/* Scheme48/scsh Unix system interface. ** Routines that require custom C support. ** Copyright (c) 1993,1994 by Olin Shivers. */ #include "sysdep.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/times.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <fcntl.h> /* for O_RDWR */ #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/param.h> /* For gethostname() */ #include <sys/utsname.h> /* for uname() */ #include <netdb.h> /* This lossage brought to you by Solaris and BIND */ /* We thank Solaris for forcing users to get a new BIND */ /* We thank BIND for blowing away the Solaris includea for MAXHOSTNAMELEN */ #ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN #include <arpa/nameser.h> #ifndef MAXHOSTNAMELEN #define MAXHOSTNAMELEN MAXDNAME #endif #endif #include <pwd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <utime.h> #ifdef HAVE_CRYPT_H #include <crypt.h> #endif #include "cstuff.h" /* Make sure our exports match up w/the implementation: */ #include "syscalls1.h" extern int errno; extern char **environ; /* Sux because it's dependent on 32-bitness. */ #define hi8(i) (((i)>>24) & 0xff) #define lo24(i) ((i) & 0xffffff) #define comp8_24(hi, lo) (((hi)<<24) + (lo)) /* Process stuff ******************************************************************************* ** wait, exec */ /* Args: pid, flags; returns [retval, status] */ s48_value wait_pid(s48_value s48_pid, s48_value s48_flags) { int status=0; pid_t pid; int flags; pid_t result_pid; s48_value sch_retval = S48_UNSPECIFIC; s48_value sch_result_pid = S48_UNSPECIFIC; s48_value sch_status = S48_UNSPECIFIC; s48_value sch_status_list = S48_UNSPECIFIC; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(5); S48_GC_PROTECT_5(s48_pid, s48_flags, sch_result_pid, sch_status, sch_status_list); pid = (pid_t) s48_extract_integer (s48_pid); flags = s48_extract_integer (s48_flags); result_pid = waitpid(pid, &status, flags); if (result_pid == -1) if (errno == ECHILD) sch_result_pid = s48_enter_fixnum(0); else s48_raise_os_error_2 (errno, s48_pid, s48_flags); else { sch_result_pid = s48_enter_integer (result_pid); sch_status = s48_enter_integer (status); } sch_status_list = s48_cons (sch_status, S48_NULL); sch_retval = s48_cons (sch_result_pid, sch_status_list); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); return sch_retval; } /* env: Scheme vector of Scheme strings, e.g., #("TERM=vt100" ...) or #T. ** argv: Scheme vector of Scheme strings. ** prog: String. ** ** We don't typecheck the args. You must do the typechecking ** on the Scheme side. */ s48_value scheme_exec(s48_value prog, s48_value argv, s48_value env) { int i, j, e; int argc = S48_VECTOR_LENGTH(argv); char **unix_argv = Malloc(char*, argc+1); char **unix_env; if( unix_argv == NULL ) s48_raise_os_error_3(errno, prog, argv, env); /* Scheme->Unix convert the argv parameter. */ for(i=0; i<argc; i++) unix_argv[i] = s48_extract_string(S48_VECTOR_REF(argv,i)); unix_argv[argc] = NULL; /* Scheme->Unix convert the env parameter. */ if( env == S48_TRUE ) unix_env = environ; else { int envlen = S48_VECTOR_LENGTH(env); unix_env = Malloc(char*, envlen+1); if( !unix_env ){ Free(unix_argv); s48_raise_os_error_3(errno, prog, argv, env); } for(j=0; j<envlen; j++) unix_env[j] = s48_extract_string(S48_VECTOR_REF(env,j)); unix_env[envlen] = NULL; } s48_stop_alarm_interrupts(); execve(s48_extract_string (prog), unix_argv, unix_env); /* Do it. */ e = errno; s48_start_alarm_interrupts(); if( env != S48_TRUE ) { Free(unix_env); } Free(unix_argv); return s48_enter_fixnum(e); /* Don't raise an exception since we're maybe just testing the path */ } s48_value scsh_exit(s48_value status) { exit(s48_extract_fixnum(status)); return S48_FALSE; } s48_value scsh__exit(s48_value status) { _exit(s48_extract_fixnum(status)); return S48_FALSE; } s48_value scsh_fork() { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) s48_raise_os_error(errno); else return s48_enter_fixnum (pid); } /* Random file and I/O stuff ******************************************************************************* */ /* Returns (r w) */ s48_value scheme_pipe() { int fds[2]; s48_value sch_retval = S48_UNSPECIFIC; if(pipe(fds) == -1) s48_raise_os_error(errno); else { sch_retval = s48_cons(s48_enter_fixnum(fds[0]), s48_cons(s48_enter_fixnum (fds[1]), S48_NULL)); } return sch_retval; } s48_value scsh_kill (s48_value sch_pid, s48_value sch_signal) { int retval = kill ((pid_t) s48_extract_fixnum (sch_pid), s48_extract_fixnum (sch_signal)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_pid, sch_signal); else return s48_enter_fixnum (retval); } /* Read the symlink. */ #ifdef MAXPATHLEN s48_value scsh_readlink(s48_value sch_path) { char linkpath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; int retval = readlink(s48_extract_string (sch_path), linkpath, MAXPATHLEN); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, sch_path); else { linkpath[retval] = '\0'; return s48_enter_string(linkpath); } } #else s48_value scsh_readlink(s48_value sch_path) { char *linkpath; int size; int retval; s48_value sch_sym_link_path = S48_UNSPECIFIC; for (size = 256;; size *=2){ linkpath = Malloc(char,size); if (!linkpath) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, sch_path); retval = readlink(s48_extract_string (sch_path), linkpath, size); if (retval == -1){ free (linkpath); s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, sch_path); } if (retval < size){ sch_sym_link_path = s48_enter_substring (linkpath, retval); free (linkpath); return sch_sym_link_path; } free (linkpath); } } #endif s48_value scsh_rename(s48_value sch_from, s48_value sch_to) { int retval = rename (s48_extract_string (sch_from), s48_extract_string (sch_to)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_from, sch_to); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_rmdir(s48_value sch_path) { int retval = rmdir (s48_extract_string (sch_path)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, sch_path); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } /* Scheme interfaces to utime(). ** Complicated by need to pass real 32-bit quantities. */ s48_value scm_utime(s48_value sch_path, s48_value sch_ac, s48_value sch_mod) { struct utimbuf t; int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(3); S48_GC_PROTECT_3(sch_path, sch_ac, sch_mod); t.actime = s48_extract_integer (sch_ac); t.modtime = s48_extract_integer (sch_mod); retval = utime(s48_extract_string (sch_path), &t); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_3(errno, sch_path, sch_ac, sch_mod); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scm_utime_now(s48_value sch_path){ int retval = utime (s48_extract_string (sch_path), 0); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, sch_path); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value set_cloexec(s48_value _fd, s48_value _val) { int fd = s48_extract_fixnum (_fd); int val = (_val == S48_TRUE) ? 1 : 0; int flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD); if( flags == -1 ) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, _fd, _val); val = -val; /* 0 -> 0 and 1 -> -1 */ /* If it's already what we want, just return. */ if( (flags & FD_CLOEXEC) == (FD_CLOEXEC & val) ) return S48_FALSE; flags = (flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC) | (val & FD_CLOEXEC); if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags) == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, _fd, _val); else return S48_FALSE; } s48_value scsh_chdir(s48_value directory) { int retval = chdir (s48_extract_string (directory)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, directory); return S48_TRUE; } /* Two versions of CWD ******************************************************************************* */ /* Posix rules: If PATH_MAX is defined, it's the length of longest path. ** Otherwise, _POSIX_PATH_MAX = 255, and is a lower bound on said length. ** I'm writing out 255 as a literal because HP-UX isn't finding ** _POSIX_PATH_MAX. */ #ifdef PATH_MAX #define scsh_path_max (PATH_MAX) #else #define scsh_path_max (255) #endif /* Simple-minded POSIX version. */ s48_value scheme_cwd() { char *buf; int size = scsh_path_max + 1; /* +1 for terminating nul byte... */ buf = Malloc(char,size); if(!buf) goto lose; while( !getcwd(buf, size) ) if( errno != ERANGE ) goto lose; else { /* Double the buf and retry. */ char *nbuf = Realloc(char, buf, size += size); if( !nbuf ) goto lose; buf = nbuf; } return s48_enter_string(buf); /* win */ lose: {int e = errno; Free(buf); s48_raise_os_error(e);} } /* Process times ******************************************************************************* */ /* Sleazing on the types here -- the ret values should be clock_t, not int, ** but cig can't handle it. */ s48_value process_times() { struct tms tms; s48_value sch_result_utime = S48_UNSPECIFIC; s48_value sch_result_stime = S48_UNSPECIFIC; s48_value sch_result_cutime = S48_UNSPECIFIC; s48_value sch_result_cstime = S48_UNSPECIFIC; s48_value sch_result_retval = S48_UNSPECIFIC; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(4); clock_t t = times(&tms); if (t == -1) s48_raise_os_error(errno); S48_GC_PROTECT_4(sch_result_utime, sch_result_stime, sch_result_cutime, sch_result_cstime); sch_result_utime = s48_enter_integer(tms.tms_utime); sch_result_stime = s48_enter_integer(tms.tms_stime); sch_result_cutime = s48_enter_integer(tms.tms_cutime); sch_result_cstime = s48_enter_integer(tms.tms_cstime); sch_result_retval = s48_cons(sch_result_utime, s48_cons(sch_result_stime, s48_cons(sch_result_cutime, s48_cons(sch_result_cstime, S48_NULL)))); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); return sch_result_retval; } s48_value cpu_clock_ticks_per_sec() { #ifdef _SC_CLK_TCK static long clock_tick = 0; if (clock_tick == 0){ clock_tick = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); /* POSIX.1, POSIX.2 */ if (clock_tick == -1) s48_raise_os_error(errno); } return s48_enter_integer(clock_tick); #else #ifdef CLK_TCK return s48_enter_integer(CLK_TCK); #else return s48_enter_fixnum(60); #endif #endif } s48_value scsh_chmod(s48_value sch_path, s48_value sch_mode) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(2); S48_GC_PROTECT_2(sch_path, sch_mode); retval = chmod (s48_extract_string(sch_path), s48_extract_integer(sch_mode)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_path, sch_mode); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_fchmod(s48_value sch_fd, s48_value sch_mode) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(2); S48_GC_PROTECT_2(sch_fd, sch_mode); retval = fchmod (s48_extract_fixnum(sch_fd), s48_extract_integer(sch_mode)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_fd, sch_mode); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_chown(s48_value sch_path, s48_value sch_uid, s48_value sch_gid) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(3); S48_GC_PROTECT_3(sch_path, sch_uid, sch_gid); retval = chown(s48_extract_string(sch_path), s48_extract_integer(sch_uid), s48_extract_integer(sch_gid)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_3(errno, sch_path, sch_uid, sch_gid); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_fchown(s48_value sch_fd, s48_value sch_uid, s48_value sch_gid) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(3); S48_GC_PROTECT_3(sch_fd, sch_uid, sch_gid); retval = fchown(s48_extract_fixnum(sch_fd), s48_extract_integer(sch_uid), s48_extract_integer(sch_gid)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_3(errno, sch_fd, sch_uid, sch_gid); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_access(s48_value sch_path, s48_value sch_mode) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(2); S48_GC_PROTECT_2(sch_path, sch_mode); retval = access (s48_extract_string(sch_path), s48_extract_integer(sch_mode)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_path, sch_mode); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_link(s48_value sch_name1, s48_value sch_name2) { int retval = link (s48_extract_string (sch_name1), s48_extract_string (sch_name2)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_name1, sch_name2); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_mkfifo(s48_value sch_path, s48_value sch_mode) { int retval = mkfifo (s48_extract_string (sch_path), s48_extract_fixnum (sch_mode)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_path, sch_mode); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_mkdir(s48_value sch_path, s48_value sch_mode) { int retval = mkdir (s48_extract_string (sch_path), s48_extract_fixnum (sch_mode)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_path, sch_mode); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } /* S_ISSOCK(mode) and S_ISLNK(mode) are not POSIX. You lose on a NeXT. Ugh. */ #ifndef S_ISSOCK #define S_ISSOCK(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFSOCK) #endif #ifndef S_ISLNK #define S_ISLNK(mode) (((mode) & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) #endif #define low24(x) ((x) & 0xffffff) #define hi_but24(x) (((x) >> 24) & 0xff) /* Note that hi_but24 assumes value is a *32 bit* signed value. We have to ** do this, because C's right-shift operator exposes word width. A suckful ** language. */ /* Internal aux function -- loads stat values into Scheme vector: */ s48_value really_stat(struct stat *s, s48_value vec) { int modes, typecode = -1; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(1); S48_GC_PROTECT_1(vec); modes = s->st_mode; if( S_ISBLK(modes) ) typecode = 0; else if( S_ISCHR(modes) ) typecode = 1; else if( S_ISDIR(modes) ) typecode = 2; else if( S_ISFIFO(modes) ) typecode = 3; else if( S_ISREG(modes) ) typecode = 4; else if( S_ISSOCK(modes) ) typecode = 5; else if( S_ISLNK(modes) ) typecode = 6; S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,0,s48_enter_fixnum(typecode)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,1, s48_enter_integer(s->st_dev)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,2, s48_enter_integer(s->st_ino)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,3, s48_enter_integer(s->st_mode)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,4, s48_enter_integer(s->st_nlink)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,5, s48_enter_integer(s->st_uid)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,6, s48_enter_integer(s->st_gid)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,7, s48_enter_integer(s->st_size)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,8, s48_enter_integer(s->st_atime)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,9, s48_enter_integer(s->st_mtime)); S48_VECTOR_SET(vec,10, s48_enter_integer(s->st_ctime)); /* We also used to do st_rdev, st_blksize, and st_blocks. These aren't POSIX, and, e.g., are not around on SGI machines. Too bad -- blksize is useful. Unix sux. */ S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scheme_stat(s48_value path, s48_value vec, s48_value chase_p) { struct stat s; const char * cp_path = s48_extract_string(path); int retval = (chase_p != S48_FALSE) ? stat(cp_path, &s) : lstat(cp_path, &s); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2 (errno, path, chase_p); return really_stat (&s, vec); } s48_value scheme_fstat(s48_value fd, s48_value vec) { struct stat s; int retval = fstat (s48_extract_fixnum (fd), &s); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1 (errno, fd); return really_stat (&s, vec); } s48_value scsh_symlink(s48_value sch_name1, s48_value sch_name2) { int retval = symlink (s48_extract_string (sch_name1), s48_extract_string (sch_name2)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_name1, sch_name2); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_truncate(s48_value sch_path, s48_value sch_length) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(2); S48_GC_PROTECT_2(sch_path, sch_length); retval = truncate (s48_extract_string (sch_path), s48_extract_integer (sch_length)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_path, sch_length); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_ftruncate(s48_value sch_fdes, s48_value sch_length) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(2); S48_GC_PROTECT_2(sch_fdes, sch_length); retval = ftruncate (s48_extract_fixnum (sch_fdes), s48_extract_integer (sch_length)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_fdes, sch_length); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_unlink(s48_value sch_path) { int retval = unlink (s48_extract_string (sch_path)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, sch_path); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_fsync(s48_value sch_fdes) { int retval = fsync (s48_extract_fixnum (sch_fdes)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, sch_fdes); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_sync() { sync(); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_close(s48_value sch_fdes) { int retval = close (s48_extract_fixnum (sch_fdes)); if (retval == 0) return S48_TRUE; else if (errno == EBADF) return S48_FALSE; else s48_raise_os_error_1 (errno, sch_fdes); } s48_value scsh_dup(s48_value sch_fdes) { int retval = dup (s48_extract_fixnum (sch_fdes)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1 (errno, sch_fdes); return s48_enter_fixnum (retval); } s48_value scsh_dup2(s48_value sch_oldd, s48_value sch_newd) { int retval = dup2 (s48_extract_fixnum (sch_oldd), s48_extract_fixnum (sch_newd)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2 (errno, sch_oldd, sch_newd); return s48_enter_fixnum (retval); } s48_value scsh_lseek(s48_value sch_fdes, s48_value sch_offset, s48_value sch_whence) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(3); S48_GC_PROTECT_3(sch_fdes, sch_offset, sch_whence); retval = lseek (s48_extract_fixnum (sch_fdes), s48_extract_integer (sch_offset), s48_extract_fixnum (sch_whence)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_3 (errno, sch_fdes, sch_offset, sch_whence); return s48_enter_integer (retval); } s48_value scsh_open(s48_value sch_path, s48_value sch_flags, s48_value sch_mode) { int retval = open (s48_extract_string (sch_path), s48_extract_fixnum (sch_flags), s48_extract_fixnum (sch_mode)); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_3 (errno, sch_path, sch_flags, sch_mode); return s48_enter_fixnum (retval); } s48_value char_ready_fdes(s48_value sch_fd) { fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; int result; int fd = s48_extract_fixnum (sch_fd); FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(fd, &readfds); timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=0; result=select(fd+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if(result == -1 ) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, sch_fd); if(result) return(S48_TRUE); return(S48_FALSE); } /* Supplementary groups access ******************************************************************************* */ s48_value scsh_getgid() { return s48_enter_integer(getgid()); } s48_value scsh_getegid() { return s48_enter_integer(getegid()); } s48_value scsh_setgid(s48_value gid) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(1); S48_GC_PROTECT_1(gid); retval = setgid (s48_extract_integer (gid)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, gid); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_setegid(s48_value gid) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(1); S48_GC_PROTECT_1(gid); #ifdef HAVE_SETEGID retval = setegid (s48_extract_integer (gid)); #else retval = setregid (-1, s48_extract_integer (gid)); #endif S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, gid); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } /* Load the supplementary groups into a list */ s48_value get_groups() { int retval; int veclen = getgroups(0,NULL); int i = veclen; s48_value l = S48_NULL; gid_t gvec0[20], *gp = gvec0; if( veclen > 20 ) if (NULL == (gp=Malloc(gid_t,veclen))) s48_raise_os_error(errno); retval = getgroups(veclen, gp); if (retval == -1){ if (veclen > 20) Free(gp); s48_raise_os_error(errno); } else if (retval != veclen){ /* paranoia... */ get_groups(); } else{ S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(1); S48_GC_PROTECT_1(l); while (i > 0){ l = s48_cons(s48_enter_integer(gp[--i]), l); } if (veclen > 20) Free(gp); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); return l; } } s48_value scsh_getuid() { return s48_enter_integer(getuid()); } s48_value scsh_geteuid() { return s48_enter_integer(geteuid()); } s48_value scsh_setuid(s48_value uid) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(1); S48_GC_PROTECT_1(uid); retval = setuid (s48_extract_integer (uid)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, uid); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_seteuid(s48_value uid) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(1); S48_GC_PROTECT_1(uid); #ifdef HAVE_SETEUID retval = seteuid (s48_extract_integer (uid)); #else retval = setreuid (-1, s48_extract_integer (uid)); #endif S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_1(errno, uid); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_getpid() { return s48_enter_integer(getpid()); } s48_value scsh_getppid() { return s48_enter_integer(getppid()); } s48_value scsh_getpgrp() { return s48_enter_integer(getpgrp()); } s48_value scsh_setpgid(s48_value sch_pid, s48_value sch_pgrp) { int retval; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(2); S48_GC_PROTECT_2(sch_pid, sch_pgrp); retval = setpgid(s48_extract_integer(sch_pid), s48_extract_integer(sch_pgrp)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, sch_pid, sch_pgrp); return S48_UNSPECIFIC; } s48_value scsh_setsid() { pid_t retval = setsid(); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error(errno); return s48_enter_integer(retval); } s48_value scsh_umask(s48_value sch_mask) { return s48_enter_integer(umask(s48_extract_integer(sch_mask))); } /* Environment hackery ******************************************************************************* */ static s48_value envvec_record_type_binding = S48_FALSE; static s48_value add_envvec_finalizerB_binding = S48_FALSE; #define ENVVEC_ENVIRON(envvec) \ ((char**) s48_extract_integer(S48_RECORD_REF((envvec),0))) /* The envvec corresponding to the current environment. ** Null if the current environment has no corresponding envvec struct ** (which should only be true of the initial environment at process ** startup time.) That is, ** !current_env || current_env->env == environ */ s48_value current_env = S48_FALSE; s48_value align_env(s48_value envvec) { environ = ENVVEC_ENVIRON(envvec); current_env = envvec; return S48_TRUE; } char** original_environ = 0; s48_value free_envvec (s48_value envvec) { char** env = ENVVEC_ENVIRON(envvec); int i=0; if (env == original_environ) { return S48_FALSE; } while (env[i] != 0){ Free(env[i]); i++; } Free(env); return S48_TRUE; } s48_value make_envvec(char** newenv){ s48_value thread_env; thread_env = s48_make_record(envvec_record_type_binding); S48_RECORD_SET(thread_env, 0, s48_enter_integer((long)newenv)); s48_call_scheme(S48_SHARED_BINDING_REF(add_envvec_finalizerB_binding), 1, thread_env); return thread_env; } s48_value scm_envvec(){ s48_value thread_env; if (current_env == 0){ thread_env = make_envvec(environ); current_env = thread_env; } else thread_env = current_env; if (original_environ == 0) original_environ = environ; return s48_cons (char_pp_2_string_list(environ), thread_env); } /* Load the (Scheme) strings in the (Scheme) vector VEC into environ. */ s48_value create_env(s48_value vec) { int i, envsize; char **newenv; s48_value thread_env; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(1); S48_GC_PROTECT_1(vec); envsize = S48_VECTOR_LENGTH(vec); newenv = Malloc(char*, envsize+1); if( !newenv ) s48_raise_out_of_memory_error(); for( i=0; i<envsize; i++ ) { char *s = scheme2c_strcpy(S48_VECTOR_REF(vec,i)); if (!s) { /* Return all the memory and bail out. */ while(--i) Free(newenv[i]); Free(newenv); Free(thread_env); s48_raise_out_of_memory_error(); } newenv[i] = s; } newenv[envsize] = NULL; thread_env = make_envvec(newenv); environ = newenv; current_env = thread_env; S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); return thread_env; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* N.B.: May be unaligned. */ s48_value scm_gethostname(void) { char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; /* different OS's declare differently, so punt the prototype. */ int gethostname(); int retval = gethostname(hostname, MAXHOSTNAMELEN); if (retval == -1) s48_raise_os_error(errno); return s48_enter_string(hostname); } #include <errno.h> s48_value errno_msg(s48_value sch_i) { int i = s48_extract_fixnum (sch_i); #ifdef HAVE_STRERROR return(s48_enter_string (strerror(i))); #else /* temp hack until we figure out what to do about losing sys_errlist's */ extern #ifdef HAVE_CONST_SYS_ERRLIST const #endif char *sys_errlist[]; extern int sys_nerr; return ( i < 0 || i > sys_nerr ) ? s48_raise_argument_type_error(sch_i) : s48_enter_string (sys_errlist[i]); #endif /* !HAVE_STRERROR */ } /* Some of fcntl() ****************** */ s48_value fcntl_read(s48_value fd, s48_value command) { int ret; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(2); S48_GC_PROTECT_2(fd, command); ret = fcntl(s48_extract_fixnum (fd), s48_extract_integer (command)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (ret == -1) s48_raise_os_error_2(errno, fd, command); else return s48_enter_fixnum (ret); } s48_value fcntl_write(s48_value fd, s48_value command, s48_value value) { int ret; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(3); S48_GC_PROTECT_3(fd, command, value); ret = fcntl(s48_extract_fixnum (fd), s48_extract_integer (command), s48_extract_integer (value)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); if (ret == -1) s48_raise_os_error_3(errno, fd, command, value); else return s48_enter_fixnum (ret); } /* crypt() ****************** */ s48_value scm_crypt(s48_value key, s48_value salt) { char * ret = crypt (s48_extract_string (key), s48_extract_string(salt)); /* FreeBSD does this on error:*/ if (ret == NULL) return s48_enter_string(""); return s48_enter_string (ret); } static s48_value uname_record_type_binding = S48_FALSE; s48_value scm_uname(void) { s48_value uname_record = S48_UNSPECIFIC; struct utsname uname_struct; S48_DECLARE_GC_PROTECT(1); S48_GC_PROTECT_1(uname_record); if (uname(&uname_struct) == -1) s48_raise_os_error(errno); uname_record = s48_make_record(uname_record_type_binding); S48_RECORD_SET(uname_record, 0, s48_enter_string (uname_struct.sysname)); S48_RECORD_SET(uname_record, 1, s48_enter_string (uname_struct.nodename)); S48_RECORD_SET(uname_record, 2, s48_enter_string (uname_struct.release)); S48_RECORD_SET(uname_record, 3, s48_enter_string (uname_struct.version)); S48_RECORD_SET(uname_record, 4, s48_enter_string (uname_struct.machine)); S48_GC_UNPROTECT(); return uname_record; } void s48_init_syscalls (){ S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scheme_exec); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_exit); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh__exit); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_fork); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(wait_pid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_chdir); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scheme_cwd); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_getgid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_getegid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_setgid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_setegid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(get_groups); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_getuid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_geteuid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_setuid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_seteuid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_getpid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_getppid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_getpgrp); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_setpgid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_setsid); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_umask); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(process_times); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(cpu_clock_ticks_per_sec); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_chmod); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_fchmod); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_chown); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_fchown); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_access); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_link); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_mkfifo); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_mkdir); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_readlink); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_rename); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_rmdir); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scm_utime); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scm_utime_now); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scheme_stat); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scheme_fstat); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_symlink); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_truncate); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_ftruncate); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_unlink); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_fsync); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_sync); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_close); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_dup); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_dup2); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_lseek); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(char_ready_fdes); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_open); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scheme_pipe); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scsh_kill); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scm_envvec); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(create_env); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(align_env); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(free_envvec); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(set_cloexec); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(fcntl_read); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(fcntl_write); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(sleep_until); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scm_gethostname); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(errno_msg); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scm_crypt); S48_EXPORT_FUNCTION(scm_uname); S48_GC_PROTECT_GLOBAL(envvec_record_type_binding); S48_GC_PROTECT_GLOBAL(add_envvec_finalizerB_binding); S48_GC_PROTECT_GLOBAL(current_env); S48_GC_PROTECT_GLOBAL(uname_record_type_binding); envvec_record_type_binding = s48_get_imported_binding("envvec-record-type"); uname_record_type_binding = s48_get_imported_binding("uname-record-type"); add_envvec_finalizerB_binding = s48_get_imported_binding("add-envvec-finalizer!"); }