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(import-os-error-syscall set-process-umask (mask) "scsh_umask")
(define (process-umask)
(let ((m (set-process-umask 0)))
(set-process-umask m)
;;; Working directory
(import-os-error-syscall %chdir (directory) "scsh_chdir")
;;; These calls change/reveal the process working directory
(define (process-chdir . maybe-dir)
(let ((dir (:optional maybe-dir (home-dir))))
(%chdir dir)))
;; TODO: we get an error if cwd does not exist on startup
(import-os-error-syscall process-cwd () "scheme_cwd")
;;; GID
(import-os-error-syscall user-gid () "scsh_getgid")
(import-os-error-syscall process-user-effective-gid () "scsh_getegid")
(import-os-error-syscall process-set-gid (gid) "scsh_setgid")
(import-os-error-syscall set-process-user-effective-gid (gid) "scsh_setegid")
(import-os-error-syscall user-supplementary-gids () "get_groups")
;;; UID
(import-os-error-syscall user-uid () "scsh_getuid")
(import-os-error-syscall process-user-effective-uid () "scsh_geteuid")
(import-os-error-syscall process-set-uid (uid) "scsh_setuid")
(import-os-error-syscall set-process-user-effective-uid (uid) "scsh_seteuid")
(import-os-error-syscall %user-login-name () "my_username")
(define (user-login-name)
(or (%user-login-name)
(error "Cannot get your name")))
;;; PID
(import-os-error-syscall pid () "scsh_getpid")
(import-os-error-syscall parent-pid () "scsh_getppid")
;;; Process groups and session ids
(import-os-error-syscall process-group () "scsh_getpgrp")
(import-os-error-syscall %set-process-group (pid groupid) "scsh_setpgid")
(define (set-process-group arg1 . maybe-arg2)
(receive (pid pgrp) (if (null? maybe-arg2)
(values (pid) arg1)
(values arg1 (car maybe-arg2)))
(%set-process-group pid pgrp)))
(import-os-error-syscall become-session-leader () "scsh_setsid")
;;; Miscellaneous process state
;;; OOPS: The POSIX times() has a mildly useful ret value we are throwing away.
(import-os-error-syscall process-times/list () "process_times")
(define (process-times)
(apply values (process-times/list)))
(import-os-error-syscall cpu-ticks/sec () "cpu_clock_ticks_per_sec")
;;; Resources
;; Align the value of the Unix cwd with scsh's value.
;; Since another thread could disalign, this call and
;; any ensuring syscall that relies upon it should
;; be "glued together" with the cwd lock.
(define cwd-lock (make-lock))
(define (align-cwd!)
(let ((thread-cwd (cwd)))
(if (not (string=? thread-cwd (cwd-cache)))
(change-and-cache-cwd thread-cwd))))
(define cwd-resource (make-resource align-cwd! cwd-lock))
;; example syscall
;; (define (exported-delete-file fname)
;; (with-cwd-aligned (really-delete-file fname)))
;;; effective uid and gid per thread
;;; working directory per thread
(define *cwd-cache* 'uninitialized)
(define (initialize-cwd)
(set! *cwd-cache* (process-cwd))
(set! $cwd ;;; TODO The old thread-fluid will remain
; (set! cwd-lock (make-lock)))
(define (cwd-cache)
;; Actually do the syscall and update the cache
;; assumes the cwd lock obtained
(define (change-and-cache-cwd new-cwd)
(if (not (file-name-absolute? new-cwd))
(process-chdir (string-append (cwd) "/" new-cwd))
(process-chdir new-cwd))
(set! *cwd-cache* (process-cwd)))
;; The thread-specific cwd: A thread fluid
(define $cwd 'empty-cwd-value)
(define (cwd) (thread-fluid $cwd))
(define (thread-set-cwd! cwd) (set-thread-fluid! $cwd cwd))
(define (let-cwd cwd thunk)
(let-thread-fluid $cwd cwd thunk))
(define (with-cwd* new-cwd thunk)
(let ((changed-cwd
(with-lock cwd-lock
(lambda ()
(change-and-cache-cwd new-cwd)
(let-cwd changed-cwd thunk)))
(define (chdir . maybe-dir)
(let ((dir (:optional maybe-dir (home-dir))))
(with-lock cwd-lock
(lambda ()
(change-and-cache-cwd dir)
(thread-set-cwd! (cwd-cache))))))
(define cwd-reinitializer
(make-reinitializer (lambda () (initialize-cwd))))
;;; umask per thread
(define *umask-cache* 'uninitialized)
(define umask-lock (make-lock))
(define (initialize-umask)
(set! *umask-cache* (process-umask))
(set! $umask ;;; TODO The old thread-fluid will remain
; (set! umask-lock (make-lock)))
(define (umask-cache)
;; Actually do the syscall and update the cache
;; assumes the resource lock obtained
(define (change-and-cache-umask new-umask)
(set-process-umask new-umask)
(set! *umask-cache* (process-umask)))
;; The thread-specific umask: A thread fluid
(define $umask 'empty-umask-value)
(define (umask) (thread-fluid $umask))
(define (thread-set-umask! new-umask) (set-thread-fluid! $umask new-umask))
(define (let-umask new-umask thunk)
(let-thread-fluid $umask new-umask thunk))
(define (with-umask* new-umask thunk)
(let ((changed-umask
(with-lock umask-lock
(lambda ()
(change-and-cache-umask new-umask)
(let-umask changed-umask thunk)))
(define (align-umask!)
(let ((thread-umask (umask)))
(if (not (= thread-umask (umask-cache)))
(change-and-cache-umask thread-umask))))
(define (set-umask new-umask)
(with-lock umask-lock
(lambda ()
(change-and-cache-umask new-umask)
(thread-set-umask! (umask-cache)))))
(define umask-resource (make-resource align-umask! umask-lock))
(define umask-reinitializer
(make-reinitializer (lambda () (initialize-umask))))
;;; ensure S48 is aligned too
(lambda (thunk)
(list cwd-resource umask-resource euid-resource egid-resource)
;; Sugar:
(define-simple-syntax (with-cwd dir . body)
(with-cwd* dir (lambda () . body)))
(define-simple-syntax (with-umask mask . body)
(with-umask* mask (lambda () . body)))
(define-simple-syntax (with-user-effective-uid uid . body)
(with-user-effective-uid* uid (lambda () . body)))
(define-simple-syntax (with-user-effective-gid gid . body)
(with-user-effective-gid* gid (lambda () . body)))
(define-syntax make-Xid-resource
(syntax-rules ()
process-user-effective-Xid set-process-user-effective-Xid
process-set-Xid set-Xid
align-eXid! eXid-resource
user-effective-Xid set-user-effective-Xid with-user-effective-Xid*)
(define *eXid-cache* 'uninitialized)
(define eXid-lock (make-lock))
(define (initialize-eXid)
(set! *eXid-cache* (process-user-effective-Xid))
(set! $eXid
(define (eXid-cache)
;; Actually do the syscall and update the cache
;; assumes the resource lock obtained
(define (change-and-cache-eXid new-eXid)
(set-process-user-effective-Xid new-eXid)
(set! *eXid-cache* (process-user-effective-Xid)))
;; The thread-specific eXid: A thread fluid
(define $eXid 'empty-eXid-value)
(define (user-effective-Xid) (thread-fluid $eXid))
(define (thread-set-eXid! new-eXid) (set-thread-fluid! $eXid new-eXid))
(define (let-eXid new-eXid thunk)
(let-thread-fluid $eXid new-eXid thunk))
;; set-Xid will affect the effective X id
(define (set-Xid Xid)
(with-lock eXid-lock
(lambda ()
(process-set-Xid Xid)
(set! *eXid-cache* (process-user-effective-Xid))
(thread-set-eXid! *eXid-cache*))))
(define (with-user-effective-Xid* new-eXid thunk)
(let ((changed-eXid
(with-lock eXid-lock
(lambda ()
(change-and-cache-eXid new-eXid)
(let-eXid changed-eXid thunk)))
(define (align-eXid!)
(let ((thread-eXid (user-effective-Xid)))
(if (not (= thread-eXid (eXid-cache)))
(change-and-cache-eXid thread-eXid))))
(define (set-user-effective-Xid new-eXid)
(with-lock eXid-lock
(lambda ()
(change-and-cache-eXid new-eXid)
(thread-set-eXid! (eXid-cache)))))
(define eXid-resource (make-resource align-eXid! eXid-lock))
(define eXid-reinitializer
(make-reinitializer (lambda () (initialize-eXid))))
process-user-effective-uid set-process-user-effective-uid
process-set-uid set-uid
align-euid! euid-resource
user-effective-uid set-user-effective-uid with-user-effective-uid*)
process-user-effective-gid set-process-user-effective-gid
process-set-gid set-gid
align-egid! egid-resource
user-effective-gid set-user-effective-gid with-user-effective-gid*)