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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; The entry point for all this.
(define (link! template package noise?)
(if noise?
(noting-undefined-variables package
(lambda ()
(really-link! template package)))
(really-link! template package)))
(define (really-link! template package)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i (template-length template)))
(let ((x (template-ref template i)))
(cond ((thingie? x)
(template-set! template
(get-location (thingie-binding x)
(thingie-name x)
(thingie-want-type x))))
((template? x)
(really-link! x package))))))
; GET-LOCATION returns a location to be stored away in a template. If the
; wanted meta-type, which is either `value-type' or `usual-variable-type'
; (for SET!), matches that in the binding, then we just return the binding's
; location after noting that we are doing so.
; If the type doesn't match then we make a location and remember that we
; have done so. If correct location becomes available later we will replace
; the bogus one (see env/pedit.scm).
(define (get-location binding cenv name want-type)
(if (binding? binding)
(let ((place (binding-place binding)))
(cond ((compatible-types? (binding-type binding) want-type)
(note-caching! cenv name place)
((variable-type? want-type)
(get-location-for-unassignable cenv name))
(warn "invalid variable reference" name)
(note-caching! cenv name place)
(get-location-for-undefined cenv name)))
; Packages have three tables used by env/pedit.scm:
; undefineds
; locations introduced for missing values
; undefined-but-assigneds
; locations introduced for missing cells
; cached
; locations used here that were supposed to have been provided by
; someone else
; Get a location from PACKAGE's table at ACCESSOR.
(define (location-on-demand accessor)
(lambda (package name)
(let ((table (accessor package)))
(or (table-ref table name)
(let ((new (make-new-location package name)))
(table-set! table name new)
(define get-undefined
(location-on-demand package-undefineds))
(define location-for-assignment
(location-on-demand package-undefined-but-assigneds))
; If this package is mutable and it gets NAME from some other structure
; then add NAME and PLACE to its table of cached locations.
(define (package-note-caching! package name place)
(if (package-unstable? package)
(if (not (table-ref (package-definitions package) name))
(let loop ((opens (package-opens package)))
(if (not (null? opens))
(if (interface-ref (structure-interface (car opens))
(begin (table-set! (package-cached package) name place)
(structure-package (car opens))
name place))
(loop (cdr opens))))))))
; Find the actual package providing PLACE and remember that it is being used.
(define (note-caching! cenv name place)
(if (generated? name)
(note-caching! (generated-env name)
(generated-symbol name)
(let ((package (cenv->package cenv)))
(if (package? package)
(package-note-caching! package name place)))))
; Get a location for NAME which is SET! but isn't supposed to be.
(define (get-location-for-unassignable cenv name)
(if (generated? name)
(get-location-for-unassignable (generated-env name)
(generated-symbol name))
(let ((package (cenv->package cenv)))
(warn "invalid assignment" name)
(if (package? package)
(lambda () (location-for-assignment package name))
(lambda () (make-undefined-location name))))))
; Get a location for NAME, which is undefined.
(define (get-location-for-undefined cenv name)
(if (generated? name)
(get-location-for-undefined (generated-env name)
(generated-symbol name))
(let ((package (cenv->package cenv)))
((or (fluid $note-undefined)
(lambda (cenv name) (values)))
(if (package? package)
(let ((place (location-for-reference package name)))
(package-note-caching! package name place)
(make-undefined-location name)))))
(define $note-undefined (make-fluid (lambda (cenv name) (values))))
; Because of generated names CENV may not be an actual compile-env
; (i.e. a procedure).
(define (cenv->package cenv)
(cond ((procedure? cenv)
;; This returns #f if package is stable (static linking).
(extract-package-from-environment cenv))
((package? cenv)
((structure? cenv)
(structure-package cenv))))
; Exported for env/pedit.scm.
(define (location-for-reference package name)
(let loop ((opens (package-opens package)))
(if (null? opens)
(get-undefined package name)
(if (interface-ref (structure-interface (car opens))
(location-for-reference (structure-package (car opens)) name)
(loop (cdr opens))))))
; Maintain and display a list of undefined names.
; We bind $NOTE-UNDEFINED to a procedure that adds names to LOSERS, an a-list of
; (<package> . <undefined-names>). Once THUNK has finished we print out any
; names that are still undefined. CURRENT-PACKAGE is used only to avoid printing
; out the name of the current package unnecessarily. CURRENT-PACKAGE may be #f.
(define (noting-undefined-variables current-package thunk)
(let* ((losers '())
(add-name (lambda (env name)
(let ((probe (assq env losers)))
(if probe
(if (not (member name (cdr probe)))
(set-cdr! probe (cons name (cdr probe))))
(set! losers (cons (list env name) losers)))))))
(let-fluid $note-undefined
(lambda (env name)
(if (generated? name)
(add-name (generated-env name)
(generated-symbol name))
(add-name env name)))
(lambda ()
(lambda () #f)
(lambda ()
(for-each (lambda (env+names)
(print-undefined-names (car env+names)
(cdr env+names)
(define (print-undefined-names env names current-package)
(let ((names (filter (lambda (name)
;; Keep the ones that are still unbound.
(not (generic-lookup env name)))
(if (not (null? names))
(let ((out (current-noise-port)))
(newline out)
(display "Undefined" out)
(if (and current-package
(not (eq? env current-package)))
(begin (display " in " out)
(write env out)))
(display ": " out)
(write (map (lambda (name)
(if (generated? name)
(generated-symbol name)
(reverse names))
(newline out)))))