Put the case defn and the system-status enumeration in a file and load
it into the base package.

Have system status be a enumeration macro that doesn't give numbers
but instead calls to (named-c-constant "FOO") with the obvious translation.
Need a normal enumerated definition for running with Scheme.
Of course, if there is no overlap we can just use negative numbers for
the error numbers visible in Pre-Scheme.

  PS_READ_CHAR(port_10X, Kchar_27X, eofP_15X, status_16X)

  FILE * TTport = PORT;
  if (EOF == (RESULT = getc(TTport)))
    RESULT = ps_read_char(TTport, &EOFP, &STATUS);
  else {
    EOFP = 0;
    STATUS = 0; }

#define PS_GETC(PORT,RESULT)      /* RESULT = getc(PORT); */ \

{                                          \
  FILE * TTport = PORT;			   \
  int errorp;				   \
  while (EOF == (RESULT = getc(TTport))	   \
	 && (errorp = ferror(TTport),	   \
	     clearerr(TTport),		   \
	     (errorp && errno == EINTR)))  \
    ;					   \

ps_read_char( FILE *filep, int *eofp )
  int value;

  while (TRUE) {
    value = getc(filep);
    if (EOF != value) {
      *eofp = FALSE;
      return value; }
    if (ferror(filep)) {
      if (errno != EINTR) {
        ps_status_errno = errno;
	*eofp = FALSE;
        return 0; } }
    else {
      *eofp = TRUE;
      return 0; }}
/* Identical to ps_read_char except that we give the character back. */

ps_peek_char( FILE *filep )
  int value;

  while (TRUE) {
    value = getc(filep);
    if (EOF != value) {
      return value;
    if (ferror(filep)) {
      if (errno != EINTR) {
        ps_status_errno = errno;
        return 0;
    else {
      ps_status_errno = EOF_ERRNO;
      return 0;

ps_write_char( char c; FILE *filep )
  while (TRUE) {
    if (EOF != putc(c, filep);
    if (ferror(filep)) {
      if (errno != EINTR) {
        ps_status_errno = errno;
    else {
      ps_status_errno = EOF_ERRNO;
; no status
current-input-port current-output-port current-error-port

; -> port status
open-input-file open-output-file

; -> status
close-output-port close-input-port

; -> value eof? status
read-char peek-char read-integer

; -> status
write-char newline write-string write-integer force-output

Error status:

   no-errors         0
   parse-error       EINVAL   invalid argument
   pending-i/o       EAGAIN?  resource temporarily unavailable
   file-not-found    ENOENT   no such
                     EISDIR   is a directory
   out-of-memory     ENOMEM   not enough space
   out-of-channels   EMFILE   too many open files
   channel-closed    EBADF    bad file descriptor
   no-such-channel   EBADF    bad file descriptor