;;; DBM processing code ;;; Copyright (c) 1995 by David Albertz (dalbertz@clark.lcs.mit.edu). ;;; This code is freely available for use by anyone for any purpose, ;;; so long as you don't charge money for it, remove this notice, or ;;; hold us liable for any results of its use. --enjoy. ;;; Usage: (dbm-open name flags mode . access_method access_info) ;;; name := name of database file (no extension) ;;; flags := file access flags (open/create etc.) ;;; mode := file access modes (privileges) ;;; access_method := *if* you have Berkeley dbm, then ;;; you can specify btree, hash, or ;;; recno access methods (0, 1, or 2) ;;; access_info := *if* you have Berkeley dbm, then ;;; you can specify an access information ;;; record, which must correspond to the ;;; correct access method. ;;; *Note*: If you do *not* have Berkeley dbm, then specifying ;;; access_method and/or access_info will generate an ;;; error. If access_method is omitted and you *do* ;;; have Berkeley dbm, the default is btree. ;;; Return: dbm-record which contains the Alien value pointer ;;; to the open DBM structure and an open ;;; status flag set to #t. ;;; Usage: (dbm-close db) ;;; db := The dbm-record returned by dbm-open ;;; Return: Return value is undefined ;;; Usage: (dbm-fetch db key) ;;; db := The dbm-record returnd by dbm-open ;;; key := The key value of data to be retrieved ;;; Return: String containing data associated with key ;;; Usage: (dbm-insert db key data) ;;; db := The dbm-record returned by dbm-open ;;; key := The key value to be associated with data ;;; data := The data to be stored with the key ;;; Note: Insert will return an error if you try to ;;; insert a duplicate key into the database ;;; Return: Return value is undefined ;;; Usage: (dbm-replace db key data) ;;; db := The dbm-record returned by dbm-open ;;; key := The key value whose data is to be changed ;;; data := The data to be stored with the key ;;; Note: If you try to replace the data for a non-existent ;;; key, dbm-replace will act like dbm-insert ;;; Return: Return value is undefined ;;; Usage: (dbm-delete db key) ;;; db := The dbm-record returned by dbm-open ;;; key := The key value of data to be deleted ;;; Return: Integer returned by UNIX dbm_delete routine ;;; Usage: (dbm-firstkey db) ;;; db := The dbm-record returned by dbm-open ;;; Return: First key value stored in database hash table. ;;; Usage: (dbm-nextkey db) ;;; db := The dbm-record returned by dbm-open ;;; Return: Next key value stored in database hash table. ;;; Returns the null string when there are no more keys. ;;; If a database error is detected during any read or write operation, ;;; the error number returned by the UNIX dbm_error routine is passed ;;; back as an error condition. ;;; ***NOTE: All key and data elements must be strings ;;; Scheme48 implementation. (foreign-source "#include " "#include " "#include " "#include " "" "extern int errno;" "" "#define errno_or_false(x) (((x) == -1) ? s48_enter_integer(errno) : S48_FALSE)" "" "") ;;; This record will hold the pointer the the dbm structure plus ;;; a boolean flag with open status information (define-record dbm-record open? dbm) ;;; Use this record to pass btree access method specific data to dbm-open (define-record btree-info flags cachesize maxkeypage minkeypage psize lorder) ;;; Use this record to pass hash access method specific data to dbm-open (define-record hash-info bsize ffactor nelem cachesize lorder) ;;; Use this record to pass recno access method specific data to dbm-open (define-record recno-info flags cachesize psize lorder reclen bval bfname) ;;; Internal routine returns true if Berkeley dbm code is available (define-foreign %db-check (db_check) bool) ;;; If you don't specifiy an access method, this is the default ;;; internal routine that will be called. The only one you can ;;; use if you don't have Berkely dbm. (define-foreign %dbm-open (db_open_default (string file) (integer flags) (integer mode)) (to-scheme integer errno_or_false) ; error flag (C DB**)) ; DB structure ;;; Internal routine to open btree database (define-foreign %dbm-open-btree (db_open_btree (string file) (integer flags) (integer mode) (integer pass-info?) (integer access-flags) (integer cachesize) (integer maxkeypage) (integer minkeypage) (integer psize) (integer lorder)) (to-scheme integer errno_or_false) ; error flag (C DB**)) ; DB structure ;;; Internal routine to open hash database (define-foreign %dbm-open-hash (db_open_hash (string file) (integer flags) (integer mode) (integer pass-info?) (integer bsize) (integer ffactor) (integer nelem) (integer cachesize) (integer lorder)) (to-scheme integer errno_or_false) ; error flag (C DB**)) ; DB structure ;;; Internal routine to open recno database (define-foreign %dbm-open-recno (db_open_recno (string file) (integer flags) (integer mode) (integer pass-info?) (integer access-flags) (integer cachesize) (integer psize) (integer lorder) (integer reclen) (char bval) (string bfname)) (to-scheme integer errno_or_false) ; error flag (C DB**)) ; DB structure ;;; Convenient names for the access methods - these are exported (define btree/method 0) (define hash/method 1) (define recno/method 2) ;;; Several utility routines to help parse optional parameters (define (maybe-car lst) (if (pair? lst) (car lst) #f)) (define (maybe-cdr lst) (if (pair? lst) (cdr lst) #f)) (define (maybe-cadr lst) (maybe-car (maybe-cdr lst))) ;;; This routine returns to correct internal %dbm-open-foo routine ;;; based on the specified access method. If Berkeley dbm is not ;;; present on the system it will return an error condition if ;;; any access method is specified. (define (get-access-method access-parms) (let ((Berkeley? (%db-check)) (access-method (maybe-car access-parms))) (if (and (not Berkeley?) access-method) (error "You need the Berkeley dbm library - it's free!") (cond ((equal? access-method btree/method) %dbm-open-btree) ((equal? access-method hash/method) %dbm-open-hash) ((equal? access-method recno/method) %dbm-open-recno) ((not access-method) %dbm-open) (else (error "Invalid access method specified")))))) ;;; This routine checks for an optional access method specific information ;;; record (btree-info, hash-info, or recno-info). It returns an error ;;; condition of the record type does not match the access method. ;;; Case 1: no access method or access info record provided ;;; Return the empty list ;;; Case 2: Access method provided but not the info record ;;; Return a list with 0 as the first element ;;; and the correct number of remaining ;;; elements for the specified access method. ;;; The values in these elements are arbitrary. ;;; Case 3: Both access method and access info record provided ;;; Return a list with 1 as the first element and ;;; the individual fields within the info record as ;;; the remaining elements in the list. ;;; ;;; The resulting list will be used for application of the %dbm-open-foo (define (get-access-data access-parms) (let ((access-method (maybe-car access-parms)) (access-info (maybe-cadr access-parms))) (cond ((btree-info? access-info) (if (eqv? access-method btree/method) (list 1 (btree-info:flags access-info) (btree-info:cachesize access-info) (btree-info:maxkeypage access-info) (btree-info:minkeypage access-info) (btree-info:psize access-info) (btree-info:lorder access-info)) (error "Invalid access method for btree information"))) ((hash-info? access-info) (if (eqv? access-method hash/method) (list 1 (hash-info:bsize access-info) (hash-info:ffactor access-info) (hash-info:nelem access-info) (hash-info:cachesize access-info) (hash-info:lorder access-info)) (error "Invalid access method for hash information"))) ((recno-info? access-info) (if (eqv? access-method recno/method) (list 1 (recno-info:flags access-info) (recno-info:cachesize access-info) (recno-info:psize access-info) (recno-info:lorder access-info) (recno-info:reclen access-info) (recno-info:bval access-info) (recno-info:bfname access-info)) (error "Invalid access method for recno information"))) ((not access-info) (cond ((eqv? access-method btree/method) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)) ((equal? access-method hash/method) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0)) ((eqv? access-method recno/method) (list 0 0 0 0 0 0 #\0 "")) ((not access-method) '()) (else (error "Invalid access method specified")))) (else (error "Invalid access information specified"))))) ;;; The visible version of the dbm-open routine ;;; Returns error or a cons cell with the tag "dbm" in car ;;; and the alien value from %dbm-open-foo in cdr (define (dbm-open file flags mode . maybe-access) (let ((access-method (get-access-method maybe-access)) (access-data (append (list file flags mode) (get-access-data maybe-access)))) (receive (err dbm) (apply access-method access-data) (if err (errno-error err dbm-open) (make-dbm-record #t dbm))))) ;;; Common utility routine that makes sure dbm is an open database (define (check-dbm dbm) (check-arg dbm-record? dbm "Not a database") (check-arg dbm-record:open? dbm "Database not open")) ;;; Common utility routine to check for database errors ;;; result should be the result of applying the routine that might cause ;;; the error, e.g. (dbm-error dbm (%dbm-delete dbm key)) would ;;; give back the result of the delete, or an error if it occurred (define (dbm-error dbm result) (let ((err (%dbm-error (dbm-record:dbm dbm)))) (if (= err 0) result (begin (%dbm-clearerr (dbm-record:dbm dbm)) (error "Database error" err))))) ;;; Close routines. Note that the cdr of a dbm cons cell is set to #f ;;; to prevent someone from issuing subsequent calls to that database ;;; without re-opening it. (define-foreign %dbm-close (dbm_close ((C DBM*) dbm)) integer); (define (dbm-close dbm) (%dbm-close (dbm-record:dbm (check-dbm dbm))) (set-dbm-record:open? dbm #f)) ;;; Database error return. Straight forward implementation of UNIX call ;;; If this returns zero, you can be confident that the previous call ;;; to the database worked correctly. (define-foreign %dbm-error (dbm_error ((C DBM*) dbm)) integer) ;;; Clear database errors. Straight forward implementation of UNIX call ;;; Resets database so dbm-error returns zero again. (define-foreign %dbm-clearerr (dbm_clearerr ((C DBM*) dbm)) integer) ;;; Delete key from database if it exists (define-foreign %dbm-delete (database_delete ((C DBM*) dbm) (string-desc key)) integer) (define (dbm-delete dbm key) (dbm-error dbm (%dbm-delete (dbm-record:dbm (check-dbm dbm)) key))) ;;; Return the data associated with key if it exists, otherwise ;;; it returns a null string (define-foreign %dbm-fetch (database_fetch ((C DBM*) dbm) (string-desc key)) string) (define (dbm-fetch dbm key) (dbm-error dbm (%dbm-fetch (dbm-record:dbm (check-dbm dbm)) key))) ;;; Store a new occurance of the associated pair in the database ;;; if flags is zero, otherwise replace old data for key with new data (define-foreign %dbm-store (database_store ((C DBM*) dbm) (string-desc key) (string-desc data) (integer flags)) integer) ;;; Insert a new occurance of into database (define (dbm-insert dbm key data) (let ((insret (dbm-error dbm (%dbm-store (dbm-record:dbm (check-dbm dbm)) key data 0)))) (if (not (= insret 0)) (error "Attempt to insert duplicate key") insret))) ;;; Replace old data for key with new data (define (dbm-replace dbm key data) (dbm-error dbm (%dbm-store (dbm-record:dbm (check-dbm dbm)) key data 1))) ;;; Returns a string containing the key of first record in database (define-foreign %dbm-firstkey (database_first ((C DBM*) dbm)) string) (define (dbm-firstkey dbm) (dbm-error dbm (%dbm-firstkey (dbm-record:dbm (check-dbm dbm))))) ;;; Returns a string containing the key of the next sequential ;;; record on the database since the last firstkey or nextkey ;;; operation. Records are returned in some arbitrary sequence. (define-foreign %dbm-nextkey (database_next ((C DBM*) dbm)) string) (define (dbm-nextkey dbm) (dbm-error dbm (%dbm-nextkey (dbm-record:dbm (check-dbm dbm)))))