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(define (call/temp-file writer user)
(let ((fname #f))
(lambda () (if fname (error "Can't wind back into a CALL/TEMP-FILE")
(set! fname (create-temp-file))))
(lambda ()
(with-output-to-file fname writer)
(user fname))
(lambda () (if fname (delete-file fname))))))
;;; Create a new temporary file and return its name.
;;; The optional argument specifies the filename prefix to use, and defaults
;;; to "/tmp/<pid>.", where <pid> is the current process' id. The procedure
;;; scans through the files named <prefix>0, <prefix>1, ... until it finds a
;;; filename that doesn't exist in the filesystem. It creates the file with
;;; permission #o600, and returns the filename.
(define (create-temp-file . maybe-prefix)
(let ((oflags (bitwise-ior open/write
(bitwise-ior open/create open/exclusive))))
(apply temp-file-iterate
(lambda (fname)
(close-fdes (open-fdes fname oflags #o600))
(if (null? maybe-prefix) '()
(list (string-append (constant-format-string (car maybe-prefix))
(define (initial-temp-file)
(let ((tmpdir (getenv "TMPDIR")))
(if tmpdir
(number->string (pid))
(define *temp-file-template* (make-fluid 'not-initialized-temp-file-template))
(define temp-file-reinitializer
(lambda ()
(set-fluid! *temp-file-template* (initial-temp-file)))))
(define (temp-file-iterate maker . maybe-template)
(let ((template (:optional maybe-template (fluid *temp-file-template*))))
(let loop ((i 0))
(if (> i 1000) (error "Can't create temp-file")
(let ((fname (format #f template (number->string i))))
(receive retvals (with-errno-handler
((errno data)
((errno/exist errno/acces) #f))
(maker fname))
(if (car retvals) (apply values retvals)
(loop (+ i 1)))))))))
;; Double tildes in S.
;; Using the return value as a format string will output exactly S.
(define (constant-format-string s) ; Ugly code. Would be much clearer
(let* ((len (string-length s)) ; if written with string SRFI.
(tilde? (lambda (s i) (char=? #\~ (string-ref s i))))
(newlen (do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1))
(ans 0 (+ ans (if (tilde? s i) 2 1))))
((< i 0) ans)))
(fs (make-string newlen)))
(let lp ((i 0) (j 0))
(cond ((< i len)
(let ((j (cond ((tilde? s i) (string-set! fs j #\~) (+ j 1))
(else j))))
(string-set! fs j (string-ref s i))
(lp (+ i 1) (+ j 1))))))
;;; Roughly equivalent to (pipe).
;;; Returns two file ports [iport oport] open on a temp file.
;;; Use this when you may have to buffer large quantities between
;;; writing and reading. Note that if the consumer gets ahead of the
;;; producer, it won't hang waiting for input, it will just return
;;; EOF. To play it safe, make sure that the producer runs to completion
;;; before starting the consumer.
;;; The temp file is deleted before TEMP-FILE-CHANNEL returns, so as soon
;;; as the ports are closed, the file's disk storage is reclaimed.
(define (temp-file-channel)
(let* ((fname (create-temp-file))
(iport (open-input-file fname))
(oport (open-output-file fname)))
(delete-file fname)
(values iport oport)))