(define-syntax color (syntax-rules () ((color) 'green)))

(define-syntax with-blue
  (lambda (exp r c)
    `(,(r 'let-syntax) ((color (,(r 'syntax-rules) ()
                                 ((color) 'blue))))
       . ,(cdr exp))))

(with-blue (color))

;;; This has a problem --  WITH-BLUE is not hygenic:
(let ((color (lambda () 'foo)))
  (with-blue (color)))

=> blue

;;; Let's fix this by adding a layer of indirection --
;;; 1. (color) ==> (hidden-color)
;;; 2. with-blue frobs the definition of *our* hidden-color

(define-syntax hidden-color (lambda (exp r c) `(,(r 'quote) green)))
(define-syntax color        (lambda (exp r c) `(,(r 'hidden-color))))

(define-syntax with-blue
    (lambda (exp r c)
      `(,(r 'let-syntax) 
            ((,(r 'hidden-color) (,(r 'syntax-rules) ()
                                   ((,(r 'hidden-color)) (,(r 'quote) blue)))))
	. ,(cdr exp))))

;;; Without all the renaming, the above is
;;; (let-syntax ((hidden-color (syntax-rules () ((hidden-color 'blue)))))
;;;   body ...)
;;; where *all* symbols on the first line are renamed, *including* 
;;; hidden-color, so we should be redefining the same hidden-color
;;; to which (color) expands.

;;; It doesn't work:
(with-blue (color))
=> green