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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; Code to print out module dependencies in a format readable by the
; graph layout program AT&T DOT Release 1.0. (for information on DOT call
; the AT&T Software Technology Center Common Support Hotline (908) 582-7009)
; Follow link script up to the actual linking
;(load-configuration "scheme/interfaces.scm")
;(load-configuration "scheme/packages.scm")
;(flatload initial-structures)
;(load "build/initial.scm")
; Load this and run it
;(load "scheme/debug/graph.scm")
;(dependency-graph (initial-packages)
; (map structure-package (list scheme-level-1 scheme-level-0))
; "graph.dot")
; Run the graph layout program
; setenv SDE_LICENSE_FILE /pls/local/lib/DOT/LICENSE.dot
; /pls/local/lib/DOT/dot -Tps graph.dot -o graph.ps
; Returns a list of the packages in the initial system.
(define (initial-packages)
(map (lambda (p)
(structure-package (cdr p)))
(append (struct-list scheme
; Write the dependency graph found by rooting from PACKAGES to FILENAME.
; Packages in the list IGNORE are ignored.
; Each configuration file's packages are done as a separate subgraph.
(define (dependency-graph packages ignore filename)
(call-with-output-file filename
(lambda (out)
(display prelude out)
(newline out)
(let ((subgraphs (do-next-package packages ignore '() ignore out)))
(for-each (lambda (sub)
(note-subgraph sub out))
(display "}" out)
(newline out)))))
; Do the first not-yet-done package, returning the subgraphs if there are
; no packages left. TO-DO, DONE, and IGNORE are lists of packages.
; SUBGRAPHS is an a-list indexed by source-file-name.
(define (do-next-package to-do done subgraphs ignore out)
(let loop ((to-do to-do))
(if (null? to-do)
(let ((package (car to-do)))
(if (memq package done)
(loop (cdr to-do))
(do-package package (cdr to-do) (cons package done)
subgraphs ignore out))))))
; Find the correct subgraph, add PACKAGE to it, note any edges, and continue
; with the rest of the graph.
(define (do-package package to-do done subgraphs ignore out)
(let* ((source-file (package-file-name package))
(opens (map structure-package
((package-opens-thunk package))))
(old-subgraph (assq source-file subgraphs))
(subgraph (or old-subgraph
(list source-file))))
(set-cdr! subgraph (cons package (cdr subgraph)))
(do-edges package opens source-file ignore out)
(do-next-package (append opens to-do)
(if old-subgraph
(cons subgraph subgraphs))
; Add an edge from each package in OPENS to PACKAGE, provided that the
; two were defined in the same file.
(define (do-edges package opens source-file ignore out)
(let loop ((opens opens) (done ignore))
(if (not (null? opens))
(loop (cdr opens)
(let ((p (car opens)))
(if (or (memq p done)
(not (string=? source-file (package-file-name p))))
(note-edge p package out)
(cons p done))))))))
; Writing out the package name as a string (actually, its the name of
; the first of the package's clients).
(define (package-name package out)
(let ((clients (population->list (package-clients package))))
(write-char #\" out)
(display (structure-name (car clients)) out)
(write-char #\" out)))
; Header for DOT files
(define prelude
"digraph G {
size =\"10,7.5\";
page =\"8.5,11\";
ratio =fill;")
; Writing out edges and subgraphs
(define (note-edge from to out)
(display " " out)
(package-name from out)
(display " -> " out)
(package-name to out)
(write-char #\; out)
(newline out))
(define (note-subgraph subgraph out)
(display " subgraph \"cluster_" out)
(display (car subgraph) out)
(display "\" { label=\"" out)
(display (car subgraph) out)
(display "\"; " out)
(for-each (lambda (p)
(package-name p out)
(display "; " out))
(cdr subgraph))
(display "}" out)
(newline out))