent)) parent))))) ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Add NODE as the LEFT? child of PARENT and balance the tree. (define (really-insert! tree parent left? node) (if (not parent) (set-tree-root! tree node) (set-node-child! parent left? node)) (fixup-insertion! node tree)) ; Balance the tree after NODE has been inserted. (define (fixup-insertion! node tree) (let loop ((node node)) (let ((parent (node-parent node))) (if (and parent (node-red? parent)) (let* ((grand (node-parent parent)) (left? (eq? parent (node-left grand))) (y (node-child grand (not left?)))) (cond ((node-black? y) (let* ((node (cond ((eq? node (node-child parent (not left?))) (rotate! parent left? tree) parent) (else node))) (parent (node-parent node)) (grand (node-parent parent))) (set-node-red?! parent #f) (set-node-red?! grand #t) (rotate! grand (not left?) tree) (loop node))) (else (set-node-red?! parent #f) (set-node-red?! y #f) (set-node-red?! grand #t) (loop grand))))))) (set-node-red?! (tree-root tree) #f)) ; A B ; / \ =(rotate! A #f tree)=> / \ ; B k i A ; / \ <=(rotate! B #t tree)= / \ ; i j j k (define (rotate! node left? tree) (let* ((y (node-child node (not left?))) (y-left (node-child y left?)) (parent (node-parent node))) (set-node-child! node (not left?) y-left) (if y-left (set-node-parent! y-left node)) (replace! parent y node tree) (set-node-child! y left? node) (set-node-parent! node y))) ; Replace CHILD (of PARENT) with NEW-CHILD (define (replace! parent new-child child tree) (set-node-parent! new-child parent) (cond ((eq? child (tree-root tree)) (set-tree-root! tree new-child)) ((eq? child (node-left parent)) (set-node-left! parent new-child)) (else (set-node-right! parent new-child)))) ; Remove NODE from tree. (define (really-delete! tree node) (let* ((y (cond ((or (not (node-left node)) (not (node-right node))) node) (else (let ((y (successor node))) (set-node-key! node (node-key y)) (set-node-value! node (node-value y)) y)))) (x (or (node-left y) (node-right y) (let ((x (tree-nil tree))) (set-node-right! y x) x))) (parent (node-parent y))) (replace! parent x y tree) (if (not (node-red? y)) (fixup-delete! x tree)) (let ((nil (tree-nil tree))) (cond ((node-parent nil) => (lambda (p) (if (eq? (node-right p) nil) (set-node-right! p #f) (set-node-left! p #f)) (set-node-parent! (tree-nil tree) #f))) ((eq? nil (tree-root tree)) (set-tree-root! tree #f)))))) (define (fixup-delete! x tree) (let loop ((x x)) (if (or (eq? x (tree-root tree)) (node-red? x)) (set-node-red?! x #f) (let* ((parent (node-parent x)) (left? (eq? x (node-left parent))) (w (node-child parent (not left?))) (w (cond ((node-red? w) (set-node-red?! w #f) (set-node-red?! parent #t) (rotate! parent left? tree) (node-child (node-parent x) (not left?))) (else w)))) (cond ((and (node-black? (node-left w)) (node-black? (node-right w))) (set-node-red?! w #t) (loop (node-parent x))) (else (let ((w (cond ((node-black? (node-child w (not left?))) (set-node-red?! (node-child w left?) #f) (set-node-red?! w #t) (rotate! w (not left?) tree) (node-child (node-parent x) (not left?))) (else w)))) (let ((parent (node-parent x))) (set-node-red?! w (node-red? parent)) (set-node-red?! parent #f) (set-node-red?! (node-child w (not left?)) #f) (rotate! parent left? tree) (set-node-red?! (tree-root tree) #f))))))))) ; Verify that the coloring is correct ; ;(define (okay-tree? tree) ; (receive (okay? red? count) ; (let recur ((node (tree-root tree))) ; (if (not node) ; (values #t #f 0) ; (receive (l-ok? l-r? l-c) ; (recur (node-left node)) ; (receive (r-ok? r-r? r-c) ; (recur (node-right node)) ; (values (and l-ok? ; r-ok? ; (not (and (node-red? node) ; (or l-r? r-r?))) ; (= l-c r-c)) ; (node-red? node) ; (if (node-red? node) ; l-c ; (+ l-c 1))))))) ; okay?)) ; ; ;(define (walk-sequences proc list) ; (let recur ((list list) (r '())) ; (if (null? list) ; (proc (reverse r)) ; (let loop ((list list) (done '())) ; (if (not (null? list)) ; (let ((next (car list))) ; (recur (append (reverse done) (cdr list)) (cons next r)) ; (loop (cdr list) (cons next done)))))))) ; ;(define (tree-test n) ; (let ((iota (do ((i n (- i 1)) ; (l '() (cons i l))) ; ((<= i 0) l)))) ; (walk-sequences (lambda (in) ; (walk-sequences (lambda (out) ; (do-tree-test in out)) ; iota)) ; iota) ; #t)) ; ;(define (do-tree-test in out) ; (let ((tree (make-search-tree = <))) ; (for-each (lambda (i) ; (search-tree-set! tree i (- 0 i))) ; in) ; (if (not (okay-tree? tree)) ; (breakpoint "tree ~S is not okay" in)) ; (if (not (tree-ordered? tree (length in))) ; (breakpoint "tree ~S is not ordered" in)) ; (for-each (lambda (i) ; (if (not (= (search-tree-ref tree i) (- 0 i))) ; (breakpoint "looking up ~S in ~S lost" i in))) ; in) ; (do ((o out (cdr o))) ; ((null? o)) ; (search-tree-set! tree (car o) #f) ; (if (not (okay-tree? tree)) ; (breakpoint "tree ~S is not okay after deletions ~S" in out))))) ; ;(define (tree-ordered? tree count) ; (let ((l '())) ; (walk-search-tree (lambda (key value) ; (set! l (cons (cons key value) l))) ; tree) ; (let loop ((l l) (n count)) ; (cond ((null? l) ; (= n 0)) ; ((and (= (caar l) n) ; (= (cdar l) (- 0 n))) ; (loop (cdr l) (- n 1))) ; (else #f))))) ; ;(define (do-tests tester) ; (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ; (#f) ; (tester i) ; (format #t " done with ~D~%" i))) ; ;(define (another-test n) ; (let ((iota (do ((i n (- i 1)) ; (l '() (cons i l))) ; ((<= i 0) l)))) ; (walk-sequences (lambda (in) ; (do ((i 1 (+ i 1))) ; ((> i n)) ; (let ((tree (make-search-tree = <))) ; (for-each (lambda (i) ; (search-tree-set! tree i (- 0 i))) ; in) ; (if (not (okay-tree? tree)) ; (breakpoint "tree ~S is not okay" in)) ; (if (not (tree-ordered? tree (length in))) ; (breakpoint "tree ~S is not ordered" in)) ; (for-each (lambda (i) ; (if (not (= (search-tree-ref tree i) (- 0 i))) ; (breakpoint "looking up ~S in ~S lost" i in))) ; in) ; (search-tree-set! tree i #f) ; (if (not (okay-tree? tree)) ; (breakpoint "tree ~S is not okay after deletion ~S" ; in i)) ; (for-each (lambda (j) ; (let ((ref (search-tree-ref tree j))) ; (if (not (eq? ref (if (= j i) #f (- 0 j)))) ; (breakpoint "looking up ~S in ~S lost" i in)))) ; in)))) ; iota)))