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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey. See file COPYING.
;(define (simplify-subtract call)
; (simplify-args call 0)
; ((pattern-simplifier
; ((- 'a 'b) '(- a b)) ; constant folding
; ((- x 'a) (+ '(- 0 a) x)) ; convert to a normal form
; ((- 'a (+ 'b x)) (- '(- a b) x)) ; merging constants
; ((- 'a (- 'b x)) (+ x '(- a b))) ; ditto
; ((- x (+ 'a y)) (+ '(- 0 a) (- x y))) ; convert to a normal form
; ((- (+ 'a x) (+ 'b y)) (- (+ '(- a b) x) y)))
; call))
; (pattern-simplifier pattern-spec ...)
; =>
; (lambda (call-node) ...)
; The resulting procedure replaces instances of IN-PATTERNs with the
; corresponding OUT-PATTERNs.
; <pattern-spec> ::= (in-pattern out-pattern) |
; (in-pattern boolean-expression out-pattern)
; All of the IN-PATTERNs for a particular simplifier must be calls to the
; same primop. If the boolean-expression is present it is evaluated after
; the in-pattern is matched and in an environment where the symbols of the
; the in-pattern are bound to the corresponding values from the call.
; x matches anything
; 'x matches any literal
; (x ...) matches a call to primop X
; 5 matches the literal 5
; The patterns are matched in order.
; Call MATCH-CALLS with a continuation that makes code to construct the
; right-hand side of the specification. This assumes that the left-hand side
; of all of the specifications will be calls to the same primitive. The
; initial CASE is removed from the code returned by MATCH-CALLS.
(define (make-pattern-simplifier specs)
(set! *generate-symbol-index* 0)
(let* ((initial (generate-symbol 'initial))
(exp (match-calls (map (lambda (spec)
(make-pattern (car spec) (cdr spec)))
(lambda (patterns)
(if (null? patterns)
(error "no patterns matched" specs)
(check-predicates patterns initial))))))
`(lambda (,initial)
,(cadar (cddr exp))))) ; strip off initial CASE
(define-record-type pattern
(spec ; the specification this pattern is to match
(env) ; an a-list mapping atoms in the pattern to the identifiers
; that will be bound to the value matched by the atom
parent ; if this pattern is an argument in another pattern, this
; field contains the other pattern
predicate ; predicate call or #F
build-spec ; specification for the transformed pattern
; Returns the pattern for the I'th argument in PATTERN.
(define (pattern-arg pattern i)
(list-ref (pattern-spec pattern) (+ i 1)))
(define (make-pattern spec specs)
(receive (build-spec predicate)
(if (null? (cdr specs))
(values (car specs) #f)
(values (cadr specs) (car specs)))
(pattern-maker spec '() #f predicate build-spec)))
; For each pattern in PATTERN, extend the environment with the I'th argument
; of the pattern bound to ID.
(define (extend-pattern-envs patterns i id)
(map (lambda (pattern)
(let ((arg (pattern-arg pattern i)))
(set-pattern-env! pattern
(cons (if (pair? arg)
(list (cadr arg) id #t)
(list arg id #f))
(pattern-env pattern)))))
; Return the parent of PATTERN, setting the environment of the parent to be
; the environment of PATTERN. This is only used once we are done with PATTERN
; and want to continue with the next argument in the parent.
(define (get-pattern-parent pattern)
(let ((p (pattern-parent pattern)))
(set-pattern-env! p (pattern-env pattern))
; Sort PATTERNS by the primop being called, and for each set of patterns
; matching the same primop, call MATCH-CALL-ARGS to generate code for
; those patterns. FINISH-CALL-MATCH builds the clauses that this generates
; into a CASE expression.
; CALL-VAR is the identifier that will be bound to the call being matched.
; FAIL-VAR is either #f or a variable that should be called if no pattern
; matches.
; MORE is a procedure that finishes with the patterns after this call has
; been matched.
(define (match-calls patterns call-var fail-var more)
(let ((primop-var (generate-symbol 'primop)))
(let loop ((patterns patterns) (res '()))
(if (null? patterns)
(finish-call-match res call-var primop-var fail-var)
(let ((primop (car (pattern-spec (car patterns)))))
(receive (same other)
(partition-list (lambda (p)
(eq? primop (car (pattern-spec p))))
(cdr patterns))
(loop other
(cons `(,(if (number? primop) 'else `(,primop))
,(match-call-args (cons (car patterns) same)
(define (finish-call-match clauses call-var primop-var fail-var)
(receive (elses other)
(partition-list (lambda (c)
(eq? (car c) 'else))
`(case (primop-id (call-primop ,call-var))
,@(reverse other)
(else ,(cond ((null? elses)
(if fail-var `(,fail-var) #f))
((null? (cdr elses))
`(let ((,primop-var (call-primop ,call-var)))
,(cadar elses))) ; strip of uneeded ELSE
(error "more than one ELSE clause" elses)))))))
; Similar to MATCH-CALLS, except that this is matching the I'th argument of a
; call. All patterns with similar I'th arguments are grouped together and
; passed to MATCH-CALL-ARG. The clauses that are returned are made into a
; If there are fewer than I arguments, MORE is called to continue matching
; other parts of the patterns.
; Patterns that always match the I'th argument are handled separately.
; They are used to generate the ELSE clause of the conditional returned.
; If there are no such patterns, then the passed-in FAIL-VAR is called
; if no patterns match.
(define (match-call-args patterns i call-var fail-var more)
(if (>= i (length (cdr (pattern-spec (car patterns)))))
(more patterns)
(receive (atom-patterns other-patterns)
(partition-list (lambda (p)
(atom? (pattern-arg p i)))
(let* ((arg-var (generate-symbol 'arg))
(else-code (cond ((null? atom-patterns)
(extend-pattern-envs atom-patterns i arg-var)
(match-call-args atom-patterns (+ i 1)
call-var fail-var more))))
(fail-var (if else-code (generate-symbol 'fail) fail-var))
(more (lambda (patterns)
(match-call-args patterns (+ i 1)
call-var fail-var more))))
(let loop ((patterns other-patterns) (clauses '()))
(if (null? patterns)
(finish-match-call-args i call-var arg-var fail-var
else-code clauses)
(let ((first (car patterns)))
(receive (same other)
(partition-list (lambda (p)
(same-arg-pattern? first p i))
(cdr patterns))
(loop other
(cons (match-call-arg (cons first same)
; If ELSE-CODE exists this binds FAIL-VAR to a failure procedure containing it.
; The CLAUSES are put in a COND.
(define (finish-match-call-args i call-var arg-var fail-var else-code clauses)
`(let ((,arg-var (call-arg ,call-var ,i)))
,(if else-code
`(let ((,fail-var (lambda () ,else-code)))
(cond ,@clauses (else (,fail-var))))
`(cond ,@clauses (else ,(if fail-var `(,fail-var) #f))))))
; Are the I'th arguments of patterns P1 and P2 the same as far as matching
; arguments is concerned?
(define (same-arg-pattern? p1 p2 i)
(let ((a1 (pattern-arg p1 i))
(a2 (pattern-arg p2 i)))
(cond ((atom? a1)
(atom? a2))
((atom? a2)
((eq? (car a1) 'quote)
(eq? (car a2) 'quote))
((eq? (car a2) 'quote)
(else #t))))
; Dispatch on the type of the I'th argument of PATTERNS (all of which have
; similar I'th arguments) and generate the appropriate code.
; ARG-VAR is the identifier that will be bound to the actual argument.
; MORE is a procedure that generates code for the rest of the patterns.
; Atoms always match and require that the environments of the patterns
; be extended.
; Code for literals and calls are generated by other procedures.
(define (match-call-arg patterns i arg-var fail-var more)
(let ((arg (pattern-arg (car patterns) i)))
(cond ((eq? (car arg) 'quote)
`((literal-node? ,arg-var)
,(match-literal patterns i arg-var fail-var more)))
`((call-node? ,arg-var)
,(match-calls (map (lambda (p)
(pattern-maker (pattern-arg p i)
(pattern-env p)
(pattern-predicate p)
(pattern-build-spec p)))
(lambda (patterns)
(more (map get-pattern-parent patterns)))))))))
; Again we sort the patterns into similar groups and build a clause for
; each group. Patterns with symbols have their environments extended.
; FINISH-MATCH-LITERAL puts the clauses into a CASE expression.
(define (match-literal patterns i arg-var fail-var more)
(receive (symbols numbers)
(partition-list (lambda (p)
(symbol? (cadr (pattern-arg p i))))
(extend-pattern-envs symbols i arg-var)
(if (null? numbers)
(more symbols)
(let loop ((patterns numbers) (clauses '()))
(if (null? patterns)
(finish-match-literal clauses
(if (null? symbols)
(if fail-var `(,fail-var) #f)
(more symbols))
(receive (same other)
(partition-list (lambda (p)
(= (cadr (pattern-arg (car patterns) i))
(cadr (pattern-arg p i))))
(cdr patterns))
(loop other
(cons `((,(cadr (pattern-arg (car patterns) i)))
,(more (cons (car patterns) same)))
(define (finish-match-literal clauses else arg-var)
(if (null? clauses)
`(case (literal-value ,arg-var)
,@(reverse clauses)
(else ,else))))
; GENSYM utility
(define *generate-symbol-index* 0)
(define (generate-symbol sym)
(let ((i *generate-symbol-index*))
(set! *generate-symbol-index* (+ i 1))
(concatenate-symbol sym "." i)))
; Add code to check the predicate if any.
(define (check-predicates patterns initial)
(let label ((patterns patterns))
(cond ((null? (cdr patterns))
(let ((pattern (car patterns)))
(if (pattern-predicate pattern)
(make-predicate-check pattern initial #f)
(make-builder pattern initial))))
((pattern-predicate (car patterns))
(make-predicate-check (car patterns)
(label (cdr patterns))))
(error "multiple patterns matched ~S"
(define (make-predicate-check pattern initial rest)
`(if (let ,(map (lambda (p)
`(,(car p) ,(if (caddr p)
`(literal-value ,(cadr p))
(cadr p))))
(pattern-env pattern))
,(pattern-predicate pattern))
,(make-builder pattern initial)
; Building the result of a pattern match
; A new environment is made as the builder must keep track of how many times
; each node in the matched pattern is used.
; CLAUSES is a list of LET-NODES clauses for making the call nodes in the
; produced pattern. VALUE is what will replace the original pattern in the
; node tree. Any nodes that are used in the result are DETACHed.
(define (make-builder pattern initial)
(let ((env (map (lambda (p)
(list (car p) (cadr p) #f))
(pattern-env pattern)))
(pattern (pattern-build-spec pattern))
(sym (generate-symbol 'result)))
(let ((clauses (if (and (pair? pattern)
(neq? (car pattern) 'quote))
(reverse (build-call sym pattern env))
(value (cond ((not (pair? pattern))
(lookup-pattern pattern env))
((eq? (car pattern) 'quote)
`(make-literal-node ,(build-literal (cadr pattern) env)
(node-type ,initial)))
,@(filter-map (lambda (data)
(if (caddr data)
`(detach ,(cadr data))
(let-nodes ,clauses
(replace ,initial ,value))))))
; Go down the arguments in PATTERN making the appropriate LET-NODES spec
; for each.
(define (build-call id pattern env)
(let loop ((arg-patterns (cdr pattern)) (args '()) (clauses '()))
(if (null? arg-patterns)
`((,id (,(car pattern) 0 . ,(reverse args)))
. ,clauses)
(let ((arg (car arg-patterns)))
(cond ((atom? arg)
(loop (cdr arg-patterns)
(cons (lookup-pattern arg env) args)
((eq? (car arg) 'quote)
(loop (cdr arg-patterns)
(cons `'(,(build-literal (cadr arg) env)
(let ((sym (generate-symbol 'new)))
(loop (cdr arg-patterns)
(cons sym args)
(append (build-call sym arg env) clauses)))))))))
; A literal specification is either a number, a symbol which will bound to a
; number, or an expression to be evaluated.
(define (build-literal spec env)
(cond ((number? spec)
((symbol? spec)
`(literal-value ,(lookup-literal spec env)))
`(,(car spec)
. ,(map (lambda (a)
(build-literal a env))
(cdr spec))))))
; Get the identifier that will be bound to the value of PATTERN.
(define (lookup-literal pattern env)
(cond ((assoc pattern env)
=> cadr)
(error "pattern ~S not found in env" pattern))))
; Get the identifier that will be bound to the node value of PATTERN.
; Annotate the environment to mark that the node has been used.
(define (lookup-pattern pattern env)
(cond ((assoc pattern env)
=> (lambda (data)
(if (caddr data)
(error "node ~S is used more than once" (car data)))
(set-car! (cddr data) 1)
(cadr data)))
(error "pattern ~S not found in env" pattern))))