Import from pre-1.0 documentation from Richard.

This commit is contained in:
sperber 2002-01-08 15:06:41 +00:00
parent 3dedf2b9a7
commit cdd7382bf1
22 changed files with 5376 additions and 503 deletions

doc/src/ascii.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
(define control-names
'#("NUL" "SOH" "STX" "ETX" "EOT" "ENQ" "ACK" "BEL"
"BS" "HT" "LF" "VT" "FF" "CR" "SO" "SI"
"DLE" "DC1" "DC2" "DC3" "DC4" "NAK" "SYN" "ETB"
"CAN" "EM" "SUB" "ESC" "FS" "GS" "RS" "US"
(define unicode-latin-1-names
(define (display-char i)
(for-each display
(list "\\code{" (number->string i 10) "} & \\code{"
(string-upcase (number->string i 16)) "} & "
(cond ((<= i 32)
(vector-ref control-names i))
((= i 127)
((= i (char->ascii #\|))
(string-append "\\verb|"
(list->string (list (ascii->char i)))
" & "
(string-downcase (vector-ref unicode-latin-1-names i)))))
(define (string-upcase string)
(list->string (map char-upcase (string->list string))))
(define (string-downcase string)
(list->string (map char-downcase (string->list string))))
(define (write-ascii-table)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 64))
(display-char i)
(display " & ")
(display-char (+ i 64))
(display " \\\\")

doc/src/ascii.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
\chapter{ASCII character encoding}
% Table of ASCII encodings (as used by CHAR->ASCII and ASCII->CHAR)
``ASCII'' stands for ``American Standard Code for Information Interchange''.
The ASCII standard is a seven-bit code published by the United States of
America Standards Institute (USASI) in 1968.
The ASCII encoding forms the first half of ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) which in
turn forms the first page of ISO 10646 (Unicode).
The Scheme~48 procedures
\T (section~\ref{ascii-procedures})
give access to the ASCII encoding.
% Could also show named Scheme characters (#\space etc.) and C escapes.
n$_{10}$ & n$_{16}$ & & Unicode name & n$_{10}$ & n$_{16}$ & & Unicode name \\
\T n$_{10}$ & n$_{16}$ & & Unicode name & n$_{10}$ & n$_{16}$ & & Unicode name \\
\code{0} & \code{0} & NUL & null & \code{64} & \code{40} & \verb|@| & commercial at \\
\code{1} & \code{1} & SOH & start of heading & \code{65} & \code{41} & \verb|A| & latin capital letter a \\
\code{2} & \code{2} & STX & start of text & \code{66} & \code{42} & \verb|B| & latin capital letter b \\
\code{3} & \code{3} & ETX & end of text & \code{67} & \code{43} & \verb|C| & latin capital letter c \\
\code{4} & \code{4} & EOT & end of transmission & \code{68} & \code{44} & \verb|D| & latin capital letter d \\
\code{5} & \code{5} & ENQ & enquiry & \code{69} & \code{45} & \verb|E| & latin capital letter e \\
\code{6} & \code{6} & ACK & acknowledge & \code{70} & \code{46} & \verb|F| & latin capital letter f \\
\code{7} & \code{7} & BEL & bell & \code{71} & \code{47} & \verb|G| & latin capital letter g \\
\code{8} & \code{8} & BS & backspace & \code{72} & \code{48} & \verb|H| & latin capital letter h \\
\code{9} & \code{9} & HT & horizontal tabulation & \code{73} & \code{49} & \verb|I| & latin capital letter i \\
\code{10} & \code{A} & LF & line feed & \code{74} & \code{4A} & \verb|J| & latin capital letter j \\
\code{11} & \code{B} & VT & vertical tabulation & \code{75} & \code{4B} & \verb|K| & latin capital letter k \\
\code{12} & \code{C} & FF & form feed & \code{76} & \code{4C} & \verb|L| & latin capital letter l \\
\code{13} & \code{D} & CR & carriage return & \code{77} & \code{4D} & \verb|M| & latin capital letter m \\
\code{14} & \code{E} & SO & shift out & \code{78} & \code{4E} & \verb|N| & latin capital letter n \\
\code{15} & \code{F} & SI & shift in & \code{79} & \code{4F} & \verb|O| & latin capital letter o \\
\code{16} & \code{10} & DLE & data link escape & \code{80} & \code{50} & \verb|P| & latin capital letter p \\
\code{17} & \code{11} & DC1 & device control one & \code{81} & \code{51} & \verb|Q| & latin capital letter q \\
\code{18} & \code{12} & DC2 & device control two & \code{82} & \code{52} & \verb|R| & latin capital letter r \\
\code{19} & \code{13} & DC3 & device control three & \code{83} & \code{53} & \verb|S| & latin capital letter s \\
\code{20} & \code{14} & DC4 & device control four & \code{84} & \code{54} & \verb|T| & latin capital letter t \\
\code{21} & \code{15} & NAK & negative acknowledge & \code{85} & \code{55} & \verb|U| & latin capital letter u \\
\code{22} & \code{16} & SYN & synchronous idle & \code{86} & \code{56} & \verb|V| & latin capital letter v \\
\code{23} & \code{17} & ETB & end of transmission block & \code{87} & \code{57} & \verb|W| & latin capital letter w \\
\code{24} & \code{18} & CAN & cancel & \code{88} & \code{58} & \verb|X| & latin capital letter x \\
\code{25} & \code{19} & EM & end of medium & \code{89} & \code{59} & \verb|Y| & latin capital letter y \\
\code{26} & \code{1A} & SUB & substitute & \code{90} & \code{5A} & \verb|Z| & latin capital letter z \\
\code{27} & \code{1B} & ESC & escape & \code{91} & \code{5B} & \verb|[| & left square bracket \\
\code{28} & \code{1C} & FS & file separator & \code{92} & \code{5C} & \verb|\| & reverse solidus \\
\code{29} & \code{1D} & GS & group separator & \code{93} & \code{5D} & \verb|]| & right square bracket \\
\code{30} & \code{1E} & RS & record separator & \code{94} & \code{5E} & \verb|^| & circumflex accent \\
\code{31} & \code{1F} & US & unit separator & \code{95} & \code{5F} & \verb|_| & low line \\
\code{32} & \code{20} & SPACE & space & \code{96} & \code{60} & \verb|`| & grave accent \\
\code{33} & \code{21} & \verb|!| & exclamation mark & \code{97} & \code{61} & \verb|a| & latin small letter a \\
\code{34} & \code{22} & \verb|"| & quotation mark & \code{98} & \code{62} & \verb|b| & latin small letter b \\
\code{35} & \code{23} & \verb|#| & number sign & \code{99} & \code{63} & \verb|c| & latin small letter c \\
\code{36} & \code{24} & \verb|$| & dollar sign & \code{100} & \code{64} & \verb|d| & latin small letter d \\
\code{37} & \code{25} & \verb|%| & percent sign & \code{101} & \code{65} & \verb|e| & latin small letter e \\
\code{38} & \code{26} & \verb|&| & ampersand & \code{102} & \code{66} & \verb|f| & latin small letter f \\
\code{39} & \code{27} & \verb|'| & apostrophe & \code{103} & \code{67} & \verb|g| & latin small letter g \\
\code{40} & \code{28} & \verb|(| & left parenthesis & \code{104} & \code{68} & \verb|h| & latin small letter h \\
\code{41} & \code{29} & \verb|)| & right parenthesis & \code{105} & \code{69} & \verb|i| & latin small letter i \\
\code{42} & \code{2A} & \verb|*| & asterisk & \code{106} & \code{6A} & \verb|j| & latin small letter j \\
\code{43} & \code{2B} & \verb|+| & plus sign & \code{107} & \code{6B} & \verb|k| & latin small letter k \\
\code{44} & \code{2C} & \verb|,| & comma & \code{108} & \code{6C} & \verb|l| & latin small letter l \\
\code{45} & \code{2D} & \verb|-| & hyphen-minus & \code{109} & \code{6D} & \verb|m| & latin small letter m \\
\code{46} & \code{2E} & \verb|.| & full stop & \code{110} & \code{6E} & \verb|n| & latin small letter n \\
\code{47} & \code{2F} & \verb|/| & solidus & \code{111} & \code{6F} & \verb|o| & latin small letter o \\
\code{48} & \code{30} & \verb|0| & digit zero & \code{112} & \code{70} & \verb|p| & latin small letter p \\
\code{49} & \code{31} & \verb|1| & digit one & \code{113} & \code{71} & \verb|q| & latin small letter q \\
\code{50} & \code{32} & \verb|2| & digit two & \code{114} & \code{72} & \verb|r| & latin small letter r \\
\code{51} & \code{33} & \verb|3| & digit three & \code{115} & \code{73} & \verb|s| & latin small letter s \\
\code{52} & \code{34} & \verb|4| & digit four & \code{116} & \code{74} & \verb|t| & latin small letter t \\
\code{53} & \code{35} & \verb|5| & digit five & \code{117} & \code{75} & \verb|u| & latin small letter u \\
\code{54} & \code{36} & \verb|6| & digit six & \code{118} & \code{76} & \verb|v| & latin small letter v \\
\code{55} & \code{37} & \verb|7| & digit seven & \code{119} & \code{77} & \verb|w| & latin small letter w \\
\code{56} & \code{38} & \verb|8| & digit eight & \code{120} & \code{78} & \verb|x| & latin small letter x \\
\code{57} & \code{39} & \verb|9| & digit nine & \code{121} & \code{79} & \verb|y| & latin small letter y \\
\code{58} & \code{3A} & \verb|:| & colon & \code{122} & \code{7A} & \verb|z| & latin small letter z \\
\code{59} & \code{3B} & \verb|;| & semicolon & \code{123} & \code{7B} & \verb|{| & left curly bracket \\
\code{60} & \code{3C} & \verb|<| & less-than sign & \code{124} & \code{7C} & \verb$|$ & vertical line \\
\code{61} & \code{3D} & \verb|=| & equals sign & \code{125} & \code{7D} & \verb|}| & right curly bracket \\
\code{62} & \code{3E} & \verb|>| & greater-than sign & \code{126} & \code{7E} & \verb|~| & tilde \\
\code{63} & \code{3F} & \verb|?| & question mark & \code{127} & \code{7F} & DEL & delete \\

doc/src/bibliography.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Information technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX).
\newblock ISO/IEC 9945-1 ANSI/IEEE Std 1003.1.
\newblock 2nd Ed., 1996.
William Clinger and Jonathan~Rees.
\newblock Macros that work.
\newblock {\em Principles of Programming Languages}, January 1991.
William Clinger and Jonathan~Rees (editors).
\newblock Revised${}^4$ report on the algorithmic language {S}cheme.
\newblock {\em LISP Pointers} IV(3):1--55, July-September 1991.
Pavel Curtis and James Rauen.
\newblock A module system for Scheme.
\newblock {\em ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming,}
pages 13--19, 1990.
Richard~Kelsey and Jonathan~Rees.
\newblock A Tractable {Scheme} Implementation.
\newblock {\em Lisp and Symbolic Computation} 7:315--335 1994.
Richard Kelsey, Will Clinger, Jonathan Rees (editors).
\newblock Revised$^5$ Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme.
\newblock {\em Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation,} Vol. 11, No. 1,
September, 1998.
\newblock and {\em ACM SIGPLAN Notices}, Vol. 33, No. 9, October, 1998.
David MacQueen.
\newblock Modules for Standard ML.
\newblock {\em ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming,}
Jonathan Rees and Bruce Donald.
\newblock Program mobile robots in Scheme.
\newblock {\em International Conference on Robotics and
Automation,} IEEE, 1992.
Mark A.~Sheldon and David K.~Gifford.
\newblock Static dependent types for first-class modules.
\newblock {\em ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming,}
pages 20--29, 1990.
Olin Shivers and Brian D.~Calrstrom.
\newblock Scsh Reference Manual, scsh release 0.4.
\newblock MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
\newblock Also available at URL
Olin Shivers.
\newblock A universal scripting framework,
or Lambda: the ultimate ``little language''.
\newblock {\em Concurrency and Parallelism, Programming, Networking, and
Security,} pages 254--265, Springer 1996.
\newblock Joxan Jaffar and Roland H.~C.~Yap, editors.

doc/src/command.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
\chapter{Command processor}
This chapter details Scheme~48's command processor, which incorporates
both a read-eval-print loop and an interactive debugger.
At the \code{>} prompt, you can type either a Scheme form
(expression or definition) or a command beginning with a comma.
\link*{inspection mode}[inspection mode (see section~\Ref)]{inspector}
the prompt changes to \code{:} and commands
no longer need to be preceded by a comma; input beginning with
a letter or digit is assumed to be a command, not an expression.
In inspection mode the command processor prints out a
menu of selectable components for the current object of interest.
\section{Current focus value and {\tt \#\#}}
The command processor keeps track of a current {\em focus value}.
This value is normally the last value returned by a command.
If a command returns multiple values the focus object is a list of the
The focus value is not changed if a command returns no values or
a distinguished `unspecific' value.
Examples of forms that return this unspecific value are definitions,
uses of \code{set!}, and \code{(if \#f 0)}.
It prints as \code{\#\{Unspecific\}}.
The reader used by the command processor reads \code{\#\#} as a special
expression that evaluates to the current focus object.
> (list 'a 'b)
'(a b)
> (car ##)
> (symbol->string ##)
> (if #f 0)
> ##
\section{Command levels}
If an error, keyboard interrupt, or other breakpoint occurs, or the
\code{,push} command is used, the command
processor invokes a recursive copy of itself, preserving the dynamic state of
the program when the breakpoint occured.
The recursive invocation creates a new {\em command level}.
The command levels form a stack with the current level at the top.
The command prompt indicates the number of stopped levels below the
current one: \code{>} or \code{:} for the
base level and \code{\cvar{n}>} or \code{\cvar{n}:} for all other levels,
where \cvar{n} is the command-level nesting depth.
The \code{auto-levels} switch
described below can be used to disable the automatic pushing of new levels.
The command processor's evaluation package and the value of the
\code{inspect-focus-value} switch are local to each command level.
They are preserved when a new level is pushed and restored when
it is discarded.
The settings of all other switches are shared by all command levels.
\item $\langle{}$eof$\rangle{}$\\
Discards the current command level and resumes running the level down.
$\langle{}$eof$\rangle{}$ is usually
control-\code{D} at a Unix shell or control-\code{C} control-\code{D} using
the Emacs \code{cmuscheme48} library.
\item \code{,pop}\\
The same as $\langle{}$eof$\rangle{}$.
\item \code{,proceed [\cvar{exp} \ldots}]\\
Proceed after an interrupt or error, resuming the next command
level down, delivering the values of \cvar{exp~\ldots} to the continuation.
Interrupt continuations discard any returned values.
\code{,Pop} and \code{,proceed} have the same effect after an interrupt
but behave differently after errors.
\code{,Proceed} restarts the erroneous computation from the point where the
error occurred (although not all errors are proceedable) while
\code{,pop} (and $\langle{}$eof$\rangle{}$) discards it and prompts for
a new command.
\item \code{,push}\\
Pushes a new command level on above the current one.
This is useful if the \code{auto-levels} switch has been used
to disable the automatic pushing of new levels for errors and interrupts.
\item \code{,reset [\cvar{number}]}\\
Pops down to a given level and restarts that level.
\cvar{Number} defaults to zero, \code{,reset} restarts the command
processor, discarding all existing levels.
Whenever moving to an existing level, either by sending
an $\langle{}$eof$\rangle{}$
or by using \code{,reset} or the other commands listed above,
the command processor runs all of the \code{dynamic-wind} ``after'' thunks
belonging to stopped computations on the discarded level(s).
\section{Logistical commands}
\item \code{,load \cvar{filename \ldots}}\\
Loads the named Scheme source file(s).
Easier to type than \code{(load "\cvar{filename}")} because you don't have to
shift to type the parentheses or quote marks. Also, it works in
any package, unlike \code{(load "\cvar{filename}")}, which will work only
work in packages in which the variable \code{load} is defined appropriately.
\item \code{,exit [\cvar{exp}]}
Exits back out to shell (or executive or whatever invoked Scheme~48
in the first place).
\cvar{Exp} should evaluate to an integer. The
integer is returned to the calling program.
The default value of \cvar{exp} is zero, which, on Unix,
is generally interpreted as success.
\section{Module commands}
There are many commands related to modules.
Only the most commonly used module commands are described here;
documentation for the
rest can be found in \link*{the module chapter}[section~\Ref]{module-commands}.
There is also
\link*{a brief description of modules, structures, and packages}
[a brief description of modules, structures, and packages in section~\Ref]
{module-guide} below.
\item \code{,open \cvar{structure \ldots}}\\
Makes the bindings in the \cvar{structure}s visible in the current package.
The packages associated with the \cvar{structure}s will be loaded if
this has not already been done (the \code{ask-before-loading} switch
can be used disable the automatic loading of packages).
\item \code{,config [\cvar{command}]}\\
Executes \cvar{command} in the \code{config} package, which includes
the module configuration language.
For example, use
,config ,load \cvar{filename}
to load a file containing module definitions.
If no \cvar{command} is given, the \code{config} package becomes the
execution package for future commands.
\item \code{,user [\cvar{command}]} \\
This is similar to the {\tt ,config}. It
moves to or executes a command in the user package (which is the
default package when the \hack{} command processor starts).
\section{Debugging commands}
\item \code{,preview}\\
Somewhat like a backtrace, but because of tail recursion you see
less than you might in debuggers for some other languages.
The stack to display is chosen as follows:
\item If the current focus object is a continuation or a thread,
then that continuation or thread's stack is displayed.
\item Otherwise, if the current command level was initiated because of
a breakpoint in the next level down, then the stack at that
breakpoint is displayed.
\item Otherwise, there is no stack to display and a message is printed
to that effect.
One line is printed out for each continuation on the chosen stack,
going from top to bottom.
\item \code{,run \cvar{exp}}\\
Evaluate \cvar{exp}, printing the result(s) and making them
(or a list of them, if \cvar{exp} returns multiple results)
the new focus object.
The \code{,run} command is useful when writing
\link*{command programs}
[command programs, which are described in section~\Ref{} below]
\item \code{,trace \cvar{name} \ldots}\\
Start tracing calls to the named procedure or procedures.
With no arguments, displays all procedures currently traced.
This affects the binding of \cvar{name}, not the behavior of the
procedure that is its current value. \cvar{Name} is redefined
to be a procedure that prints a message,
calls the original value of \cvar{name}, prints another
message, and finally passes along the value(s) returned by the
original procedure.
\item \code{,untrace \cvar{name} \ldots}\\
Stop tracing calls to the named procedure or procedures.
With no argument, stop tracing all calls to all procedures.
\item \code{,condition}\\
The \code{,condition} command displays the condition object
describing the error or interrupt that initiated the current
command level. The condition object becomes the current focus
value. This is particularly useful in conjunction with
the inspector. For example, if a procedure is passed the wrong number of
arguments, do \code{,condition} followed by
\code{,inspect} to inspect the
procedure and its arguments.
\item \code{,bound?\ \cvar{name}}\\
Display the binding of \cvar{name}, if there is one, and otherwise
prints `\code{Not bound}'.
\item \code{,expand \cvar{form}}
\item \code{,expand-all \cvar{form}}\\
Show macro expansion of \cvar{form}, if any.
\code{,expand} performs a single macro expansion while
\code{,expand-all} fully expands all macros in \cvar{form}.
\item \code{,where \cvar{procedure}}\\
Display name of file containing \cvar{procedure}'s source code.
There are a number of binary switches that control the behavior of the
command processor.
They can be set using the \code{,set} and \code{,unset} commands.
\item \code{,set \cvar{switch} [on | off | ?]}\\
This sets the value of mode-switch \cvar{switch}.
The second argument defaults to \code{on}.
If the second argument is \code{?} the value of \cvar{switch} is
is displayed and not changed.
Doing \code{,set ?} will display a list of the switches and
their current values.
\item \code{,unset \cvar{switch}}\\
\code{,unset \cvar{switch}} is the same as
\code{,set \cvar{switch} off}.
The switches are as follows:
\item \code{batch}\\
In `batch mode' any error or interrupt that comes up will cause
Scheme~48 to exit immediately with a non-zero exit status. Also,
the command processor doesn't print prompts. Batch mode is
off by default.
% JAR says: disable auto-levels by default??
\item \code{auto-levels}\\
Enables or disables the automatic pushing of a new command level when
an error, interrupt, or other breakpoint occurs.
When enabled (the default), breakpoints push a new command level,
and $\langle{}$eof$\rangle{}$ (see above)
or \code{,reset} is required to return to top level. The effects of
pushed command levels include:
\item a longer prompt
\item retention of the continuation in effect at the point of errors
\item confusion among some newcomers
With \code{auto-levels} disabled one must issue a
\code{,push} command immediately
following an error in order to retain the error continuation for
debugging purposes; otherwise the continuation is lost as soon as
the focus object changes. If you don't know anything about the
available debugging tools, then levels might as well be disabled.
\item \code{inspect-focus-value}\\
Enable or disable `inspection' mode, which is used for inspecting
data structures and continuations.
\link*{Inspection mode is desribed below}
[Inspection mode is described in section~\Ref]
\item \code{break-on-warnings}\\
Enter a new command level when a warning is produced, just as
when an error occurs. Normally warnings only result in a displayed
message and the program does not stop executing.
\item \code{ask-before-loading} \\
If on, the system will ask before loading modules that are arguments
to the \code{,open} command. \code{Ask-before-loading} is off by
> ,set ask-before-loading
will ask before loading modules
> ,open random
Load structure random (y/n)? y
\item \code{load-noisily}\\
When on, the system will print out the names of modules and files
as they are loaded. \code{load-noisily} is off by default.
> ,set load-noisily
will notify when loading modules and files
> ,open random
[random /usr/local/lib/scheme48/big/random.scm]
\item \code{inline-values}\\
This controls whether or not the compiler is allowed to substitute
variables' values in-line.
When \code{inline-values} mode is on,
some Scheme procedures will be substituted in-line; when it is off,
none will.
\link*{The performance section}[Section~\Ref]{section:performance}
has more information.
\section{Inspection mode}
There is a data inspector available via the \code{,inspect} and
\code{,debug} commands or by setting the \code{inspect-focus-value} switch.
The inspector is particularly useful with procedures, continuations,
and records.
The command processor can be taken out of inspection mode by
using the \code{q} command, by unsetting the \code{inspect-focus-value} switch,
or by going to a command level where the \code{inspect-focus-value} is not
When in inspection mode, input that begins with
a letter or digit is read as a command, not as an expression.
To see the value of a variable or number, do \code{(begin \cvar{exp})}
or use the \code{,run \cvar{exp}} command.
In inspection mode the command processor prints out a
menu of selectable components for the current focus object.
To inspect a particular component, just type the corresponding number in
the menu.
That component becomes the new focus object.
For example:
> ,inspect '(a (b c) d)
(a (b c) d)
[0] a
[1] (b c)
[2] d
: 1
(b c)
[0] b
[1] c
When a new focus object is selected the previous one is pushed onto a
You can pop the stack, reverting to the previous object, with
the \code{u} command, or use the \code{stack} command to move to
an earlier object.
%\item \code{stack}\\
% Prints the current stack out as a menu.
% Selecting an item pops all higher values off of the stack and
% makes that item the current focus value.
Commands useful when in inspection mode:
\item\code{u} (up) pop object stack
\item\code{m} (more) print more of a long menu
\item\code{(\ldots)} evaluate a form and select result
\item\code{q} quit
\item\code{template} select a closure or continuation's template
(Templates are the static components of procedures; these are found
inside of procedures and continuations, and contain the quoted
constants and top-level variables referred to by byte-compiled code.)
\item\code{d} (down) move to the next continuation
(current object must be a continuation)
\item\code{menu} print the selection menu for the focus object
Multiple selection commands (\code{u}, \code{d}, and menu indexes)
may be put on a single line.
%\code{\#\#} is always the object currently being inspected.
%After a \code{q}
%or an error in the inspector, \code{\#\#} is the last object that was being
All ordinary commands are available when in inspection mode.
Similarly, the inspection commands can be used when not in inspection
For example:
> (list 'a '(b c) 'd)
'(a (b c) d)
> ,1
'(b c)
> ,menu
[0] b
[1] c
If the current command level was initiated because of
a breakpoint in the next level down, then
\code{,debug} will invoke the inspector on the
continuation at the point of the error.
The \code{u} and \code{d} (up and down)
commands then make the inspected-value stack look like a conventional stack
debugger, with continuations playing the role of stack frames. \code{D} goes
to older or deeper continuations (frames), and \code{u} goes back up to more
recent ones.
\section{Command programs}
The \code{exec} package contains procedures that are used
to execute the command processor's commands.
A command \code{,\cvar{foo}} is executed by applying the value of
the identifier \cvar{foo} in the \code{exec} package to
the (suitably parsed) command arguments.
\item \code{,exec [\cvar{command}]}\\
Evaluate \cvar{command} in the \code{exec} package.
For example, use
,exec ,load \cvar{filename}
to load a file containing commands.
If no \cvar{command} is given, the \code{exec} package becomes the
execution package for future commands.
The required argument types are as follows:
\item filenames should be strings
\item other names and identifiers should be symbols
\item expressions should be s-expressions
\item commands (as for \code{,config} and \code{,exec} itself)
should be lists of the form
\code{(\cvar{command-name} \cvar{argument} \cvar{...})}
where \cvar{command-name} is a symbol.
For example, the following two commands are equivalent:
,config ,load my-file.scm
,exec (config '(load "my-file.scm"))
The file \code{scheme/vm/load-vm.scm} in the source directory contains an
example of an \code{exec} program.
\section{Building images}
\item \code{,dump \cvar{filename} [\cvar{identification}]}\\
Writes the current heap out to a file, which can then be run using the
virtual machine. The new image file includes the command processor.
If present, \cvar{identification}
should be a string (written with double quotes); this string will
be part of the greeting message as the image starts up.
\item \code{,build \cvar{exp} \cvar{filename}}\\
Like \code{,dump}, except that the image file contains the value of
\cvar{exp}, which should be a procedure of one argument, instead of
the command processor. When
\cvar{filename} is resumed, that procedure will be invoked on the VM's
\code{-a} arguments, which are passed as a list of strings. The
procedure should return an integer which is
returned to the program that invoked the VM. The command
processor and debugging system are not included in the image
(unless you go to some effort to preserve them, such as retaining
a continuation).
Doing \code{,flush} before building an image will reduce the amount
of debugging information in the image, making for a smaller
image file, but if an error occurs, the error message may be less
helpful. Doing \code{,flush source maps} before loading any programs
used in the image will make it still smaller.
See \link*{the description of \code{flush}}[section~\Ref]{resource-commands}
for more information.
\section{Resource query and control}
\item \code{,time \cvar{exp}}\\
Measure execution time.
\item \code{,collect}\\
Invoke the garbage collector. Ordinarily this happens
automatically, but the command tells how much space is available
before and after the collection.
\item \code{,keep \cvar{kind}}
\item \code{,flush \cvar{kind}}\\
These control the amount of debugging information retained after
compiling procedures. This information can consume a fair amount
of space. \cvar{kind} is one of the following:
\item \code{maps} - environment maps (local variable names, for inspector)
\item \code{source} - source code for continuations (displayed by inspector)
\item \code{names} - procedure names (as displayed by \code{write} and in error
\item \code{files} - source file names
These commands refer to future compilations only, not to procedures
that already exist. To have any effect, they must be done before
programs are loaded. The default is to keep all four types.
% JAR says: ,keep tabulate - puts debug data in a table that can be
% independently flushed (how? -RK) or even written out and re-read later!
% (how? -RK)
\item \code{,flush}\\
The flush command with no argument deletes the database of names
of initial procedures. Doing \code{,flush} before a \code{,build} or
will make the resulting image significantly smaller, but will
compromise the information content of many error
Each command level has its own set of threads. These threads are suspended
when a new level is entered and resumed when the owning level again becomes
the current level.
A thread that raises an error is not resumed unless
explicitly restarted using the \code{,proceed} command.
In addition to any threads spawned by the user, each level has a thread
that runs the command processor on that level.
A new command-processor thread is started if the current one
dies or is terminated.
When a command level is abandoned for a lower level, or when
a level is restarted using \code{,reset}, all of the threads on that
level are terminated and any \code{dynamic-wind} ``after'' thunks are run.
The following commands are useful when debugging multithreaded programs:
\item \code{,resume [\cvar{number}]}\\
Pops out to a given level and resumes running all threads at that level.
\cvar{Number} defaults to zero.
\item \code{,threads}\\
Invokes the inspector on a list of the threads running at the
next lower command level.
\item \code{,exit-when-done [\cvar{exp}]}\\
Waits until all user threads have completed and then
exits back out to shell (or executive or whatever invoked Scheme~48
in the first place).
\cvar{Exp} should evaluate to an integer which is then
returned to the calling program.
% JAR says: interaction with ,build ?
%\item \code{,spawn \cvar{exp} [\cvar{name}]}\\
% Starts a new thread running \cvar{exp} on next command level down.
% The optional \cvar{name} is used for printing and debugging.
%\item \code{,suspend [\cvar{exp}]}
%\item \code{,continue [\cvar{exp}]}
%\item \code{,kill [\cvar{exp}]}\\
% Suspend, unsuspend, and terminate a thread, respectively.
% Suspended threads are not run until unsuspended, terminated
% threads are never run again.
% \cvar{Exp} should evaluate to a thread.
% If \cvar{exp} is not present, the current focus object is used.
% example of ,threads ,suspend ...
\section{Quite obscure}
\item \code{,go \cvar{exp}}\\
This is like \code{,exit \cvar{exp}} except that the evaluation of \cvar{exp}
is tail-recursive with respect to the command processor. This
means that the command processor itself can probably be GC'ed,
should a garbage collection occur in the execution of \cvar{exp}.
If an error occurs Scheme~48 will exit with a non-zero value.
\item \code{,translate \cvar{from} \cvar{to}}\\
For \code{load} and the \code{,load} command
(but not for \code{open-\{in|out\}put-file}), file
names beginning with the string \cvar{from} will be changed so that the
initial \cvar{from} is replaced by the string \cvar{to}. E.g.
\code{,translate /usr/gjc/ /zu/gjc/}
will cause \code{(load "/usr/gjc/foo.scm")} to have the same effect as
\code{(load "/zu/gjc/foo.scm")}.
% JAR says: Useful with the module system! "virtual directories"
\item \code{,from-file \cvar{filename} \cvar{form} \ldots\ ,end}\\
This is used by the \code{cmuscheme48} Emacs library to indicate the file
from which the \cvar{form}s came. \cvar{Filename} is then used by the
command processor to determine the package in which the \cvar{form}s
are to be evaluated.

View File

@ -1,69 +1,53 @@
%\htmltitle{Mixing Scheme 48 and C}
%\htmladdress{\begin{rawhtml}<a href="">Mike
% Sperber</a>, <a href="">Richard Kelsey</a>\end{rawhtml}}
%\title{Using C code with Scheme 48}
%\author{Mike Sperber\\\texttt{\small}\\
% Richard Kelsey\\\texttt{\small}
% }
% Make each section be a separate HTML file.
% What is all this, you ask?
% We provide three different titles:
% - for the table of contents, which has the extra authors
% - for links, which doesn't
% - for the page, which does, but on two lines
% The html \chapter command takes a second optional argument, which is the
% title to use in the ToC.
\chapter[Mixing Scheme 48 and C {\rm\ \ Mike Sperber and Richard Kelsey}]
{Mixing Scheme 48 and C \\ {\large Mike Sperber and Richard Kelsey}}
\chapter[Mixing Scheme 48 and C]%
[Mixing Scheme 48 and C %
\htmlsym{nbsp}\htmlsym{nbsp} {\it Mike Sperber and Richard Kelsey}]
{Mixing Scheme 48 and C \\ {\large Mike Sperber and Richard Kelsey}}
\htmltitle{Mixing Scheme 48 and C}
\htmladdress{\begin{rawhtml}<a href="">Mike
Sperber</a>, <a href="">Richard Kelsey</a>\end{rawhtml}}
\title{Using C code with Scheme 48}
\author{Mike Sperber\\\texttt{\small}\\
Richard Kelsey\\\texttt{\small}
This document describes an interface for calling C functions
This chapter describes an interface for calling C functions
from Scheme, calling Scheme functions from C, and allocating
storage in the Scheme heap.
These facilities are designed to link
existing C libraries into Scheme~48 in order to use them from Scheme.
To this end, Scheme~48 manages stub functions in C that
storage in the Scheme heap..
Scheme~48 manages stub functions in C that
negotiate between the calling conventions of Scheme and C and the
memory allocation policies of both worlds.
No stub generator is available yet, but writing them is a straightforward task.
No stub generator is available yet, but writing stubs is a straightforward task.
\section{Available Facilities}
\section{Available facilities}
The following facilities are available for interfacing between
@ -84,11 +68,11 @@ The following facilities are available for interfacing between
bindings for access by C code.
This document has three parts: the first describes how bindings are
moved from Scheme to C and vice versa, the second tells how to call
C functions from Scheme, and the third covers the C interface
to Scheme objects, including calling Scheme procedures, using the
Scheme heap, and so forth.
%This section has three parts: the first describes how bindings are
% moved from Scheme to C and vice versa, the second tells how to call
% C functions from Scheme, and the third covers the C interface
% to Scheme objects, including calling Scheme procedures, using the
% Scheme heap, and so forth.
\subsection{Scheme structures}
@ -123,6 +107,20 @@ All of the C functions and macros described have prototypes or definitions
in the file \code{c/scheme48.h}.
The C type for Scheme values is defined there to be \code{s48\_value}.
\subsection{Garbage collection}
Scheme~48 uses a copying garbage collector.
The collector must be able to locate all references
to objects allocated in the Scheme~48 heap in order to ensure that
storage is not reclaimed prematurely and to update references to objects
moved by the collector.
The garbage collector may run whenever an object is allocated in the heap.
C variables whose values are Scheme~48 objects and which are live across
heap allocation calls need to be registered with
\link{garbage collector}
[garbage collector. See section~\Ref{} for more information]{gc}.
\section{Shared bindings}
@ -158,7 +156,7 @@ The C macro \code{S48\_SHARED\_BINDING\_REF} dereferences a shared binding,
\subsection{Exporting C values to Scheme}
\cproto{void s48\_define\_exported\_binding(char *name, s48\_value value)}
\cproto{void s48\_define\_exported\_binding(char *name, s48\_value v)}
@ -172,11 +170,12 @@ Again, if a name is looked up before it has been defined, a new binding is
created for it.
The common case of exporting a C function to Scheme can be done using
the macro \code{S48\_EXPORT\_FUNCTION(\emph{name})}.
the macro \code{S48\_EXPORT\_FUNCTION(\cvar{name})}.
This expands into
\code{s48\_define\_exported\_binding("\cvar{name}", %
\noindent which boxes the function into a Scheme byte vector and then
exports it.
@ -186,7 +185,7 @@ Note that \code{s48\_enter\_pointer} allocates space in the Scheme heap
\syntaxprotonoresult{import-definition}{ \cvar{name}}
\syntaxprotonoresult{import-definition}{ \cvar{name c-name}}
\syntaxprotonoresultnoindex{import-definition}{ \cvar{name c-name}}
These macros simplify importing definitions from C to Scheme.
They expand into
@ -233,10 +232,10 @@ The following C macros correspond to the Scheme functions above.
\cproto{int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_SHARED\_BINDING\_P(x)}
\cproto{int\ \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_SHARED\_BINDING\_IS\_IMPORT\_P(s48\_value s\_b)}
\cproto{s48\_value S48\_SHARED\_BINDING\_NAME(s48\_value s\_b)}
\cproto{void\ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_SHARED\_BINDING\_SET(s48\_value s\_b, s48\_value value)}
\cproto{void\ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_SHARED\_BINDING\_SET(s48\_value s\_b, s48\_value v)}
\section{Calling C Functions from Scheme}
\section{Calling C functions from Scheme}
There are three different ways to call C functions from Scheme, depending on
@ -264,6 +263,8 @@ The \cvar{name} argument is used only for printing error messages.
For all of these, the C function is passed the \cvar{arg$_i$} values
and the value returned is that returned by C procedure.
No automatic representation conversion occurs for either arguments or
return values.
Up to twelve arguments may be passed.
There is no method supplied for returning multiple values to
Scheme from C (or vice versa) (mainly because C does not have multiple return
@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ Keyboard interrupts that occur during a call to a C function are ignored
{ \cvar{name} (\cvar{formal} \ldots)}
{ \cvar{name} (\cvar{formal} \ldots)\ \cvar{c-name}}
\noindent{}These macros simplify importing functions from C.
@ -296,17 +297,17 @@ These expand into
If \cvar{c-name} is not supplied, it is derived from \cvar{name} by converting
all letters to lowercase and replacing `\code{-}' with `\code{\_}'.
\section{Adding external modules to the \code{Makefile}}
\section{Adding external modules to the {\tt Makefile}}
Getting access to C bindings from Scheme requires that the C code be
compiled an linked in with the Scheme~48 virtual machine and that the
relevent shared-bindings be created.
compiled and linked in with the Scheme~48 virtual machine and that the
relevant shared bindings be created.
The Scheme~48 makefile has rules for compiling and linking external code
and for specifying initialization functions that should be called on
There are three Makefile variables that control which external modules are
included in the executable for the virutal machine (\code{scheme48vm}).
There are three \code{Makefile} variables that control which external modules are
included in the executable for the virtual machine (\code{scheme48vm}).
\code{EXTERNAL\_OBJECTS} lists the object files to be included in
\code{EXTERNAL\_FLAGS} is a list of \code{ld} flags to be used when
@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ The procedures listed in \code{EXTERNAL\_INITIALIZERS} should take no
After changing the definitions of any of these variables you should
do \code{make scheme48vm} to rebuild the virtual machine.
\section{Dynamic Loading}
\section{Dynamic loading}
External code can be loaded into a running Scheme~48 process
@ -369,9 +370,9 @@ The following two functions can be used to update the values of
\code{Lookup-external} updates the value of \cvar{external} by looking its
name in the current process, returning \code{\#t} if it is bound and \code{\#f}
if it is not.
\code{Lookup-external} updates the value of \cvar{external} by looking up its
name in the current process, returning \code{\#t} if the name is bound
and \code{\#f} if it is not.
\code{Lookup-all-externals} calls \code{lookup-external} on all extant
externals, returning \code{\#f} any are unbound.
@ -393,7 +394,9 @@ We recommend that a dynamically-loaded file contain a single initialization
Scheme~48's old \code{external-call} function is still available in the structure
% JAR says: give version number (I would if I knew what it was -RK)
Scheme~48's old \code{external-call} function is still available in the
\code{externals}, which now also includes \code{external-name} and
The old \code{scheme48.h} file has been renamed \code{old-scheme48.h}.
@ -402,9 +405,7 @@ The old \code{scheme48.h} file has been renamed \code{old-scheme48.h}.
The C header file \code{scheme48.h} provides
access to Scheme~48 data structures
(for compatibility, the old \code{scheme48.h} file is available
as \code{old-scheme48.h}).
access to Scheme~48 data structures.
The type \code{s48\_value} is used for Scheme values.
When the type of a value is known, such as the integer returned
by \code{vector-length} or the boolean returned by \code{pair?},
@ -417,49 +418,74 @@ Predicates return \code{1} for true and \code{0} for false.
The following macros denote Scheme constants:
\item[\code{S48\_FALSE}] is \verb|#f|.
\item[\code{S48\_TRUE}] is \verb|#t|.
\item[\code{S48\_NULL}] is the empty list.
\item[\code{S48\_UNSPECIFIC}] is a value used for functions which have no
\item \code{S48\_FALSE} is \verb|#f|.
\item \code{S48\_TRUE} is \verb|#t|.
\item \code{S48\_NULL} is the empty list.
\item \code{S48\_UNSPECIFIC} is a value used for functions which have no
meaningful return value
(in Scheme this value returned by the nullary procedure \code{unspecific}
(in Scheme~48 this value returned by the nullary procedure \code{unspecific}
in the structure \code{util}).
\item[\code{S48\_EOF}] is the end-of-file object
(in Scheme this value is returned by the nullary procedure \code{eof-object}
\item \code{S48\_EOF} is the end-of-file object
(in Scheme~48 this value is returned by the nullary procedure \code{eof-object}
in the structure \code{i/o-internal}).
\subsection{Converting values}
The following functions convert values between Scheme and C
The following macros and functions convert values between Scheme and C
The `extract' ones convert from Scheme to C and the `enter's go the other
\cproto{int \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_EXTRACT\_BOOLEAN(s48\_value)}
\cproto{unsigned char s48\_extract\_char(s48\_value)}
\cproto{char * \ \ \ s48\_extract\_string(s48\_value)}
\cproto{char * \ \ \ s48\_extract\_byte\_vector(s48\_value)}
\cproto{long \ \ \ \ \ s48\_extract\_integer(s48\_value)}
\cproto{double \ \ \ s48\_extract\_double(s48\_value)}
\cproto{s48\_value S48\_ENTER\_BOOLEAN(int)}
\cproto{s48\_value s48\_enter\_char(unsigned char)}
\cgcproto{s48\_value s48\_enter\_string(char *)}
\cgcproto{s48\_value s48\_enter\_byte\_vector(char *, long)}
\cgcproto{s48\_value s48\_enter\_integer(long)}
\cgcproto{s48\_value s48\_enter\_double(double)}
\noindent{}The value returned by \code{s48\_extract\_string} points to the actual
storage used by the string; it is valid only until the next
\noindent{}\code{S48\_EXTRACT\_BOOLEAN} is false if its argument is
\code{\#f} and true otherwise.
\code{S48\_ENTER\_BOOLEAN} is \code{\#f} if its argument is zero
and \code{\#t} otherwise.
\code{s48\_extract\_string} and \code{s48\_extract\_byte\_vector} return
pointers to the actual
storage used by the string or byte vector.
These pointers are valid only until the next
\link{garbage collection}[; see Section~\ref{gc}]{gc}.
The second argument to \code{s48\_enter\_byte\_vector} is the length of
byte vector.
\code{s48\_enter\_integer()} needs to allocate storage when
its argument is too large to fit in a Scheme~48 fixnum.
In cases where the number is known to fit within a fixnum (currently 30 bits
including the sign), the following procedures can be used.
These have the disadvantage of only having a limited range, but
the advantage of never causing a garbage collection.
\code{S48\_FIXNUM\_P} is a macro that true if its argument is a fixnum
and false otherwise.
\cproto{int \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_TRUE\_P(s48\_value)}
\cproto{int \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_FALSE\_P(s48\_value)}
\noindent \code{S48\_TRUE\_P} is true if its argument is \code{S48\_TRUE}
and \code{S48\_FALSE\_P} is true if its argument is \code{S48\_FALSE}.
\cproto{int \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_FIXNUM\_P(s48\_value)}
\cproto{long \ \ \ \ \ s48\_extract\_fixnum(s48\_value)}
\cproto{s48\_value s48\_enter\_fixnum(long)}
\cproto{long \ \ \ \ \ S48\_MAX\_FIXNUM\_VALUE}
@ -475,12 +501,11 @@ These have the disadvantage of only having a limited range, but
The following macros and procedures are C versions of Scheme procedures.
The names were derived by replacing `\code{-}' with `\code{\_}',
`\code{?}' with `\code{p}', and dropping `\code{!}.
`\code{?}' with `\code{\_P}', and dropping `\code{!}.
\cproto{int \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_EQ\_P(s48\_value)}
\cproto{int \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_EQ\_P(s48\_value, s48\_VALUE)}
\cproto{int \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_CHAR\_P(s48\_value)}
\cproto{int \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_INTEGER\_P(s48\_value)}
\cproto{int \ \ \ \ \ \ S48\_PAIR\_P(s48\_value)}
@ -524,11 +549,11 @@ External code that has been called from Scheme can call back to Scheme
procedures using the following function.
\cproto{scheme\_value s48\_call\_scheme(s48\_value proc, long nargs, \ldots)}
\cproto{scheme\_value s48\_call\_scheme(s48\_value p, long nargs, \ldots)}
\noindent{}This calls the Scheme procedure \code{proc} on \code{nargs}
\noindent{}This calls the Scheme procedure \code{p} on \code{nargs}
arguments, which are passed as additional arguments to \code{s48\_call\_scheme}.
There may be at most ten arguments.
There may be at most twelve arguments.
The value returned by the Scheme procedure is returned by the C procedure.
Invoking any Scheme procedure may potentially cause a garbage collection.
@ -561,15 +586,15 @@ For example, suppose thread \code{t0} calls a C procedure which calls back
At this point both \code{t0} and \code{t1} have active calls to C on the
C stack, with \code{t1}'s C frame above \code{t0}'s.
If thread \code{t0} attempts to return from Scheme to C it will block,
as its frame is not accessable.
as its frame is not accessible.
Once \code{t1} has returned to C and from there to Scheme, \code{t0} will
be able to resume.
The return to Scheme is required because context switches can only occur while
C code is running.
Scheme code is running.
\code{T0} will also be able to resume if \code{t1} uses a continuation to
throw past its call to C.
\section{Interacting with the Scheme Heap}
\section{Interacting with the Scheme heap}
@ -584,7 +609,7 @@ The garbage collector has no facility for updating pointers to the interiors
\code{EXTRACT\_STRING}, will likely become invalid when a garbage collection
\subsection{Registering Objects with the GC}
\subsection{Registering objects with the GC}
A set of macros are used to manage the registration of local variables with the
@ -598,13 +623,15 @@ A set of macros are used to manage the registration of local variables with the
\code{S48\_DECLARE\_GC\_PROTECT($n$)}, where $1\leq n\leq 9$, allocates
storage for registering $n$ variables.
At most one use of \code{S48\_DECLARE\_GC\_PROTECT} may occur in a block.
% JAR says: what is a block? (How to describe it? -RK)
At most one use of \code{S48\_DECLARE\_GC\_PROTECT} may occur in a
\code{S48\_GC\_PROTECT\_$n$($v_1$, $\ldots$, $v_n$)} registers the
$n$ variables (l-values) with the garbage collector.
It must be within scope of a \code{S48\_DECLARE\_GC\_PROTECT($n$)}
and be before any code which can cause a GC.
\code{S48\_GC\_UNPROTECT} removes the block's protected variables from
the garbage collectors list.
the garbage collector's list.
It must be called at the end of the block after
any code which may cause a garbage collection.
Omitting any of the three may cause serious and
@ -648,7 +675,7 @@ The following macros can be used to create and access embedded C objects.
\cvar{type}, and \code{S48\_EXTRACT\_VALUE\_POINTER} returns a pointer
to the contents of the byte vector.
The value returned by \code{S48\_EXTRACT\_VALUE\_POINTER} is valid only until
the next \link{garbage collection}[(see Section~\ref{gc})]{gc}.
the next garbage collection.
\code{S48\_SET\_VALUE} stores \code{value} into the byte vector.
@ -675,7 +702,7 @@ The Scheme~48 heap is written into a file in a machine-independent and
The procedures described above may be used to create objects in the
Scheme heap that contain information specific to the current
machine, operating system, or process.
A heap image containing such objects may not work correctly on
A heap image containing such objects may not work correctly
when resumed.
To address this problem, a record type may be given a `resumer'
@ -738,7 +765,8 @@ For example, given the following record-type definition
\code{Thing} records can then be made in C:
static scheme_value thing_record_type_binding = SCHFALSE;
static scheme_value
thing_record_type_binding = SCHFALSE;
void initialize_things(void)
@ -796,7 +824,7 @@ Like \code{s48\_raise\_scheme\_exception} these never return.
\cproto{s48\_raise\_argument\_number\_error(int nargs, int min, int max)}
\cproto{s48\_raise\_index\_range\_error(long value, long min, long max)}
\cproto{s48\_raise\_range\_error(long value, long min, long max)}
\cproto{s48\_raise\_os\_error(int errno)}
@ -806,13 +834,16 @@ Like \code{s48\_raise\_scheme\_exception} these never return.
An argument number error is raised when the number of arguments, \code{nargs},
should be, but isn't, between \code{min} and \code{max}, inclusive.
Similarly, and index range error is raised when \code{value} is not between
Similarly, a range error indicates that \code{value} is not between
between \code{min} and \code{max}, inclusive.
The following macros raise argument type errors if their argument does not
have the required type.
\code{S48\_CHECK\_BOOLEAN} raises an error if its argument is neither
\code{\#t} or \code{\#f}.
\cproto{void S48\_CHECK\_BOOLEAN(s48\_value)}
\cproto{void S48\_CHECK\_SYMBOL(s48\_value)}
\cproto{void S48\_CHECK\_PAIR(s48\_value)}
\cproto{void S48\_CHECK\_STRING(s48\_value)}
@ -884,5 +915,3 @@ They are provided for the purpose of writing more efficient code;
\cproto{void \ \ \ \ \ S48\_UNSAFE\_SET\_VALUE(s48\_value, type, value)}

doc/src/hacks.tex Normal file
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@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
%% Treatment of special characters

doc/src/index.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
; Program to process index entries.
; Script for running this in Scheme 48
; ,open tables sort define-record-types util big-util
; (load "index.scm")
; (process-index "manual.idx" "index.tex")
(define (process-index infile outfile)
(let ((entries (call-with-input-file infile read-entries)))
(call-with-output-file outfile
(lambda (out)
(write-index (sort-list entries entry<?)
; Entry records.
(define-record-type entry :entry
(make-entry key font main? page)
(key entry-key)
(font entry-font)
(main? entry-main?)
(page entry-page))
(define (entry<? x y)
(let ((key1 (entry-key x))
(key2 (entry-key y)))
(or (string<? key1 key2)
(and (string=? key1 key2)
(or (and (entry-main? x)
(not (entry-main? y)))
(and (eq? (entry-main? x)
(entry-main? y))
(< (entry-page x)
(entry-page y))))))))
; Read a file of index entries.
(define (read-entries in)
(let loop ((entries '()))
(let ((next (read-char in)))
(cond ((eof-object? next)
(reverse entries))
((char=? next #\\)
(loop (cons (read-entry in)
(error "missing initial \\ in index entry" in))))))
; An *.idx entry looks like
; \indexentry{define-structure!tt!main}{12}
; We need to watch for {...} in the name, as they may be used to escape !'s.
; The caller has eaten the initial \.
(define (read-entry in)
(skip-past #\{ in)
(let* ((key (read-field in))
(font (read-field in))
(main? (string=? (read-field in) "main")))
(read-char in) ; skip #\{
(let ((page (string->number (read-field in))))
(skip-past #\newline in)
(make-entry key font main? page))))
; Read from IN until you see CHAR.
(define (skip-past char in)
(let ((ch (read-char in)))
(cond ((eof-object? ch)
(error "premature eof when looking for" char))
((not (char=? ch char))
(skip-past char in)))))
; Gather chars until an unnested ! or #\} is seen.
(define (read-field in)
(let loop ((chars '()) (depth 0))
(let ((next (read-char in)))
(if (eof-object? next)
(error "premature eof when reading field"
(list->string (reverse chars)))
(let ((next (char-downcase next)))
(case next
(if (= depth 0)
(list->string (reverse chars))
(loop (cons next chars) depth)))
(if (= depth 0)
(list->string (reverse chars))
(loop chars (- depth 1))))
(loop chars (+ depth 1)))
(loop (cons next chars) depth))))))))
; Writing the entries back out again.
(define (write-index entries out)
(let loop ((entries entries))
(if (not (null? entries))
(mvlet (((key-entries entries)
(collect-key-entries entries)))
(process-key key-entries out)
(loop entries)))))
(define (collect-key-entries entries)
(let ((key (entry-key (car entries))))
(let loop ((entries (cdr entries))
(res (list (car entries))))
(if (or (null? entries)
(not (string=? key
(entry-key (car entries)))))
(values (reverse res) entries)
(loop (cdr entries)
(cons (car entries) res))))))
(define (process-key entries out)
(if (not (consistent? entries))
(error "inconsistent entries" entries))
(let ((entry (car entries)))
(let ((key (entry-key entry))
(font (entry-font entry))
(pages (remove-duplicates (map entry-page entries))))
(if (entry-main? entry)
(write-entries key font (car pages) (cdr pages) out)
(write-entries key font #f pages out)))))
(define (consistent? entries)
(let ((x (car entries)))
(let ((key (entry-key x))
(font (entry-font x)))
(every (lambda (x)
(and (string=? key (entry-key x))
(or (string=? font (entry-font x))
;; different entries for t and #t aren't inconsistent
(string=? font "sharp")
(string=? (entry-font x) "sharp"))
;(eq? aux (entry-main/aux x))
(cdr entries)))))
(define last-key "%")
(define s1 (string-append "\\item{" (list->string '(#\\))))
(define s2 "{")
(define s3 "}}{\\hskip .75em}")
(define semi "; ")
(define comma ", ")
(define (write-entries key font main pages p)
(if (and (char-alphabetic? (string-ref key 0))
(not (char=? (string-ref last-key 0)
(string-ref key 0))))
(begin (display "\\indexspace" p)
(newline p)))
(set! last-key key)
(display (string-append s1 font s2 key s3) p)
(if main
(begin (write main p)
(if (not (null? pages))
(display semi p))))
(if (not (null? pages))
(begin (write (car pages) p)
(for-each (lambda (page)
(display comma p)
(write page p))
(cdr pages))))
(newline p))

doc/src/index.tex Normal file
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\item{\tt{accessible?}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{add-signal-queue-signal!}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{any-match?}}{\hskip .75em}47
\item{\tt{arithmetic-shift}}{\hskip .75em}28
\item{\tt{array}}{\hskip .75em}30
\item{\tt{array->vector}}{\hskip .75em}30
\item{\tt{array-dimensions}}{\hskip .75em}30
\item{\tt{array-ref}}{\hskip .75em}30
\item{\tt{array-set!}}{\hskip .75em}30
\item{\tt{array?}}{\hskip .75em}30
\item{\tt{ascii->char}}{\hskip .75em}28
\item{\tt{ascii-limit}}{\hskip .75em}28
\item{\tt{ascii-range}}{\hskip .75em}45
\item{\tt{ascii-ranges}}{\hskip .75em}45
\item{\tt{ascii-whitespaces}}{\hskip .75em}28
\item{\tt{bit-count}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{bitwise-and}}{\hskip .75em}28
\item{\tt{bitwise-ior}}{\hskip .75em}28
\item{\tt{bitwise-not}}{\hskip .75em}28
\item{\tt{bitwise-xor}}{\hskip .75em}28
\item{\tt{byte-vector}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{byte-vector-length}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{byte-vector-ref}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{byte-vector-set!}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{byte-vector?}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{call-external}}{\hskip .75em}55; 54
\item{\tt{call-external-value}}{\hskip .75em}54
\item{\tt{call-imported-binding}}{\hskip .75em}54
\item{\tt{cell-ref}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{cell-set!}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{cell?}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{char->ascii}}{\hskip .75em}28
\item{\tt{close-all-but}}{\hskip .75em}76
\item{\tt{close-directory-stream}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{close-on-exec?}}{\hskip .75em}76
\item{\tt{close-socket}}{\hskip .75em}38
\item{\tt{compound-interface}}{\hskip .75em}21
\item{\tt{copy-array}}{\hskip .75em}30
\item{\tt{current-column}}{\hskip .75em}37
\item{\tt{current-row}}{\hskip .75em}37
\item{\tt{current-time}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{default-hash-function}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{define-exported-binding}}{\hskip .75em}52
\item{\tt{define-imported-binding}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{define-interface}}{\hskip .75em}20
\item{\tt{define-record-discloser}}{\hskip .75em}33; 31
\item{\tt{define-record-resumer}}{\hskip .75em}60; 33
\item{\tt{define-structure}}{\hskip .75em}18
\item{\tt{delete-from-queue!}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{dequeue!}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{dequeue-signal!}}{\hskip .75em}67
\item{\tt{directory-stream?}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{dup}}{\hskip .75em}75
\item{\tt{dup-switching-mode}}{\hskip .75em}75
\item{\tt{dup2}}{\hskip .75em}75
\item{\tt{dynamic-load}}{\hskip .75em}55
\item{\tt{enqueue!}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{environment-alist}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{exact-match?}}{\hskip .75em}47
\item{\tt{exec}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{exec-file}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{exec-file-with-environment}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{exec-with-alias}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{exec-with-environment}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{exit}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{external-name}}{\hskip .75em}55
\item{\tt{external-value}}{\hskip .75em}55
\item{\tt{external?}}{\hskip .75em}55
\item{\tt{fd-port?}}{\hskip .75em}75
\item{\tt{file-info-device}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-group}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-inode}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-last-access}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-last-info-change}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-last-modification}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-link-count}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-mode}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-name}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{file-info-owner}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-size}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-info-type}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{file-info?}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{file-mode+}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-mode-}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-mode->integer}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{file-mode<=?}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-mode=?}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-mode>=?}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-mode?}}{\hskip .75em}73
\item{\tt{file-options-on?}}{\hskip .75em}71
\item{\tt{file-type-name}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{file-type?}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{fluid}}{\hskip .75em}37
\item{\tt{fork}}{\hskip .75em}64
\item{\tt{fork-and-forget}}{\hskip .75em}64
\item{\tt{fresh-line}}{\hskip .75em}37
\item{\tt{get-effective-group-id}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{get-effective-user-id}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{get-external}}{\hskip .75em}55
\item{\tt{get-file-info}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{get-file/link-info}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{get-group-id}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{get-groups}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{get-host-name}}{\hskip .75em}38
\item{\tt{get-login-name}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{get-parent-process-id}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{get-port-info}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{get-process-id}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{get-user-id}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{group-id->group-info}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{group-id->integer}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{group-id=?}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{group-id?}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{group-info-id}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{group-info-members}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{group-info-name}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{group-info?}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{have-system?}}{\hskip .75em}38
\item{\tt{i/o-flags}}{\hskip .75em}76
\item{\tt{ignore-case}}{\hskip .75em}47
\item{\tt{integer->file-mode}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{integer->group-id}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{integer->process-id}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{integer->signal}}{\hskip .75em}66
\item{\tt{integer->user-id}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{intersection}}{\hskip .75em}45
\item{\tt{let-fluid}}{\hskip .75em}37
\item{\tt{let-fluids}}{\hskip .75em}37
\item{\tt{limit-output}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{link}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{list->queue}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{list-directory}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{lookup-all-externals}}{\hskip .75em}55
\item{\tt{lookup-environment-variable}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{lookup-exported-binding}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{lookup-external}}{\hskip .75em}55
\item{\tt{lookup-imported-binding}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{machine-name}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{make-array}}{\hskip .75em}30
\item{\tt{make-byte-vector}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{make-cell}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{make-directory}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{make-fifo}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{make-fluid}}{\hskip .75em}37
\item{\tt{make-integer-table}}{\hskip .75em}35
\item{\tt{make-queue}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{make-record}}{\hskip .75em}32
\item{\tt{make-record-type}}{\hskip .75em}33
\item{\tt{make-regexp}}{\hskip .75em}76
\item{\tt{make-shared-array}}{\hskip .75em}30
\item{\tt{make-signal-queue}}{\hskip .75em}67
\item{\tt{make-string-input-port}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{make-string-output-port}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{make-string-table}}{\hskip .75em}35
\item{\tt{make-symbol-table}}{\hskip .75em}35
\item{\tt{make-table}}{\hskip .75em}35
\item{\tt{make-table-immutable!}}{\hskip .75em}35
\item{\tt{make-table-maker}}{\hskip .75em}35
\item{\tt{make-time}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{make-tracking-input-port}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{make-tracking-output-port}}{\hskip .75em}37
\item{\tt{match}}{\hskip .75em}47
\item{\tt{match-end}}{\hskip .75em}77; 47
\item{\tt{match-start}}{\hskip .75em}77; 47
\item{\tt{match-submatches}}{\hskip .75em}47
\item{\tt{match?}}{\hskip .75em}77
\item{\tt{maybe-dequeue-signal!}}{\hskip .75em}67
\item{\tt{modify}}{\hskip .75em}18
\item{\tt{name->group-info}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{name->signal}}{\hskip .75em}66
\item{\tt{name->user-info}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{negate}}{\hskip .75em}45
\item{\tt{no-submatches}}{\hskip .75em}47
\item{\tt{one-of}}{\hskip .75em}46
\item{\tt{open-directory-stream}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{open-file}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{open-pipe}}{\hskip .75em}75
\item{\tt{open-socket}}{\hskip .75em}38
\item{\tt{os-name}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{os-node-name}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{os-release-name}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{os-version-name}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{port->fd}}{\hskip .75em}75
\item{\tt{port-is-a-terminal?}}{\hskip .75em}76
\item{\tt{port-terminal-name}}{\hskip .75em}76
\item{\tt{prefix}}{\hskip .75em}18
\item{\tt{process-id->integer}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{process-id-exit-status}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{process-id-terminating-signal}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{process-id=?}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{process-id?}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{queue->list}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{queue-empty?}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{queue-length}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{queue?}}{\hskip .75em}29
\item{\tt{range}}{\hskip .75em}45
\item{\tt{ranges}}{\hskip .75em}45
\item{\tt{read-directory-stream}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{record}}{\hskip .75em}32
\item{\tt{record-accessor}}{\hskip .75em}33
\item{\tt{record-constructor}}{\hskip .75em}33
\item{\tt{record-length}}{\hskip .75em}32
\item{\tt{record-modifier}}{\hskip .75em}33
\item{\tt{record-predicate}}{\hskip .75em}33
\item{\tt{record-ref}}{\hskip .75em}32
\item{\tt{record-set!}}{\hskip .75em}32
\item{\tt{record-type}}{\hskip .75em}32
\item{\tt{record-type-field-names}}{\hskip .75em}33
\item{\tt{record-type-name}}{\hskip .75em}33
\item{\tt{record-type?}}{\hskip .75em}33
\item{\tt{record?}}{\hskip .75em}32
\item{\tt{regexp-match}}{\hskip .75em}77
\item{\tt{regexp?}}{\hskip .75em}76
\item{\tt{remap-file-descriptors}}{\hskip .75em}75
\item{\tt{remove-directory}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{remove-signal-queue-signal!}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{rename}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{repeat}}{\hskip .75em}46
\item{\tt{sequence}}{\hskip .75em}46
\item{\tt{set}}{\hskip .75em}45
\item{\tt{set-close-on-exec?!}}{\hskip .75em}76
\item{\tt{set-file-creation-mask!}}{\hskip .75em}71
\item{\tt{set-group-id!}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{set-i/o-flags!}}{\hskip .75em}76
\item{\tt{set-user-id!}}{\hskip .75em}68
\item{\tt{set-working-directory!}}{\hskip .75em}70
\item{\tt{shared-binding-is-import?}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{shared-binding-name}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{shared-binding-ref}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{shared-binding-set!}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{shared-binding?}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{signal-name}}{\hskip .75em}66
\item{\tt{signal-os-number}}{\hskip .75em}66
\item{\tt{signal-process}}{\hskip .75em}67
\item{\tt{signal-queue-monitored-signals}}{\hskip .75em}67
\item{\tt{signal-queue?}}{\hskip .75em}67
\item{\tt{signal=?}}{\hskip .75em}66
\item{\tt{signal?}}{\hskip .75em}66
\item{\tt{socket-accept}}{\hskip .75em}38
\item{\tt{socket-client}}{\hskip .75em}39
\item{\tt{socket-port-number}}{\hskip .75em}38
\item{\tt{string-end}}{\hskip .75em}46
\item{\tt{string-hash}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{string-output-port-output}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{string-start}}{\hskip .75em}46
\item{\tt{submatch}}{\hskip .75em}47
\item{\tt{subset}}{\hskip .75em}18
\item{\tt{subtract}}{\hskip .75em}45
\item{\tt{system}}{\hskip .75em}38
\item{\tt{table-ref}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{table-set!}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{table-walk}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{table?}}{\hskip .75em}36
\item{\tt{text}}{\hskip .75em}46
\item{\tt{time->string}}{\hskip .75em}75
\item{\tt{time-seconds}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{time<=?}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{time<?}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{time=?}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{time>=?}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{time>?}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{time?}}{\hskip .75em}74
\item{\tt{undefine-exported-binding}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{undefine-imported-binding}}{\hskip .75em}53
\item{\tt{union}}{\hskip .75em}45
\item{\tt{unlink}}{\hskip .75em}72
\item{\tt{use-case}}{\hskip .75em}47
\item{\tt{user-id->integer}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{user-id->user-info}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{user-id=?}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{user-id?}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{user-info-group}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{user-info-home-directory}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{user-info-id}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{user-info-name}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{user-info-shell}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{user-info?}}{\hskip .75em}69
\item{\tt{wait-for-child-process}}{\hskip .75em}65
\item{\tt{working-directory}}{\hskip .75em}70

doc/src/intro.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Scheme~48 is an implementation of the Scheme programming language as
described in the Revised$^5$ Report on the Algorithmic Language
It is based on a compiler and interpreter for a virtual Scheme
machine. Scheme~48 tries to be faithful to the Revised$^5$ Scheme
Report, providing neither more nor less in the initial user
environment. (This is not to say that more isn't available in other
environments; see below.) Support for numbers is weak: bignums are
slow and floating point is almost nonexistent (see description of
floatnums, below).
% JAR says: replace zurich with or ...
Scheme~48 is under continual development.
Please report bugs, especially in the VM, especially core dumps, to Include the version number x.yy
from the "Welcome to Scheme~48 x.yy" greeting message in your bug
report. It is a goal of this project to produce a bullet-proof
system; we want no bugs and, especially, no crashes. (There are a few
known bugs, listed in the {\tt doc/todo.txt} file that comes with the
Send mail to to be put on a
mailing list for announcements, discussion, bug reports, and bug
The name `Scheme~48' commemorates our having written the original version
in forty-eight hours, on August 6th and 7th, 1986.

doc/src/latex-index.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
\newcommand{\mainschindex}[1]{\cindex[#1]{{\tt #1}}}
\newcommand{\mainindex}[1]{\cindex[1]{{\rm #1}}}

doc/src/manual.tex Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
% Scheme 48 documentation
%\T\advance\textwidth by 4em
% Make a few big HTML files, and not a lot of small ones.
% Put the html code in its own directory.
% Set the html base name.
% Add sections to main menu
% White background
\htmltitle{Scheme 48 Manual}
% Suppress navigation panel for first page.
%%% End preamble
\T\sloppy % Tells TeX not to worry too much about line breaks.
\title{{\large The Incomplete} \\ Scheme 48 Reference Manual \\
{\large for release \input{version-number}}}
% December 25, 1994
\author{Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees \\
{\normalsize with a chapter by Mike Sperber}}
%\date{October 31, 1995}
% For some reason the tabbing doesn't work here in html mode.
A line may take us hours, yet if it does not seem a moment's thought \\
All our stitching and unstitching has been as nought.
A line may take us hours, yet if it does not seem\= \kill
\> Yeats \\
\> {\em Adam's Curse}
A line may take us hours, yet if it does not seem\= a moment's thought \\
All our stitching and unstitching has been as nought. \\
\> Yeats \\
\> {\em Adam's Curse}
Thanks to Scheme~48's users for their suggestions, bug reports,
and forbearance.
Thanks also to Deborah Tatar for providing the Yeats quotation.
The principal entry for each term, procedure, or keyword is listed
first, separated from the other entries by a semicolon.

View File

@ -1,45 +1,41 @@
%\htmltitle{Another Module System for Scheme}
%{\Large\bf Another Module System for Scheme}
%Jonathan Rees \\
%3 January 1993 (updated 15 January 1994)
\chapter{Module system}
{\Large\bf Another Module System for Scheme}
Jonathan Rees \\
3 January 1993 (updated 15 January 1994)
This memo describes a module system for the Scheme programming
language. The module system is unique in the extent to which it
This chapter describes Scheme~48's module system.
The module system is unique in the extent to which it
supports both static linking and rapid turnaround during program
development. The design was influenced by Standard ML
modules\cite{MacQueen:Modules} and by the module system for Scheme
Xerox\cite{Curtis-Rauen:Modules}. It has also been shaped by the
needs of \hack{}, a virtual-machine-based Scheme implementation
designed to run both on workstations and on relatively small (less
than 1 Mbyte) embedded controllers.
needs of \hack{}, which is designed to run both on workstations and
on relatively small (less than 1 Mbyte) embedded controllers.
Except where noted, everything described here is implemented in
\hack{}, and exercised by the \hack{} implementation and a few
\hack{}, and exercised by the \hack{} implementation and some
application programs.
Unlike the Common Lisp package system, the module system described
here controls the mapping of names to denotations, not the
mapping of strings to symbols.
The module system supports the structured division of a corpus of
Scheme software into a set of modules. Each module has its own
@ -49,7 +45,7 @@ descriptions written in a special {\em configuration language.}
A module may be instantiated multiple times, producing several {\em
packages}, just as a lambda-expression can be instantiated multiple
times to produce several different procedures. Since single
instantiation is the normal case, I will defer discussion of multiple
instantiation is the normal case, we will defer discussion of multiple
instantiation until a later section. For now you can think of a
package as simply a module's internal environment mapping names to
@ -64,22 +60,23 @@ interface}.
A module imports bindings from other modules by either {\em opening}
or {\em accessing} some structures that are built on other packages.
When a structure is opened, all of its exported bindings are visible
in the client package. On the other hand, bindings from an accessed
structure require explicitly qualified references written with the
{\tt structure-ref} operator.
in the client package.
%On the other hand, bindings from an accessed
%structure require explicitly qualified references written with the
%{\tt structure-ref} operator.
For example:
(define-structure foo (export a c cons)
(define-structure foo (export a c cons)
(open scheme)
(begin (define a 1)
(define (b x) (+ a x))
(define (c y) (* (b a) y))))
(define-structure bar (export d)
(define-structure bar (export d)
(open scheme foo)
(begin (define (d w) (+ a (c w)))))
This configuration defines two structures, {\tt foo} and {\tt bar}.
{\tt foo} is a view on a package in which the {\tt scheme} structure's
bindings (including {\tt define} and {\tt +}) are visible, together
@ -100,18 +97,19 @@ bindings from the {\tt scheme} structure aren't visible unless they
become so by {\tt scheme} (or an equivalent structure) being opened.
\subsection*{The configuration language}
\section{The configuration language}
The configuration language consists of top-level defining forms for
modules and interfaces. Its syntax is given in figure~1.
modules and interfaces.
\T{Its syntax is given in figure~\ref{module-language-figure}.}
\W{Its syntax is as follows:}
\newcommand{\altz}{\hbox to 1\wd0{\hfil\alt}}
\T\newcommand{\altz}{\hbox to 1\wd0{\hfil\alt}}
%%%%% Put the figure inside a box ?
\syn{configuration} \=\goesto{}~\arbno{\syn{definition}} \\
\syn{definition} \=\goesto{}~
@ -121,7 +119,7 @@ modules and interfaces. Its syntax is given in figure~1.
\arbno{\syn{clause}}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(define-interface \syn{name} \syn{interface}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(define-syntax \syn{name} \syn{transformer-spec}) \\
\syn{clause} \=\goesto{}~ \tt(open \arbno{\syn{name}}) \\
\syn{clause} \=\goesto{}~ \tt(open \arbno{\syn{structure}}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(access \arbno{\syn{name}}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(begin \syn{program}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(files \arbno{\syn{filespec}}) \\
@ -130,16 +128,24 @@ modules and interfaces. Its syntax is given in figure~1.
\syn{interface} \=\goesto{}~ \tt(export \arbno{\syn{item}}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \syn{name} \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(compound-interface \arbno{\syn{interface}}) \\
\syn{item} \=\goesto{}~ \syn{name}~
\alt{}~ \tt(\syn{name} \syn{type})
\alt{}~ \tt((\arbno{\syn{name}}) \syn{type})
\syn{item} \=\goesto{}~ \syn{name} \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(\syn{name} \syn{type}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt((\arbno{\syn{name}}) \syn{type}) \\
\syn{structure} \=\goesto{}~ \syn{name} \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(modify \syn{structure} \arbno{\syn{modifier}}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(subset \syn{structure} (\arbno{\syn{name}})) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(with-prefix \syn{structure} \syn{name}) \\
\syn{modifier} \=\goesto{}~ \tt(expose \arbno{\syn{name}}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(hide \arbno{\syn{name}}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(rename \arbno{(\syn{name}$_0$ \syn{name}$_1$)}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(alias \arbno{(\syn{name}$_0$ \syn{name}$_1$)}) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(prefix \syn{name}) \\
\caption{The configuration language.}
A {\tt define-structure} form introduces a binding of a name to a
A \codemainindex{{define-structure}} form introduces a binding of a name to a
structure. A structure is a view on an underlying package which is
created according to the clauses of the {\tt define-structure} form.
Each structure has an interface that specifies which bindings in the
@ -147,31 +153,69 @@ structure's underlying package can be seen via that structure in other
An {\tt open} clause specifies which structures will be opened up for
use inside the new package. At least one package must be specified or
else it will be impossible to write any useful programs inside the
package, since {\tt define}, {\tt lambda}, {\tt cons}, {\tt
structure-ref}, etc.\ will be unavailable. Typical packages to list
in the {\tt open} clause are {\tt scheme}, which exports all bindings
appropriate to Revised$^5$ Scheme, and {\tt structure-refs}, which
exports the {\tt structure-ref} operator (see below). For building
structures that export structures, there is a {\tt defpackage} package
that exports the operators of the configuration language. Many other
structures, such as record and hash table facilities, are also
available in the \hack{} implementation.
use inside the new package.
At least one structure must be specified or else it will be impossible to
write any useful programs inside the package, since {\tt define},
{\tt lambda}, {\tt cons}, etc.\ will be unavailable.
Packages typically include {\tt scheme}, which exports all bindings
appropriate to Revised$^5$ Scheme, in an {\tt open} clause.
For building structures that export structures, there is a {\tt defpackage}
package that exports the operators of the configuration language.
Many other structures, such as record and hash table facilities, are also
available in the \hack{} implementation.
An {\tt access} clause specifies which bindings of names to structures
will be visible inside the package body for use in {\tt structure-ref}
forms. {\tt structure-\ok{}ref} has the following syntax:
\qquad \syn{expression} \goesto{}~
\tt(structure-ref \syn{struct-name} \syn{name})
The \syn{struct-name} must be the name of an {\tt access}ed structure,
and \syn{name} must be something that the structure exports. Only
structures listed in an {\tt access} clause are valid in a {\tt
structure-ref}. If a package accesses any structures, it should
probably open the {\tt structure-refs} structure so that the {\tt
structure-ref} operator itself will be available.
The \codemainindex{{modify}}, \codemainindex{{subset}}, and
\codemainindex{{prefix}} forms produce new
views on existing structures by renaming or hiding exported names.
\code{Subset} returns a new structure that exports only the listed names
from its \syn{structure} argument.
\code{With-prefix} returns a new structure that adds \syn{prefix}
to each of the names exported by the \syn{structure} argument.
For example, if structure \code{s} exports \code{a} and \code{b},
(subset s (a))
exports only \code{a} and
(with-prefix s p/)
exports \code{a} as \code{p/a} and \code{b} as \code{p/b}.
Both \code{subset} and \code{with-prefix} are simple macros that
expand into uses of \code{modify}, a more general renaming form.
In a \code{modify} structure specification the \syn{command}s are applied to
the names exported
by \syn{structure} to produce a new set of names for the \syn{structure}'s
\code{Expose} makes only the listed names visible.
\code{Hide} makes all but the listed names visible.
\code{Rename} makes each \syn{name}$_0$ visible as \syn{name}$_1$
name and not visible as \syn{name}$_0$ , while
\code{alias} makes each \syn{name}$_0$ visible as both \syn{name}$_0$
and \syn{name}$_1$.
\code{Prefix} adds \syn{name} to the beginning of each exported name.
The modifiers are applied from right to left. Thus
(modify scheme (prefix foo/) (rename (car bus))))
makes \code{car} available as \code{foo/bus}..
% Use modify instead of structure-ref.
%An {\tt access} clause specifies which bindings of names to structures
%will be visible inside the package body for use in {\tt structure-ref}
%forms. {\tt structure-\ok{}ref} has the following syntax:
%\qquad \syn{expression} \goesto{}~
% \tt(structure-ref \syn{struct-name} \syn{name})
%The \syn{struct-name} must be the name of an {\tt access}ed structure,
%and \syn{name} must be something that the structure exports. Only
%structures listed in an {\tt access} clause are valid in a {\tt
%structure-ref}. If a package accesses any structures, it should
%probably open the {\tt structure-refs} structure so that the {\tt
%structure-ref} operator itself will be available.
The package's body is specified by {\tt begin} and/or {\tt files}
clauses. {\tt begin} and {\tt files} have the same semantics, except
@ -179,11 +223,11 @@ that for {\tt begin} the text is given directly in the package
definition, while for {\tt files} the text is stored somewhere in the
file system. The body consists of a Scheme program, that is, a
sequence of definitions and expressions to be evaluated in order. In
practice, I always use {\tt files} in preference to {\tt begin}; {\tt
practice, we always use {\tt files} in preference to {\tt begin}; {\tt
begin} exists mainly for expository purposes.
A name's imported binding may be lexically overridden or {\em shadowed}
by simply defining the name using a defining form such as {\tt define}
by defining the name using a defining form such as {\tt define}
or {\tt define-\ok{}syntax}. This will create a new binding without having
any effect on the binding in the opened package. For example, one can
do {\tt(define car 'chevy)} without affecting the binding of the name
@ -205,7 +249,7 @@ File names in a {\tt files} clause can be symbols, strings, or lists
(Maclisp-style ``namelists''). A ``{\tt.scm}'' file type suffix is
assumed. Symbols are converted to file names by converting to upper
or lower case as appropriate for the host operating system. A
namelist is an operating-system-indepedent way to specify a file
namelist is an operating-system-independent way to specify a file
obtained from a subdirectory. For example, the namelist {\tt(rts
record)} specifies the file {\tt record.scm} in the {\tt rts}
@ -217,22 +261,24 @@ was found. You can't at present put an absolute path name in the {\tt
files} list.
An interface can be thought of as the type of a structure. In its
basic form it is just a list of variable names, written {\tt(export
\var{name} \etc)}. However, in place of
a name one may write {\tt(\var{name} \var{type})}, indicating the type
of \var{name}'s binding. Currently the type field is ignored, except
that exported macros must be indicated with type {\tt :syntax}.
\cvar{name} \ldots)}. However, in place of
a name one may write {\tt (\cvar{name} \cvar{type})}, indicating the type
of \cvar{name}'s binding.
The type field is optional, except
that exported macros must be indicated with type {\tt :syntax}.
Interfaces may be either anonymous, as in the example in the
introduction, or they may be given names by a {\tt define-interface}
form, for example
(define-interface foo-interface (export a c cons))
(define-structure foo foo-interface \etc)
(define-interface foo-interface (export a c cons))
(define-structure foo foo-interface \ldots)
In principle, interfaces needn't ever be named. If an interface
had to be given at the point of a structure's use as well as at the
point of its definition, it would be important to name interfaces in
@ -246,26 +292,28 @@ package definitions when there are multiple distinct structures that
have the same interface --- that is, multiple implementations of the
same abstraction.
\item It is conceptually cleaner, and useful for documentation
\item It is conceptually cleaner, and often useful for documentation
purposes, to separate a module's specification (interface) from its
implementation (package).
\item My experience is that configurations that are separated into
\item Our experience is that configurations that are separated into
interface definitions and package definitions are easier to read; the
long lists of exported bindings just get in the way most of the time.
The {\tt compound-interface} operator forms an interface that is the
% The double {{ }} around the index entries are there to help
% Hyperlatex sort the index properly.
The \codemainindex{{compound-interface}} operator forms an interface that is the
union of two or more component interfaces. For example,
(define-interface bar-interface
(define-interface bar-interface
(compound-interface foo-interface (export mumble)))
defines {\tt bar-interface} to be {\tt foo-interface} with the name
{\tt mumble} added.
{\tt mumble} ad\-ded.
Hygienic macros, as described in
\cite{Clinger-Rees:Macros,Clinger-Rees:R4RS}, are implemented.
@ -274,9 +322,9 @@ expansion are resolved in the environment of the macro's definition.
For example, the {\tt scheme} structure's {\tt delay} macro
is defined by the rewrite rule
(delay \var{exp}) \xform (make-promise (lambda () \var{exp}))\rm.
(delay \cvar{exp}) \xform (make-promise (lambda () \cvar{exp})).
The variable {\tt make-promise} is defined in the {\tt scheme}
structure's underlying package, but is not exported. A use of the
{\tt delay} macro, however, always accesses the correct definition
@ -286,28 +334,29 @@ by {\tt scheme}, but their correct bindings will be found even if they
are shadowed by definitions in the client package.
\subsection*{Higher-order modules}
\section{Higher-order modules}
There are {\tt define-module} and {\tt define} forms for
defining modules that are intended to be instantiated multiple times.
But these are pretty kludgey --- for example, compiled code isn't
shared between the instantiations --- so I won't describe them yet.
shared between the instantiations --- so we won't describe them yet.
If you must know, figure it out from the following grammar.
\syn{definition} \=\goesto{}~
\tt(d\=\tt{}efine-module (\syn{name} \arbno{(\syn{name} \syn{interface})}) \\
\tt(d\=\tt efine-module (\syn{name} \arbno{(\syn{name} \syn{interface})}) \\
\> \>\arbno{\syn{definition}} \\
\> \>\syn{name}\tt) \\
\>\altz{}~ \tt(define \syn{name}
(\syn{name} \arbno{\syn{name}}))
% JAR says: Different instantiations of of a module may see different
% definitions of macros and inlines.
\subsection*{Compiling and linking}
\section{Compiling and linking}
\hack{} has a static linker that produces stand-alone heap images
from module descriptions. One specifies a particular procedure in a
from module descriptions. The programmer specifies a particular procedure in a
particular structure to be the image's startup procedure (entry
point), and the linker traces dependency links as given by {\tt open}
and {\tt access} clauses to determine the composition of the heap
@ -322,7 +371,7 @@ extent of extracting its macro definitions. The compiler knows from
the interface of an opened or accessed structure which of its exports
are macros. Except for macros, a module may be compiled without any
knowledge of the implementation of its opened and accessed structures.
However, inter-module optimization will be available as an option.
However, inter-module optimization may be available as an option.
The main difficulty with separate compilation is resolution of
auxiliary bindings introduced into macro expansions. The module
@ -333,10 +382,9 @@ or linker needs to know that the desired binding of {\tt make-promise}
is the one apparent in {\tt delay}'s defining package, not in the
package being loaded or linked.
[I need to describe structure reification.]
%[I need to describe structure reification.]
\subsection*{Semantics of configuration mutation}
\section{Semantics of configuration mutation}
During program development it is often desirable to make changes to
packages and interfaces. In static languages it may be necessary to
@ -355,24 +403,24 @@ rule is that variable bindings in a running program are always
resolved according to current structure and interface bindings, even
when these bindings change as a result of edits to the configuration.
For example, consider the following:
(define-interface foo-interface (export a c))
(define-structure foo foo-interface
(define-interface foo-interface (export a c))
(define-structure foo foo-interface
(open scheme)
(begin (define a 1)
(define (b x) (+ a x))
(define (c y) (* (b a) y))))
(define-structure bar (export d)
(define-structure bar (export d)
(open scheme foo)
(begin (define (d w) (+ (b w) a))))
This program has a bug. The variable {\tt b}, which is free in the
definition of {\tt d}, has no binding in {\tt bar}'s package. Suppose
that {\tt b} was supposed to be exported by {\tt foo}, but was omitted
from {\tt foo-interface} by mistake. It is not necessary to
re-process {\tt bar} or any of {\tt foo}'s other clients at this point.
One need only change {\tt foo-interface} and inform the development
system of that one change (using, say, an appropriate Emacs command),
system of that change (using, say, an appropriate Emacs command),
and {\tt foo}'s binding of {\tt b} will be found when procedure {\tt
d} is called.
@ -396,7 +444,8 @@ development environment uses caching with cache invalidation to make
variable references fast.
\subsection*{Command processor support}
\section{Command processor support}
While it is possible to use the \hack{} static linker for program
development, it is far more convenient to use the development
@ -411,7 +460,7 @@ borrowed from the Symbolics Lisp Machine system, and is reminiscent of
non-Lisp debuggers. Commands are a little easier to type than Scheme
forms (no parentheses, so you don't have to shift), but more
importantly, making them distinct from Scheme forms ensures that
programs' namespaces aren't clutterred with inappropriate bindings.
programs' namespaces aren't cluttered with inappropriate bindings.
Equivalently, the command set is available for use regardless of what
bindings happen to be visible in the current program. This is
especially important in conjunction with the module system, which puts
@ -429,44 +478,47 @@ Commands are introduced by a comma ({\tt,}) and end at the end of
line. The command processor's prompt consists of the name of the
current package followed by a greater-than ({\tt>}).
\item \code{,open \arbno{\cvar{struct-name}}} \\
The {\tt,open} command opens a new structure in the current
package, as if the package's definition's {\tt open} clause
had listed \cvar{struct-name}.
\item \code{,config} \\
The {\tt,config} command sets the command processor's current
package to be the current configuration package. Forms entered at
this point are interpreted as being configuration language forms,
not Scheme forms.
,config \var{command}
\item \code{,config \cvar{command}} \\
This form of the {\tt,config} command executes another command in
the current configuration package. For example,
,config ,load foo.scm
,config ,load foo.scm
interprets configuration language forms from the file {\tt
foo.scm} in the current configuration package.
,in \var{struct-name}
\item \code{,config-package-is \cvar{struct-name}} \\
The {\tt,config-package-is} command designates a new configuration
package for use by the {\tt,config} command and resolution of
\cvar{struct-name}s for other commands such as {\tt,in} and
{\tt,open}. See
for information on making new configuration packages.
\item \code{,in \cvar{struct-name}} \\
The {\tt ,in} command moves the command processor to a specified
structure's underlying package. For example:
user> ,config
config> (define-structure foo (export a)
user> ,config
config> (define-structure foo (export a)
(open scheme))
config> ,in foo
foo> (define a 13)
foo> a
config> ,in foo
foo> (define a 13)
foo> a
In this example the command processor starts in a package called
{\tt user}, but the {\tt ,config} command moves it into the
configuration package, which has the name {\tt config}. The {\tt
@ -479,86 +531,72 @@ current package followed by a greater-than ({\tt>}).
{\em loaded}, which is accomplished by the {\tt ,load-package}
,in \var{struct-name} \var{command}
\item \code{,in \cvar{struct-name} \cvar{command}} \\
This form of the {\tt,in} command executes a single command in the
specified package without moving the command processor into that
package. Example:
,in mumble (cons 1 2)
,in mumble ,trace foo
,in mumble (cons 1 2)
,in mumble ,trace foo
,user $[$\var{command}$]$
\item \code{,user [\cvar{command}]} \\
This is similar to the {\tt ,config} and {\tt ,in} commands. It
moves to or executes a command in the user package (which is the
default package when the \hack{} command processor starts).
,for-syntax $[$\var{command}$]$
This is similar to the {\tt ,config} and {\tt ,in} commands. It
moves to or executes a command in the current package's ``package
for syntax,'' which is the package in which the forms $f$ in
{\tt (define-syntax \var{name} $f$)} are evaluated.
\item \code{,user-package-is \cvar{name}} \\
The {\tt,user-package-is} command designates a new user
package for use by the {\tt,user} command.
,load-package \var{struct-name}
\item \code{,load-package \cvar{struct-name}} \\
The {\tt,load-package} command ensures that the specified structure's
underlying package's program has been loaded. This
consists of (1) recursively ensuring that the packages of any
opened or accessed structures are loaded, followed by (2)
executing the package's body as specified by its definition's {\tt
begin} and {\tt files} forms.
% (Note that
% commands related to packages, such as \code{load-package}, take structures
% as arguments.
% This is because packages are usually anonymous while structures are
% usually named and each has a unique package associated with it.)
,reload-package \var{struct-name}
\item \code{,reload-package \cvar{struct-name}} \\
This command re-executes the structure's package's program. It
is most useful if the program comes from a file or files, when
it will update the package's bindings after mutations to its
source file.
,load \var{filespec} \etc
\item \code{,load \cvar{filespec} \ldots} \\
The {\tt,load} command executes forms from the specified file or
files in the current package. {\tt,load \var{filespec}} is similar
to {\tt(load "\var{filespec}")}
files in the current package. {\tt,load \cvar{filespec}} is similar
to {\tt(load "\cvar{filespec}")}
except that the name {\tt load} needn't be bound in the current
package to Scheme's {\tt load} procedure.
,structure \var{name} \var{interface}
The {\tt,structure} command defines \var{name} in the
\item \code{,for-syntax [\cvar{command}]} \\
This is similar to the {\tt ,config} and {\tt ,in} commands. It
moves to or executes a command in the current package's ``package
for syntax,'' which is the package in which the forms $f$ in
{\tt (define-syntax \cvar{name} \cvar{f})} are evaluated.
\item \code{,new-package} \\
The {\tt,new-package} command creates a new package, in which only
the standard Scheme bindings are visible, and moves the command
processor to it.
\item \code{,structure \cvar{name} \cvar{interface}} \\
The {\tt ,structure} command defines \cvar{name} in the
configuration package to be a structure with interface
\var{interface} based on the current package.
\cvar{interface} based on the current package.
,open \arbno{\var{struct-name}}
The {\tt,open} command opens a new structure in the current
package, as if the package's definition's {\tt open} clause
had listed \var{struct-name}.
\subsection*{Configuration packages}
\section{Configuration packages}
It is possible to set up multiple configuration packages. The default
configuration package opens the following structures:
@ -567,50 +605,77 @@ configuration package opens the following structures:
other configuration language keywords, as well as standard types
and type constructors ({\tt :syntax}, {\tt :value}, {\tt proc}, etc.).
\item {\tt built-in-structures}, which exports structures that are
built into the initial \hack{} image; these include {\tt
scheme}, {\tt tables}, and {\tt records}.
built into the initial \hack{} image; these include
{\tt scheme}, {\tt threads}, {\tt tables}, and {\tt records}.
\item {\tt more-structures}, which exports additional structures that
are available in the development environment; these include
{\tt sort}, {\tt random}, and {\tt threads}.
are available in the development environment.
A complete listing
can be found in the definition of \code{more-structures-interface}
at the end of the file \code{scheme/more-packages.scm}.
Note that it does not open {\tt scheme}.
You can define other configuration packages by simply making a package
that opens {\tt module-system} and, optionally, {\tt
built-in-\ok{}structures}, {\tt more-\ok{}structures}, or other structures that
export structures and interfaces.
You can define additional configuration packages by making a package
that opens {\tt module-\ok{}system} and, optionally,
{\tt built-in-\ok{}structures},
{\tt more-\ok{}structures}, or other structures that
export structures and interfaces.
For example:
> ,config (define-structure foo (export )
> ,config (define-structure foo (export)
(open module-system
> ,in foo
foo> (define-structure x (export a b)
> ,in foo
foo> (define-structure x (export a b)
(open scheme)
(files x))
,config-package-is \var{struct-name}
The {\tt,config-package-is} command designates a new configuration
package for use by the {\tt,config} command and resolution of
\var{struct-name}s for other commands such as {\tt,in} and
Unfortunately, the above example does not work.
The problem is that every environment in which
\code{define-structure} is defined must also have a way to
create ``reflective towers'' (a misnomer; a better name would be
``syntactic towers'').
% JAR says: fix this?
A new reflective tower is required whenever a new environment is created for
compiling the source code in the package associated with a new structure.
The environment's tower is used at compile time for
evaluating the \cvar{macro-source} in
(define-syntax \cvar{name} \cvar{macro-source})
(let-syntax ((\cvar{name} \cvar{macro-source}) \cvar{...}) \cvar{body})
and so forth.
It is a ``tower'' because that environment, in turn, has to say what environment
to use if \code{macro-source} itself contains a use of \code{let-syntax}.
The simplest way to provide a tower maker is to pass on the one used by
an existing configuration package.
The special form \code{export-reflective-tower} creates an interface
that exports a configuration package's tower.
The following example uses \code{export-reflective-tower} and
the \code{,structure} command to obtain a tower maker and create a new
configuration environment.
> ,config ,structure t (export-reflective-tower-maker)
> ,config (define-structure foo (export)
(open module-system
%Talk about bootstrapping, define-all-operators, and usual-transforms?
This module system was not designed as the be-all and end-all of
Scheme module systems; it was only intended to help Richard Kelsey and
me to organize the \hack{} system. Not only does the module system
Scheme module systems; it was only intended to help us
organize the \hack{} system. Not only does the module system
help avoid name clashes by keeping different subsystems in different
namespaces, it has also helped us to tighten up and generalize
\hack{}'s internal interfaces. \hack{} is unusual among Lisp
@ -656,7 +721,7 @@ do not generally show up within module bodies, an individual module
may be understood by someone who is not familiar with the module
system. This is a great aid to code presentation and portability. If
a few simple conditions are met (no name conflicts between packages,
no use of {\tt structure-ref}, and use of {\tt files} in preference to
and use of {\tt files} in preference to
{\tt begin}), then a multi-module program can be loaded into a Scheme
implementation that does not support the module system. The \hack{}
static linker satisfies these conditions, and can therefore run in
@ -685,44 +750,3 @@ modules, which Scheme Xerox considers unimportant.
%[Future work: ideas for anonymous structures and more of a module
%calculus; dealing with name conflicts; interface subtraction.]
William Clinger and Jonathan~Rees.
\newblock Macros that work.
\newblock {\em Principles of Programming Languages}, January 1991.
William Clinger and Jonathan~Rees (editors).
\newblock Revised${}^4$ report on the algorithmic language {S}cheme.
\newblock {\em LISP Pointers} IV(3):1--55, July-September 1991.
Pavel Curtis and James Rauen.
\newblock A module system for Scheme.
\newblock {\em ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming,}
pages 13--19, 1990.
David MacQueen.
\newblock Modules for Standard ML.
\newblock {\em ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming,}
Jonathan Rees and Bruce Donald.
\newblock Program mobile robots in Scheme.
\newblock {\em International Conference on Robotics and
Automation,} IEEE, 1992.
Mark A.~Sheldon and David K.~Gifford.
\newblock Static dependent types for first-class modules.
\newblock {\em ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming,}
pages 20--29, 1990.

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% Scheme 48 documentation
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% Add sections to main menu
% White background
\htmltitle{Scheme 48 Manual}
% Suppress navigation panel for first page.
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\section{Optimistic concurrency}
A \cvar{proposal} is a record of reads from and and writes to locations in
The \cvar{logging} operations listed below record any values read or
written in the current proposal.
A reading operation, such as \code{provisional-vector-ref}, first checks to
see if the current proposal contains a value for the relevent location.
If so, that value is returned as the result of the read.
If not, the current contents of the location are stored in the proposal and
then returned as the result of the read.
A logging write to a location stores the new value as the current contents of
the location in the current proposal; the contents of the location itself
remain unchanged.
\cvar{Committing} to a proposal verifies that any reads logged in
the proposal are still valid and, if so, performs any writes that
the proposal contains.
A logged read is valid if, at the time of the commit, the location contains
the same value it had at the time of the original read (note that this does
not mean that no change occured, simply that the value now is the same as
the value then).
If a proposal has an invalid read then the effort to commit fails no change
is made to the value of any location.
\proto{ensure-atomicity}{ thunk}{value(s)}
\protonoresult{ensure-atomicity!}{ thunk}
If there is a proposal in place
\code{ensure-atomicity} and \code{ensure-atomicity!}
simply make a (tail-recursive) call to \cvar{thunk}.
If the current proposal is \code{\#f} they create a new proposal,
install it, call \cvar{thunk}, and then try to commit to the proposal.
This process repeats, with a new proposal on each iteration, until
the commit succeeds.
\code{Ensure-atomicity} returns whatever values are returned by \cvar{thunk}
on its final invocation, while \code{ensure-atomicity!} discards any such
values and returns nothing.
\proto{provisional-car}{ pair}{value}
\proto{provisional-cdr}{ pair}{value}
\protonoresult{provisional-set-car!}{ pair value}
\protonoresult{provisional-set-cdr!}{ pair value}
\proto{provisional-cell-ref}{ cell}{value}
\protonoresult{provisional-cell-set!}{ cell value}
\proto{provisional-vector-ref}{ vector i}{value}
\protonoresult{provisional-vector-set!}{ vector i value}
\proto{provisional-string-ref}{ vector i}{char}
\protonoresult{provisional-string-set!}{ vector i char}
\proto{provisional-byte-vector-ref}{ vector i}{k}
\protonoresult{provisional-byte-vector-set!}{ vector i k}
These are all logging versions of their Scheme counterparts.
Reads are checked when the current proposal is committed and writes are
delayed until the commit succeeds.
If the current proposal is \code{\#f} these perform exactly as their Scheme
The following implementation of a simple counter may not function
if used by multiple threads.
(define (make-counter)
(let ((value 0))
(lambda ()
(set! value (+ value 1))
Here is the same procedure using a proposal to ensure that each
increment operation happens atomically.
The value of the counter is kept in a vector to allow the use of
logging operations.
(define (make-counter)
(let ((value (make-cell 0)))
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(let ((v (+ (provisional-cell-ref value)
(provisional-cell-set! value v)
Because \code{ensure-atomicity} creates a new proposal only if there is
no existing proposal in place, multiple atomic actions can be performed
The following procedure increments an arbitrary number of counters at the same
This works even if the same counter appears multiple times;
\code{(step-counters! c0 c0)} would add two to the value of counter \code{c0}.
(define (step-counters! . counters)
(lambda ()
(for-each (lambda (counter)
(define-synchronized-record-type \cvar{tag} \cvar{type-name}
(\cvar{constructor-name} \cvar{field-tag} \ldots)
[(\cvar \cvar{field-tag} \ldots)]
(\cvar{field-tag} \cvar{accessor-name} [\cvar{modifier-name}])
This is the same as \code{define-record-type} except all field reads and
writes are logged in the current proposal.
If the optional list of field tags is present then only those fields will
be logged.
\proto{atomically}{ thunk}{value(s)}
\protonoresult{atomically!}{ thunk}
\code{Atomically} and \code{atomically!} are identical
to \code{ensure-atomicity} and \code{ensure-atomicity!} except that they
always install a new proposal before calling \code{thunk}.
The current proposal is saved and then restored after \code{thunk} returns.
\code{Atomically} and \code{atomically!} are useful if \code{thunk} contains
code that should not be combined with any other operation (example?).
The following procedures give access to the low-leve proposal mechanism for
use when necessary.
\protonoresult{set-current-proposal!}{ proposal}
\proto{with-proposal}{ proposal thunk}{value(s)}
\proto{maybe-commit}{ proposal}{boolean}
\code{With-proposal} saves the current proposal, installs \cvar{proposal} as
the current proposal, and then calls \cvar{thunk}.
When \cvar{thunk} returns the saved proposal is reinstalled as the current
and the value(s) returned by \cvar{thunk} are returned.
\code{Maybe-commit} verifies that any reads logged in \cvar{proposal} are
still valid and, if so, performs any writes that \cvar{proposal} contains.
A logged read is valid if, at the time of the commit, the location contains
the same value it had at the time of the original read (note that this does
not mean that no change occured, simply that the value now is the same as
the value then).
\code{Maybe-commit} returns \code{\#t} if the commit succeeds and \code{\#f}
if it fails.

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% The following is for prototypes that have return types.
% (foo int int) -> int
\hbox{\spaceskip=0.5em\code{({#1}{\it#2\/})} {$\rightarrow$} {\it#3}}}
@ -33,26 +36,40 @@
\hbox{\spaceskip=0.5em\code{{#1}}}\hfill\penalty 0%
\hbox{ }\nobreak\hfill\hbox{\rm (may GC)}}
{\hspace*{2em}\code{{$\rightarrow$} {\it#1}}\hfill}}
% Syntax prototypes
\hbox{\spaceskip=0.5em\code{(\hbox{#1}{#2})}}\hfill\penalty 0%
\hbox{ }\nobreak\hfill\hbox{\rm syntax}}
\hspace*{24pt}{$\rightarrow$} {\it#3}}
\hbox{\spaceskip=0.5em\code{(\hbox{#1}{#2})}} {$\rightarrow$} {\it#3}%
\hfill\penalty 0%
\hbox{ }\nobreak\hfill\hbox{\rm syntax}}
% This can be reduced
\hbox{\spaceskip=0.5em#1}\code\hfill\penalty 0%
\hbox{\spaceskip=0.5em\code{#1}}\hfill\penalty 0%
\hbox{ }\nobreak\hfill\hbox{\rm #2}}
% Variable prototype
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of Latex proto definitions
@ -64,17 +81,30 @@
% The following is for prototypes that have return types.
% (foo int int) -> int
% Variable prototype
@ -82,8 +112,17 @@
\item\noindent\prototagstart\code{{#1}}\prototag{(may GC)}}
\\{}\noindent\code{\ \ \ \ -->~{\it{#1}}}}
\begin{rawhtml}<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=80%>
<tr> <td>\end{rawhtml}}

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@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
safety (and the lack thereof)
\section{Creating and controlling threads}
\proto{spawn}{ thunk}{thread}
\proto{spawn}{ thunk name}{thread}
\proto{thread?}{ thing}{boolean}
\proto{thread-name}{ thread}{name}
\proto{thread-uid}{ thread}{integer}
\protonoresult{sleep}{ time-in-?}
\section{Debugging multithreaded programs}
Debugging multithreaded programs can be difficult.
As described in {section whatever}, when any thread raises an
error, Scheme~48 stops running all of the threads at that command level.
The following procedure is useful in debugging multi-threaded programs.
\protonoresult{debug-message}{ element$_0$ \ldots}
\code{Debug-message} prints the elements to `\code{stderr}', followed by a
The only types of values that \code{debug-message} prints in full are small
integers (fixnums), strings, characters, symbols, boolean, and the empty list.
Values of other types are abbreviated as follows.
pair & \code{(...)}\\
vector & \code{\#(...)}\\
procedure & \code{\#\{procedure\}}\\
record & \code{\#\{<name of record type>\}}\\
all others & \code{???}\\
The great thing about \code{debug-message} is that it bypasses Scheme~48's
I/O and thread handling.
The message appears immediately, with no delays
or errors.
\code{Debug-message} is exported by the structure \code{debug-messages}.
\section{Mutual exclusion}
\proto{make-lock}{ }{lock}
\proto{lock?}{ thing}{boolean}
\protonoresult{obtain-lock}{ lock}
\proto{maybe-obtain-lock}{ lock}{boolean}
\protonoresult{release-lock}{ lock}
condition variables
% these require proposals
(make-condvar [id]) -> condvar
% add condvar?
(maybe-commit-and-wait-for-condvar condvar) -> boolean
(maybe-commit-and-set-condvar! condvar value)
(condvar-has-value? condvar) -> boolean
(set-condvar-value! condvar boolean)
(condvar-value condvar) -> value
(set-condvar-value! condvar value)
\section{Optimistic concurrency}
%add an overview
A \cvar{proposal} is a record of reads from and and writes to locations in
The \cvar{logging} operations listed below record any values read or
written in the current proposal.
A reading operation, such as \code{provisional-vector-ref}, first checks to
see if the current proposal contains a value for the relevent location.
If so, that value is returned as the result of the read.
If not, the current contents of the location are stored in the proposal and
then returned as the result of the read.
A logging write to a location stores the new value as the current contents of
the location in the current proposal; the contents of the location itself
remain unchanged.
\cvar{Committing} to a proposal verifies that any reads logged in
the proposal are still valid and, if so, performs any writes that
the proposal contains.
A logged read is valid if, at the time of the commit, the location contains
the same value it had at the time of the original read (note that this does
not mean that no change occured, simply that the value now is the same as
the value then).
If a proposal has an invalid read then the effort to commit fails no change
is made to the value of any location.
The verifications and subsequent writes to memory are performed atomically
with respect to other proposal commit attempts.
% Explain better. Add an example?
\proto{ensure-atomicity}{ thunk}{value(s)}
\protonoresult{ensure-atomicity!}{ thunk}
If there is a proposal in place
\code{ensure-atomicity} and \code{ensure-atomicity!}
simply make a (tail-recursive) call to \cvar{thunk}.
If the current proposal is \code{\#f} they create a new proposal,
install it, call \cvar{thunk}, and then try to commit to the proposal.
This process repeats, with a new proposal on each iteration, until
the commit succeeds.
\code{Ensure-atomicity} returns whatever values are returned by \cvar{thunk}
on its final invocation, while \code{ensure-atomicity!} discards any such
values and returns nothing.
\proto{provisional-car}{ pair}{value}
\proto{provisional-cdr}{ pair}{value}
\protonoresult{provisional-set-car!}{ pair value}
\protonoresult{provisional-set-cdr!}{ pair value}
\proto{provisional-cell-ref}{ cell}{value}
\protonoresult{provisional-cell-set!}{ cell value}
\proto{provisional-vector-ref}{ vector i}{value}
\protonoresult{provisional-vector-set!}{ vector i value}
\proto{provisional-string-ref}{ vector i}{char}
\protonoresult{provisional-string-set!}{ vector i char}
\proto{provisional-byte-vector-ref}{ vector i}{k}
\protonoresult{provisional-byte-vector-set!}{ vector i k}
These are all logging versions of their Scheme counterparts.
Reads are checked when the current proposal is committed and writes are
delayed until the commit succeeds.
If the current proposal is \code{\#f} these perform exactly as their Scheme
The following implementation of a simple counter may not function properly
when used by multiple threads.
(define (make-counter)
(let ((value 0))
(lambda ()
(set! value (+ value 1))
Here is the same procedure using a proposal to ensure that each
increment operation happens atomically.
The value of the counter is kept in a
\link*{cell}[cell (see section~\Ref]{cells}
to allow the use of
logging operations.
(define (make-counter)
(let ((value (make-cell 0)))
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(let ((v (+ (provisional-cell-ref value)
(provisional-cell-set! value v)
Because \code{ensure-atomicity} creates a new proposal only if there is
no existing proposal in place, multiple atomic actions can be performed
The following procedure increments an arbitrary number of counters at the same
This works even if the same counter appears multiple times;
\code{(step-counters! c0 c0)} would add two to the value of counter \code{c0}.
(define (step-counters! . counters)
(lambda ()
(for-each (lambda (counter)
(define-synchronized-record-type \cvar{tag} \cvar{type-name}
(\cvar{constructor-name} \cvar{field-tag} \ldots)
[(\cvar \cvar{field-tag} \ldots)]
(\cvar{field-tag} \cvar{accessor-name} [\cvar{modifier-name}])
This is the same as \code{define-record-type}
except all field reads and
writes are logged in the current proposal.
If the optional list of field tags is present then only those fields will
be logged.
\proto{atomically}{ thunk}{value(s)}
\protonoresult{atomically!}{ thunk}
\code{Atomically} and \code{atomically!} are identical
to \code{ensure-atomicity} and \code{ensure-atomicity!} except that they
always install a new proposal before calling \code{thunk}.
The current proposal is saved and then restored after \code{thunk} returns.
\code{Atomically} and \code{atomically!} are useful if \code{thunk} contains
code that should not be combined with any other operation (example?).
The following procedures give access to the low-level proposal mechanism.
\protonoresult{set-current-proposal!}{ proposal}
\proto{with-proposal}{ proposal thunk}{value \ldots}
\proto{maybe-commit}{ proposal}{boolean}
\code{Make-proposal} creates a new proposal.
\code{Current-proposal} and \code{set-current-proposal} access and set
the current thread's proposal.
It is an error to pass to \code{set-current-proposal!} a proposal that
is already in use.
\code{With-proposal} saves the current proposal, installs \cvar{proposal} as
the current proposal, and then calls \cvar{thunk}.
When \cvar{thunk} returns the saved proposal is reinstalled as the current
and the value(s) returned by \cvar{thunk} are returned.
\code{Maybe-commit} verifies that any reads logged in \cvar{proposal} are
still valid and, if so, performs any writes that \cvar{proposal} contains.
A logged read is valid if, at the time of the commit, the location read contains
the same value it had at the time of the original read (note that this does
not mean that no change occured, simply that the value now is the same as
the value then).
\code{Maybe-commit} returns \code{\#t} if the commit succeeds and \code{\#f}
if it fails.

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@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
\chapter{User's guide}
This chapter details Scheme~48's user interface: its command-line arguments,
command processor, debugger, and so forth.
\section{Command line arguments}
A few command line arguments are processed by Scheme~48 as
it starts up.
[\code{-i} \cvar{image}]
[\code{-h} \cvar{heapsize}]
% [\code{-s} \cvar{stacksize}]
[\code{-a} \cvar{argument \ldots}]
\item[{\tt -i} \cvar{image}]
specifies a heap image file to resume. This defaults to a heap
image that runs a Scheme command processor. Heap images are
created by the \code{,dump} and \code{,build commands}, for which see below.
\item[{\tt -h} \cvar{heapsize}]
specifies how much space should be reserved for allocation.
\cvar{Heapsize} is in words (where one word = 4 bytes), and covers both
semispaces, only one of which is in use at any given time (except
during garbage collection). Cons cells are currently 3 words, so
if you want to make sure you can allocate a million cons cells,
you should specify \code{-h 6000000} (actually somewhat more than this,
to account for the initial heap image and breathing room).
The default heap size is 3000000 words. The system will use a
larger heap if the specified (or default) size is less than
the size of the image being resumed.
%\item[{\tt -s} \cvar{stacksize}]
% specifies how much space should be reserved for the continuation
% and environment stack. If this space is exhausted, continuations
% and environments are copied to the heap. \cvar{Stacksize} is in words
% and defaults to 2500.
\item[{\tt -a} \cvar{argument \ldots}]
is only useful with images built using \code{,build}.
The arguments are passed as a list of strings to the procedure specified
in the \code{,build} command as for example:
> (define (f a) (for-each display a) (newline) 0)
> ,build f foo.image
> ,exit
\% scheme48vm -i foo.image -a mumble "foo x"
mumblefoo x
The usual definition of the \code{s48} or \code{scheme48} command is actually a
shell script that starts up the Scheme~48 virtual machine with a
\code{-i \cvar{imagefile}}
specifying the development environment heap image and a
\code{-o \cvar{vm-executable}} specifying the location of the virtual-machine
executable (the executable is needed for loading external code on some
versions of Unix; see section~\ref{dynamic-externals}
\link*{for more information}
[for more information]
The file \code{go} in the Scheme~48 installation source directory is an example
of such a shell script.
\section{Command processor}
When you invoke the default heap image, a command processor starts
The command processor acts as both a read-eval-print loop, reading
expressions, evaluating them, and printing the results, and as
an interactive debugger and data inspector.
See Chapter~\ref{chapter:command-processor} for
\link*{a description of the command processor}
[a description of the command processor]
We recommend running Scheme~48 under GNU Emacs or XEmacs using the
\code{cmuscheme48} command package.
This is in the Scheme~48 distribution's \code{emacs/} subdirectory and
is included in XEmacs's \code{scheme} package.
It is a variant of the \code{cmuscheme} library, which
comes to us courtesy of Olin Shivers, formerly of CMU.
You might want to put the following in your Emacs init file (\code{.emacs}):
(setq scheme-program-name "scheme48")
(autoload 'run-scheme
"Run an inferior Scheme process."
The Emacs function \code{run-scheme} can then be used to start a process
running the program \code{scheme48} in a new buffer.
To make the \code{autoload} and \code{(require \ldots)} forms work, you will
also need
to put the directory containing \code{cmuscheme} and related files in your
emacs load-path:
(setq load-path
(append load-path '("\cvar{scheme-48-directory}/emacs")))
Further documentation can be found in the files \code{emacs/cmuscheme48.el} and
If you want to generally have your code run faster than it normally
would, enter \code{inline-values} mode before loading anything. Otherwise
calls to primitives (like \code{+} and \code{cons}) and in-line procedures
(like \code{not} and \code{cadr}) won't be open-coded, and programs will run
more slowly.
The system doesn't start in \code{inline-values} mode by default because the
Scheme report permits redefinitions of built-in procedures. With
this mode set, such redefinitions don't work according to the report,
because previously compiled calls may have in-lined the old
definition, leaving no opportunity to call the new definition.
\code{Inline-values} mode is controlled by the \code{inline-values} switch.
\code{,set inline-values} and \code{,unset inline-values} turn it on and off.
The \code{,dis} command prints out the disassembled byte codes of a procedure.
> ,dis cons
0 (protocol 2)
2 (pop)
3 (make-stored-object 2 pair)
6 (return)
The current byte codes are listed in the file \code{scheme/vm/arch.scm}.
A somewhat out-of-date description of them can be found in
The command argument is optional; if unsupplied it defaults to the
current focus object (\code{\#\#}).
The disassembler can also be invoked on continuations and templates.
\section{Module system}
This section gives a brief description of modules and related entities.
For detailed information, including a description of the module
configuration language, see
\link*{the module chapter}[chapter~\Ref]{chapter:modules}.
% JAR says: this paragraph is muddy.
A {\em module} is an isolated namespace, with visibility of bindings
controlled by module descriptions written in a special
configuration language.
A module may be instantiated as a {\em package}, which is an environment
in which code can be evaluated.
Most modules are instantiated only once and so have a unique package.
A {\em structure} is a subset of the bindings in a package.
Only by being included in a structure can a binding be
made visible in other packages.
A structure has two parts, the package whose bindings are being exported
and the set of names that are to be exported.
This set of names is called an {\em interface}.
A module then has three parts:
\item a set of structures whose bindings are to be visible within the module
\item the source code to be evaluated within the module
\item a set of exported interfaces
Instantiating a module produces a package and a set of structures, one for
each of the exported interfaces.
The following example uses \code{define-structure} to create a module that
implements simple cells as pairs, instantiates this module, and binds the
resulting structure to \code{cells}.
The syntax \code{(export \cvar{name \ldots})} creates an interface
containing \cvar{name \ldots}.
The \code{open} clause lists structures whose bindings are visible
within the module.
The \code{begin} clause contains source code.
(define-structure cells (export make-cell
(open scheme)
(begin (define (make-cell x)
(cons 'cell x))
(define cell-ref cdr)
(define cell-set! set-cdr!)))
Cells could also have been implemented using the
\link*{record facility}[record facility described in section~\Ref]{records}
and available in structure \code{define-record-type}.
(define-structure cells (export make-cell
(open scheme define-record-types)
(begin (define-record-type cell :cell
(make-cell value)
(value cell-ref cell-set!))))
With either definition the resulting structure can be used in other
modules by including \code{cells} in an \code{open} clause.
The command interpreter is always operating within a particular package.
Initially this is a package in which only the standard Scheme bindings
are visible.
The bindings of other structures can be made visible by using the
\link*{\code{,open} command}
[\code{,open} command described in section~\Ref{} below]{module-command-guide}.
Note that this initial package does not include the configuration language.
Module code needs to be evaluated in the configuration package, which can
be done by using the {\code ,config} command:
> ,config (define-structure cells \ldots)
> ,open cells
> (make-cell 4)
'(cell . 4)
> (define c (make-cell 4))
> (cell-ref c)
A number of useful utilities are either built in to Scheme~48 or can
be loaded from an external library. These utilities are not visible
in the user environment by default, but can be made available with the
\code{open} command. For example, to use the \code{tables} structure, do
> ,open tables
If the utility is not already loaded, then the \code{,open} command will
load it.
Or, you can load something explicitly (without opening it) using the
\code{load-package} command:
> ,load-package queues
> ,open queues
When loading a utility, the message "Note: optional optimizer not
invoked" is innocuous. Feel free to ignore it.
See also the package system documentation, in
\link*{the module chapter}[chapter~\Ref]{chapter:modules}.
Not all of the the libraries available in Scheme~48 are described in this
All are listed in files \code{rts-packages.scm},
\code{comp-packages.scm}, \code{env-packages.scm}, and
\code{more-packages.scm} in the \code{scheme} directory of the distribution,
and the bindings they
export are listed in \code{interfaces.scm} and
\code{more-interfaces.scm} in the same directory.
% Information about the virtual machine. E.g.
% (enum op eq?) => the integer opcode of the EQ? instruction
% Many generally useful features. See doc/big-scheme.txt.
% Extensions to the bitwise logical operators (exported by
% the BITWISE structure) so that they operate on bignums.
% To use these you should do
% ,load-package bigbit
% ,open bitwise
% Part of the condition system: DEFINE-CONDITION-PREDICATE and
% routines for examining condition objects. (See also handle,
% signals.)
% DESTRUCTURE macro. See doc/big-scheme.txt.
% Displaying condition objects.
% (DISPLAY-CONDITION condition port) \goesto{} unspecific
% Display condition in an easily readable form. E.g.
% > ,open display-conditions handle conditions
% > (display-condition
% (call-with-current-continuation
% (lambda (k)
% (with-handler (lambda (c punt)
% (if (error? c)
% (k c)
% (punt)))
% (lambda () (+ 1 'a)))))
% (current-output-port))
% Error: exception
% (+ 1 'a)
% >
% Ports for reading from and writing to strings, and related things.
% See doc/big-scheme.txt.
% Rudimentary file name parsing and synthesis. E.g.
% file-name-directory and file-name-nondirectory are as in Gnu emacs.
% Floating point numbers. These are in a very crude state; use at
% your own risk. They are slow and do not read or print correctly.
% Dynamically bound "variables."
% (MAKE-FLUID top-level-value) \goesto{} a "fluid" object
% (FLUID fluid) \goesto{} current value of fluid object
% (SET-FLUID! fluid value) \goesto{} unspecific; changes current value of
% fluid object
% (LET-FLUID fluid value thunk) \goesto{} whatever thunk returns
% Within the dynamic extent of execution of (thunk), the fluid
% object has value as its binding (unless changed by SET-FLUID!
% or overridden by another LET-FLUID).
% E.g.
% (define f (make-fluid 7))
% (define (baz) (+ (fluid f) 1))
% (baz) ;\goesto{} 8
% (let-fluid f 4 (lambda () (+ (baz) 1))) ;\goesto{} 6
% A simple FORMAT procedure, similar to Common Lisp's or T's.
% See doc/big-scheme.txt for documentation.
% Part of the condition system.
% (WITH-HANDLER handler thunk) \goesto{} whatever thunk returns.
% handler is a procedure of two arguments. The first argument
% is a condition object, and the second is a "punt" procedure.
% The handler should examine the condition object (using ERROR?,
% etc. from the CONDITIONS structure). If it decides not to do
% anything special, it should tail-call the "punt" procedure.
% Otherwise it should take appropriate action and perform a
% non-local exit. It should not just return unless it knows
% damn well what it's doing; returns in certain situations can
% cause VM crashes.
% Interrupt system
% A few extra port-related operations, notably FORCE-OUTPUT.
% A pretty-printer. (p \cvar{exp}) will pretty-print the result of \cvar{exp},
% which must be an S-expression. (Source code for procedures is not
% retained or reconstructed.) You can also do (p \cvar{exp} \cvar{port}) to
% print to a specific port.
% The procedure pretty-print takes three arguments: the object to be
% printed, a port to write to, and the current horizontal cursor
% position. If you've just done a newline, then pass in zero for
% the position argument.
% The algorithm is very peculiar, and sometimes buggy.
% FIFO queues.
% Not-very-random random number generator. The \cvar{seed} should be between
% 0 and 2$^{28}$ exclusive.
% > (define random (make-random \cvar{seed}))
% > (random) \goesto{} pseudo-random number between 0 and 2$^{28}$
% Convenient interface to the call-with-values procedure, like
% Common Lisp's multiple-value-bind macro. See doc/big-scheme.txt.
% MAKE-RECORD-TYPE and friends. See the Scheme of Things column in
% Lisp Pointers, volume 4, number 1, for documentation.
% Complex numbers. This should be loaded (e.g. with ,load-package)
% but needn't be opened.
% Balanced binary search trees. See comments at top of
% big/search-tree.scm.
% ERROR, WARN, and related procedures.
% Online merge sort (see comment at top of file big/sort.scm).
% (sort-list \cvar{list} \cvar{pred})
% (sort-list! \cvar{list} \cvar{pred})
% Compatibility package for the Scheme dialect used in the book
% "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs."
% Interface to Unix BSD sockets. See comments at top of file
% misc/socket.scm.
% Multitasking. See doc/threads.txt.
% SUBLIST, ANY, REDUCE, FILTER, and some other useful things.
% Weak pointers and populations.
% (MAKE-WEAK-POINTER thing) => weak-pointer
% (WEAK-POINTER-REF weak-pointer) => thing or \code{\#f}
% \code{\#f} if the thing has been gc'ed.
% (RECURRING-WRITE thing port recur) => unspecific
% This is the same as WRITE except that recursive calls invoke
% the recur argument instead of WRITE. For an example, see
% the definition of LIMITED-WRITE in env/dispcond.scm, which
% implements processing similar to common Lisp's *print-level*
% and *print-length*.

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