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296 lines
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; Copyright (c) 1994 by Richard Kelsey. See file COPYING.
; This code determines which procedures are called from one other form, and
; thus can be compiled as part of that form and called with a `goto' instead
; of a normal procedure call. This saves much of the overhead of a normal
; procedure call.
; The procedures to be merged are annotated; no code is changed.
(define-subrecord form form-merge form-merge
((head) ; self or the form into which this one will be merged
(status #f) ; one of #F, DO-NOT-MERGE, MERGED
tail-clients ; forms that call this one tail-recursively, this is an
; a-list of forms and reference nodes
(tail-providers '()) ; forms that are used by this one, this is a simple list
(merged '()) ; forms merged with this one
(return-count 0) ; how many returns have been generated so far
temp ; handy utility field
; Two procedures for letting the user know what is going on.
(define (show-merges form)
(let ((merges (form-merged form)))
(if (not (null? merges))
(format #t " ~S: ~S~%" (form-name form) (map form-name merges)))))
(define (show-providers form)
(cond ((eq? (form-type form) 'lambda)
(format #t "~S ~A~%"
(form-name form)
(if (form-exported? form) " (exported)" ""))
(cond ((or (not (null? (form-providers form)))
(not (null? (form-tail-providers form))))
(format #t " ~S~% ~S~%"
(map form-name (form-providers form))
(map form-name (form-tail-providers form))))))))
; Note that OTHERS should be merged with FORM.
(define (do-merge form others)
(let ((form (form-head form))
(secondary (apply append (map form-merged others))))
(set-form-merged! form (append others
(form-merged form)))
(for-each (lambda (f)
(set-form-head! f form))
(for-each (lambda (f)
(set-form-head! f form)
(set-form-status! f 'merged)
(set-form-type! f 'merged)
(set-form-merged! f '()))
; Returns the merged form, if any, to which NODE is a reference.
(define (merged-procedure-reference node)
(cond ((and (reference-node? node)
(maybe-variable->form (reference-variable node)))
=> (lambda (form)
(if (eq? 'merged (form-type form))
(else #f)))
; Is FORM ever tail called?
(define (form-tail-called? form)
(and (or (eq? 'lambda (form-type form))
(eq? 'merged (form-type form)))
(memq? 'tail-called (variable-flags (form-var form)))))
; Annotate FORM if it is in fact called tail-recursively anywhere.
(define (note-tail-called-procedure form)
(if (and (eq? 'lambda (form-type form))
(or (any (lambda (r)
(used-as-label? r))
(variable-refs (form-var form)))
(eq? 'tail-called (lambda-protocol (form-value form)))))
(set-variable-flags! (form-var form)
(cons 'tail-called
(variable-flags (form-var form))))))
(define (used-as-label? node)
(and (node? (node-parent node))
(goto-call? (node-parent node))
(= 1 (node-index node))))
; Entry point.
; First marks the tail-called procedures and adds the MERGE slots to the
; forms. The C code generator expects FORM-MERGED to work, even if no
; actual merging was done.
; Three steps:
; Find the call graph.
; Merge the tail-called forms.
; Merge the non-tail-called forms.
(define *merge-forms?* #t)
(define (merge-forms forms)
(for-each (lambda (f)
(note-tail-called-procedure f)
(set-form-merge! f (form-merge-maker f))
(set-form-providers! f '()))
(if *merge-forms?*
(let ((mergable-forms (filter determine-merger-graph forms)))
(format #t "Call Graph:~%<procedure name>~%")
(format #t " <called non-tail-recursively>~%")
(format #t " <called tail-recursively>~%")
(for-each show-providers forms)
(format #t "Merging forms~%")
(receive (tail other)
(partition-list (lambda (f) (null? (form-clients f)))
(merge-tail-forms tail)
(for-each merge-non-tail-forms forms)
(for-each show-merges forms)
; The only forms that can be merged are those that:
; are lambdas,
; all uses are calls,
; are not exported, and
; every loop containing a non-tail-recursive call must contain a call to
; at least one non-merged procedure.
; This code doesn't use the last criterion. Instead it makes sure that each
; procedure is called exclusively tail-recursively or non-tail-recursively
; and doesn't allow non-tail-recursion in loops at all.
(define (determine-merger-graph form)
(cond ((and (eq? 'lambda (form-type form))
(really-determine-merger-graph form)
(not (form-exported? form))
(or (null? (form-clients form))
(null? (form-tail-clients form))))
(set-form-status! form 'do-not-merge)
; Loop down the references to FORM's variable adding FORM to the providers
; lists of the forms that reference the variable, and adding those forms
; to FORM's clients lists. OKAY? is #T if all references are calls.
; The full usage graph is needed, even if there are uses of the form's value
; that are not calls.
(define (really-determine-merger-graph form)
(let loop ((refs (variable-refs (form-var form)))
(clients '()) (tail-clients '()) (okay? #t))
(cond ((null? refs)
(set-form-clients! form clients)
(set-form-tail-clients! form tail-clients)
(let* ((r (car refs))
(f (node-form (car refs))))
(if (and (called-node? r)
(or (calls-this-primop? (node-parent r) 'tail-call)
(calls-this-primop? (node-parent r) 'unknown-tail-call)))
(loop (cdr refs)
(add-to-client-list tail-clients r form f
(loop (cdr refs)
(add-to-client-list clients r form f
(and okay? (called-node? r)))))))))
(define (add-to-client-list client-list ref form f getter setter)
(cond ((assq f client-list)
=> (lambda (p)
(set-cdr! p (cons ref (cdr p)))
(setter f (cons form (getter f)))
(cons (list f ref) client-list))))
; These forms are non-exported procedures that are always tail-called.
; Strongly connected components of the call graph that have a single
; entry point, whether in the component or not, are merged.
; This depends on STRONGLY-CONNECTED-COMPONENTS returning the components
; in a reverse topologically sorted order (which it does).
(define (merge-tail-forms forms)
(for-each merge-tail-loop
(reverse (strongly-connected-components
(lambda (f)
(filter (lambda (f) (memq? f forms))
(map car (form-tail-clients f))))
; ENTRIES are the forms in the loop that are called from outside.
; FORMS is used as a unique identifier here.
(define (merge-tail-loop forms)
(for-each (lambda (f) (set-form-temp! f forms)) forms)
(receive (entries other)
(partition-list (lambda (f)
(any? (lambda (p)
(not (eq? forms
(form-temp (car p)))))
(form-tail-clients f)))
(cond ((single-outside-client (if (null? entries)
=> (lambda (f) (do-merge f forms)))
((and (not (null? entries))
(null? (cdr entries))
(not (null? other)))
(do-merge (car entries) other)))
(for-each (lambda (f) (set-form-temp! f #f)) forms)))
; This checks to see if all non-FLAGged clients of ENTRIES are in
; fact a single form, and then returns that form.
; Forms that have already been merged into another form are treated as that
; other form (by using FORM-HEAD).
(define (single-outside-client entries flag)
(let loop ((entries entries) (form #f))
(if (null? entries)
(let loop2 ((clients (form-tail-clients (car entries))) (form form))
(cond ((null? clients)
(loop (cdr entries) form))
((eq? (form-temp (caar clients)) flag)
(loop2 (cdr clients) form))
((not form)
(loop2 (cdr clients) (form-head (caar clients))))
((eq? (form-head (caar clients)) form)
(loop2 (cdr clients) form))
; Merge the forms used by FORM into it if possible.
(define (merge-non-tail-forms form)
(for-each (lambda (f)
(maybe-merge-non-tail-form f (form-head form)))
(form-providers form)))
; If FORM is not INTO, has not been merged before, and is only used by
; INTO, then merge FORM into INTO and recursively check the forms used
; by FORM.
(define (maybe-merge-non-tail-form form into)
(cond ((and (not (eq? form into))
(not (form-status form))
(every? (lambda (p)
(eq? (form-head (car p)) into))
(form-clients form)))
(do-merge into (list form))
(for-each tail-call->call
(variable-refs (form-var form)))
(for-each tail-call->call
(variable-refs (car (lambda-variables (form-node form)))))
(for-each (lambda (f)
(maybe-merge-non-tail-form f into))
(form-providers form)))))
; Replace tail calls with calls to make the code generator's job easier.
; The user didn't say that these calls had to be tail-recursive.
(define (tail-call->call ref)
(let ((call (node-parent ref)))
(if (or (calls-this-primop? call 'tail-call)
(calls-this-primop? call 'unknown-tail-call))
(let ((type (arrow-type-result (node-type (call-arg call 1)))))
(move (call-arg call 0)
(lambda (cont)
(let-nodes ((new-cont ((v type)) (return 0 cont (* v))))
(set-call-exits! call 1)
(set-call-primop! call
(get-primop (if (calls-this-primop? call 'tail-call)
(enum primop call)
(enum primop unknown-call))))))))