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1999-09-14 08:45:02 -04:00
; Copyright (c) 1994 by Richard Kelsey. See file COPYING.
; Convert a byte-code-compiler node into a cps node.
; Entry point.
(define (x->cps node name)
(receive (value first-call last-lambda)
(cps node)
(if first-call
(bug "(X->CPS ~S) got a non-value" node))
(maybe-add-name! value name)
; (CPS <node>)
; -> <value> <first-call> <last-lambda>
; <value> is the CPSed value of <node>. If <node> contains no non-trivial
; calls, <first-call> and <last-lambda> are both #f. Otherwise they are
; the first of the non-trivial calls and the continuation of the last.
(define (cps node)
(receive (value first-call last-lambda)
(real-cps node)
(let ((value (cond ((not (list? value))
((or (null? value)
(not (null? (cdr value))))
(bug "value expression did not return one value ~S"
(schemify node)))
(car value)))))
(values value first-call last-lambda))))
; Same as above except that <value> is a list of values.
(define (values-cps node)
(receive (value first-call last-lambda)
(real-cps node)
(values (if (list? value)
(list value))
(define (real-cps node)
((operator-table-ref cps-converters
(node-operator-id node))
(define cps-converters
(lambda (node id)
(error "no cps-converter for node ~S" node))))
(define (define-cps-converter name proc)
(operator-define! cps-converters name #f proc))
; (TAIL-CPS <node> <continuation-variable>)
; -> <first-call>
(define (tail-cps node cont-var)
((operator-table-ref tail-cps-converters (node-operator-id node))
(define tail-cps-converters
(lambda (node cont-var)
(error "no tail-cps-converter for node ~S" node))))
(define (define-tail-cps-converter name proc)
(operator-define! tail-cps-converters name #f proc))
; Use PROC in the CPS table and give it a wrapper that makes a return for use
; in the TAIL-CPS table.
(define (define-value-cps-converter name proc)
(operator-define! cps-converters name #f
(lambda (node)
(values (proc node) #f #f)))
(operator-define! tail-cps-converters name #f
(lambda (node cont-var)
(make-return cont-var (proc node)))))
; El Hacko Grande: we use the name of the CONT-VAR to determine whether
; it is a return or a join point.
(define (join? var)
(case (variable-name var)
((c) #f)
((j) #t)
(bug "funny continuation variable name ~S" var))))
(define (make-return cont-var value)
(really-make-return cont-var (list value)))
(define (make-multiple-value-return cont-var values)
(really-make-return cont-var values))
(define (really-make-return cont-var values)
(let ((return (make-call-node
(get-primop (if (join? cont-var)
(enum primop jump)
(enum primop unknown-return)))
(+ 1 (length values))
(attach-call-args return (cons (make-reference-node cont-var) values))
; Constants are easy.
(define-value-cps-converter 'literal
(lambda (node)
(cps-literal (node-form node) node)))
(define-value-cps-converter 'quote
(lambda (node)
(cps-literal (cadr (node-form node)) node)))
(define (cps-literal value node)
(make-literal-node value (node-type node)))
(define-value-cps-converter 'unspecific
(lambda (node)
(define (make-unspecific)
(make-call-node (get-prescheme-primop 'unspecific) 0 0))
; Used for primitives in non-call position. The CDR of the form is a
; variable that will be bound to the primitive's closed-compiled value.
(define-value-cps-converter 'primitive
(lambda (node)
(make-reference-node (cdr (node-form node)))))
(define-value-cps-converter 'lambda
(lambda (node)
(let ((form (node-form node))
(cont-var (make-variable 'c (lambda-node-return-type node)))
(vars (map (lambda (name)
(let ((var (make-variable (name-node->symbol name)
(node-type name))))
(node-set! name 'variable var)
(cadr (node-form node)))))
(let ((lnode (make-lambda-node 'p 'proc (cons cont-var vars))))
(attach-body lnode (tail-cps (caddr form) cont-var))
; References and SET!
(define-value-cps-converter 'name
(lambda (node)
(cond ((node-ref node 'variable)
=> make-reference-node) ; eventually have to check for SET!'s
((node-ref node 'binding)
=> (lambda (binding)
(let ((var (binding-place binding)))
(cond ((not (variable? var))
(bug "binding for ~S has funny place ~S" node var))
((variable-set!? var)
(make-global-ref var))
(make-reference-node var))))))
(bug "name node ~S has neither variable nor binding" node)))))
(define (make-global-ref var)
((structure-ref node let-nodes)
((call (global-ref 0 (* var))))
; Stolen from form.scm as an expedient. This needs to be moved to somewhere
; that both FORMS and TO-CPS can see it.
(define (variable-set!? var)
(memq 'set! (variable-flags var)))
(define-cps-converter 'set!
(lambda (node)
(receive (first-call last-lambda)
(make-global-set! (node-form node))
(values (make-unspecific) first-call last-lambda))))
(define-tail-cps-converter 'set!
(lambda (node cont-var)
(receive (first-call last-lambda)
(make-global-set! (node-form node))
(attach-body last-lambda (make-return cont-var (make-unspecific)))
(define (make-global-set! form)
(let ((name (cadr form))
(value (caddr form)))
(receive (value first-call last-lambda)
(cps value)
(maybe-add-name! value name)
(let ((cont (make-lambda-node 'c 'cont '()))
(var (name-node->variable name)))
((structure-ref node let-nodes)
((call (global-set! 1 cont (* var) value)))
(values (splice!->first first-call last-lambda call)
(define (name-node->variable name-node)
(let ((binding (node-ref name-node 'binding)))
(if (and binding
(variable? (binding-place binding)))
(binding-place binding)
(bug "name node ~S has no variable" name-node))))
(define-cps-converter 'call
(lambda (node)
(let ((exp (node-form node)))
(convert-call (car exp) (cdr exp) node))))
; Treat non-tail-recursive GOTO's as normal calls.
(define-cps-converter 'goto
(lambda (node)
(let ((exp (node-form node)))
(user-warning "Ignoring non-tail-recursive GOTO: ~S" (schemify node))
(convert-call (cadr exp) (cddr exp) node))))
; Dispatch on the procedure. Do something special with lambdas, primitives,
; primops (in literal nodes). Everything else is turned into an unknown call.
; Calls to primitives are expanded and then CPS'ed.
(define (convert-call proc args node)
(cond ((lambda-node? proc)
(convert-let (node-form proc) args node))
((primitive-node? proc)
(values-cps (expand-primitive-call proc args node)))
((and (literal-node? proc)
(primop? (node-form proc)))
(convert-primop-call (node-form proc) args (node-type node)))
(convert-primop-call (get-primop (enum primop unknown-call))
(cons proc ; add protocol argument
(cons (make-literal normal-protocol)
(node-type node)))))
; Same again, except that for unknown tail-recursive calls we use different
; protocols for CALL and GOTO.
(define-tail-cps-converter 'call
(lambda (node cont-var)
(if (join? cont-var)
(convert-and-add-jump node cont-var)
(let ((exp (node-form node)))
(tail-convert-call (car exp) (cdr exp) node cont-var normal-protocol)))))
(define-tail-cps-converter 'goto
(lambda (node cont-var)
(if (join? cont-var)
(convert-and-add-jump node cont-var)
(let ((exp (node-form node)))
(tail-convert-call (cadr exp) (cddr exp) node cont-var goto-protocol)))))
(define (convert-and-add-jump node join-var)
(receive (values first-call last-lambda)
(values-cps node)
(let ((jump (make-multiple-value-return join-var values)))
(cond (first-call
(attach-body last-lambda jump)
(define (tail-convert-call proc args node cont-var protocol)
(cond ((lambda-node? proc)
(convert-tail-let (node-form proc) args node cont-var))
((primitive-node? proc)
(tail-cps (expand-primitive-call proc args node)
((and (literal-node? proc)
(primop? (node-form proc)))
(convert-primop-tail-call (node-form proc) args cont-var))
(convert-unknown-tail-call (cons proc args) cont-var protocol))))
; Every primitive has its own expander.
(define (expand-primitive-call proc args node)
((primitive-expander (node-form proc)) args (node-type node)))
(define lambda-node? (node-predicate 'lambda))
(define primitive-node? (node-predicate 'primitive))
(define literal-node? (node-predicate 'literal))
(define literal-op (get-operator 'literal))
(define (make-literal value)
(make-node literal-op value))
; LET (= a call whose procedure is a LAMBDA)
; REALLY-CONVERT-LET does all the work. These convert the body of the LET
; using either CPS or TAIL-CPS and connect everything up.
(define (convert-let proc args node)
(receive (lnode first-call)
(really-convert-let proc args node)
(receive (vals body-first-call body-last-lambda)
(values-cps (caddr proc))
(values vals
(splice!->last lnode body-first-call body-last-lambda)))))
(define (convert-tail-let proc args node cont-var)
(receive (lnode first-call)
(really-convert-let proc args node)
(attach-body lnode (tail-cps (caddr proc) cont-var))
; Make the call to the LET primop and build the lambda node for the procedure.
(define (really-convert-let proc args node)
(receive (call first-call last-lambda)
(cps-call (get-primop (enum primop let)) 1 1 args cps)
(let ((vars (map (lambda (name)
(let ((var (make-variable (name-node->symbol name)
(node-type name))))
(node-set! name 'variable var)
(cadr proc))))
(do ((names (cadr proc) (cdr names))
(index 1 (+ index 1)))
((null? names))
(maybe-add-argument-name! call index (node-form (car names))))
(let ((lnode (make-lambda-node #f 'cont vars)))
(attach call 0 lnode)
(values lnode (splice!->first first-call last-lambda call))))))
; Primitive calls
; Use CPS-CALL to do the work and then make a continuation if the primop is
; not trivial.
(define (convert-primop-call primop args type)
(let ((trivial? (primop-trivial? primop)))
(receive (call first-call last-lambda)
(cps-call primop (if trivial? 0 1) (if trivial? 0 1) args cps)
(if (not trivial?)
(add-continuation call first-call last-lambda type)
(values call first-call last-lambda)))))
(define (add-continuation call first-call last-lambda type)
(let* ((vars (map (lambda (type)
(make-variable 'v type))
(if (tuple-type? type)
(tuple-type-types type)
(list type))))
(cont (make-lambda-node 'c 'cont vars)))
(attach call 0 cont)
(values (if (tuple-type? type)
(map make-reference-node vars)
(make-reference-node (car vars)))
(splice!->first first-call last-lambda call)
; Call CONVERT-PRIMOP-CALL and then make a return.
(define (convert-primop-tail-call primop args cont-var)
(receive (value first-call last-lambda)
(convert-primop-call primop args (variable-type cont-var))
(splice!->first first-call
(if (list? value)
(make-multiple-value-return cont-var value)
(make-return cont-var value)))))
; Another front for CPS-CALL, passing it the UNKNOWN-TAIL-CALL primop and
; its arguments, which are the procedure being called, the protocol, and
; the actual arguments.
(define (convert-unknown-tail-call args cont-var protocol)
(receive (call first-call last-lambda)
(cps-call (get-primop (enum primop unknown-tail-call)) 0 1
(cons (car args)
(cons (make-literal protocol) (cdr args)))
(attach call 0 (make-reference-node cont-var))
(splice!->first first-call last-lambda call)))
; These are fronts for CPS-SEQUENCE.
(define-cps-converter 'begin
(lambda (node)
(receive (last-node real-first-call last-lambda)
(cps-sequence (cdr (node-form node)) values-cps)
(if (not real-first-call)
(cps last-node)
(receive (vals first-call real-last-lambda)
(values-cps last-node)
(values vals
(splice!->last last-lambda first-call real-last-lambda)))))))
(define-tail-cps-converter 'begin
(lambda (node cont-var)
(receive (last-node first-call last-lambda)
(cps-sequence (cdr (node-form node)) values-cps)
(splice!->first first-call last-lambda (tail-cps last-node cont-var)))))
; (IF <a> <b> <c>)
; =>
; (LET ((J (LAMBDA (V) [rest-goes-here])))
; (TEST (LAMBDA () [tail-cps <b> J])
; (LAMBDA () [tail-cps <c> J])
; <a>))
(define-cps-converter 'if
(lambda (node)
(let ((exp (node-form node))
(join-var (make-variable 'j type/unknown))
(res-vars (make-variables (node-type node))))
(receive (call first-call last-lambda)
(convert-if exp join-var)
(let ((let-lambda (make-lambda-node 'c 'cont (list join-var)))
(let-call (make-call-node (get-primop (enum primop let)) 2 1))
(join-lambda (make-lambda-node 'j 'jump res-vars)))
(attach let-call 0 let-lambda)
(attach let-call 1 join-lambda)
(attach-body let-lambda call)
(values (map make-reference-node res-vars)
(splice!->first first-call last-lambda let-call )
(define (make-variables type)
(map (lambda (type)
(make-variable 'v type))
(if (tuple-type? type)
(tuple-type-types type)
(list type))))
; Tail-recursive IFs do not require a join point.
(define-tail-cps-converter 'if
(lambda (node cont-var)
(let ((exp (node-form node)))
(receive (call first-call last-lambda)
(convert-if exp cont-var)
(splice!->first first-call last-lambda call)))))
; Actually build the two-continuation call to the TEST primop.
(define (convert-if exp cont-var)
(receive (call first-call last-lambda)
(cps-call (get-prescheme-primop 'test) 2 2 (list (cadr exp)) cps)
(let ((true-cont (make-lambda-node 'c 'cont '()))
(true-call (tail-cps (caddr exp) cont-var))
(false-cont (make-lambda-node 'c 'cont '()))
(false-call (tail-cps (cadddr exp) cont-var)))
(attach-body true-cont true-call)
(attach-body false-cont false-call)
(attach call 0 true-cont)
(attach call 1 false-cont)
(values call first-call last-lambda))))
(define-cps-converter 'values
(lambda (node)
(let ((args (cdr (node-form node))))
(receive (call first-call last-lambda)
(cps-call (get-prescheme-primop 'unspecific) 0 0 args cps)
(let ((vals (vector->list (call-args call))))
(map detach vals)
(values vals first-call last-lambda))))))
(define-tail-cps-converter 'values
(lambda (node cont-var)
(let ((args (cdr (node-form node))))
(receive (call first-call last-lambda)
(cps-call (get-primop (enum primop unknown-return)) 0 1 args cps)
(attach call 0 (make-reference-node cont-var))
(splice!->first first-call last-lambda call)))))
(define-cps-converter 'call-with-values
(lambda (node)
(convert-call-with-values node #f)))
(define-tail-cps-converter 'call-with-values
(lambda (node cont-var)
(convert-call-with-values node cont-var)))
; Consumer is known to be a lambda node.
(define (convert-call-with-values node maybe-cont-var)
(receive (vals first-call last-lambda)
(values-cps (cadr (node-form node)))
(let ((consumer (x->cps (caddr (node-form node)) #f))
(call (make-call-node (get-primop (if maybe-cont-var
(enum primop tail-call)
(enum primop call)))
(+ 2 (length vals))
(if maybe-cont-var 0 1))))
(attach-call-args call `(#f ,consumer . ,vals))
(cond (maybe-cont-var
(attach call 0 (make-reference-node maybe-cont-var))
(splice!->first first-call last-lambda call))
(add-continuation call first-call last-lambda (node-type node)))))))
; LETRECs have been analyzed and restructured by FLATTEN, so we know that
; the values are all lambdas.
(define-cps-converter 'letrec
(lambda (node)
(let ((form (node-form node)))
(receive (first-call last-lambda)
(convert-letrec form)
(receive (vals body-first-call body-last-lambda)
(values-cps (caddr form))
(values vals
(splice!->last last-lambda
(define-tail-cps-converter 'letrec
(lambda (node cont-var)
(let ((form (node-form node)))
(receive (first-call last-lambda)
(convert-letrec form)
(attach-body last-lambda (tail-cps (caddr form) cont-var))
(define (convert-letrec form)
(let ((vars (map (lambda (l)
(let ((var (make-variable (name-node->symbol (car l))
(node-type (car l)))))
(node-set! (car l) 'variable var)
(cadr form)))
(vals (map (lambda (l)
(receive (value first-call last-lambda)
(cps (cadr l))
(cadr form)))
(cont (make-lambda-node 'c 'cont '())))
((structure-ref node let-nodes)
((top (letrec1 1 l1))
(l1 ((x #f) . vars) call2)
(call2 (letrec2 1 cont (* x) . vals)))
(do ((names (cadr form) (cdr names))
(index 2 (+ index 1)))
((null? names))
(maybe-add-argument-name! call2 index (node-form (caar names))))
(values top cont))))
; Utilities.
; Stuff is a list of alternating call and lambda nodes, with possible #Fs.
; This joins the nodes together by making the calls be the bodies of the
; lambdas (the call->lambda links are already done). The last node is
; returned.
(define (splice! stuff)
(let loop ((stuff stuff) (first #f) (last #f))
(if (null? stuff)
(values first last)
(receive (first last)
(let ((next (car stuff)))
(cond ((not next)
(values first last))
((not first)
(values next next))
(if (and ((structure-ref node lambda-node?) last)
((structure-ref node call-node?) next))
(attach-body last next))
(values first next))))
(loop (cdr stuff) first last)))))
(define (splice!->first . stuff)
(receive (first last)
(splice! stuff)
(define (splice!->last . stuff)
(receive (first last)
(splice! stuff)
; Stuff for making CPS nodes
(define make-reference-node (structure-ref node make-reference-node))
(define make-lambda-node (structure-ref node make-lambda-node))
(define make-literal-node (structure-ref node make-literal-node))
(define make-call-node (structure-ref node make-call-node))
(define attach (structure-ref node attach))
(define detach (structure-ref node detach))
(define attach-body (structure-ref node attach-body))
(define attach-call-args (structure-ref node attach-call-args))
(define call-args (structure-ref node call-args))
; Adding names to lambda nodes for debugging help.
(define (maybe-add-argument-name! call index name)
(maybe-add-name! ((structure-ref node call-arg) call index) name))
(define (maybe-add-name! value name)
(if ((structure-ref node lambda-node?) value)
((structure-ref node set-lambda-name!) value (schemify name))))
; Getting symbols for use as variable names.
(define (name-node->symbol node)
(let ((name (node-form node)))
(if (generated? name)
(generated-symbol name)