; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; Additional packages are in s48-package-defs.scm (for loading into ; Scheme 48) and ps-package-defs.scm (for compiling as Pre-Scheme). ; The VM (define-structure vm vm-interface (open prescheme ps-receive vm-architecture vm-utilities data struct interpreter interpreter-internal stack gc interpreter-gc vmio arithmetic-opcodes external-opcodes symbols io-opcodes images) (files resume) (begin (define (s48-disable-interrupts!) (disable-interrupts!)) (define (s48-enable-interrupts!) (enable-interrupts!)) ; used for raising exceptions in external code (define (s48-push x) (push x)) (define (s48-stack-ref i) (stack-ref i)) (define (s48-stack-set! x v) (stack-set! x v)))) ;---------------- ; The interpreter (define-structure vm-architecture vm-architecture-interface (open prescheme) (files arch)) (define-structures ((interpreter interpreter-interface) (interpreter-internal interpreter-internal-interface)) (open prescheme ps-receive vm-utilities vm-architecture enum-case events memory data stob struct allocation vmio interpreter-gc gc heap stack environment external) (for-syntax (open scheme destructuring signals)) (files interp call define-primitive prim interrupt) ;(optimize auto-integrate) ) ; Assorted additional opcodes (define-structure arithmetic-opcodes (export) (open prescheme interpreter-internal data struct fixnum-arithmetic) (files fixnum-op)) (define-structure external-opcodes external-opcodes-interface (open prescheme vm-architecture ps-receive interpreter-internal stack memory data struct gc interpreter-gc string-tables external) (files external-call)) (define-structure symbols (export s48-copy-symbol-table install-symbols!+gc) (open prescheme vm-utilities vm-architecture interpreter-internal memory heap data struct string-tables gc interpreter-gc) (files symbol)) (define-structure io-opcodes (export) (open prescheme vm-utilities vm-architecture ps-receive interpreter-internal channel-io vmio memory data struct images interpreter-gc heap symbols external-opcodes stack ;pop stob) ;immutable (files prim-io)) ; The stack and lexical evironments (define-structures ((stack stack-interface) (initialize-stack (export initialize-stack+gc)) (environment environment-interface)) (open prescheme vm-utilities ps-receive ps-memory vm-architecture memory data stob struct allocation interpreter-gc) ;(optimize auto-integrate) (files stack env)) ;---------------- ; Data structures (define-structure memory memory-interface (open prescheme ps-memory vm-utilities) ;(optimize auto-integrate) (files memory)) (define-structure data data-interface (open prescheme vm-utilities system-spec vm-architecture memory) ;(optimize auto-integrate) (files data)) (define-structure stob stob-interface (open prescheme ps-receive vm-utilities vm-architecture memory data allocation) ;(optimize auto-integrate) (files stob)) (define-structure struct struct-interface (open prescheme vm-utilities vm-architecture memory data stob allocation) (for-syntax (open scheme vm-architecture destructuring)) ;(optimize auto-integrate) (files defdata struct)) ;---------------- ; Memory management (define-structures ((allocation allocation-interface) (heap heap-interface) (heap-gc/image heap-gc/image-interface) (heap-init heap-init-interface)) (open prescheme ps-receive vm-utilities vm-architecture memory data) (files heap)) (define-structures ((gc gc-interface) (image-gc (export begin-writing-image abort-collection s48-undumpable-records))) (open prescheme ps-receive vm-utilities vm-architecture memory data struct heap heap-gc/image allocation) (files gc)) (define-structure images images-interface (open prescheme vm-utilities ps-receive vm-architecture memory data heap heap-gc/image gc image-gc vmio ;mark-traced-channels-closed! symbols ;copy-symbol-table external-opcodes) ;exported-bindings cleaned-imported-bindings (files image)) ;---------------- ; GC and allocation utilities for the interpreter. (define-structure interpreter-gc interpreter-gc-interface (open prescheme ps-receive vm-utilities data gc allocation) (files interp-gc)) ; Registering and tracing external GC roots. (define-structure external-gc-roots external-gc-roots-interface (open prescheme ps-memory memory stob gc interpreter-gc) (files gc-root)) ;---------------- ; Low level stuff. (define-structure vmio vmio-interface (open prescheme ps-receive channel-io vm-utilities data stob struct allocation memory interpreter-gc ;ensure-space vm-architecture) ;port-status ;(optimize auto-integrate) (files vmio)) (define-structure fixnum-arithmetic fixnum-arithmetic-interface (open prescheme vm-utilities data memory) ; bits-per-cell ;(optimize auto-integrate) (files arith)) (define-structure string-tables string-table-interface (open prescheme vm-utilities data struct interpreter-gc gc) (files vm-tables)) (define-structure enum-case (export (enum-case :syntax)) (open prescheme) (begin (define-syntax enum-case (syntax-rules (else) ((enum-case enumeration (x ...) clause ...) (let ((temp (x ...))) (enum-case enumeration temp clause ...))) ((enum-case enumeration value ((name ...) body ...) rest ...) (if (or (= value (enum enumeration name)) ...) (begin body ...) (enum-case enumeration value rest ...))) ((enum-case enumeration value (else body ...)) (begin body ...)) ((enum-case enumeration value) (unspecific))))))