Basic support for ODBC 3.0 API.

Tested partially: handle allocation, connection, prepare, execute
Missing: Support for SQLBindCol & several catalog functions. The scsh 0.53 API abstraction need
s to be implemented on top of the ODBC 3 API.
This commit is contained in:
eknauel 2002-04-21 08:56:53 +00:00
parent d21f901097
commit 3b2dbc5f65
1 changed files with 215 additions and 0 deletions

scsh/odbc/odbc.scm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
;;; record types
;(define-record-type sql-date :sql-date
; (make-sql-date year month day)
; sql-date?
; (year sql-date-year sql-date-year!)
; (month sql-date-month sql-date-month!)
; (day sql-date-day sql-date-day!))
;(define-record-type sql-time :sql-time
; (make-sql-time hour minute second)
; sql-time?
; (hour sql-time-hour sql-time-hour!)
; (minute sql-time-minute sql-time-minute!)
; (second sql-time-second sql-time-second!))
;(define-record-type sql-timestamp :sql-timestamp
; (make-sql-timestamp year month day hour minute second fraction)
; sql-timestamp?
; (year sql-timestamp-year sql-timestamp-year!)
; (month sql-timestamp-month sql-timestamp-month!)
; (day sql-timestamp-day sql-timestamp-day!)
; (hour sql-timestamp-hour sql-timestamp-hour!)
; (minute sql-timestamp-minute sql-timestamp-minute!)
; (second sql-timestamp-second sql-timestamp-second!)
; (fraction sql-timestamp-fraction sql-timestamp-fraction!))
;(define-record-type sql-numeric :sql-numeric
; (make-sql-numeric precision scale sign value)
; sql-numeric?
; (precision sql-precision sql-precision!)
; (scale sql-scale sql-scale!)
; (sign sql-sign sql-sign!)
; (value sql-value sql-value!))
;;; handle type identifiers from sql.h
(define handle-type-env 1)
(define handle-type-dbc 2)
(define handle-type-stmt 3)
(define handle-type-desc 4)
;;; options for SQLFreeStmt from sql.h
(define sql-disconnect-opt-close 0)
(define sql-disconnect-opt-drop 1)
(define sql-disconnect-opt-unbind 2)
(define sql-disconnect-opt-reset-params 3)
;;; options for SQLDataSource from sql.h
(define sql-datasources-fetch-next 1)
(define sql-datasources-fetch-first 2)
;;;; just for testing purposes, will disappear soon
;(define open-db
; (lambda (server user auth)
; (let* ((env-handle (odbc-alloc-environment-handle))
; (conn-handle (odbc-alloc-connection-handle env-handle)))
; (odbc-sql-connect conn-handle server user auth))))
;(define list-datasources
; (lambda ()
; (let ((env-handle (odbc-alloc-environment-handle)))
; (odbc-sql-data-sources env-handle sql-datasources-fetch-first))))
;(define list-drivers
; (lambda ()
; (let ((env-handle (odbc-alloc-environment-handle)))
; (odbc-sql-drivers env-handle))))
;(define free-handle
; (lambda (handle handle-type)
; (odbc-sql-free-handle handle-type handle)))
;(define free-environment-handle
; (lambda (handle)
; (free-handle handle handle-type-env)))
;(define free-connection-handle
; (lambda (handle)
; (free-handle handle handle-type-dbc)))
;(define free-statement-handle
; (lambda (handle)
; (free-handle handle handle-type-stmt)))
;(define free-description-handle
; (lambda (handle)
; (free-handle handle handle-type-desc)))
;;; PART 1
(import-lambda-definition odbc-alloc-environment-handle
(import-lambda-definition odbc-alloc-connection-handle
(import-lambda-definition odbc-alloc-statement-handle
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-connect
(conn-handle server-name user-name auth)
;;; PART 2
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-data-sources
(env-handle direction)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-drivers
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-get-info-int
(conn-handle info-key)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-get-info-string
(conn-handle info-key)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-get-func-exists
(conn-handle fun-id)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-get-type-info
(stmt-handle data-type)
;;; PART 3
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-set-connect-attr-int
(conn-handle attribute value)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-set-connect-attr-string
(conn-handle attribute value)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-get-connect-attr-string
(conn-handle attribute)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-get-connect-attr-int
(conn-handle attribute)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-set-env-attr-int
(env-handle attribute value)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-get-env-attr-int
(env-handle attribute value)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-set-stmt-attr-int
(stmt-handle attribute value)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-set-stmt-attr-string
(stmt-handle attribute value)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-get-stmt-attr-int
(stmt-handle attribute)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-get-stmt-attr-string
(stmt-handle attribute)
;;; PART 4
;;; PART 5
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-prepare
(stmt-handle stmt-txt)
;;; PART 6
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-execute
;;; PART 7
;;; PART 8
;;; PART 9
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-free-statement
(stmt-handle option)
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-close-cursor
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-cancel
;;; PART 10
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-disconnect
(import-lambda-definition odbc-sql-free-handle
(handle-type handle)