; Copyright (c) 1993-2001 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. ; ,open interfaces packages meta-types sort syntactic ; ,config scheme ; Print out the names and types exported by THING, which is either a structure ; or an interface. (define (list-interface thing) (cond ((structure? thing) (list-interface-1 (structure-interface thing) (lambda (name type) (let ((x (structure-lookup thing name #t))) (if (binding? x) (binding-type x) #f))))) ((interface? thing) (list-interface-1 thing (lambda (name type) type))) (else '?))) ; LOOKUP is passed the package-name and the type from the interface and ; returns a (possibly different) type. (define (list-interface-1 int lookup) (let ((names '())) (for-each-declaration (lambda (name package-name type) (if (not (assq name names)) ;compound signatures... (set! names (cons (cons name (lookup package-name type)) names)))) int) (for-each (lambda (pair) (let ((name (car pair)) (type (cdr pair))) (write name) (display (make-string (max 0 (- 25 (string-length (symbol->string name)))) #\space)) (write-char #\space) (write (careful-type->sexp type)) ;( ...) (newline))) (sort-list names (lambda (pair1 pair2) (string<? (symbol->string (car pair1)) (symbol->string (car pair2)))))))) (define (careful-type->sexp thing) (cond ((not thing) 'undefined) ((or (symbol? thing) (null? thing) (number? thing)) thing) ;? ((pair? thing) ;e.g. (variable #{Type :value}) (cons (careful-type->sexp (car thing)) (careful-type->sexp (cdr thing)))) (else (type->sexp thing #t))))