; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; This knows about the implementation of records and creates the various ; accessors, mutators, etc. directly instead of calling the procedures ; from the record structure. This is done to allow the optional auto-inlining ; optimizer to inline the accessors, mutators, etc. ; LOOPHOLE is used to get a little compile-time type checking (in addition to ; the usual complete run-time checking). (define-syntax define-record-type (syntax-rules () ((define-record-type ?id ?type (?constructor ?arg ...) (?field . ?field-stuff) ...) (begin (define ?type (make-record-type '?id '(?field ...))) (define-constructor ?constructor ?type ((?arg :value) ...) (?field ...)) (define-accessors ?type (?field . ?field-stuff) ...))) ((define-record-type ?id ?type (?constructor ?arg ...) ?pred ?more ...) (begin (define-record-type ?id ?type (?constructor ?arg ...) ?more ...) (define ?pred (lambda (x) (and (record? x) (eq? ?type (record-ref x 0))))))))) ; (define-constructor (( )*) (*)) ; ; Checks to see that there is an corresponding to every . (define-syntax define-constructor (lambda (e r c) (let ((%record (r 'record)) (%begin (r 'begin)) (%lambda (r 'lambda)) (%loophole (r 'loophole)) (%proc (r 'proc)) (%unspecific (r 'unspecific)) (name (cadr e)) (type (caddr e)) (args (map r (map car (cadddr e)))) (arg-types (map cadr (cadddr e))) (fields (map r (caddr (cddr e))))) (define (mem? name list) (cond ((null? list) #f) ((c name (car list)) #t) (else (mem? name (cdr list))))) (define (every? pred list) (cond ((null? list) #t) ((pred (car list)) (every? pred (cdr list))) (else #f))) (if (every? (lambda (arg) (mem? arg fields)) args) `(define ,name (,%loophole (,%proc ,arg-types ,type) (,%lambda ,args (,%record ,type . ,(map (lambda (field) (if (mem? field args) field (list %unspecific))) fields))))) e))) (record begin lambda loophole proc unspecific)) (define-syntax define-accessors (lambda (e r c) (let ((%define-accessor (r 'define-accessor)) (%begin (r 'begin)) (type (cadr e)) (field-specs (cddr e))) (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)) (field-specs field-specs (cdr field-specs)) (ds '() (cons `(,%define-accessor ,type ,i ,@(cdar field-specs)) ds))) ((null? field-specs) `(,%begin ,@ds))))) (define-accessor begin)) (define-syntax define-accessor (syntax-rules () ((define-accessor ?type ?index ?accessor) (define ?accessor (loophole (proc (?type) :value) (lambda (r) (checked-record-ref (loophole :record r) ?type ?index))))) ((define-accessor ?type ?index ?accessor ?modifier) (begin (define-accessor ?type ?index ?accessor) (define ?modifier (loophole (proc (?type :value) :unspecific) (lambda (r new) (checked-record-set! (loophole :record r) ?type ?index new)))))) ((define-accessor ?type ?index) (begin))))