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; Copyright (c) 1994 by Richard Kelsey. See file COPYING.
; Entry point
(define (prescheme-compiler package-id spec-files init-name c-file . commands)
(receive (copy no-copy shadow integrate header)
(parse-prescheme-commands commands)
(let ((forms (prescheme-front-end (if (list? package-id)
(list package-id))
spec-files copy no-copy shadow)))
(for-each simplify-form forms)
(let ((forms (remove-unreferenced-forms forms)))
(for-each integrate-stob-form forms)
; prevent further automatic integration
(for-each (lambda (form)
(remove-variable-known-value! (form-var form)))
(integrate-by-command integrate forms)
(for-each resimplify-form forms)
(let* ((forms (remove-unreferenced-forms forms))
(forms (integrate-single-uses forms))
(forms (remove-unreferenced-forms forms)))
(for-each resimplify-form forms)
(for-each determine-form-protocol forms)
(let ((forms (form-tail-calls->jumps forms)))
(for-each maybe-add-self-label forms)
(let ((forms (hoist-nested-procedures forms)))
(for-each remove-polymorphism forms)
; (if cps-file (write-cps-file cps-file forms))
(if c-file (write-c-file init-name c-file header forms)))))))))
;(define (expand-and-eval-program package-id spec-files output-file . commands)
; (reset-node-id)
; (reset-record-data!)
; (receive (copy no-copy shadow integrate header)
; (parse-prescheme-commands commands)
; (let ((forms (prescheme-front-end package-id spec-files copy no-copy shadow)))
; (call-with-output-file output-file
; (lambda (out)
; (display-forms-as-scheme forms out))))))
;(define (simplify-and-print-program package-id spec-files output-file c-file . commands)
; (reset-node-id)
; (reset-record-data!)
; (receive (copy no-copy shadow integrate header)
; (parse-prescheme-commands commands)
; (let ((forms (prescheme-front-end package-id spec-files copy no-copy shadow)))
; (for-each simplify-form forms)
; (let ((forms (remove-unreferenced-forms forms)))
; (call-with-output-file output-file
; (lambda (out)
; (display-cps-forms-as-scheme forms out)))))))
(define command-names '(copy no-copy shadow integrate header))
(define (parse-prescheme-commands commands)
(let ((res (map list command-names)))
(for-each (lambda (command)
(cond ((assq (car command) res)
=> (lambda (l)
(set-cdr! l (append (reverse (cdr command))
(cdr l)))))
(error "unknown directive ~S" command))))
(apply values (map (lambda (l) (reverse (cdr l))) res))))
(define (simplify-form form)
(format #t " ~A " (form-name form))
(let ((status (expand-and-simplify-form form)))
(if status
(format #t "(~A): " status)
(format #t ": "))
(display-type (variable-type (form-var form))
(newline (current-output-port))))
(define (integrate-single-uses forms)
(format #t "In-lining single-use procedures~%")
(let loop ((forms forms) (done '()) (hit? #f))
(cond ((null? forms)
(if hit?
(loop (reverse done) '() #f)
(reverse done)))
((single-called-use? (car forms))
(let ((form (car forms)))
; (format #t " ~S~%" (variable-name (form-var form)))
(integrate-single-use form
(car (variable-refs (form-var form)))
(set-form-value! form #f)
(make-form-unused! form)
(loop (cdr forms) done #t)))
(loop (cdr forms) (cons (car forms) done) hit?)))))
(define (single-called-use? form)
(let ((var (form-var form)))
(and (not (form-exported? form))
(eq? (form-type form) 'lambda)
(not (null? (variable-refs var)))
(null? (cdr (variable-refs var)))
(called-node? (car (variable-refs var))))))
(define (integrate-single-use form ref copy?)
(let* ((in-node (node-base ref))
(in-form (node-form in-node))
(type (variable-type (form-var form))))
(use-this-form! in-form)
(let ((node (cond (copy?
(copy-node-tree (form-node form)))
(also-use-this-form! form)
(form-node form)))))
(if (type-scheme? type)
(if (not (called-node? ref))
(error "integrating polymorphic value into non-call position")
(instantiate-type&value type node ref)))
(determine-lambda-protocol node (list ref))
(replace ref node)
(simplify-all in-node (form-name form))
(suspend-form-use! in-form))))
; Commands are (<proc> <caller>)
(define (integrate-by-command commands forms)
(for-each (lambda (command)
(receive (proc refs)
(process-integrate-command command forms)
(if proc
(for-each (lambda (r)
(integrate-single-use proc r #t))
; Horrendous error checking and notification.
(define (process-integrate-command command forms)
(let* ((proc (any (lambda (f)
(eq? (form-name f) (car command)))
(var (if proc (form-var proc) #f))
(node (if proc (form-value proc) #f))
(caller (any (lambda (f)
(eq? (form-name f) (cadr command)))
(refs (if (and var caller)
(filter (lambda (ref)
(eq? caller (node-form ref)))
(variable-refs var))
(cond ((or (not proc) (not var) (not caller))
(cond ((or (not proc) (not var))
(format #t "Bad command: no value for ~S~%"
(car command)))
((or (not node)
(not (lambda-node? node)))
(format #t "Bad command: ~S is not a procedure~%"
(car command))))
(if (not caller)
(format #t "Bad command: no definition for ~S~%"
(cadr command)))
(values #f #f))
((or (null? refs) (not node) (not (lambda-node? node)))
(if (null? refs)
(format #t "Bad command: ~S is not referenced by ~S~%"
(car command) (cadr command)))
(if (or (not node)
(not (lambda-node? node)))
(format #t "Bad command: ~S is not a procedure~%"
(car command)))
(values #f #f))
(values proc refs)))))
(define (determine-form-protocol form)
(let ((var (form-var form)))
(cond ((and (not (form-exported? form))
(eq? 'lambda (form-type form))
(every? called-node? (variable-refs var)))
(determine-lambda-protocol (form-node form) (variable-refs var))
(note-known-global-lambda! var (form-node form))))))
(define (form-tail-calls->jumps forms)
(receive (hits useless)
(find-jump-procs (filter-map (lambda (form)
(if (eq? 'lambda (form-type form))
(form-node form)
(for-each (lambda (p)
(let* ((procs (cdr p))
(proc-forms (map node-form procs))
(owner (node-flag (node-base (car p))))
(vars (map form-var proc-forms)))
(use-this-form! owner)
(for-each also-use-this-form! proc-forms)
(procs->jumps (cdr p) vars (car p))
(simplify-node (form-value owner)) ; worth it?
(suspend-form-use! owner)
(for-each (lambda (f)
(set-form-value! f #f)
(make-form-unused! f))
(for-each (lambda (p)
(make-form-unused! (node-form p)))
(filter (lambda (f)
(not (eq? (form-type f) 'unused)))
(define (find-form-proc-calls l)
(let ((refs (variable-refs (form-var (node-form l)))))
(cond ((and refs (every? called-node? refs))
((calls-known? l)
(bug "cannot find calls for known lambda ~S" l))
(else #f))))
; Determine an actual type for a polymorphic procedure.
(define (remove-polymorphism form)
(if (and (null? (variable-refs (form-var form)))
(eq? 'lambda (form-type form)))
(for-each (lambda (var)
(if (and (null? (variable-refs var))
(uvar? (maybe-follow-uvar (variable-type var))))
(unused-variable-warning var form)))
(cdr (lambda-variables (form-node form)))))
(if (type-scheme? (variable-type (form-var form)))
(make-monomorphic! (form-var form))))
(define (unused-variable-warning var form)
(format #t "Warning: argument `~S' of `~S' is not used, and `~S' is not called;~%"
(variable-name var) (form-name form) (form-name form))
(format #t " assuming the type of argument `~S' of procedure `~S' is `long'.~%"
(variable-name var) (form-name form))
(set-variable-type! var type/integer))
; Various methods for getting values from thunks. These are no longer used
; here.
(define (thunk-value thunk)
(let ((refs (variable-refs (car (lambda-variables thunk)))))
(if (= 1 (length refs))
(call-arg (node-parent (car refs)) 2)
(define (simple-thunk? thunk value)
(eq? (node-parent (node-parent value)) thunk))
; Turning internal tail-recursive calls to jumps.
; f = (proc (c . vars)
; ... ([unknown-]tail-call c f . args) ...)
; =>
; f = (proc (c . vars)
; (letrec ((f' (jump . vars) ... (jump f' . args) ...))
; (jump f' . vars)))
(define (maybe-add-self-label form)
(if (eq? 'lambda (form-type form))
(let* ((node (form-node form))
(self-calls (filter (lambda (ref)
(and (eq? (node-index ref) 1)
(calls-this-primop? (node-parent ref)
(if (calls-known? node)
(eq? node (node-base ref))))
(variable-refs (form-var form)))))
(if (not (null? self-calls))
(use-this-form! form)
(replace-self-calls-with-jumps node self-calls)
(suspend-form-use! form))))))
(define (replace-self-calls-with-jumps proc refs)
(let* ((outside-var (reference-variable (car refs)))
(var (make-variable (variable-name outside-var)
(variable-type outside-var)))
(vars (map copy-variable (cdr (lambda-variables proc))))
(args (map make-reference-node vars))
(body (lambda-body proc))
(jump-proc (make-lambda-node (lambda-name proc) 'jump vars)))
(for-each (lambda (ref)
(let ((call (node-parent ref)))
(if (not (calls-known? proc))
(remove-call-arg call 2)) ; remove TAIL? argument
(remove-call-arg call 0) ; remove continuation argument
(replace (call-arg call 0) (make-reference-node var))
(set-call-primop! call (get-primop (enum primop jump)))))
(let-nodes ((call (jump 0 (* var) . args)))
(move-body body (lambda (body)
(attach-body jump-proc body)
(put-in-letrec (list var) (list jump-proc) call))))