; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; This file contains the type declarations for the VM's interface to ; unbuffered i/o. Unbuffered ports are called channels in the VM ; and FD's in the OS. The external names are unixoid, but the interface ; itself is intended to be portable. (define current-input-channel (external "STDIN_FD" (=> () integer))) (define current-output-channel (external "STDOUT_FD" (=> () integer))) (define current-error-channel (external "STDERR_FD" (=> () integer))) ; Converting between ports and channels. (define input-port->channel (external "fileno" (=> (input-port) integer))) (define output-port->channel (external "fileno" (=> (output-port) integer))) (define input-channel->port (external "PS_INPUT_FDOPEN" (=> (integer) input-port integer))) (define output-channel->port (external "PS_OUTPUT_FDOPEN" (=> (integer) output-port integer))) ; Opening and closing channels (define open-file-channel (external "ps_open_fd" (=> ((^ char) boolean) integer integer))) (define (open-input-file-channel name) (open-file-channel name #t)) (define (open-output-file-channel name) (open-file-channel name #f)) (define close-channel (external "ps_close_fd" (=> (integer) integer))) (define close-input-channel close-channel) (define close-output-channel close-channel) ; Read and writing blocks of data ; ; (channel-read-block channel buffer count wait?) ; -> char-count eof? pending? status ; ; (channel-write-block channel buffer count) ; -> char-count eof? pending? status ; ; CHAR-COUNT - the number of characters read/written ; EOF? - char-count is ignored if this is true ; PENDING? - true if the operation cannot complete immediately ; STATUS - from an enumeration defined as part of Pre-Scheme ; ; Pending i/o operations produce i/o-completion events when they're done. (define channel-read-block (external "ps_read_fd" (=> (integer address integer boolean) integer boolean boolean integer))) (define channel-write-block (external "ps_write_fd" (=> (integer address integer) integer boolean integer))) (define channel-abort (external "ps_abort_fd_op" (=> (integer) integer))) ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; Asynchronous external events ; The different kinds of events (define-external-enumeration events (keyboard-interrupt-event ; user interrupt io-completion-event ; a pending i/o operation completed alarm-event ; scheduled interrupt os-signal-event ; some OS signal of no interest to the VM occured error-event ; OS error occurred no-event ; no more pending events )) ; Initialize the event system (define initialize-events (external "interrupt_init" (=> () integer))) ; True if an event is pending (define pending-event? (external "pending_eventp" (=> () boolean))) ; Returns the next event. The second return value is the FD for i/o-completion ; events and the third is the status for i/o-completion and error events. ; (currently this is always zero for i/o-completions). (define get-next-event (external "s48_get_next_event" (=> () integer integer integer))) ; Wait for the next event. The two arguments are maximum time to wait and ; whether that time is in minutes (#T) or milliseconds (#F). (define wait-for-event (external "s48_wait_for_event" (=> (integer boolean) unit)))