; TEST-CODE *********************************************************************** ; all procedures return either #t or #f ; Deleting a variable via (setenv var #f) cannot be tested, since ; getenv returns #f in both cases: a) deleted variable or b) variable set to #f ; OK (define (setenv-test var val) (setenv var val) (equal? (getenv var) val)) ; getenv is tested with the same procedure than setenv ; OK 2001-04-09 16:21 (define getenv-test setenv-test) ; env->alist-test test, if ; env->alist is an alist of pairs of string and if ; a previously set variable has the set value ; OK 2001-04-09 16:21 (define (env->alist-test var val) (setenv var val) (let ((alist (env->alist))) (and (every (lambda (pair) ; syntactical correctness (and (pair? pair) ; entry is a pair (not (list? pair)) ; and not a list (string? (car pair)) ; car is a string... (or (string? (cdr pair)) ; ...cdr is either a string... (string-list? (cdr pair))))) ; ...or a string-list alist) (equal? (cdr (assoc var alist)) val)))) ; previously set variable correctly present ; checks if alist->enc really sets a new environment ; by this way, it checks if a string list is transformed correctly to a colon list, too ; COMMENTED OUT BECAUSE STRING-TOKENIZE IS MISSING (WILL BE FIXED) ; OK (define (alist->env-test alist) (let ((old-env (env->alist))) ; save old environment (alist->env alist) ; set new environment (let ( ; compare values of alist with values of the environment (result (every (lambda (var-pair) (let ((var-pair-value (cdr var-pair)) (env-var-value (getenv (car var-pair)))) ; (begin (display var-pair) (newline) ; (display var-pair-value) (newline) ; (display env-var-value) (newline) ; (display "---------------------") (newline)) (if (string-list? var-pair-value) (equal? var-pair-value (string-tokenize env-var-value #\:)) (equal? var-pair-value env-var-value)))) (alist-compress alist)))) (alist->env old-env) ; restore old environment result))) ; NOTE: since alist-bla works only on alists, string-list / colon-list-conversion is not implemented ; OK 2001-04-09 16:21 (define (alist-delete-test key alist) (not (member key (map car (alist-delete key alist))))) ; results #t, if the first occurance of the variable has the expected (new) value, else #f ; OK 2001-04-09 16:15 (define (alist-update-test key val alist) (letrec ((check-update (lambda (alist) (if (null? alist) ; if alist is empty key wasn't inserted #f (if (equal? key (caar alist)) ; key found (if (equal? val (cdar alist)) ; value ok? ; key must not be in the cdr of alist (not (member key (map car (cdr alist)))) #f) (check-update (cdr alist))))))) (check-update (alist-update key val alist)))) ; checks compression of every variable ; OK 2001-04-09 15:46 (define (alist-compress-test alist) (letrec ((check-compress (lambda (alist known-vars) (if (null? alist) #t (if (member (caar alist) known-vars) #f (check-compress (cdr alist) (cons (caar alist) known-vars))))))) (check-compress (alist-compress alist) '()))) ; OK 2001-04-09 15:46 (define (with-env*-test env-alist-delta) (with-env*-test-generator with-env* env-alist-delta (update-env (env->alist) env-alist-delta))) ; OK 2001-04-09 15:45 (define (with-total-env*-test env-alist) (with-env*-test-generator with-total-env* env-alist env-alist)) ; generator: ; There are three tests for each circumstance (s. scsh manual for details) ; * simple thunk: returns usually ; * non-local-return thunk: returns using escape-procedure ; * reinvoking-thunk: returns non-local, is reinvoked and returns ; each thunk return the result of the env-var-test, which is #t if the current ; environment is as expected ; the tunks are called via run-test that first runs the test and, ; if the test returned #t, returns #t if the current environment is as expected. ; (there are two test for the current-environment necessary since the environment ; during the call and after the call differ (s. manual for details)) ; OK 2001-04-09 15:45 ; the generator generates test-procedures for with-total-env* and with-env* ; parameters are: ; - call: either with-total-env* or with-env* ; - call-argument: either an env-alist (for with-total-env*) or an env-alist-delta (for with-env*) ; - expected-process-env: expected content of the environment during the with-env-call (define (with-env*-test-generator call call-argument expected-process-env) (let* ((old-env-alist (env->alist)) (env-var-test (lambda () ; checks, if the changed environment is as expected (equal-to-current-env? expected-process-env))) ; store places for continuations: (non-local-exit-cc #f) ; exit poit for a thunk (reinvoking-cc #f) ; entry point to reinvoking thunk (thunk-finished-cc #f) ; exit point for finished reinvoking thunk ; thunks for testing: (thunk-local-return (lambda () (env-var-test))) (cc-thunk-non-local-return (lambda () (non-local-exit-cc (env-var-test)) ; non-local return #f)) ; if non-local return fails (?), return #f (cc-reinvoking-thunk (lambda () (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) (set! reinvoking-cc k) (non-local-exit-cc #f))) ; non-local-return (thunk-finished-cc (env-var-test)) ; finish with result of env-var-test #f)) ; if continuation-call fails (?), return #f ; procedure to perform tests (run test and check content of current environment) (run-test (lambda (thunk) (and (thunk) (equal-to-current-env? old-env-alist))))) (and (run-test (lambda () (call call-argument thunk-local-return))) (run-test (lambda () (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) (set! non-local-exit-cc k) ; possibility of non-local return (call call-argument cc-thunk-non-local-return))))) (run-test (lambda () (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (finished) (set! thunk-finished-cc finished) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) (set! non-local-exit-cc k) ; possibility of non-local return (call call-argument cc-reinvoking-thunk))) (reinvoking-cc #f)))))))) ; reinvoke thunk ; the old environment needn't to be restored because with-env* and with-total-env* ; don't change the current environment (if successful) ; checks if home-directory is a string ; OK 2001-04-09 15:45 (define (home-directory-test) (string? home-directory)) ; checks if exec-path-list is a string-list ; OK 2001-04-09 15:45 (define (exec-path-list-test) (string-list? exec-path-list)) ; OK 2001-04-09 15:45 (define (add-tester elt mark original-list add-result) (letrec ((correct-insert (lambda (add-result) ; checks if elt was inserted correctly (if (null? add-result) ; empty list -> element wasn't inserted #f (cond ((equal? (car add-result) mark) #f) ; first occurance of mark without elt => #f ((equal? (car add-result) elt) ; found elt (or (null? (cdr add-result)) ; either the list terminates or... (equal? (cadr add-result) mark))) ; ...the following string is mark (else ; otherwise the rest of the list has to be correct (correct-insert (cdr add-result))))))) (correct-order (lambda (add-result original-list) ; checks, if order was respected (cond ((null? add-result) ; if the result is empty,... (null? original-list)) ; ...so the original list has to be empty, too ((null? original-list) ; if the original list is empty... (or (null? add-result) ; ...either the result list has to be empty, ... (and (equal? (car add-result) elt) ; or contains only the inserted element (null? (cdr add-result))))) ((equal? (car add-result) (car original-list)) ; cars equal => continue with cdrs (correct-order (cdr add-result) (cdr original-list))) ((equal? (car add-result) elt) ; => (car original-list) =/= elt ! (correct-order (cdr add-result) original-list)) ; found elt -> skip (else ; lists are unequal #f))))) (and (correct-insert add-result) (correct-order add-result original-list)))) ; OK 2001-04-09 15:44 (define (add-before-test elt before liste) (add-tester elt before liste (add-before elt before liste))) ; add-after operates as add-before on reverse list ; OK 2001-04-09 15:44 (define (add-after-test elt after liste) (add-tester elt after liste (reverse (add-after elt after (reverse liste))))) ; helping procedures ************************************************************* ; returns #t if liste is a list containing only strings, else #f ; OK (define string-list? (lambda (liste) (and (list? liste) (every (lambda (elt) (string? elt)) liste)))) ; deletes equal-to-this once in list, if present ; OK (define (delete-once equal-to-this list) (if (null? list) '() (if (equal? (car list) equal-to-this) (cdr list) (cons (car list) (delete-once equal-to-this (cdr list)))))) ; compares to lists ; order is unimportant, but count of each element is ; examlpes: ; (list-equal? '(1 2) '(2 1) ; => #t ; (list-equal? '(1 2) '(2 1 1) ; #f ; OK (define (list-equal? list1 list2) (if (null? list1) (null? list2) (if (member (car list1) list2) (list-equal? (cdr list1) (delete-once (car list1) list2)) #f))) ; updates the environment env-alist via env-alist-delta ; NOTE: Test alist-update first (run alist-update-test key val alist) ; OK (define update-env (lambda (env-alist env-alist-delta) (if (null? env-alist-delta) env-alist (update-env (alist-update (car (car env-alist-delta)) (cdr (car env-alist-delta)) env-alist) (cdr env-alist-delta))))) ; compares old-env-alist with actual environment (env->alist) ; OK (define equal-to-current-env? (lambda (old-env-alist) (list-equal? old-env-alist (env->alist)))) ; tokenizes a string ; example: ; (string-tokenize "Tokenize this here" #\space) => ("Tokenize" "this" "here") (define (string-tokenize string character) (let ((char-list (string->list string))) (let loop ((liste char-list) (word '()) (result '())) (if (null? liste) (append result (list (list->string word))) (if (equal? (car liste) character) (loop (cdr liste) '() (append result (list (list->string word)))) (loop (cdr liste) (append word (list (car liste))) result))))))