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; Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Richard Kelsey and Jonathan Rees. See file COPYING.
; Low-level things that rely on the fact that we're running under the
; Scheme 48 VM.
; Needs LET macro.
; Characters are not represented in ASCII. Using a different encoding
; helps to catch portability problems.
(define (char->integer c) (+ (char->ascii c) 1000))
(define (integer->char n) (ascii->char (- n 1000)))
(define ascii-limit 256) ;for reader
(define ascii-whitespaces '(32 10 9 12 13)) ;space linefeed tab page return
; Procedures and closures are two different abstractions. Procedures
; are created by LAMBDA and invoked with procedure call; those are
; their only defined operations. Closures are made with MAKE-CLOSURE,
; accessed using CLOSURE-TEMPLATE and CLOSURE-ENV, and invoked by
; INVOKE-CLOSURE, which starts the virtual machine going.
; In a running Scheme 48 system, the two happen to be implemented
; using the same data type. The following is the only part of the
; system that should know this fact.
(define procedure? closure?)
(define (invoke-closure closure . args)
(apply (loophole :procedure closure)
; Similarly, there are escapes and there are VM continuations.
; Escapes are obtained with PRIMITIVE-CWCC and invoked with
; WITH-CONTINUATION. VM continuations are obtained with
; PRIMITIVE-CATCH and inspected using CONTINUATION-REF and friends.
; (This is not such a hot naming strategy; it would perhaps be better
; to use the terms "continuation" and "frame".)
; In a running Scheme 48 system, the two happen to be implemented
; using the same data type. The following is the only part of the
; system that should know this fact.
(define (primitive-cwcc p)
(primitive-catch (lambda (cont)
(p (loophole :escape cont))))) ;?
; (define (invoke-continuation cont thunk)
; (with-continuation (loophole :escape cont) thunk))
; These two procedures are part of the location abstraction.
(define (make-undefined-location id)
(let ((loc (make-location id #f)))
(set-location-defined?! loc #f)
(define (location-assigned? loc)
(and (location-defined? loc)
(if (eq? (contents loc)
; Used by the inspector.
(define (vector-unassigned? v i)
(eq? (vector-ref v i) (unassigned)))
; STRING-COPY is here because it's needed by STRING->SYMBOL.
(define (string-copy s)
(let ((z (string-length s)))
(let ((copy (make-string z #\space)))
(copy-bytes! s 0 copy 0 z)
; The symbol table
(define (string->symbol string)
(intern (if (immutable? string)
string ;+++
(make-immutable! (string-copy string)))))
; The following magic bitmasks are derived from PORT-STATUS-OPTIONS in arch.scm.
(define (input-port? port)
(and (port? port)
(= 1 (bitwise-and 1 (port-status port)))))
(define (output-port? port)
(and (port? port)
(= 2 (bitwise-and 2 (port-status port)))))
; code-vectors == byte-vectors
; These are functions so that they will be inlined.
(define (make-code-vector length init) (make-byte-vector length init))
(define (code-vector? x) (byte-vector? x))
(define (code-vector-length bv) (byte-vector-length bv))
(define (code-vector-ref bv i) (byte-vector-ref bv i))
(define (code-vector-set! bv i x) (byte-vector-set! bv i x))
; Block reads and writes in terms of partial reads and writes.
; CHANNEL-READ returns the number of characters read or the EOF object.
; BUFFER is either a string or byte vector and START is the index at which
; to place the first character read. NEEDED is one of
; <integer> : the call returns when this many characters has been read or
; an EOF is reached.
; 'IMMEDIATE : the call reads as many characters as are available and
; returns immediately.
; 'ANY : the call returns as soon as at least one character has been read
; or an EOF is reached.
(define (channel-read buffer start needed channel)
(lambda ()
(cond ((eq? needed 'immediate)
(values #f 0 (- (buffer-length buffer) start)))
((eq? needed 'any)
(values #t 1 (- (buffer-length buffer) start)))
(values #t needed needed))))
(lambda (keep-trying? need max-chars)
(let loop ((have 0))
(let ((got (channel-maybe-read buffer
(+ start have)
(- max-chars have)
(if (eof-object? got)
(if (= have 0)
(let ((have (+ have got)))
(if (and keep-trying? (< have need))
(loop have)
(define (buffer-length buffer)
(if (byte-vector? buffer)
(byte-vector-length buffer)
(string-length buffer)))
; Write COUNT characters from BUFFER, which is either a string or a byte-vector,
; to CHANNEL, beginning with the character at START. No meaningful value is
; returned.
(define (channel-write buffer start count channel)
(let loop ((sent 0))
(if (< sent count)
(loop (+ sent
(channel-maybe-write buffer
(+ start sent)
(- count sent)
; Shared bindings - six procedures from two primitives. The lookup and
; undefine primitives take a flag which is true for imports and false for
; exports.
(define (lookup-imported-binding name)
(lookup-shared-binding name #t))
(define (lookup-exported-binding name)
(lookup-shared-binding name #f))
(define (define-imported-binding name value)
(shared-binding-set! (lookup-shared-binding name #t)
(define (define-exported-binding name value)
(shared-binding-set! (lookup-shared-binding name #f)
(define (undefine-imported-binding name)
(undefine-shared-binding name #t))
(define (undefine-exported-binding name)
(undefine-shared-binding name #f))
; Writing debugging messages.
(define (debug-message . stuff)
(message stuff))