; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; Silly file name utilities ; These try to be operating-system independent, but fail, of course. ; Namelist = ((dir ...) basename type) ; or ((dir ...) basename) ; or (dir basename type) ; or (dir basename) ; or basename (define (namestring namelist dir default-type) (let* ((namelist (if (list? namelist) namelist (list '() namelist))) (subdirs (if (list? (car namelist)) (car namelist) (list (car namelist)))) (basename (cadr namelist)) (type (if (null? (cddr namelist)) (if (string? basename) #f default-type) (caddr namelist)))) (string-append (or dir "") (apply string-append (map (lambda (subdir) (string-append (namestring-component subdir) directory-component-separator)) subdirs)) (namestring-component basename) (if type (string-append type-component-separator (namestring-component type)) "")))) (define directory-component-separator "/") ;unix sux (define type-component-separator ".") (define (namestring-component x) (cond ((string? x) x) ((symbol? x) (list->string (map file-name-preferred-case (string->list (symbol->string x))))) (else (error "bogus namelist component" x)))) (define file-name-preferred-case char-downcase) (define *scheme-file-type* 'scm) (define *load-file-type* *scheme-file-type*) ;#F for Pseudoscheme or T ; Interface copied from gnu emacs: ;file-name-directory ; Function: Return the directory component in file name NAME. ;file-name-nondirectory ; Function: Return file name NAME sans its directory. ;file-name-absolute-p ; Function: Return t if file FILENAME specifies an absolute path name. ;substitute-in-file-name ; Function: Substitute environment variables referred to in STRING. ;expand-file-name ; Function: Convert FILENAME to absolute, and canonicalize it. (define (file-name-directory filename) (substring filename 0 (file-nondirectory-position filename))) (define (file-name-nondirectory filename) (substring filename (file-nondirectory-position filename) (string-length filename))) (define (file-nondirectory-position filename) (let loop ((i (- (string-length filename) 1))) (cond ((< i 0) 0) ;; Heuristic. Should work for DOS, Unix, VMS, MacOS. ((string-posq (string-ref filename i) "/:>]\\") (+ i 1)) (else (loop (- i 1)))))) (define (string-posq thing s) (let loop ((i 0)) (cond ((>= i (string-length s)) #f) ((eq? thing (string-ref s i)) i) (else (loop (+ i 1)))))) ; Directory translations. ; E.g. (set-translation! "foo;" "/usr/mumble/foo/") (define *translations* '()) (define (translations) *translations*) (define (set-translation! from to) (let ((probe (assoc from *translations*))) (if probe (set-cdr! probe to) (set! *translations* (cons (cons from to) *translations*))))) (define (translate name) (let ((len (string-length name))) (let loop ((ts *translations*)) (if (null? ts) name (let* ((from (caar ts)) (to (cdar ts)) (k (string-length from))) (if (and to (<= k len) (string=? (substring name 0 k) from)) (string-append to (substring name k len)) (loop (cdr ts))))))))