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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey. See file COPYING.
(define (simplify-jump call)
(cond ((lambda-node? (call-arg call 0))
(set-call-primop! call (get-primop (enum primop let)))
(set-call-exits! call 1)
(set-node-simplified?! call #f))
(default-simplifier call))))
(define simplify-return simplify-jump)
; If the procedure is a lambda-node:
; 1. note that we know where the continuation lambda is used (and turn any
; tail-calls using it into regular calls)
; 2. change the primop to LET
; 3. the procedure is now the continuation
; 4. the continuation is now a jump lambda
; 5. change the primop used to call the continuation to jump
; 6. swap the cont and proc.
; (CALL <cont> (LAMBDA (c . vars) ...) . args))
; =>
; (LET (LAMBDA (c . vars) ...) <cont> . args)
; If the continuation just returns somewhere else, replace UNKNOWN-CALL
(define (simplify-known-call call)
(let ((proc (call-arg call 1))
(cont (call-arg call 0)))
(cond ((lambda-node? proc)
(determine-continuation-protocol cont (list proc))
(set-call-primop! call (get-primop (enum primop let)))
(change-lambda-type proc 'cont)
(change-lambda-type cont 'jump)
(for-each (lambda (ref)
(set-call-primop! (node-parent ref)
(get-primop (enum primop jump))))
(variable-refs (car (lambda-variables proc))))
(move cont
(lambda (cont)
(detach proc)
(attach call 1 cont)
((trivial-continuation? cont)
(replace cont (detach (call-arg (lambda-body cont) 0)))
(set-call-primop! call (get-primop (enum primop tail-call)))
(set-call-exits! call 0))
(default-simplifier call)))))
; (CALL (CONT (v1 ... vN) (RETURN c v1 ... vN)) ...args...)
(define (trivial-continuation? cont)
(let ((body (lambda-body cont)))
(and (calls-this-primop? body 'return)
(= (length (lambda-variables cont))
(- (call-arg-count body ) 1))
(let loop ((vars (lambda-variables cont)) (i 1))
(cond ((null? vars)
((and (reference-node? (call-arg body i))
(eq? (car vars)
(reference-variable (call-arg body i))))
(loop (cdr vars) (+ i 1)))
(else #f))))))
; The same as the above, except that the continuation is a reference node
; and not a lambda, so we substitute it for the proc's continuation variable.
(define (simplify-known-tail-call call)
(let ((proc (call-arg call 1))
(cont (call-arg call 0)))
(cond ((lambda-node? proc)
(set-call-primop! call (get-primop (enum primop let)))
(change-lambda-type proc 'cont)
(substitute (car (lambda-variables proc)) cont #t)
(set-lambda-variables! proc (cdr (lambda-variables proc)))
(remove-call-arg call 0)
(set-call-exits! call 1) ; must be after REMOVE-CALL-ARG
(mark-changed proc))
(default-simplifier call)))))
(define (simplify-test call)
(simplify-arg call 2)
(let ((value (call-arg call 2)))
(cond ((literal-node? value)
(fold-conditional call (if (eq? false-value (literal-value value))
((reference-node? value)
(simplify-variable-test call (reference-variable value)))
((collapse-multiple-zero-bit-tests call)
(default-simplifier call)))))
(define (simplify-variable-test call var)
(cond ((flag-assq 'test (variable-flags var))
=> (lambda (pair)
(fold-conditional call (cdr pair))))
(let ((pair (cons 'test 0))
(flags (variable-flags var)))
(set-variable-flags! var (cons pair flags))
(simplify-arg call 0)
(set-cdr! pair 1)
(simplify-arg call 1)
(set-variable-flags! var flags)))))
(define (fold-conditional call index)
(replace-body call (detach-body (lambda-body (call-arg call index)))))
; (if (and (= 0 (bitwise-and 'j x))
; (= 0 (bitwise-and 'j y)))
; ...)
; =>
; (if (= 0 (bitwise-and (bitwise-or x y) 'j))
; ...)
; This comes up in the Scheme48 VM.
(define (collapse-multiple-zero-bit-tests test)
(receive (mask first-arg)
(zero-bit-test (call-arg test 2))
(if mask
(let ((false-exit (call-arg test 1))
(true-exit (call-arg test 0)))
(simplify-lambda-body true-exit)
(simplify-lambda-body false-exit)
(let ((call (lambda-body true-exit)))
(if (and (eq? 'test (primop-id (call-primop call)))
(node-equal? false-exit (call-arg call 1)))
(receive (new-mask second-arg)
(zero-bit-test (call-arg call 2))
(if (and new-mask (= mask new-mask))
(fold-zero-bit-tests test first-arg second-arg
(call-arg call 0))
; = and bitwise-and always have any literal node as arg1
; 1. call to =
; 2. first arg is literal 0
; 3. second arg is call to and
; 4. first arg of and-call is numeric literal
; 5. second arg of and-call has no side-effects (reads are okay)
; Returns #f or the two arguments to bitwise-and.
(define (zero-bit-test call)
(if (eq? '= (primop-id (call-primop call)))
(let ((literal-0 (call-arg call 0))
(bitwise-and-call (call-arg call 1)))
(if (and (literal-node? literal-0)
(number? (literal-value literal-0))
(= 0 (literal-value literal-0))
(call-node? bitwise-and-call)
(eq? 'bitwise-and (primop-id (call-primop bitwise-and-call)))
(literal-node? (call-arg bitwise-and-call 0))
(number? (literal-value (call-arg bitwise-and-call 0)))
(not (side-effects? (call-arg bitwise-and-call 1) 'read)))
(values (literal-value (call-arg bitwise-and-call 0))
(call-arg bitwise-and-call 1))
(values #f #f)))
(values #f #f)))
(define (fold-zero-bit-tests test first-arg second-arg true-cont)
(detach second-arg)
(replace (call-arg test 0) (detach true-cont))
(move first-arg
(lambda (first-arg)
(let-nodes ((call (bitwise-ior 0 first-arg second-arg)))
(define (expand-test call)
(bug "Trying to expand a call to TEST (~D) ~S"
(node-hash (node-parent (nontrivial-ancestor call)))))
; TEST can be simplified using any literal value.
; The check for reference nodes is a heuristic. It will only help if the
; two tests end up being sequential.
(define (simplify-test? call index value)
(cond ((literal-node? value)
((reference-node? value)
(any? (lambda (r)
(eq? 'test (primop-id (call-primop (node-parent r)))))
(variable-refs (reference-variable value))))
(define (simplify-unknown-call call)
(simplify-args call 0)
(let ((proc (call-arg call 1)))
(cond ((lambda-node? proc)
(determine-lambda-protocol proc (list proc))
(mark-changed proc))
((and (reference-node? proc)
(variable-simplifier (reference-variable proc)))
=> (lambda (proc)
(proc call))))))
; Simplify a cell. A set-once cell is one that is set only once and does
; not escape. If such a cell is set to a value that can be hoisted (without
; moving variables out of scope) to the point the cell is created the cell
; is replace with the value.
; This should make use of the type of the cell.
(define (simplify-allocation call)
(set-node-simplified?! call #t)
(simplify-args call 0) ; simplify all arguments, including continuation
(let ((var (car (lambda-variables (call-arg call 0)))))
(if (every? cell-use? (variable-refs var))
(receive (uses sets)
(partition-list (lambda (n)
(eq? 'contents
(primop-id (call-primop (node-parent n)))))
(variable-refs var))
(simplify-cell-part call uses sets)))))
(define (cell-use? ref)
(let ((call (node-parent ref)))
(case (primop-id (call-primop call))
(= (node-index ref) set/owner))
(define (simplify-cell-part call my-uses my-sets)
(cond ((null? my-uses)
(for-each (lambda (n) (remove-body (node-parent n)))
((null? my-sets)
(for-each (lambda (n)
(node-parent n)
; ((null? (cdr my-sets))
; (set-literal-value! (call-arg call 1) 'single-set)
; (really-simplify-single-set call (car my-sets) my-uses))
(if (neq? 'small (literal-value (call-arg call 1)))
(set-literal-value! (call-arg call 1) 'small)))))