; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; Channel interrupt stuff. ; Install an interrupt handler that queues up the results of completed I/O ; operations and spawn a thread to cope with them. This is written so as ; to avoid having state in top-level variables, because their values are ; saved in dumped images. (define (initialize-channel-i/o!) (session-data-set! channel-wait-queues-slot '()) (session-data-set! channel-wait-count-slot 0) (set-interrupt-handler! (enum interrupt i/o-completion) i/o-completion-handler)) ; The warning message is printed using DEBUG-MESSAGE because to try to make ; sure it appears in spite of whatever problem's the I/O system is having. ; ; Called with interrupts disabled. (define (i/o-completion-handler channel status enabled-interrupts) (let ((queue (fetch-channel-wait-queue! channel))) (if queue (begin (decrement-channel-wait-count!) (make-ready (maybe-dequeue-thread! queue) status)) (debug-message "Warning: dropping ignored channel i/o result {Channel " (channel-os-index channel) " " (channel-id channel) "}")))) ; Exported procedure (define (waiting-for-i/o?) (< 0 (channel-wait-count))) ; Block until the current I/O operation on CHANNEL has completed. ; This returns the result of the operation. ; ; This needs to be called with interrupts disabled. ; ; We install a DYNAMIC-WIND to abort the operation if the waiting thread is ; terminated. (define (wait-for-channel channel) (let ((queue (fetch-channel-wait-queue! channel))) (if queue (begin (add-channel-wait-queue! channel queue) (warn "channel has two pending operations" channel) (terminate-current-thread)) (let ((queue (make-queue))) (increment-channel-wait-count!) (enqueue-thread! queue (current-thread)) (add-channel-wait-queue! channel queue) (dynamic-wind nothing block (lambda () (disable-interrupts!) (let ((new-queue (fetch-channel-wait-queue! channel))) (cond ((eq? queue new-queue) (channel-abort channel) (wait-for-channel channel)) (new-queue (add-channel-wait-queue! channel new-queue))) (enable-interrupts!)))))))) (define (nothing) #f) ; Abort any pending operation on by OWNER on CHANNEL. ; Called with interrupts disabled. (define (steal-channel! channel owner) (let ((queue (fetch-channel-wait-queue! channel))) (if queue (let ((thread (maybe-dequeue-thread! queue))) (cond ((eq? thread owner) (decrement-channel-wait-count!) (channel-abort channel)) (else (warn "channel in use by other than port owner" channel thread owner) (enqueue-thread! queue thread) #f))) #f))) ; Have CHANNEL-READ and CHANNEL-WRITE wait if a pending-channel-i/o ; exception occurs. (define-exception-handler (enum op channel-maybe-read) (lambda (opcode reason buffer start count wait? channel . maybe-os-message) (if (= reason (enum exception pending-channel-i/o)) (wait-for-channel channel) (begin (enable-interrupts!) (apply signal-exception opcode reason buffer start count wait? channel maybe-os-message))))) (define-exception-handler (enum op channel-maybe-write) (lambda (opcode reason buffer start count channel . maybe-os-message) (if (= reason (enum exception pending-channel-i/o)) (wait-for-channel channel) (begin (enable-interrupts!) (apply signal-exception opcode reason buffer start count channel maybe-os-message))))) ; Two session slots ; - the number of threads waiting for I/O completion events ; - an alist mapping channels to queues for waiting threads (define channel-wait-count-slot (make-session-data-slot! 0)) (define (channel-wait-count) (session-data-ref channel-wait-count-slot)) (define (increment-channel-wait-count!) (session-data-set! channel-wait-count-slot (+ (channel-wait-count) 1))) (define (decrement-channel-wait-count!) (session-data-set! channel-wait-count-slot (- (channel-wait-count) 1))) (define channel-wait-queues-slot (make-session-data-slot! '())) ; Adding a queue and channel - the caller has already determined there is no ; existing queue for this channel. (define (add-channel-wait-queue! channel queue) (session-data-set! channel-wait-queues-slot (cons (cons channel queue) (session-data-ref channel-wait-queues-slot)))) ; This is just deleting from an a-list. (define (fetch-channel-wait-queue! channel) (let* ((queues (session-data-ref channel-wait-queues-slot)) (queue (cond ((null? queues) #f) ((eq? channel (caar queues)) (session-data-set! channel-wait-queues-slot (cdr queues)) (cdar queues)) (else (let loop ((queues (cdr queues)) (prev queues)) (cond ((null? queues) #f) ((eq? channel (caar queues)) (set-cdr! prev (cdr queues)) (cdar queues)) (else (loop (cdr queues) queues)))))))) (if (or (not queue) (thread-queue-empty? queue)) #f queue)))