contrast to former versions) someday be capable of returning things
+ However, SQLGetData() is now even more broken than before (if used
on integer columns). It seems, that I failed to understand the API
reference on SQLGetData() completly!
RX syntax. Namely, a lot of code (used to) assume(s) that the
total-number-of-submatches (TSM) quantity is static even for dynamic
Specifically, RE-TSM now returns an unspecific value instead of 0 for
non-regexps which should break most of the code that used to just
silently do the wrong thing. It's likely that more examples involving
dynamic sub-regexps will fail.
In the process, I also removed some of Olin's naming craziness (using
"%" signs to convey meaning) which I needed to do to halfway
understand what's going on.
opened by open-input-string could be closed by the GC before the exec().
Now << stores the port in a global variable.
The test to reveal the bug was:
(let lp ()
(run (head) (<< "a"))
printing a "closed channel" message after some a few hundred interations.
- dynamic memory allocation for return values in these functions:
- odbc_sql_get_info_string()
- odbc_sql_get_connect_attr_string()
- odbc_sql_get_stmt_attr_string()
- odbc_sql_get_desc_field_string()
- odbc_sql_get_cursor_name()
- odbc_sql_native_sql()
- odbc_sql_get_data()
- odbc_sql_describe_col()
- odbc_sql_get_diag_recs()
- odbc_sql_data_sources() is still broken: sometimes the result string
is truncated. I'm not sure if this not a unixODBC-bug...
- Don't call SQLGetDiagRec() automatically on SQL_ERROR, some ODBC
seem to have a broken SQLGetDiagRec() implementation. Let user call
SQLGetDiagRec() from Scheme at his own risk.
The ODBC documentation thinks it's a good idea to call SQLGetDiagRec()
after each ODBC-call that might return SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. IMHO
this sucks. However it's now possible to do so in the user's Scheme
(environment-handle, connection-handle, statement-handle,
- make ODBC functions these records
- Tons of constants for SQLGetInfo()
- get rid of some stupid pseudo-highlevel-ODBC-functions
- extend the VM interrupts to distinguish between read and write
- add new ADD-PENDING-CHANNEL instruction to the VM
- add WAIT-FOR-CHANNELS procedure to the run-time system
- implement SELECT and SELECT! on top of that in newports.scm
This runs some basic tests, but in general should be considered
largely untested.
Moreover, SELECT/SELECT! never detect any exceptional conditions---the
returned vectors are always empty. This is because the VM doesn't
really track those, and it's unclear whether it would be worth the
Scheme 48 1.0.1.
Namely, instead of associating a list of queues with every thread, we
associate a single cell, holding the thread. That cell is stored in
thread queues, and once a thread is made runnable again, the cell is
set to #f. The thread-queue accessors ignore cells containing #f.
Implement an experimental OBTAIN-LOCK-MULTIPLE to test the whole