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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; Hash table package that allows for different hash and comparison functions.
; The fields in a table are:
; size - the number of entries
; data - an a-list or vector of a-lists
; ref - a procedure: [table index] -> value
; set - a procedure: [table index new-value] -> void
; In small tables the data is stored in an a-list and no hashing is used.
; In large tables the data is stored in a vector of a-lists, with hashing
; used to index into the vector. When a small table grows large the REF
; and SET fields are replaced with vector-oriented versions.
(define-record-type table :table
(really-make-table size data ref set)
(size table-size set-table-size!)
(data table-data set-table-data!)
(ref table-ref-procedure set-table-ref-procedure!)
(set table-set!-procedure set-table-set!-procedure!))
(define (table-ref table key)
((table-ref-procedure table) table key))
(define (table-set! table key value)
((table-set!-procedure table) table key value))
; This number is a guess
(define linear-table-size-limit 15)
(define (next-table-size count) ; Figure out next good size for table.
(+ (* count 3) 1))
; A table-maker is a thunk that returns a new, empty table each time it is
; called. There are four functions involved:
; assoc : [key alist] -> entry or #f
; ref-proc : [table key] -> entry or #f
; x->hash-table! : [assoc hash-function] -> void
; set!-proc : [table key value] -> void
; X->HASH-TABLE! replaces the data, ref, and set fields of the table, making
; it into a hash table.
(define (make-table-maker comparison-function hash-function)
(assoc->table-maker (make-assoc comparison-function)
(define (assoc->table-maker assoc hash-function)
(let* ((ref-proc (make-linear-table-ref assoc))
(x->hash-table! (make->hash-table assoc hash-function))
(set!-proc (make-linear-table-set! assoc x->hash-table!)))
(lambda ()
(really-make-table 0 null-entry ref-proc set!-proc))))
; A-lists. These are currently actual a-lists, because ASSQ is a VM primitive
; and thus very fast.
(define null-entry '()) ; #f
(define (new-entry key val others)
;(vector key val others)
(cons (cons key val) others))
; This abstraction is violated at times.
(define entry-value cdr)
(define entry-key car)
(define set-entry-value! set-cdr!)
; ENTRIES is known to contain ENTRY.
(define (delete-entry! entries entry)
(if (eq? entry (car entries))
(cdr entries)
(let loop ((entries entries))
(if (eq? entry
(cadr entries))
(set-cdr! entries (cddr entries))
(loop (cdr entries))))
(define (make-assoc pred)
(if (eq? pred eq?)
(lambda (thing alist)
(let loop ((alist alist))
(cond ((null? alist)
((pred thing (caar alist))
(car alist))
(loop (cdr alist))))))))
; Using actual a-lists allows us to use ASSQ instead of the following.
;(define eq?-assoc
; (lambda (thing alist)
; (let loop ((alist alist))
; (cond ((not alist)
; #f)
; ((eq? thing (vector-ref alist 0))
; alist)
; (else
; (loop (vector-ref alist 2)))))))
; Turn some version of ASSOC into a table reference procedure for a-list
; tables.
(define (make-linear-table-ref assoc)
(lambda (table key)
(let ((probe (assoc key (table-data table))))
(if probe (entry-value probe) #f))))
; Turn some version of ASSOC and a hash function into a table set! procedure
; for a-list tables. If the table gets too big it is turned into a hash table.
(define (make-linear-table-set! assoc x->hash-table!)
(lambda (table key value)
(let* ((data (table-data table))
(probe (assoc key data)))
(cond (probe
(if value
(set-entry-value! probe value)
(set-table-data! table (delete-entry! data probe))
(set-table-size! table (- (table-size table) 1)))))
(set-table-data! table (new-entry key value data))
(let ((size (table-size table)))
(if (< size linear-table-size-limit)
(set-table-size! table (+ size 1))
(x->hash-table! table size))))))))
; Return a function to transform linear tables into hash tables.
(define (make->hash-table assoc hash-function)
(let ((hash-table-ref (make-hash-table-ref assoc hash-function))
(hash-table-set! (make-hash-table-set! assoc hash-function)))
(lambda (table size)
(let ((data (table-data table)))
(set-table-ref-procedure! table hash-table-ref)
(set-table-set!-procedure! table hash-table-set!)
(table-expand-table! table (next-table-size size))
(table-enter-alist! table data)))))
(define (make-hash-table-ref assoc hash-function)
(lambda (table key)
(let* ((data (table-data table))
(h (remainder (hash-function key)
(vector-length data)))
(alist (vector-ref data h))
(probe (assoc key alist)))
(if probe (entry-value probe) #f))))
(define (make-hash-table-set! assoc hash-function)
(lambda (table key value)
(let* ((data (table-data table))
(h (remainder (hash-function key)
(vector-length data)))
(alist (vector-ref data h))
(probe (assoc key alist)))
(cond (probe
(if value
(set-entry-value! probe value)
(vector-set! data h (delete-entry! alist probe))
(set-table-size! table (- (table-size table) 1)))))
(vector-set! data h (new-entry key value alist))
(let ((size (+ (table-size table) 1)))
(if (< size (vector-length data))
(set-table-size! table size)
(expand-hash-table! table size))))))))
(define (expand-hash-table! table size)
(let ((data (table-data table)))
(table-expand-table! table (next-table-size size))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((>= i (vector-length data)))
(table-enter-alist! table (vector-ref data i)))))
(define (table-enter-alist! table alist)
(let ((set!-proc (table-set!-procedure table)))
(do ((alist alist (cdr alist)))
((null? alist))
(set!-proc table (caar alist) (cdar alist)))))
; Reset the size and data of a table. The size will be incremented as
; the entries are added back into the table.
(define (table-expand-table! table vector-size)
(set-table-size! table 0)
(set-table-data! table (make-vector vector-size null-entry)))
(define (table-walk proc table)
(really-table-walk (lambda (v)
(proc (entry-key v) (entry-value v)))
(define (really-table-walk proc table)
(let ((data (table-data table)))
(cond ((null? data))
((pair? data)
(alist-walk proc data))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((>= i (vector-length data)))
(alist-walk proc (vector-ref data i)))))))
(define (alist-walk proc alist)
(do ((alist alist (cdr alist)))
((null? alist))
(proc (car alist))))
(define (make-table-immutable! table)
(really-table-walk make-immutable! table)
(make-immutable! (table-data table))
(make-immutable! table))
(define (table->entry-list table)
(let ((list '()))
(table-walk (lambda (k v)
(set! list (cons v list)))
; Actual tables
; The default hash function only on works on things that would work in
; a CASE expression. Even then, numbers don't really "work," since
; they are compared using eq?.
(define (default-table-hash-function obj)
(cond ((symbol? obj) (string-hash (symbol->string obj)))
((integer? obj)
(if (< obj 0) (- -1 obj) obj))
((char? obj) (+ 333 (char->integer obj)))
((eq? obj #f) 3001)
((eq? obj #t) 3003)
((null? obj) 3005)
(else (error "value cannot be used as a table key" obj))))
(define eqv?-assoc (make-assoc eqv?))
(define (default-table-assoc key alist)
(if (number? key)
(eqv?-assoc key alist)
(assq key alist)))
; (define string-hash (structure-ref features string-hash))
(define (symbol-hash symbol)
(string-hash (symbol->string symbol)))
(define make-table
(let ((make-usual-table (assoc->table-maker default-table-assoc
(lambda hash-function-option
(if (null? hash-function-option)
((assoc->table-maker default-table-assoc
(car hash-function-option)))))))
(define make-string-table (make-table-maker string=? string-hash))
(define make-symbol-table (make-table-maker eq? symbol-hash))
(define make-integer-table (make-table-maker = abs))