/* Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include "io.h" #include "scheme48.h" #define TRUE (0 == 0) #define FALSE (! TRUE) #define bool char /* read a character while ignoring interrupts */ #define READ_CHAR(PORT,RESULT) \ { \ FILE * TTport = PORT; \ int TTchar; \ if (EOF == (TTchar = getc(TTport))) \ RESULT = s48_read_char(TTport); \ else \ RESULT = TTchar; \ } /* Helper procedure for the READ_CHAR macro. If the getc was interrupted we clear the error bit and try again. */ int s48_read_char(FILE *port) { int result; while(TRUE) { if (ferror(port) && errno == EINTR) { clearerr(port); result = getc(port); if (EOF != result) return result; } else return EOF; } } /* called when getc(port) returned EOF */ char ps_read_char(FILE *port, bool *eofp, long *status, bool peekp) { bool errorp; int result; result = s48_read_char(port); /* read past any interruptions */ if (result != EOF) { if (peekp) ungetc(result, port); *eofp = FALSE; *status = NO_ERRORS; return result; } else { errorp = ferror(port); clearerr(port); if (errorp) { *eofp = FALSE; *status = errno; return 0; } else { *eofp = TRUE; *status = NO_ERRORS; return 0; } } } long ps_read_integer(FILE *port, bool *eofp, long *status) { long result; int ch; bool negate; bool errorp; /* eat whitespace */ do { READ_CHAR(port, ch); } while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n'); /* read optional sign */ if (ch == '-') { negate = TRUE; READ_CHAR(port, ch); } else negate = FALSE; if (ch < '0' || '9' < ch) { if (ch != EOF) { *eofp = FALSE; *status = EINVAL; } /* has to be something */ else { errorp = ferror(port); clearerr(port); if (errorp) { *eofp = FALSE; *status = errno; } else { *eofp = TRUE; *status = 0; } } result = 0; } else { result = ch - '0'; while(1) { READ_CHAR(port, ch); if (ch < '0' || '9' < ch) break; result = (10 * result) + (ch - '0'); } if (ch != EOF) ungetc(ch, port); *eofp = FALSE; *status = 0; } return (negate ? -result : result); } /* write a character regardless of interrupts */ #define WRITE_CHAR(CH,PORT,RESULT) \ { \ char TTch = CH; \ FILE * TTport = PORT; \ if (putc(TTch, TTport) != EOF) \ RESULT = 0; \ else \ RESULT = ps_write_char(TTch, TTport); \ } /* called when putc(char, port) returned EOF */ long ps_write_char(char ch, FILE *port) { while(TRUE) { clearerr(port); if (errno != EINTR) return errno; else if (putc(ch, port) != EOF) return 0; } } long ps_write_integer(long n, FILE *port) { int status; static long write_integer(unsigned long n, FILE *port); if (n == 0) { WRITE_CHAR('0', port, status); return status; } else if (n > 0) return write_integer(n, port); else { WRITE_CHAR('-', port, status); if (status == 0) return write_integer(- n, port); else return status; } } static long write_integer(unsigned long n, FILE *port) { char ch; long status; if (n == 0) status = 0; else { status = write_integer(n / 10, port); if (status == 0) { ch = (n % 10) + '0'; WRITE_CHAR(ch, port,status); } } return status; } long ps_write_string(char *string, FILE *port) { while (TRUE) { if (EOF != fputs(string, port)) return (0); clearerr(port); if (errno != EINTR) return (errno); } } long ps_read_block(FILE *port, char *buffer, long count, bool *eofp, long *status) { int got = 0; bool errorp; while(TRUE) { got += fread(buffer, sizeof(char), count - got, port); if (got == count) { *eofp = FALSE; *status = NO_ERRORS; return got;} else if (ferror(port) && errno == EINTR) clearerr(port); else { *eofp = feof(port); errorp = ferror(port); clearerr(port); if (errorp) *status = errno; else *status = NO_ERRORS; return got;} }; } long ps_write_block(FILE *port, char *buffer, long count) { int sent = 0; while(TRUE) { sent += fwrite(buffer, sizeof(char), count - sent, port); if (sent == count) return NO_ERRORS; else if (ferror(port) && errno == EINTR) clearerr(port); else { clearerr(port); return errno; } } } void ps_error(char *message, long count, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, count); fputs(message, stderr); for(; count > 0; --count) fprintf(stderr, " %ld", va_arg(ap, long)); putc('\n', stderr); exit(-1); } static FILE * ps_really_open_file(char *filename, long *status, char *mode) { #define FILE_NAME_SIZE 1024 char filename_temp[FILE_NAME_SIZE]; char *expanded; extern char *s48_expand_file_name(char *, char *, int); FILE *new; expanded = s48_expand_file_name(filename, filename_temp, FILE_NAME_SIZE); if (expanded == NULL) { *status = EDOM; /* has to be something */ return NULL; } new = fopen(expanded, mode); if (new == NULL) { *status = errno; return NULL; } *status = NO_ERRORS; return new; } FILE * ps_open_input_file(char *name, long *status) { return ps_really_open_file(name, status, "r"); } FILE * ps_open_output_file(char *name, long *status) { return ps_really_open_file(name, status, "w"); } long ps_close(FILE *stream) { if (0 == fclose(stream)) return 0; else return errno; }