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156 lines
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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey. See file COPYING.
; Simplifying LET nodes, i.e. calls to the LET primop.
; 1. Change the procedure to a JUMP procedure if necessary.
; 2. Check that the right number of arguments are present.
; 3. Substitute any values that can be substituted without reference to
; how they are used in the body; then remove the call if it is no
; longer necessary.
; 4. Try harder.
(define (simplify-let call)
(let ((proc (call-arg call 0)))
(if (eq? (lambda-type proc) 'jump)
(change-lambda-type proc 'cont))
(cond ((n= (length (lambda-variables proc))
(- (call-arg-count call) 1))
(bug "wrong number of arguments in ~S" call))
((or (null? (lambda-variables proc))
(substitute-let-arguments proc call quick-substitute))
(remove-body call))
(really-simplify-let proc call)))))
; A value can be quickly substituted if it is a leaf node or if it has no
; side-effects and is used only once.
(define (quick-substitute var val)
(or (literal-node? val)
(reference-node? val)
(and (not (side-effects? val))
(null? (cdr (variable-refs var))))))
; Simplify the arguments and then repeatedly simplify the body of PROC
; and try substituting the arguments.
; If all the arguments can be substituted the call node is removed.
; SUBSTITUTE-JOIN-ARGUMENTS copies arguments in an attempt to remove
; conditionals via constant folding.
(define (really-simplify-let proc call)
(simplify-args call 1)
(let loop ()
(set-node-simplified?! proc #t)
(simplify-lambda-body proc)
(cond ((substitute-let-arguments proc call slow-substitute)
(remove-body call))
((substitute-join-arguments proc call)
((not (node-simplified? proc))
(define *duplicate-lambda-size* '-1) ; don't duplicate anything
(define *duplicate-jump-lambda-size* 1) ; duplicate one call
(define (slow-substitute var val)
(cond ((or (literal-node? val) (reference-node? val))
((call-node? val)
(let ((refs (variable-refs var)))
(and (not (null? refs))
(null? (cdr refs))
(or (not (side-effects? val 'allocate))
(and (not (side-effects? val 'allocate 'read))
(not-used-between? val (car refs)))))))
((every? called-node? (variable-refs var))
(simplify-known-cont-calls (variable-refs var) val)
(or (null? (cdr (variable-refs var)))
(case (lambda-type val)
((proc known-proc)
(small-node? val *duplicate-lambda-size*))
(small-node? val *duplicate-jump-lambda-size*))
(else #f)))
; This only detects the following situation:
; (let (lambda (... var ...) (primop ... var ...))
; ... value ...)
; where the reference to VAR is contained within nested, non-writing calls
; This depends on there being no simple calls with WRITE side-effects
(define (not-used-between? call ref)
(let ((top (lambda-body (call-arg (node-parent call) 0))))
(let loop ((call (node-parent ref)))
(cond ((eq? call top) #t)
((or (not (call-node? call))
(eq? 'write (primop-side-effects (call-primop call))))
(else (loop (node-parent call)))))))
(define (simplify-known-cont-calls refs l-node)
(case (lambda-type l-node)
(determine-lambda-protocol l-node refs))
(bug "CONT lambda bound by LET ~S" l-node)))
(if (calls-known? l-node)
(simplify-known-lambda l-node)))
; ($some-RETURN <proc> . <args>)
; =>
; ($JUMP <proc> . <args>)
; could check argument reps as well
(define (add-return-mark call l-node arg-count)
(if (not (= (call-arg-count call) (+ arg-count 1)))
(bug '"call ~S to join ~S has the wrong number of arguments"
call l-node))
(set-call-primop! call (get-primop (enum primop jump))))
; Removed arguments to a lambda-node in call position.
; If any arguments are actually removed
; REMOVE-NULL-ARGUMENTS shortens the argument vector.
(define (substitute-let-arguments node call gone-proc)
(let* ((vec (call-args call))
(c (do ((vars (lambda-variables node) (cdr vars))
(i 1 (+ i 1))
(c 0 (if (keep-var-val (car vars) (vector-ref vec i) gone-proc)
(+ 1 c))))
((null? vars) c))))
(cond ((= (+ c 1) (call-arg-count call)) #t)
((= c 0) #f)
(remove-unused-variables node)
(remove-null-arguments call (- (call-arg-count call) c))
(define (keep-var-val var val gone-proc)
(cond ((and (unused? var)
(or (not (call-node? val))
(not (side-effects? val 'allocate 'read))))
(erase (detach val))
((gone-proc var val)
(substitute var val #t)
(else '#t)))
; VAL is simple enough to be substituted in more than one location if
; its body is a call with all leaf nodes.
; -- no longer used --
;(define (simple-lambda? val)
; (vector-every? (lambda (n)
; (and (not (lambda-node? n))
; (call-args (lambda-body val))))
(define (called-anywhere? var)
(any? called-node? (variable-refs var)))