; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; This was a fun hack, but I didn't get much useful information out of ; it -- a profiler that only samples at points allowed by the VM's ; interrupt mechanism doesn't tell you what you want to know. The ; only information available at that point is the continuation; what ; we really want to know is where the PC has been. In particular, the ; only procedures that show up in the table at all are those that call ; other procedures. JAR 12/92 ' (define-structure profiler (export profile) (open scheme-level-2 handle exception ;interrupts architecture continuation signals condition template table structure-refs debug-data sort clock) ;schedule-interrupt (files (misc profile))) (define (profile thunk frequency) (let ((table (make-table template-uid)) (dt (round (/ (expt 10 6) frequency)))) (primitive-catch (lambda (k0) (let ((foo (continuation-template k0))) (with-handler (lambda (c punt) (if (and (interrupt? c) (eq? (interrupt-type c) interrupt/alarm)) (primitive-catch (lambda (k) (record-profile-information! k foo table) (schedule-interrupt dt))) (punt))) (lambda () (dynamic-wind (lambda () (schedule-interrupt dt -6)) thunk (lambda () (schedule-interrupt 0 1)))))))) table)) (define (record-profile-information! k k0-template table) (let ((k1 (continuation-cont (continuation-cont k)))) (let ((z (get-counts table k1))) (set-car! z (+ (car z) 1)) (set-cdr! z (+ (cdr z) 1))) (do ((k (continuation-parent k1) (continuation-parent k))) ((or (not (continuation? k)) (eq? (continuation-template k) k0-template))) (let ((z (get-counts table k))) (set-cdr! z (+ (cdr z) 1)))))) (define (get-counts table k) (let ((info (template-info (continuation-template k)))) (or (table-ref table info) (let ((z (cons 0 0))) (table-set! table info z) z)))) (define (template-uid info) (cond ((integer? info) info) ((debug-data? info) (debug-data-uid info)) (else 0))) ;?? (define interrupt-type cadr) (define interrupt/alarm (enum interrupt alarm)) (define (dump t) (let ((l '())) (table-walk (lambda (key count) (let ((dd (if (integer? key) (table-ref debug-data-table key) key))) (set! l (cons (cons count (if (debug-data? dd) (debug-data-names dd) `(? ,key))) l)))) t) (do ((l (sort-list l more-interesting?) (cdr l)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ((or (null? l) (> i *prefix*))) (let* ((counts+names (car l)) (leaf-count (caar counts+names)) (total-count (cdar counts+names)) (names (cdr counts+names))) (display (pad-left total-count 6)) (display #\space) (display (pad-left leaf-count 6)) (display #\space) (write names) (newline))))) (define (more-interesting? x y) (let ((c1 (cdar x)) (c2 (cdar y))) (or (> c1 c2) (and (= c1 c2) (> (caar x) (caar y)))))) (define *prefix* 60) (define (pad-left s n) (let ((s (cond ((number? s) (number->string s)) ((symbol? s) (symbol->string s)) (else s)))) (string-append (make-string (- n (string-length s)) #\space) s)))