; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; Profiling ; NOTE: the sampling rate is set at the beginning of each run. Different ; machines and loadings will produce different tick rates. (define (profile command) (let ((thunk (if (eq? (car command) 'run) (evaluate `(lambda () ,(cadr command)) (environment-for-commands)) (lambda () (execute-command command))))) (call-with-values (lambda () (run-with-profiling thunk (command-output))) (lambda (results hits running on-stack) (let ((port (command-output))) (display hits port) (display " samples" port) (newline port) (display "Running:" port) (newline port) (display-counts running hits - port) (display "Waiting:" port) (newline port) (display-counts on-stack hits (lambda (total next) next) port) (set-focus-values! results)))))) (define-command-syntax 'profile "<command>" "profile execution" '(command)) (define (display-counts counts hits combine port) (let ((limit (quotient hits 10))) (do ((counts counts (cdr counts)) (total hits (combine total (cdar counts)))) ((or (<= total limit) (null? counts) (<= (cdar counts) 1))) (display " " port) (display (cdar counts) port) (display " " port) (display (caar counts) port) (newline port)))) ; Strategy: ; Request periodic interrupts. ; At each interrupt save the current (raw) continuation. ; Either at the end of the run or every so many interrupts, stop the ; timer interrupts and walk the continuations adding the templates to ; a table, with a count of how many times each has been seen. (define (run-with-profiling thunk port) (calculate-tick-rate! port) (call-with-values (lambda () (dynamic-wind (lambda () (vector-set! interrupt-handlers (enum interrupt alarm) handle-timer-interrupt) (start-periodic-interrupts!)) (lambda () (primitive-cwcc (lambda (top) (set! *top-continuation* (continuation-parent top)) (set! *hits* 0) (set! *conts* '()) (set! *templates* '()) (set! *template-counts* (make-template-table)) (set! *cont-counts* (make-template-table)) (set! *cont-count* cont-limit) (thunk)))) reset-timer-interrupts!)) (lambda results (for-each add-cont-data! *conts*) (let ((templates (gather-template-table-data *template-counts*)) (conts (gather-template-table-data *cont-counts*))) (set! *top-continuation* #f) ; drop pointer (set! *conts* '()) (values results *hits* templates conts))))) (define *quantum-mantissa* #f) (define *quantum-exponent* #f) ; For checking how fast the machine is. (define (fib x) (if (< x 2) 1 (+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2))))) (define (calculate-tick-rate! port) (let ((start-time (run-time))) (fib 17) ; chosen more or less at random. (let ((end-time (run-time))) (set! *quantum-mantissa* (quotient (- end-time start-time) 4)) (set! *quantum-exponent* (tick-exponent)) (display (round (/ (* *quantum-mantissa* (expt 10 *quantum-exponent*)))) port) (display " ticks per second" port) (newline port)))) (define (start-periodic-interrupts!) (schedule-interrupt *quantum-mantissa* *quantum-exponent* #t)) (define (stop-periodic-interrupts!) (schedule-interrupt 0 0 #f)) (define cont-limit 100) (define *cont-count* cont-limit) (define (handle-timer-interrupt template ei) (set! *cont-count* (- *cont-count* 1)) (if (= 0 *cont-count*) (begin (stop-periodic-interrupts!) (for-each add-template-data! *templates*) (for-each add-cont-data! *conts*) (set! *cont-count* cont-limit) (set! *templates* '()) (set! *conts* '()) (start-periodic-interrupts!))) (set! *templates* (cons template *templates*)) (set! *hits* (+ *hits* 1)) (primitive-cwcc (lambda (cont) (set! *conts* (cons cont *conts*))))) (define *top-continuation* #f) (define *conts* '()) (define *templates* '()) (define *hits* 0) (define make-template-table (make-table-maker eq? template-id)) (define *template-counts* (make-template-table)) (define *cont-counts* (make-template-table)) (define (okay-cont? cont) (and cont (not (eq? cont *top-continuation*)))) (define (add-template-data! template) (let ((p (table-ref *template-counts* template))) (if (not p) (table-set! *template-counts* template (cons 1 '())) (set-car! p (+ (car p) 1))))) (define (add-cont-data! cont) (let loop ((cont (continuation-parent cont))) (if (and (okay-cont? cont) (okay-cont? (continuation-parent cont))) (let* ((template (continuation-template cont)) (p (table-ref *cont-counts* template))) (if (not p) (table-set! *cont-counts* template (cons 1 '())) (set-car! p (+ (car p) 1))) (loop (continuation-parent cont)))))) (define (gather-template-table-data table) (let ((counts '())) (table-walk (lambda (template p) (set! counts (cons (cons (debug-data-names (template-debug-data template)) (car p)) counts))) table) (sort-list counts (lambda (p1 p2) (>= (cdr p1) (cdr p2))))))