; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ;;;; number->string and string->number ; NUMBER->STRING (define-generic real-number->string &number->string) (define (number->string number . maybe-radix) (let ((radix (if (null? maybe-radix) 10 (car maybe-radix)))) (if (and (number? number) (or (null? maybe-radix) (and (null? (cdr maybe-radix)) (integer? radix) (exact? radix) (< 0 radix)))) (real-number->string number radix) (apply call-error "invalid argument" 'number->string number maybe-radix)))) (define-method &number->string (n radix) (call-error "invalid argument" 'number->string n radix)) (define-method &number->string ((n :exact-integer) radix) (integer->string n radix)) (define integer->string ;Won't necessarily work if n is inexact (let () (define (integer->string n radix) (let ((magnitude (if (= n 0) (list #\0) (let recur ((n n) (l '())) (if (= n 0) l (recur (quotient n radix) (cons (integer->digit (abs (remainder n radix))) l))))))) (list->string (if (>= n 0) magnitude (cons #\- magnitude))))) (define (integer->digit n) (ascii->char (+ n (if (< n 10) zero a-minus-10)))) (define zero (char->ascii #\0)) (define a-minus-10 (- (char->ascii #\a) 10)) integer->string)) ; STRING->NUMBER ; This just strips off any # prefixes and hands the rest off to ; really-string->number, which is generic. (define (string->number string . options) (if (not (string? string)) (apply call-error "invalid argument" 'string->number string options)) (let* ((radix (cond ((null? options) 10) ((null? (cdr options)) (car options)) ;; Revised^3 Scheme compatibility (else (cadr options)))) (radix (case radix ((2 8 10 16) radix) ((b) 2) ((o) 8) ((d) 10) ((x) 16) ;R3RS only? (else (call-error "invalid radix" 'string->number string radix)))) (len (string-length string))) (let loop ((pos 0) (exactness? #f) (exact? #t) (radix? #f) (radix radix)) (cond ((>= pos len) #f) ((char=? (string-ref string pos) #\#) (let ((pos (+ pos 1))) (if (>= pos len) #f (let ((radix-is (lambda (radix) (if radix? #f (loop (+ pos 1) exactness? exact? #t radix)))) (exactness-is (lambda (exact?) (if exactness? #f (loop (+ pos 1) #t exact? radix? radix))))) (case (char-downcase (string-ref string pos)) ((#\b) (radix-is 2)) ((#\o) (radix-is 8)) ((#\d) (radix-is 10)) ((#\x) (radix-is 16)) ((#\e) (exactness-is #t)) ((#\i) (exactness-is #f)) (else #f)))))) (else (really-string->number (substring string pos len) radix (if exactness? exact? (let loop ((pos pos)) (cond ((>= pos len) #t) ;exact ((char=? (string-ref string pos) #\.) (if (not (= radix 10)) (warn "non-base-10 number has decimal point" string)) #f) ;inexact ((char=? (string-ref string pos) #\#) #f) ((and (= radix 10) (case (char-downcase (string-ref string pos)) ;; One day, we have to include #\s #\f #\d #\l. ;; We don't now because STRING->FLOAT actually does the ;; wrong thing for these currently, so we'd rather barf. ((#\e) #t) (else #f))) #f) (else (loop (+ pos 1)))))))))))) (define-generic really-string->number &really-string->number) (define-method &really-string->number (string radix xact?) #f) ; Read exact integers (define-simple-type :integer-string (:string) (lambda (s) (and (string? s) (let loop ((i (- (string-length s) 1))) (if (< i 0) #t (let ((c (string-ref s i))) (and (or (char-numeric? c) (and (char>=? c #\a) (char<=? c #\f)) (and (char>=? c #\A) (char<=? c #\F)) (and (= i 0) (or (char=? c #\+) (or (char=? c #\-))))) (loop (- i 1))))))))) (define-method &really-string->number ((string :integer-string) radix xact?) (let ((n (string->integer string radix))) (if n (set-exactness n xact?) #f))) (define (set-exactness n xact?) (if (exact? n) (if xact? n (exact->inexact n)) (if xact? (inexact->exact n) n))) (define string->integer (let () (define (string->integer string radix) (cond ((= (string-length string) 0) #f) ((char=? (string-ref string 0) #\+) (do-it string 1 1 radix)) ((char=? (string-ref string 0) #\-) (do-it string 1 -1 radix)) (else (do-it string 0 1 radix)))) (define (do-it string pos sign radix) (let* ((len (string-length string))) (if (>= pos len) #f (let loop ((n 0) (pos pos)) (if (>= pos len) n (let ((d (digit->integer (string-ref string pos) radix))) (if d (loop (+ (* n radix) (* sign d)) (+ pos 1)) #f))))))) (define (digit->integer c radix) (cond ((char-numeric? c) (let ((n (- (char->ascii c) zero))) (if (< n radix) n #f))) ((<= radix 10) #f) (else (let ((n (- (char->ascii (char-downcase c)) a-minus-ten))) (if (and (>= n 10) (< n radix)) n #f))))) (define zero (char->ascii #\0)) (define a-minus-ten (- (char->ascii #\a) 10)) string->integer))